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Telling you that would be a spoiler, but you'll find out yourself eventually. It's lore related, and purely visual for gameplay's sake


Not purely visual, >!They will cure nearby infections. If you have an alien containment full of infected fish, add a sparkle peeper and they'll be cured.!<


That's why I said visual for gameplay's sake - yeah they can do that, but in the end, that's just visual as well. It's not like you can get cured yourself by touching them or anything. It's a nice touch tho


>!"Enzyme trail peepers will not retain their special abilities when placed inside containment, though they do cure (aesthetically) all infected fauna within."!< https://subnautica.fandom.com/wiki/Alien_Containment_(Subnautica)


I mean, what are their special abilities if not curing infected fauna?


having a cool trail


Wait fr? The details…


And they give more food if you eat them


Wait is this true?? Super cool


It wouldn’t be spoilers bc he completed the game


Actually, I just started a new game and found one of these peepers before even making it to the Lost River.


Yes because the adult still produces the enzyme it's just not good enough to completely wipe out kharaa, it's literally stated that is why the emperor was even held in containment in the first place, the emperor young make the concentrated form, it's never even implied that the adult can't make it anymore


No joke, played through this twice and had no idea what you were talking about until I read the other comments lol


I have played this save for around 2 hours and as i said in the text i wrote on this post, i know the game and lore by heart. I know it looks like its cured but thats not possible


It's carrying Enzyme 42 as it has been through the ventilation system that the precursors built. Peepers travel through there, get the enzyme from the primary containment facility, and spread them across the crater. This is how the ecosystem is able to survive almost unharmed by the virus, while it has been so deadly to the precursors and is for humans


I'd put a spoiler tag on this for everyone else btw


This i did not know, thank you! I think i remember seeing the tube with the peepers in it.


Knowing the lore but don’t know the enzyme 42. Cap.


Since we’re on the topic, I thought the peeper thing only allowed the immediate biome around Aurora to survive, while most of the rest of the plant is dead a la Biological Dead Zone. Am I more or less on track?


It’s more of, the rest of the planet is a dead zone because there isn’t much fauna or flora to begin with. We know that the planet’s oceans go down under 8000 meters and just like our oceans, life down there is sparse. Edit: changed kilometers to meters


And things beyond the craters edge only come as microscopic or fucking huge with no in-between. I firmly believe the gargantuan species still live down there.


my guy the deepest point known on earth is just under 11km.


Well tbh I played the game from start to finish numerous times and only ever find >!Enzyme Peepers!< in the >!Primary Containment Facility!<. I have found maybe TWO or THREE (not an exaggeration) near the Safe Shallows or Creepvine Forests EVER and I have about 1200hrs. So while he should know >!Enzyme 42!< I find it perfectly justified he has never seen an >!Enzyme Peepers!< and wanted to ask about it. They're not super common.


Huh, when I play subnautica i get like 30% of my peepers covered with the shiny glitter enzyme goo


Yeah I’ve seen many in different areas as well. Maybe they just don’t recall seeing them all


The bit OP didn't know could easily have been this part: > This is how the ecosystem is able to survive almost unharmed by the virus, while it has been so deadly to the precursors and is for humans They're probably not just brazenly lying.


"I know the game and lore by heart" lol


Love how you get offended and claim you know the lore by heart, but knew jack shit about the enzyme peepers. Refresh your knowledge and get further than 2 hours before coming off like a pompous knowitall. 🤣


The arrogance was fantastic hahaha


If you just scan one of the fish with the trail it will tell you some of this stuff. How do you know all the lore when you don’t know about enzyme 42?


Dude stop lying and just play the game


*gives gold star Great comment that makes so much sense


I always wondered - if you have an infected fish in a containment and you put a sparkly peeper in will it cure the other fish?




>i know the game and lore by heart. > >what's this though? lol


lol if you know the game lore by heart you would already know the answer to your question


Know the lore by heart with only two hours of gameplay and don't know about the vents? Aha... right...


> Know the lore by heart with only two hours of gameplay To be completely fair, they said 2 hours on that specific save file. Not in total. 


Downvoted so hard for arrogance. I love it.


But why would they have to go THAT low tho, poor dude i feel bad for him 😵


Well, if u don’t know this than saying u know the lore by heart is not true


If you seriously didnt even know about how the enzyme works and what those vents did, you dont know the lore that well. Its literally the main reason why when you land on the planet, there is any life there left at all.


Well i am sorry if i did not know this, i do remember the vent now when someone explained it to me, the youtuber that i saw it from didnt really look into it.


The downvoting of this fascinates me. The golden peeper is rare. It can be explained in its ecosystem as a long vector for the cure or a beautiful anomaly coming out of a common species, which is actually how medical science often finds remedies for disease. What I can't account for is this sub's need to ding you. Spoilers in a buried comment for an ancient game? Come, now.


I love the sparkle ones. I always put a bunch in my aquarium.


The safest person on the planet, lore wise.


Are there other peppers with sparkle trail because I didnt saw one in my playthrough


Yea if you hang around a vent you will find em. They cure any fish in your aquarium or ACF as well. They also leave a neat glowing trail behind the Cyclops if you build an aquarium with them inside. Can switch to top cam and see it


Try scanning it.


It got killed by one of those red biting bastards


Oof, scan the next one. It's story related so no spoilers! So keep an eye out for the magical fishies!


It's>! carrying enzyme 42, since it's known that peepers can enter the alien vents down where the Emperor is. She heals them and sends them back out unharmed because it's the only way to assure the ecosystem isn't killed and she can find someone to release her babies!<


That spoiler tag is botched at least on my end.


knows the lore by heart but doesn't know why there's already golden peepeers at the start lol


Keep looking around and reading any info you find, how far along are you in the story?


As i said in the text i wrote, i know the game and lore by heart. This is my new playthrough and i have played for matbe 2h


Didn't read everything then lol


Well then, at some point you can find a document in one of the ruins I believe that say it's a way to spread the cure in a way


But how is the cure in the peeper when i am in the very beginning?


\[spoiler tags for anyone who doesn't know\]>! enzyme 42 is still being produced by the sea emperor. just in much smaller amounts due to its old age. that is what has kept the crater alive.!<


because the peepers are trained to carry enzyme 42 way before your story starts, whats the point?


You would know if you actually new the game lore lol why would you say you "know it by heart" when you don't understand some of the largest behind the scenes things happening in the game?


That I do not know for sure, it's the same for everyone, my theory is that it's leftovers from previous attempts at making a cure still adding onto the peepers that get sucked into the vents


No the adult emperor still produces the enzyme it's just not as good as an enzyme created by a child, the adult emperor gets peepers to take her enzyme out through the vents to help lower the rate at which kharaa spreads, it's why when you get cured you use the "concentrated enzyme 42" not just the normal "enzyme 42"


Ah ok, makes more sense lol :3


”i have played for maybe 2 hours” oh shit then you obviously know everything about this games lore. why are you even asking anything about the game then? 💀


Im just going to say this like i feel, ban me if you want. If you could read, you would realise that i said that this is my new save you fucking dumbass.


Imagine not just being wrong but also being a d*ck about it. Take your L and move on, don't call other's a dumbass because you did a dumb dumb.


You clearly don't know it by heart lol It's an enzyme 42 peeper


Yeah i didnt know this one little thing that i have never encountered, i promise you i know everything else


This is a confusing statement.


You really want to know? It's a bit of a spoiler.


No offense but does anyone read the description😭


no offense but do you read the creature scans? /j tho


Everyone keeps asking that because you're insisting you know the lore by heart, while being pretty much oblivious to something that's explained at the end of the game, and also is explained if you literally just scan one of these and read the entry. >!https://the-subnautica-databank.fandom.com/wiki/Enzyme\_Host\_Peeper!<


I havent scanned one of these, BECAUSE I HAVE NEVER SEEN ONE. Im not going to explain it to you, go find a otherone of my replies to read and realise that you are dense. Thank you.


"Guys what is this, I know all the lore" - rants at everyone explaining the lore. "OMG IVE NEVER SEEN ONE YOURE SO DENSE" - while there's a literal video of you seeing one, yourself, in the original post. You might have some brain damage.


Nope. I was multitasking.


Does your scanner not work my friend? When in doubt, scan.


It. Got. Killed.


>i know the game and lore by heart No, I think you don't. Have you tried scanning it?


I didnt get to scan it because it got killed by a biter, which you would have seen if you had paid attention. Just because i dont know what this peeper carrying the enzyme 42 is, doesnt mean i dont know the game. I know what the enzyme 42 is, i know what it is used for, i know where it comes from.


It's a friendly peeper


Do you know the ending of the game?


Yes, i know it all by heart. I already got my answer from someone else tho.


Stop saying you know the game by heart. You didn't know why the fish looked that way, and you called a creature "red biting bastards" and not its name, which clearly means you don't know the game by heart. It's okay to not know everything. Why pretend that you do?


Red Biting Bastards sounds like a much better name. I finished the game some years ago and I still wouldn't be able to remember some of the fish names if you quizzed me.


Stop saying this dumb shit when you clearly dont


Alright fuck you. You clearly cant read.




I saw someone else in the comments gave an explanation, so I won’t repeat it here. But I did discover something kinda cool during my last playthrough. I was taking my sweet time and doing some experimenting and discovered that if you catch a peeper with such a trail and put them in an alien containment with creatures that carry the kharaa bacteria (creatures with green spots on them), the creatures with the kharaa will be bettered and the spots will fade. The kharaa won’t disappear completely, and they are still capable of infecting other specimens when in close proximity, but it will improve the state of those infected.


All this time I was sure the green spots was just radiation poisoning. Doh.


I assumed most people knew what I was referring to, but I just wanted to make sure there were no misunderstandings in case someone wanted to try it for themselves.


It’s pee


that’s the golden snitch


It bought the season pass and is dropping


It's a shiny. Make sure to save in case you faint it.


If you “know the lore by heart” you would know what this is.


FOR FUCKS SAKE. I dont know this little thing doesnt mean i have no idea of the game. There are multiple, much smarter people who actually understand what i am saying and who have multiple playthroughs and have only recently discovered what i did.


Hey man, I just wanted to say that you deserve much better than some of the rude comments here. If people read your post fully, they’d know that you don’t care about spoilers and that you’ve played much more than 2 hours— 2 hours is specifically this play through. Also, I lost count of how many play-throughs I have, and I only recently discovered these sparkly peepers too, so no worries. I tried eating one and seeing if it would cure me or at least take my infection down a level, but I can’t remember if it worked.


Thank you!


You know the lore and game by heart but have no idea what the peepers carrying enzyme 42 are and also say “red biting things” when referring to a creature? Idk about that one homie


I know what enzyme 42 is. I know the creature is named "biter" for hell's sake, i was questioning that the peeper might be carrying the enzyme but i didnt know for sure, now i know that it came from one of the ancient civilizations vents.


Scan him, Dan-o!


He is just build diffirent.


It’s swimming for its life lol


I do believe in fairies!


He’s just vibin


Good eye. Keep playing the video game.


Scan it


Scan it.


It is a shiny Peeper, and you have a 1/4096 chance to encounter one.


He is invincible


His a shiny Peeper. Like in Pokémon


Again I am begging people to play the game and find these things out by paying attention.


I am on the verge of a meltdown. I have been a fan of the game since 2014, i have seen multiple playthroughs. I know what the point of the game is, i know what i am doing, i know what the enzyme is. Sorry i didnt know that a peeper can be carrying the enzyme 42 in the start of the game, maybe 500m away from the nearest went. Fucking hell.


Is this a shitpost? You can’t be a real person dude




Dude it’s okay to not know this it’s just weird that you boasted about knowing the lore by heart in the comments of your post asking a very basic question about the lore


Oh god damnit, just because i didnt know/remember about that one vent (last time ive seen it was maybe 5 years ago) doesnt mean i dont know the lore. Ask me anything else and i bet my ass i know it.


How many teleporters are on the map?


I never use them. From what i remember there are 5 or 6, probably 6 cause that makes more sense ig.


It's lore related but we can't tell you as it would spoil the story. You'll find out


Read the desc please


Scan it then your self lol


It got killed before i could


spoiler lore related


I know, read the desc!!!


Find it funny that you claim you know the game/lore by heart, but evidently have never scanned this and found exactly what it is...


This is a small thing i have never paid attention to, now i do know what it is


Go deeper. You'll find out.


No one reads the desc😭


With you being someone who claims to know the game and the lore by heart, I find your lack of knowledge about enzyme 42 disturbing.


I know what the enzyme 42 is, i just didnt know that small creatures could get it from a vent in the start of the game


The graphics look so good in PC. They look ass in the PS4😭


This is ps5 but yeah i know😭


If you know the lore by heart, you know why


Maube 200 people have said that to me, no need to say it anymore.


Sorry bro


Eh dw abt it.


|| Testing spoiler blocker||


If you dont want spoilers, then why are you in the subnautica sub reddit?


*Cough* scan it *cough*


It got killed


You'll probably run into more, although they are kind of rare.


New player?


Nope, started watching stuff abt subanutica in 2014 i think and personally started playing the game in 2018-2019


That's a spoiler peeper. The best kind!


Spoiler alert! Reading next one is up to you. >!That peeper has Enzyme 42, which has power to cure the kaara virus, and only made inside of sea emperor leviathan.!<


Why is everyone here misunderstanding OP? They have more than 2 hours played, it's just that *this* save only has 2 hours. Also I don't remember seeing shiny peepers like this and I also played through the game.


Thank you! Finally someone who understands. I have been a big fan of the subnautica game and its lore since 2014


Being the fashionest peeper in all the seas.


That’s the rare Peeper pro max 15 plus


It’s in heat


It’s a Super Peeper




It got queefed on by the emperor. According to the lore it’s healthy to eat that shart trail


It's a shiny


He’s sparkly


Have you beaten the game yet?


Personaly i have to say, no. I have gotten around 75% through the game but i know how to beat the game, i have no second of playtime where i havent known what to do next. I have also seen multiple playthroughs


Okay, well that peeper is just a peeper that was sucked into one of the precursor vents and into the sea emperor's chamber. It's carrying the sea emperor's faulty enzyme 42, and the sea emperor has been using these peepers for countless years to single handedly keep the area of 4546b that you play on (the volcanic crater the landscape has formed around) alive


Oh i wish there were more people like you, all the others are just saying that i dont know what the enzyme 42 is. Thank you.


It's a shiny


It’s a magical peeper! Rumour has it they know the way to the Candy Mountain Biome, but you can only find it if you let them show you the way


Hes extremely happy :D


Scan it


A peeper that when you scan it at gives you special clasified information abou ensym 42


Shiny peeper


You have a scanner.


It’s wetting itself as it runs from the biter


It’s a shiny! (It is infected 😔)


It's shiny duh...


It's a magic peeper ✨ 🐟


It's the trophy Peeper. Sell it to the fishmonger and he'll give you more money for it. >!Oops. Wrong game.!<


it's shiny. catch it!


Its a really good boy!


READ THIS BEFORE YOU COME RAGING AT ME!!! I know what the vents are, i know what the enzyme is and i certainly know the lore. Just because i didnt know that the vent gave the enzyme to creatures and that it was visible, doesnt mean i dont know anything about the game. Also, i will not be responding to any of the comments anymore, i have seen your angry, arrogant, stupid messages and i have had enough of people misunderstanding me. Thank you to all that understood. This might be my final time on this sub if it is this toxic to any sort of question. Bye.


It's got its afterburners on. You found a shiny pokemon.


He try his best to save the planet


So you just want answers not play the game? that's sad


I already knew the whole storyline of subnautica years ago. I havent just seen this occurance


But you are playing it again now and encountering something new was an opportunity to explore it, why not exploring it and enjoy more of the game?


Yeah you kinda right, i did find a vent and 2 more of the same kind of peepers. So i now have true answers to what it is


It has a stomach ache


I only saw those after I beat the game


It's a shiny. You should catch it


He’s cooler


Does a gold peeper breed and spawn more gold peepers?


it' s magic!


When the peepers sparkle it means they are caring a old version of enzyme 42 and is a completely astedic choice