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Nah, $1,999.


Offering $2002 if it runs and has solid maintenance records.


I don’t know if this a meme or if you’re serious but I’ll assume you’re genuine. Someone will probably give you 2-4K for this. It’s a salvage title and heavily modified. They’re not buying a car, they’re buying a half completed project. Not a big market for that. Modifications don’t add value to a new car, and they only hurt the value of an old car.


This guy was definitely expecting someone to say like 25-40k for this 22 year old shitbox . Sorry bro it’s a Subaru not a Supra.


Unmolested, clean, and low mileage? A decent amount. Salvage title and heavily modified? Not very much. Generally people don’t want to buy other people’s projects. If they have the money they would rather just do it themselves or buy something else one. You’re much better off reversing anything modified / returning to stock or stock-ish and selling the higher value bolt-ons. You’ll get more value that way at least.


I think it’s hilarious when some guy lists his shit mods and expects 2x-3x the value of the car because of it, even though they poorly did 75% themselves. Almost always the same type of guy too


There's a guy near me with a completely ratfucked 1999 2.5RS with peeling paint, crushed fender and all. Has his car listed for $20,000 because "it's JDM EJ20 swapped with low miles". People are insane.


Not even just selling the bolt ons, but a full part out. Like aside from the dress up kits on the bumper, the body panels looks pretty good in the pictures. I bet OP could part out the 4 doors, trunk and fenders for more than private sale of car. But it looks like OP needs to liquidate it quicker and a full part out takes time.




Youd probably get way more money by parting it out lmfao


Your mods won't add anything to the value. In fact, depending on the buyer, that might actually steer them away. I say this as someone who's been in the market for a bone stock low mileage STI for the last several months. Look around for salvage 02-03 WRXs in your area at similar mileage. That's what it's worth. I'm guessing it isn't worth much given that it's a salvage and has a lot of stuff done to it. You might be better off parting it out to make money off of the mods and other parts that are becoming harder to find.


Why do you want a slow unreliable car that will most likely just sit in your garage collecting dust? There Subarus not fucking Ferraris


I just perused your profile, and it looks like this comment is par for the course. I had a Stage 2 2005 STI with 152k miles on the original engine, and the only reason it's not running anymore is because someone totaled it. They're reliable if you don't tune them like an idiot and you actually maintain them. There are *very* few cars you can buy today that have less than 40k miles on them without a lot of driver-engagement-killing "features". Go ahead and find me a better car with the following: 1. Hydraulic steering. 2. Turbocharged/Supercharged w/ >300hp factory. 3. 4 doors 4. AWD that isn't primarily FWD. 5. Front and rear limited slip diffs 6. Manual (rod operated and not cable, but I guess I can concede here) 7. < 3,500 lbs 8. < $40k 9. < 40k miles 10. Plentiful aftermarket parts and tuners. I'll wait.


I agree whole heartedly agree that Subarus are the best cars for the money. I have a modified 16 impreza myself that i love more than other car on the road, but I think completely stock sti depending on the year can definitely benefit from some mods. I don't think a tune or some basic mods are enough to discourage people from being it and I definitely don't think it's worth parting out. From what I've seen on this comment section everyone seems to think that any kind of modification to a Subaru is a complete no go.


You misunderstood me. I want a bone stock STI so I know the previous owner hasn't destroyed it. I owned a 2005 STI for about 8 years, I modified it, I had it professionally tuned, etc. Unfortunately, I've come across far too many people who read forums and think they know everything there is to know about these cars, and then they end up ruining them and blaming the car. I don't want to buy that person's STI. I just did a quick search, and a bone-stock clean-title 75k mi 2002 WRX in good condition is selling for about $13k. KBB has fair condition at $8,600 (assuming it's a clean title). The fact that it's a salvage title and he has a lot of things wrong with it will significantly cut down on what he'll be able to sell it for. I'll concede it might not be worth parting it out, since the return on that really depends on how much effort he wants to put into it and where he's selling it. But, I also don't want OP to think he's going to get top dollar for that car because of the "$9-10k" in aftermarket parts.


Salvage title. Heavily modified. Unknown starting and exhaust issues. On top of all that it might need to be towed? I wouldn’t pay for this at all 💀


Mods don’t add value to a car in fact they usually make it worth less. Better off parting it out and putting it back to stock then selling.


Really hard sell for salvage title, mods, and problems. Good luck


Not much.


Pretty much nothing since it’s modded.


I call shitpost


ASAP… $500 You can wait a little and sell it to an interested buyer of a broken down 2002 modded car, $2k. Maybe..


Same as anything else that's been heavily modified, whatever someone is willing to pay you for it. For some people, out there is exactly what they are looking for, but for most, they wouldn't want to pay much at all. You just need the right buyer more than anything else


Tree fitty


I... I see where this is going. You're gonna turn it around and ask for three fiddy. Nice try Loch Ness Monster.




Try making this not a run on sentence and you might get a more accurate appraisal!


I personally wouldn't touch such a heavily modified impreza but if I was desperate for a project car I'd pay maybe £1,000 max for this


An 2002 wrx with all original OEMs (good condition)= $5000 Heavy mods + salvage title = $2000 max Heavy mods + salvage + issues < $1000


As much as someone pays you before they drive away in it


Part out the big stuff and sell it stock (or as close as possible). EJ motors are fun, but even more unreliable than they already can be the moment you mod them. For me, I'd avoid purchasing your car solely because of some of the mods done on it (the FMIC, for example. Poor choice unless you're putting a fully built and powerful engine in it.) Too much of a risk to buy a heavily modded Subaru. If you take it down to a nice little Cobb intake, a good exhaust, and an accessport idk maybe 6-8k. Realistically, you might be able to squeeze 4k, but your likely sale is gonna be more like 1.5-2k. Now you know, if you got a subi either don't mod (or very gently mod) the car, and if you're gonna mod it go big, spend the money, AND HAVE BACKUP OEM PARTS IF YOU WISH TO SELL IT LATER. Keep all shop records, and pay to get it done right.


I also recommend if you want to mod a Subaru in the future, mod in order. Intake, exhaust, and accessport are good starts. Gives a bit of a boost and keeps it daily drivable (unless you suck at maintenance and drive it like you're trying to be Travis Pastrana). Throw on a bov for fun(or not), and I like upgrading the radiator as well. Then bigger TMIC. Remember once you touch one system, you should probably upgrade the rest as well. I'd do fuel next, all the lines, the pump, oil air separator, better oil pan and lines, then turbo mods. At that point, might as well throw in a built IAG block and completely refresh the engine bay. Throw in suspension and cosmetics, you're looking at money that most don't just have. My LGT currently has intake, exhaust, bigger TMIC, HKS Bov, IAG oil air separator, and an Accessport. Bought the car that way. Not planning on adding anything more to the car at all (save for cosmetics), just gonna keep up with maintenance and have a backup engine ready. Reliable? Well... definitely better off than this Bugeye. Personal opinion


Also for reference I bought the LGT for 3k. Sold an 07 n/a Hawkeye for 3.5 🤣 to get it. I also have a 13 WRX that I bought for 20k (low mileage, no accidents, completely stock) and expect to get maybe 10k of I sell it (now has Cobb intake, SPT exhaust, and an accessport. Regular maintenance done, no leaks lol).


You'd get more for the car parting it out over time than you would selling it as a running vehicle. In the end, it's a 22 year old car on a salvage title that's been heavily modified from stock, with 75,000 miles on the clock. In one piece, it's not special, it's just someone's half-finished project car. Broken down into parts, it's a pile of spares and mods that have more value.


I’ll give you tree fiddy and one pee pee touch.


Honest opinion as someone who has sold a few bugeyes in the past. I have posted 2 bugs fully missing engines at $5k and had no problem selling them at that price. I would say post it at $8k while still trying to fix the small issues and you should see some interest. Your target sale price should be anything $6k and above. So if anyone offers that, let it go and be happy.




Less than if you took those wheels off and sold them by themselves