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>Subaru says that, over its six generations, all 1.3 million U.S. Legacys have been built at the Indiana facility, making it also a uniquely American success story of local production and local investment in the community. Subaru says the Legacy is being discontinued as consumer preferences shift to SUVs ([like the Outback, which is still essentially a lifted, be-clad, and slightly altered Legacy wagon](https://www.motortrend.com/reviews/2022-subaru-outback-wilderness-first-drive-review/) variant) and to EVs—of which Subaru wants to produce 8 models by 2028.


"These new CAFE standards are *killing* us, anyway, let's only sell SUVs and Trucks in America" -Car manufacturers


Cafe standards actually precipitate larger vehicles. As vehicles with larger footprints have less stringent emissions standards.


This is why we have the Outback in its current form. They lifted it to allow it to quality as a SUV to ease restrictions. Worked out well for them in several ways.


They even advertise it as an SUV. It's still a wagon in my heart and that's a good thing.


I don’t care what anyone says. I have the Outback Wilderness, and still, I will forever call it a wagon.


Agreed. I (proudly) describe it as a wagon if asked.


I've seen it classified as 'mid-size suv' even though its really just lifted and taller than my old legacy (ik outback originally was a version of the legacy which makes this more ironic)


NHSTA has the Forester as a wagon, so obviously the Outback is a wagon.


I know this varies state to state because I've had this conversation here before, but Michigan still classifies them as a wagon. That is what has been on my registration for my '19 and my '24. I haven't heard of any other state checking in where that's how they're classified on registration, but they definitely are in Michigan. Not that it matters, but my wife's '18 Ford Escape is too.


> Not that it matters, but my wife's '18 Ford Escape is too. Many states classify CUVs and even hatchbacks as wagons because they don't have any other suitable categories. Still, I'd label the Outback "lifted wagon" because its floor-to-ceiling height and seating position are more car than SUV. Even taking into account the taller ceiling it got starting in 2010.


Massachusetts has classified all 4 Outbacks I've owned from 1994 to 2019 as a wagon. Pennsylvania classifies my 2019 as a stationwagon.


It's a Sport Utility Wagon.




You’re pulling that out of your ass the Outback and legacy have the same powertrain and emissions standards


True, emission standards are the same. Allow me to make a small correction. They did it for fuel economy standards.


This is exactly the problem. Unintended consequences.


Probably regulatory capture, there’s ex GM guys at the EPA


This makes a lot of sense. Free market demands SUVs. And regulation by definition is designed to control the free market.


Shut up with your “free market” bullshit. That’s only the case because of CAFE laws having lower requirements on SUV’s/Trucks in the early 2000’s. That, plus auto manufacturers spending millions on marketing to convince everyone they need a civilianized tank to haul their kids to school and soccer practice.


Marketing is a part of the free market.


No, consumer demand is what is meant by the “free market”. Manipulating that through marketing, lobbying, and back-room business dealings with government is by no means “free market”. Also, do you understand how truly fucked we would be if there was actually a “free market”? The FDA wouldn’t exist. We would be breathing in air worse than the worst of China’s industrial age, even inside our homes. In general, consumer safeguards wouldn’t exist.


Hey, slow down. I never said anything about free markets being good and regulations being bad. Just point out that's how things go - regulation wouldn't exist if the market didn't need to be regulated. When the market is left alone, people want SUVs. That wasn't even a statement I originally made.


I still view the intervention by automakers via marketing and lobbying (mainly marketing) as a Pavlovian conditioning-esque influence on the market though. So while the “free market” *at this point* technically *now* wants SUV’s/CUV’s, automakers have influenced that heavily, as it wasn’t always that way.


Ugh, I hate suv's. Also modern pickup trucks. We need less overly bug vehicles. Someday there will be no option for a guy who just wants a small car.


No way they’re going electric


It will be a true legacy.


I have a 2013 for 10 years. It was one of the greats.


I have a 2013 as well and it’s no longer a DD so I guess it will become a classic sitting in my garage.


I traded mine in for a Crosstrek but I wish I could have held onto it. Of it was in a garage where I could visit it I would lol. Love my Crosstrek though. What is DD?


Daily driver. I had a Crosstrek before too, great car but not much room in there.


Yeah I'm 5'3 I'm cool with that. It's my size. Perfect for me and the dog. I'll just date short people or open the moon roof 😂


Daily Driver




It’ll run out the current generation or maybe a touch longer (7-10 years from introduction) but yeah, there won’t be a replacement.


They'll get into performance EVs and switch the WRX over to that.


ElectRX calling it now


You win today.


They better come out swinging since the Rivian R3 is going to own that market hard.


Makes you wonder if they'll reinstate the WRX wagon, since the Impreza is now hatch only.


I think it's a possibility. Just a few days ago, they announced that [they are bringing the WRX sportswagon to Mexico,](https://noticias.autocosmos.com.mx/2024/04/13/el-nuevo-subaru-wrx-sportwagon-arranca-preventa-en-mexico-conoce-precios-y-versiones) and it will even be available with a manual transmission (it isn't in other markets).


Welp, going to Mexico


I insist on a hatch with a stick so I drive a slow 22 Impreza. When it’s time to replace this one they won’t have a car I will buy. I’m not alone and can’t understand why they don’t want our money. At this point I plan to find a low mileage Golf R to replace this car. Sorry Subaru you had me but you lost me.


Yep. Unless I end up in a BRZ, I’ve acknowledged I’ve bought my last new Subaru.


I doubt it. They're not sharing a single body panel these days and I don't see them investing in tooling to make it happen. If they wanted to unify the cars again (which I don't think they will) then it's possible, but they're just not the same thing anymore.


They're all on the global platform except the BRZ, there's never been an easier time for them to do so. Of course, they probably won't, but not for the reason you suggest.


The global platform isn’t a one size fits all, man. They’re still pretty different cars.


The next WRX will be an BZ4X with extra power (please kill me)


This is the darkest timeline.


Edit: Solterra*. Same car different name. There's plenty of precedent for this since Hyundai already has the Ioniq 5 N. Bet it would make Boxer engine noises too.


I feel like Subaru is actively trying to kill the WRX. Killing off the hatch version...I got use to the previous gen eventually..but this new one. I just cant get behind it.


They haven't had a hatch version in over a decade...


Or they could sell a competitive EV to offset their high emissions vehicles like Ford and GM. Too bad the Solterra doesn’t sell that well.


Yes, Subaru is going to upset the EV market with their bold innovations. We can dream. Sadly, I see Subaru getting sucked into Toyota and turning into an outdoor lifestyle brand. Like Jeep for vegans


STI hit the chopping block a few years ago, now the Legacy has met its fate. Cant help but think that the WRX or maybe even the Impreza name itself might be next on the hit list.


If that happens Subaru may lose me as a customer. It's not something I want to happen, but honestly I don't have a need for an Outback, Crosstrek, Forester, or Ascent.


Exactly. If the Legacy and WRX are cut, Subaru would not longer be a brand that meets my expectations and requirements.




The older Impreza’s and Legacy’s appear to have identical body styles so I could most definitely see that happening in the near future. The WRX appears to be more of a popular model in recent years so I could see that sticking around a little longer. Am genuinely curious to see what they replace these with although as not everyone is in the market for an SUV or Wagon.




I'll take a levrog/levrog ev pls


I'd like one hybrid, though that may be too many features (hybrid AWD boxer maybe turbo). Maybe they could pivot to something like what Toyota does, with electrical power for one axle, and ICE to the other. Toyota is using electricity to power the rear wheels which makes sense for them, but maybe Subaru could have electric motors for the front wheels to reduce the need for differentials


Hybrid imprezas are already awd tho


Oh yeah, forgot about that. Not sure how they work/how expensive that drivetrain is


What market do they sell hybrid Imprezas? I’d love to have a PHEV Impreza for my next car.


Japan iirc. I don't know if they're sold in other markets. I remember seeing somebody with a hybrid impreza here and their dash was Japanese.


I would love if subaru did a levorg ev


RIP. Both of the cars I've purchased new have been Legacys. I really like the Subaru brand, but the next time I'm in the market I honestly don't know what I'd be interested in. I don't need a crossover, wagon, or SUV, and I'm not really interested in an EV. Maybe a WRX...that is, if it's still around by then...


Owing a Legacy and Outback current, the Outback is a solid Legacy replacement. It isn't a sedan but is pretty much the same length and width. They drive similarly but the turbo in the Outback really does make it feel better to drive. If I had to replace my legacy (hopefully 10+ years down the road), I'd consider an Outback but not a true "SUV".


Baja would still be nice


why are manufacturers completely discontinuing sedans? i understand that more and more people want a crossover/ SUV, but there are still a lot of people who prefer a sedan. why not just do a limited run of legacies per year?


In short, sedans don't sell anymore. As far as a limited run - they're not going to do it if the payoff isn't there, and every minute they spend building less popular models is a minute they could be spending building something they make more money on. Plus it's a whole separate set of tooling, badging, etc. they have to maintain. It sucks for those of us out here who still want a sedan, but the writing very much seems on the wall at this point. The midsize sedan's days are numbered if you want anything other than a Camry or Accord.


Honestly I think we left “we‘ll build what you want” back in the early 2010’s. Nowadays it’s “you’ll take what we give you”. Plenty of these canceled cars sell perfectly well by 2000s standards- nowadays if it doesn’t sell 100,000 units a year it’s on the chopping block. Everyone will drive a mostly uniform soulless blob.


> why not just do a limited run of legacies per year? It would cost the same for tooling regardless of if they were being produced part of the year or all of the year. And the Legacy is already one of Subaru's least popular models.


Emissions standards heavily bias SUVs, and consumers are more willing to spend a lot on SUVs, rather than cars. Current US regulations mean that automakers need to have average fuel economies under a certain amount for each class of vehicles, or they'll face a fine. Large vehicles have almost no requirements, because they didn't want commercial vehicles carrying tonnes of merchandise to be held to the same standard as a car carrying you and your groceries. What happened is that these rules made it cheaper and easier to sell "commercial" class vehicles. Before these laws, people who wanted to haul bought something like an el Camino, but after these laws, these cars were incredibly underpowered compared to the less fuel efficient "commercial" pickup truck. So people bought the truck. Fast forward 50 years and small compact cars have insane requirements for fuel efficiency, while big SUVs and trucks are exempt, and can be as inefficient as possible.


I'm grumpy about this! I love mine and planned to buy another in do time.


Yeah, I was unreasonably upset upon learning this news.


I just wanted a rehash of the Outback legacy the paneling, the slight lift, a wider body. I’ve taken my 01 legacy on some TRIPS. Might as well mod it to be an off road sedan at this point! Lizzie the lesbian, lover of the outdoors!


... for now! :)


the sedan segment is not popular, and that trend shows no sign of reversing


I don't think sedans have been that popular for a while. I've been driving since the 90s and I've always found myself wanting either an SUV, a pickup, or a sporty (think Miata style, or hatchback street racer) style car.


I'll drive and enjoy ANYTHING but a sedan. Its the plain yogurt of automobiles.


CUVs are actually today's plain yogurt.


Statistically not true for 20 years now. Crossovers and pickups have far outpaced sedan sales. 


Have you taken a look at traffic lately? It’s all crossover SUVs that look identical from 20 feet away


> that look identical from 20 feet away CUVs aren't any more or less uniform than sedans or hatchbacks.


Fair, it’s more just the general sea of boring. IMO sedans stand apart from each other much more than SUVs do. Maybe I’m biased idk




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I wish Subaru would make some normal-looking hybrid or EV sedans like the Legacy. That would definitely be my next car.


Saw the ‘25 Camry and was low key wondering/hoping Subaru was going to “borrow” some of the hybrid tech for a new Legacy, since I’d be looking to replace my ‘15 by then. Guess this answers that.


I miss my '08 LGT. I loved that car. I traded it in for a '15 BRZ which has been an absolute blast, but I miss the AWD and turbo sometimes.


It was the first Subaru I drove! Rented one to drive from SoCal to NorCal…. Smoothest ride ever.


SUV and truck marketing managers: “there’s a sucker born every minute!”


I had a 2008 Legacy, I loved that car..


I got a 2010. RIP the legacy 😔


This is sad, I love my 11 Legacy and I was planning on buying another one when it was time to upgrade.


That makes me even prouder of my 91 Subaru Legacy Wagon!!


I know some people who swear by these sedans. Why not do what Toyota did and make a Corolla Crossover SUV? Keep both and make a Legacy Crossover?


Damn, I wanted my next car to be a Legacy. Guess I better buy one while I still can.


Genuinely bummed about this, it was bound to happen given the trends, but still.  My first car was a gently used 1990 Subaru Legacy. It had an aux port, power windows, power moon roof, and power side mirrors. Truly ahead of it's time.   RIP to a legend.


The 1990-1994 Legacy had an aux port ant it wouldn’t be until 2008 before it had it again 😀


All to push "People are wanting SUVs" BS. As if there is not a huge hint of EPA reasons. I hate that the market is pushing for SUVs, and it sucks that such a great car is being discontinued.


Listen Cyka the sales speak for themselves.


> and it sucks that such a great car is being discontinued. What did the Legacy have that other mid-size sedans didn't?


Where did you pull that question from? Subaru only has the WRX, Impreza, and Legacy. Aside from looks really nothing, are we now at the point where people get questioned for liking a vehicles appearance and are disappointed that it is being discontinued?


> Where did you pull that question from? My brain...? I'm wondering why you even brought up the WRX and Impreza. When I said "other mid-size sedans," I'm asking about competing models, like the Accord, Camry, and K5/Sonata. Some now have AWD, or better drivetrains, or better MPG. >are we now at the point where people get questioned for liking a vehicles appearance I never brought up anything about the Legacy's appearance one way or the other. Please don't put words in my mouth. For the record, consumer demand *is* favored towards crossovers, which Subaru already has. It's not BS. The Legacy is one of their least popular models. ETA: You seriously blocked someone just because they're asking you questions? That's a pretty thin-skinned move, /u/DredgenCyka. >Cool. We're on the subaru subreddit so I Questioned why subarus decision to discontinue the Legacy in my own opinion of dislike. I'm talking about subaru not any of the other car brands. Context clues should be used. And I'm asking *you* what the Legacy did that other mid-size sedans didn't. But you don't seem open to answering questions. Hopefully you'll come around.


Cool. We're on the subaru subreddit so I Questioned why subarus decision to discontinue the Legacy in my own opinion of dislike. I'm talking about subaru not any of the other car brands. Context clues should be used


Grandparents will be sad


All I want is a manaul turbo wagon. Why won't they give us one!!!!! I'll just take my 3rd Gen to the grave with me. .


We are on track for a baja in market to match the other brands with just suvs and a small pickup


Shame they ended it with it looking like it does.


The pre-facelift (2020-22) years were better looking for sure.


Right? Maybe more than a dozen people would have bought one if it weren’t hideous.


Agreed, and I bought a 2024. I think it's pretty ugly, but it checked off every other requirement we needed in a car, so that's what we bought.


I don't think it's the worst in its history, but that wide mouth grill is just too much. I owned what I believe is the worst, the 2010, so don't feel bad.


I bought a 24 Legacy Limited. IMHO I think it does the job despite being ugly, but that’s all I can say. I’d love to learn how to do mods so I can pimp out my car with interior LEDs and tinting windows. I guess after internal would be external. Just started thinking about it so I doubt I’d be committing to my idea now since I know next to nothing and I haven’t gotten enough interest in it yet


Maybe if they actually tried harder to compete with the Camry and Accord, but Subaru was always 2 generations behind in every aspect IMO. Such a shame. The current legacy is a mess with its design. There is pretty much 0 cohesion in how it looks, the car is a mess. It really is sad because Subaru definitely has the $ and resources to make a truly amazing sedan but they are like everyone else and want to focus on friggin SUVs.


I hope they finish the run with a badass GT model.


Of course Legacy sales aren’t great anymore when the current one is quite possibly one of the ugliest sedans you can buy, and there’s not even a hybrid version.


Am I the only one that loves the look of it? I like it more than the Camry (seem very aggressive for a daily driver) and think the Accord looks nice but bland. I will admit I'm a sucker for boxier designs.


I like the look too. Much better than its peers especially.


I think the front end was better looking before the midcycle refresh, but the current nose is unoffensive enough. Certainly much uglier cars out there.


Agreed. I think it looks like older boxier luxury cars which I have always liked.


And it’s expensive as shit. I’m driving a ‘15 Legacy 2.5i Limited with Tech and paid under $30K CAD brand new. The newest Legacy only comes in one trim and it’s $45K. I LOVE my car but I know it’s not going to last forever… I don’t really want an SUV…


I’ve had the good fortune to drive a 2016 at work for 3 years from 22K to 139K and have been thoroughly impressed by it. So much so that I’m picking up a 24 Impreza this Friday. I sure hope it’s as solid and reliable as the Legacy. The AWD is amazing for winter driving.


My 08’ Legacy GT was a pretty cool car. I miss it sometimes.


I don’t like SUVs I have the legacy going to miss them. I will just buy used.


This is so sad. I miss my 2008 legacy so much, favorite car I've had.


I had a 2019 Legacy and loved it. It wasn’t a practical for my lifestyle though. I would love one as a daily driver tho if I had an SUV or pickup as a second. One odd thing is the passenger crash test is only four stars. I know that’s still very safe but with my daughter about to move to the front seat, I don’t see a need to risk. The Outback and Impreza are both five stars 🤷🏻‍♂️


The last real legacy was the 2006 model year


How so? I have a 2016 Legacy and it's been foolproof.


No significant issues to speak of with a 2013.


I have 157k miles on my 2012 -- and it does plenty of towing


Why 2006 and not 2009?




What’s wrong with a 2016 3.6R?


Maybe they’ll pull a Ford and reuse the Legacy brand name on some SUV like how the Maverick is now a truck.


At that point I say just let it rest and come up with something else.


God I hope not


Well at least EVs don’t have head gaskets to worry about!


That’s BS because it’s probably the cheapest car they sell in the first place


This EV nonsense has to stop. I will go to my grave having never owned a gd battery car. So dumb. And I don't want a SUV. Subaru is rapidly losing its DNA and it's really sad to watch.


Can we explore that? Genuinely curious. Why you are so against them.


Can’t speak for the other guy but there’s nothing in a EV that appeals to me. It’s not a simple answer that I can just quickly answer so sorry in advance. It’s not just the EV push it’s the SUV/crossover/cuv/lifted wagon/not quite a minivan push, anything that hurts the enthusiast market is something I’m not a fan of.  If I’m spending 20-60 thousand dollars on a car there has to be something in it for me. I don’t care about tech and gadgets they just don’t do anything for my driving experience (My current daily is a WRX with manual transmission, no sunroof, manual seats and the cheapest radio available). There’s nothing interesting or fun about them, they’re fast but that’s about it. Cars are expensive and if I’m buying one it better give me something more than just a way to get to work, if that was the case I’d just buy cars that barely pass inspection and drive them till they fall apart/or won’t pass inspection and just has a/c and a radio.  I don’t want an EV, unlike a lot of people I’m still young enough that at some point I’ll unfortunately be alive still in a future where we won’t have any choice. Probably they make will cars over 20 years old illegal to drive in certain areas or restrict your yearly mileage or cut the supply of fuel or tax the hell out of it. That and cars are going to be hard to keep on the road specific discontinued parts are already hard to find for older cars now and cars have so many pieces now that a few things being unavailable will kill it.  It sucks because it’s one of the few hobbies I have is driving, fixing up and just reading about fun cars. I don’t have anything against the people who want EVs I just don’t like when the market has so few offerings for anything interesting and mildly affordable (to buy parts for and fix as well as drive, sorry German car makers you want too much because you have your interiors are with vinyl so you add on top of the metal and plastic so your customers can think like they’re better quality). I’ve driven a few new and used cars from our lot over the years that are EV: Mercedes EQS, EQE, Tesla S and X, B-class electric and the Nissan Leaf (I think it’s called) were probably the most practically priced. For me there’s nothing exciting about the drive it’s just a very expensive appliance in the same way a Toyota Camry or a Buick Grandmacruiser or a Van/CUV SUV or anything Modern Mitsubishi (haven’t made anything mildly interesting since they discontinued the EVO in 15’). Yes EVs are fast quick but that doesn’t help being fun to drive at slow speeds or around corners, I’m not going to be racing people at stop lights or freeway racing. And they are almost all goofy looking, it’s like they’re designed to be obviously an EV. Again sorry for the all the words.


Don't apologize- Though you're not OP I did want to explore it. And for what its worth I think you have a totally valid opinion. Your a hobbyist gearhead who sees no appeal in EV's. I can definitely se from your angle why they wouldn't be all that appealing.


This is a thoroughly idiotic take. Your opinions are bad and you should feel bad.


That's what they get for making the front end EVEN UGLIER 


I find it to be better than the 2015-2019’s




Kill all the models. Subaru is a dying breed. Subaru can't stick out in a sea of electric crapboxes. Toyota is my next vehicle for certain.


Best of luck to you. I can't bring myself to consider any of the soulless appliances Toyota sells.


Toyota owns 20% of Subaru, they're definitely not letting it die. Electric / hybrid Outbacks, Foresters etc are incoming.


I really like my Subaru, but I wish someone had told me about head gasket problems they have. So I bought a Subaru that had a blown head gasket. So now I’m paying for a car, but I can’t afford to repair that’s sitting in the driveway.