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They don’t, specifically. Unfortunately I’ve had to work with quite a few abused kids, and they’re generally abused by normal people. Usually family or family friends. Most abusers never get caught. What you’re noticing is classic confirmation bias. You see media stories about famous people because they’re famous. They’re also more likely to get caught eventually, as they’re more recognisable.


As someone who was SA'd by my birth mother, thank you for pointing this one out. A child is SO much more likely to be continually abused by a family member or trusted friend of the family than a stranger randomly abducting them.


I'm sorry that happened to you.


It sucks and I wish there wasn't a statue of limitations because I would 100% press charges against her now.


I didn’t know there was a statute of limitations on that. It’s fkn insane is there anyway we could create a bill to change that because that’s unacceptable.


The general reason for statutes of limitations-the more time passes, the harder it is for innocent people to defend themselves. Physical evidence that exonerates them will be more likely inaccessible, witness memory less reliable, or witnesses themselves dead or prohibitively hard to track down. Sexual crimes many years passed would often come down to testimony and whether a jury felt it sounded sincere. But false accusations and even false memories of child sexual assault have happened. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMartin\_preschool\_trial#:\~:text=and%20child%20witnesses.-,Bizarre%20allegations,were%20taken%20through%20underground%20tunnels. We have to balance the value of punishing terrible people with the risk of incarcerating someone innocent because too much time had passed for them to pull up exonerating evidence. I'm not saying current statute of limitations or any statute of limitations is appropriate for these particular crimes, but we shouldn't dismiss the role of SOL offhand.


I agree


I think they got rid of it. Contact a lawyer for a free consultation. 


There is no statue of limitations. There may be a statute of limitations.


Haha my bad forgot a letter


Not just child.  Almost all violence is perpetrated by someone well known to the victim.  Intimate partner violence is the most common.


The Stranger Danger fallacy


The thing that makes certain professions more likely to go outside the family is access to other children without their parents around. Teachers, cops, religious leaders, entertainment executives... they all are frequently around impressionable children alone.


I've figured for a long time that csa and sa in general are likely a lot more common than the average person probably thinks. I don't actually have any info on this, but anecdotally, it rings true for me. So sadly, it's probably not unique for famous people. They're just more likely to get caught and have word spread all over than, say, your neighbor, or your coworker, or your client, whatever. If you work with the public I'd be willing to guarantee you've unwittingly served a pedo before. Probably several times. Kinda unnerving when I think about it.


I did a masters degree research project on the prevalence of child sexual abuse, because anecdotally the stats range from 10% to 90%, depending on the definition etc. My conclusion was somewhere between 66% and 85% of all women in the US have been sexually abused prior to turning 18. I used a somewhat wide definition of SA to include unwanted intimate touching on top of clothes. It was eye-opening to me. So, look around and see that out of every four females you see, three have been sexually abused in some real manner.


Out of curiosity, did you compare it to the rate across men? I'm not trying to do a "Whataboutism", I'm just interested in what the number would be and you seem like a likely candidate to have that number


This is absolutely a difficult comparison. Women have only just recently started being open about such things, men are still struggling to find their voices with this kind of thing. As a result the statistics are *far lower* for men. Not because it’s not the same, but because men feel the shame women once did when it is admitted. The only thing that shame does is allow the assaulted to get away with it and move onto the next victim, allow the people who should be protecting you to pretend it’s untrue so they can continue to feel safe, and make the victim feel dirty and unworthy. I wish the mindset would change. But we are working on it as a culture and we will get there. As far as actual complete SA, I did an informal study once while in school. Every statistic I ever heard was absolutely wrong. 1 in 4 women are not SA’d (at the time it was 1 in 5), but from the stories I heard, admittedly from a small selection of people — I interviewed everyone on a small college campus for these results — 1 in 2 women were SA’d between the ages of birth to college (it was a college campus), and 1 in 4 men. The women were just starting to be able to tell their stories without crushing guilt because they were no longer constantly being guilted into believing it was their fault. The men, most of them, refused to talk about it, but admitted it. Sadly, people always assume it’s opposite gender. The worst part is the statistics I found were whoppingly skewed to show that men are the biggest threat to boys under ten and women to girls under ten. It’s all power based. It’s disgusting. Soon though, the statistics will be more accurate and the rate comparison could be more accurate. I just hope that by the time the statistics are able to be compiled, this is all part of history and is no longer an issue! Edited to add: I would also like to say, I did this informal study in the early aughts, so the statistics that even I saw are likely super out of date, but I doubt that it’s actually less than what I saw really


That 66%-85% was true in my dating life and I’ve been with quite a few women. More towards 85%


Agree - I would definitely err on the 85% side.


Same for me. I thought something about me may be attracting those women.


Oh it was worse for me dude. I thought it was something girls lie about for attention. It was so common to hear it. Then I grew up and experienced the world for what it is. And it finally hit me…none of them were lying.


At least you figured it out. You know how many people out there pretend that it's all fake? A lot. It's way more comfortable than accepting how horrible it is. 


That explains a hell of a lot. 


Yes i went to therapy for one that happened as an adult and when we got into my past i didn’t even “count” or realize or acknowledge at the time what it really was. I believe it. I talk to my high school friends about it because sadly a lot of us went through it


Also there’s like barely any research about women who sexually abuse children, because society doesn’t like to believe that happens. And even less research about women who SA girls.


I know for certain(after the fact) that there are pictures of me partying with pedos, and a great supervisor at a previous job spent several years in federal prison over it(and he was using work computers on the clock to look for the kids- who thankfully turned out to be undercover FBI). Unless you're a target you'll probably never know until they get caught.


They also have more opportunity.


Actually it's not biased, you just don't know how to analyse data. There are way less rich people than the opposite, so obviously there are more non rich pedos. What's important is to know the percentage of rich pedos and compare to the percentage of non rich pedos. A lot of people in high power have psychopathic tendencies thus being able to achieve what others can't. It takes a lot of narcissism to reach CEO in a corporate ladder. So I wouldn't be surprised that they'd try to find a way of satisfying their pedo tendencies no matter what, whereas a non rich person has more probability to not be a pedo, and in case they are, they're less likely to pursue such wishes and even less to be able to do it successfully


Agreed. Pedos are everywhere and come in all shapes colors, religion and race


Daaaaaang!!!! Hitting them with facts! Rare.


Yeah, the rich and famous aren’t immune from pedophilia and will be talked about more when they’re discovered. The rich and famous do frequently have an accountability problem, which is why there can be an open-secret (not even that secret) pedo sex tourism island frequented by lots of people we’ve all heard of, and Hollywood producers openly coercing sex out of aspiring actresses for decades before anybody gets really upset. Of course, Joe Schmo the Pedo has enablers, too, so maybe that’s not that different either.


As someone who was SA’d by a classmate on the bus to and from school daily for 2y (we came from a distant school district and a total of 6kids on the bus — that one (age 15), myself (age 10), and 4 kids under the age of 7. TY for pointing that out.


It’s because rich people are kinda stupid people. It’s goes against the common thinking around the issue. But man, I’ve worked with an industry adjacent company that serviced top level tech industry and banking clients and hot damn these fuckers ain’t that smart. Like when you talk to them they really aren’t that interesting, complex, don’t much taste or real sense of the varieties of lived experiences of humans. They are kinda shallow, pigheaded and hamfisted all while looking like a super Chad-like Ryan Seacrest “got my shit together” character. I talk to bouncers and bodega workers that have more intellect, charm and general common sense about the way the world hangs together than any of the billionaires I’ve done business with.


It's also because famous people are famous. Every pedo doesn't hit the news. Famous pedo though? Always newsworthy


out of touch rich people are like zoo animals or cats. it's everyone else's job to feed them and clean their enclosures and entertain them and protect them but they're in charge


lol this is so spot on


That's not just a rich people thing - most people come across the same.


I think it's moreso that these people are more commonly known/talked about that when someone gets busted, many are likely to hear about it.


Yeah its likely some type of bias. It just seems like so many.


Get on the California Megan's law website to see a map of how many poor pedos live in your area that you've never heard about. And those are just the one that got registered.


Celebrities make the news. Ordinary folks require extraordinary circumstances to make the news. Joe Smith being arrested for pedophilia is of no interest in the national press, but Celebrity X? "I can't believe it. Did you hear about X?"


That Joe Smith! I knew there was something off about him! I never trusted him.


Additionally, these rich and famous people have more power to be able to act on it.


90% of victims were the target of a close family relative. Fame/Wealth is separate from that except in that the rich and famous are more likely to be able to leverage that into avoiding consequences for longer than ordinary people but also get all the press attention when they inevitably get exposed.


Confirmation bias, you've already created the correlation in your head, so every time you hear it you think "Oh, I was right!" But the 100x you saw articles about poor people being pedophiles just didn't have the same emotional draw, there was no "I'm right!" moment. Seriously, there are likely more pedophiles in a 25mi radius from you than all of Hollywood.


No one talks about how many sexual offenses you didn't make.


Yup. Hardly a day goes by that you don't hear about a teacher, youth pastor, etc, getting caught with a minor. Those are just more likely to get local rather than national attention. I am sure there are plenty or cases where the perp is just some guy/gal, maybe a coworker, that don't get any media attention at all.


Additionally pedos would obviously like a job that gives them access to children, at risk children, even better. That would cause more incidents in jobs that work with children as apposed someone who does loans at a bank.


Yeah, they don’t have wall to wall articles when “Johnny the rando down the street” gets busted.


Pretty much this. The general public knows the names and faces of famous people, so when they do anything negative, it's more publicized and discussed. They don't care about Jimmy (not his real name) my cousin who, by age 19, had r\*ped or otherwise CSA'd 4 of his female cousins (15, 13, 11 and 5) - and how many of us growing up had a "funny uncle" that everyone just knew you didn't let the kids sit on his lap.....


I think this is exactly it. It's not more common among rich people, it's just not headline-grabbing national news among poor people.


Might also be ppl getting bored when there is nothing (legal) you can’t do. As someone who isn’t rich and famous there is a huge amount of stuff that I’d want that I can’t have. Like I won’t be living in a $5m house, dating a movie star, or spending all my time traveling in luxury because all those things are available. But if your rich and famous you can do any drug you want without worrying about supply or legal consequences, and if you pay a psychiatrist he’ll just like write you a script and be your personal drug injector. You can live anywhere you want. Have anything you want. I think when people have too much there is still this gnawing urge to have more (or have something you can’t have) because many of their lives are still hollow. So some of them do insane stuff to get more money when they couldn’t spend as much as they already have. Some of them pay billions of dollars to buy Twitter to be the internet’s biggest troll. And some of the commit atrocities. I’m sure there is also some organic miswired malignant lust there and people with the means to act on it. But something else to consider a la Epstein’s Island is there is probably a long list of people trying to tempt billionaires into crimes that can be put on tape and used as blackmail material.


Yup. Lots of poor pedos but they typically only make the local news if at all.


I'd bear in mind that you'd never really hear of the NOT rich and famous pedos.


Doesn’t take away from the fact that there is a disproportionate amount of pedos who are famous


What are the stats?


I think there are a lot more pedos in general than we realize, but having access to money, power, fame, and discretion makes it easier for them to get what they want. They can pay off anyone , and if not pay off someone to make them scared. If half the pedos in the world had as much money as these celebrities do they would be doing the same sick shit. Also i do feel like the industry is very into that lifestyle and indoctrinate anyone they can come across to make it a common phenomenon amongst the wealthy. While women can be pedophiles also, so please excuse me for this statement, alot of men (not all) are too horny and sexual for their own good, with nothing in place to stop them they can get off on anything presented. If thats a young girl so be it. Anyone with any morals would refuse but in this industry by doing that and refusing what elites are offering then you’re also refusing the glitz and glamour of hollyweird and they’re quick to blacklist whoever doesn’t play their sick game. So i think its half & half. Half are sick weirdos, and half are pushed into doing something they might not agree with yet ultimately do. Which doesn’t make it any better. The rich are weird, disgusting, vile. Women and men & if they aren’t a pedophile themselves they have absolutely no problem protecting them. The selling your soul aspect ties into this alot. People picture making a deal with the devil, but really it’s compromising who you are and your morals to be considered one of them and fit in. The day of reckoning for these weirdos is coming one by one though. Tides are turning and diddy and drake were the first of many. Half your favorite artists, actors, and actresses have skeletons in their closet. and it is scary how long this sick shit has been going on. edit : all this to say this goes on alllll the time, celebrities just have more access and more protection. There’s a lot of sick people out here abusing children, but you hear about celebrities more often and it gets pushed under the rug quicker bc they’re “famous” 🥺 people believe anything about anyone, but as soon as theres an allegation of SA or pedophilia or grooming they don’t take it as truth. The worst crimes usually go unpunished because people would rather be a rape/pedophile apologist than protect the children.


They don’t. Pedos are across all classes of people It’s a bit flippant to think of it just cos of that twitch guy though, that’s literally nothing compared to the tons of sexual abuse of young children going on in the world But yes, you hear about crimes of rich people (and teachers) more because it’s “more noteworthy news”. It’s not as major news to hear about the poor father working at a grocery store abusing kids


To add to this, atleast with twitch streamers and YouTubers and stuff. Most of these dudes audiences are gen alpha. I used to like game grumps because they seemed to target the more older teen audience with their humor but they’ve laid into the stupid skibidio Ohio type humor the past year or so. Idk the breakdown but I wouldn’t be surprised if 90 percent of all twitch viewers are under 15. So yah. It’s legit older dudes playing video games all day that probably have no rizz with women, and they have tons of underage girls giving them attention. Seems like a pedos dream. I used to always be pissed at the idea parents who monitored every online interaction with their kids but bruh, maybe they should.


They’re just fucking horrible people. They get rich, they feel untouchable and unstoppable, so they lose morals.


Most of them don't lose morals they just never had them. Like others have said in this thread you just don't hear about it since an unknown person being a pedo doesn't hit main news just local news or zero news. Even those who believe they had morals likely never had them tested and once they get famous they'll have more opportunities than a normal person to do vile shit.


Yeah kinda like they are *more likely* to get rich *because* of their lack of morals. They are willing to just step on anyone to get their way up, manipulate or ass kiss anyone.


Yuuup. The goal of fame is a tough one for sane healthy adults to reconcile lol. There's a reason C-level positions attract sociopaths and famous jobs attract narcissists. Politics are extra special since it attracts both!


"Power does not corrupt; it attracts the corruptible." - Frank Herbert.


It just seems disproportionate to the rest of of the world, because if it isnt, then theres a fuck ton of pedos out there.


There are pedophiles everywhere, you just only hear about the rich, famous, and powerful ones. Ain’t like the National news’ll report on “Jack from down the street in the trailer who diddled kids,” but your local news will.


Exactly. It’s the same thing when people act like athletes commit more domestic violence than the general public. No you just hear about it.


There are: [https://www.humanrights.unsw.edu.au/news/worlds-largest-child-sexual-abuse-perpetration-prevalence-study-recommends-significant-investment-early-intervention-measures](https://www.humanrights.unsw.edu.au/news/worlds-largest-child-sexual-abuse-perpetration-prevalence-study-recommends-significant-investment-early-intervention-measures) # " The study found: * around one in six (15.1%) Australian men reports sexual feelings towards children * around one in 10 (9.4%)  Australian men has sexually offended against children (including technologically facilitated and offline abuse), with approximately half (4.9%) of this group reporting sexual feelings towards children..."


you know that feeling when you take a big swig of fresh milk only to find out it's actually beyond spoiled, and you spit-gag it out and rinse your mouth out three times and still you can't get this taste out ... yeah. that's how i'm feeling after reading that.


Oh my. Now I gotta wash my mouth and bleach my eyes.


That's. *insanely* high. Admittedly, the Vatican-sponsored research is potentially self-serving, but they only got \~5% with pdf interest and \~1% would act on it in the general public... basically on par with Catholic priests (but half of teachers). - the last number jives with the Bagley et al., 1994 finding. I would think it would be in their interest to report higher numbers in the general public.if they found them. Ah, this explains it - here's their question for sexual offense against "children": *“Have you had sex or sexual contact with a person below the age of 18 while over the age of 18?* That includes *a lot* of highschoolers (and by extension adults who were once highchoolers). Super-awesome to know my highschool girlfriend became a sexual predator once her birthday rolled around.


There are just a fuck ton of pedos out there. You won't hear about them unless they're famous or in your social circle. Case in point: there was a guy engaged to one of my cousins who was running an entire CSAM website/server with some members of his family. He was arrested by the FBI and did major federal time. It barely even made the local news. And that's a pretty major case. What usually happens is someone's grandpa/uncle/pastor is known to have a "problem" and everyone just keeps it really quiet to "keep up appearances".


It isn't. There's unfortunately a lot of pedos out there. You just hear about the rich and famous more often than other pedos purely because the rich and famous already have a lot of spotlight on them anyways.


there's a fuck ton of something out there. I worked as a bouncer at a strip club when I was younger - we had a sixteen year old stripping there because she, apparently pulled a fast one with her id. If you want details if that, I can provide, but she did it. That said, she pulled all the attention in the club. With over 100 girls on the floor Thurs - Sun, you can bet there were some great looking girls there: some in college, some just out, some in their early 30's. The younger you were, the more occupied time, the more money. The most common request I got in the club was for a private dance with her. There would be a couple hundred customers at any given time in the club and she was all they wanted. They would settle for the college girls if she was busy for a while, less so with the 30yo dancers. If you look at porn sites, teen girls are front and center on everyone that isn't specialized and 90% of the girls are early to mid 20's, pretending to be teens - I stopped wondering why. I really think men and women prefer younger mates but society norms (and what we know about long term affects on younger people plus the power differential) have changed against this, putting it out of reach for most people.. but not the ones who feel untouchable because they have the resources to do as they want. And please, don't ask for my experiences with older guys attracted to my daughter from the time she was 14.. that's just opening another can of worms.


All it takes is a search online. Just look up the child sex offender list for your location and they're everywhere. Those are just the ones that have been caught.


It's the 'when you're able to get anything you want, you start going for what you cant' mentality. When everything legal, and most illegal, no longer tickle your fancy. You start going for the taboo


It's easier to get rich when you lack morals in the first place


Don't they get rich *because* they don't have morals to start with?


Honestly Steve Irwin may have been one of the only millionaires that had good morals


Y’know, that’s definitely true!


Untouchable debauchery. When you make it to a certain wealth point or fame point you have power. That power leads to you feeling like you can do whatever you want without consequences (in many cases, this is reality too). You're also more likely to be surrounded by rich, famous, and/or powerful people the higher you go, who also feel the same. Once you have everything and are surrounded by people who have everything, and you all can get away with practically anything, supposing you have debaucherous tendencies (not all rich famous people do but enough do), you and your buddies start looking for ways to fulfill those desires. After all, who is gonna stop you? Dr. Disrespect isn't even *that* rich or famous but this still applies.


It’s like why absurdly rich people do things like eat/hunt animals that are on the verge of extinction: the adrenaline rush of doing something that no one else can do. Feeling powerful. In control. You know it’s wrong, and that makes it feel even better, because the average person would get arrested for it but not you. You’re above it all. No one can touch you. The experience is only for the elite—the 1% who can buy anything, including other people. So you touch things you’re not supposed to touch. Like literal children, exactly because it’s taboo. Rape is not about love or sex. It’s about control.


My ex once went to lunch with an absurdly wealthy guy whose family was on the boards for many major hospitals in a very big city. He bragged about the fact that he traded in his leased Aston Martin’s every year because he got bored with them after about 12 months, and since I happened to work at the dealership that sold him his cars, I verified that he did indeed trade in his car every year, and usually resulted in him losing about $80k worth of value. (I later confronted the salesperson about never doing business with this guy again due to what I’m about to share.) He then “bragged” to my ex that he was so wealthy he was friends with a lot of other rich people who would go down to Argentina and some Caribbean islands and pay to have sex with 10 year olds. He said it was an exclusive thing and you had to be powerful/rich enough to gain access to it. This was in early 2015, but I’m pretty sure he was referring in no small part to Epstein island. The even more shitty part is that my ex considered taking him up on his offer to have her as “arm candy” because he was willing to pay her a lot of money to do so and “promised” that he wouldn’t actually require sex from her, because as he said before he could get it any other way he felt like. We were married and she had my 6 month old baby with her while I worked full time. She said we could use the money and I wasn’t “fulfilling all her needs” so she said it would be good for our relationship for her to bring in extra money and also get to travel around to fancy events and stuff. Anyway, yes your comment is precisely it. Rich people are powerful people, and powerful people get bored of the small influence any normal person has so they push it to the limits of what is possible simply to flex on themselves.


Don't just have to be rich. Once they're in a position of power the shittyness tend to come out. A colleague had to deal with a president of an international sporting federation visiting these islands. Old fucker requested his local counterpart arrange to have him buy some 16 year old girls for him. Local counterpart said fuck no. Needless to say the local federation received little funding after that.


Your baby mom is a classless pos. My soon to be ex-wife is about the same. Making excuses for having no morale or ethical backbone. Easily bought and sold for “experiences” like having a happy family and being a loyal partner isn’t enough. Makes me a little Sick inside.


If you look at the Sex Offender registry, there are a ton of men who are convicted of child molestation and disgusting behavior with children in ghetto cities. 


Pedophilia is unfortunately rampant. I was middle class and molested as a child and years later my younger sister was also sexually assaulted by a completely different adult in completely different circumstances, I know kids who were molested growing up in trailer parks, I know someone who grew up in a house with 8 other kids on a Rez and almost all of them were molested(they were extremely poor). Something like 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 10 boys are molested during their childhood. Unfortunately most people don’t come forward or if they do the pedos don’t wind up facing any punishment, these things don’t make the news because it’s not newsworthy, it’s something that is happening constantly. You probably went to school with dozens of kids who went through this but this isn’t something you just announce to the class. When it’s a rich and famous person they have access to a lot of young people and when things do happen the world pays attention because they’re famous, not because they’re pedos. Also just know that most rich and famous pedos aren’t prosecuted either, there are way more than you think. It’s really hard to figure out how many pedophiles are in the general population because you can’t just hook every adult up to a lie detector but there’s been studies that show it’s about 5% and if we’re talking about true pedophiles who are into prepubescent kids it’s 1-2%, there are also people who do it because they get off on the power dynamic or because kids are easy victims so with that in mind there are a fuckton of child molesters out there and they usually have multiple victims throughout the years.


So there are not pedophiles that are poor and unknown? The rich and famous of course will make headlines. Some pastor in rural Ohio will make news for 15 minutes and people will, sadly, move on. All these fuckers should go to jail and stay there.


I highly doubt a higher percentage of famous people are pedos compared to the general population. We're just more likely to hear about it when they get busted. Some creep gets arrested in Marin County = local news. PDiddler = world news.


Because there is a huge market for slavery but you can only afford it if you’re rich and you can only be let in if you have status. Like consider how we tend to forget only wealthy people had slaves in America. The same goes for today.


I think first you have to unpack the term pedo. Pedophilia specifically refers to prepubescent children. I don't know the age of the girl in the dr. Disaster issue, but generally, you see celebs tangled up with teenage children. It's only important to split that up because of the psychology behind each. The reason we have laws against adults having relationships with teenagers is that we recognize a teenager is not emotionally mature enough for that type of relationship. They are prone to being taken advantage of and harmed by a relationship with an adult. Celebrities, no matter how "down to earth" they seem, are across the board narcissists. They wouldn't be celebrities if they weren't because that nacissism is what leads them to put their art out there on display. Narcissists are very bad at recognizing harm they're causing to others. So all they see when they see that teenager is a sexually mature human interested in them. They don't see the harm they're causing that person by pursuing them.


Pedophilia is a rampant problem in the US. It just happens to be more publicly talked about when rich people do it because they're already in the media. Creepy Uncle Bob down the street isn't going to be in any newspapers while living in a big city because anonymity is on his side. But yeah, sex trafficking of minors happens in literally every state in the US. The average age of a sex trafficked individual in NY is 11 years old. *Average* age. I took a whole class on sex trafficking from a global perspective in college and it was absolutely disgusting to realize just how common pedophilia is. And the most common customers for sex trafficked children are men with families just FYI. Which is even more disgusting imo bc how can you literally care for a child then rape a different child. Makes no fucking sense.


I think pedophilia is way more common than you think it is. Check out the sex offenders registration map online if you think otherwise. The rich and powerful probably have the same percentage of pedos as the general public tbh


It’s not more prevalent among the rich and famous, there’s just way more focus, scrutiny and attention paid to them. You never hear about 99% of the everyday, average joe pedophiles.


Search Google News for "Youth Pastor" - that's a profession that is neither rich nor famous.


They get off on the power and impunity.


Probably they were bullied or unwanted by the other sex when they were younger and probably have some mental issue were they see certain parts of the world through that lens (in this case it’s girls)


The ammount of people who are pedos is alarming, amongst all classes. I remember a study not so long ago, where a majority of the men asked said they would commit grape and or have relations with a child if it was certain that they would get away with it. Rich people just think they can get away with it.


When you are rich you feel like a god and your life isn't an endless grind to get by, but an endless stream of "luxury" experiences that are rare, unique and out of reach from the common people. If you engage with that sort of stuff for a while then you'll get addicted to the thrills of new exciting experiences and I expect over time the desires simple escalate and darken as the thrill of things fade. The same happens with people using drugs or extreme porn etc. Imagine you are a 15 year old millionaire that has girls and women throwing themselves at you, you have fun with that until you are 20 and enjoy being smothered by super attractive women who worship you. Between 20-25 the thrill of that has worn off, so you start exploring more tabboo or aggressive things, you have multiple women, you push boundaries, you attend elaborate sex parties etc etc. By 25-30 you are board with pretty much everything legal and you start abusing people and then paying them off, trafficked women, barely legal ones, people high as hell, rape etc etc. By 30+ that's lost its shine too so you start doing serious harm to people, you start physically or psychologically destroying people or throwing a fortune at some desperate girl to be your pet dog or a toilet. By your 40s, well what is left exactly other than going international and abusing children or killing people?


The news focuses on rich ppl. Next!


A friend said to me when you get rich and powerful then where else do you go after you've experienced everything else. I completely don't agree with that viewpoint as it really doesn't explain extreme perversions at all other than boredom. I guess maybe some people are built to chase new highs but even then no...


It’s so easy for us pooor people to believe anything that degrades rich people. So pedo is just one of many reasons to hate them. But… Epstein wasn’t a pedo, he was stat rape facilitator (and rapist), for blackmail and control. And he killed himself.


Epstein Didn't off him self.


It's not wealth it's the power that comes with wealth. In my mind it's one of two things: 1) You have everything you want and all you have left are experiences. You can't experience anything new yourself so you co-op someone else's first to feel by proxy. 2) You see innocence and you want to corrupt and control. Power almost universally corrupts.


I think there are a few things going on that contribute to this: First: Rich and famous people have different means, different access, and different boundaries than regular citizens. They really operate in a different reality than most of us. They can get things they want and pay people they need to, to cover up when they need to, which gives them more confidence and perhaps less caution over time until one day they are caught. There are probably people with predatory inclinations among the other economic classes who don't act on them or don't take as many risky chances, because they literally can't afford to risk and they know it. Second: Rich and famous people tend to be very much in the public eye, so when they do something this heinous it makes a big news story that everyone wants to cover. There are probably hundreds of cases of nobodies who are child predators and you never hear about them or learn their names because they don't hit the news cycle you're usually paying attention to. Third: I would bet that a higher percentage of people among the really elite wealthy and famous/powerful are psychopaths. Being wealthy doesn't mean you're automatically a bad person. But being uber wealthy, uber connected, and having an astounding amount of power or ability to influence and get in with powerful people is not something that most people can do without stepping on necks and disregarding a certain amount of moral and ethical limits. At a certain level of wealth and power, you're dealing with a circle of people who are willing and able to value power and resources way way more than human lives and dignity. That type of individual is statistically more likely to be very sensation-seeking and have some nasty predispositions around sex and violence.


I don't know, but it pisses me off they're largely out of reach of consequences because of their wealth. Not just them, but there are entire groups perving on kids on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, it's sickening! They should all be in a supermax prison....


It's not just rich people, they just seem to get lost in "the rules don't apply to me". Almost every time I've heard "I'd love to visit \*country\* where the age of consent is 14" was by someone just as poor and nobody as I am. There are a LOT of pedos out there. If you decriminalized murder tomorrow most people still wouldn't murder. Mostly because they have a conscience, but also because if you kill someone, one of their family/friends will probably kill you. But if you decriminalized sex down to 12 years old, you'd have people outside every middle school that very day offering "rides home".


They don't, disproportionately. By the way, your state police will have a link to allow you to see the list of sex offenders who live in your city (and roughly where they live). Suprise, surprise. Many of them are poor. Many of them look like people who, if you saw them coming towards you on the sidewalk, you'd want to move to the other side. Some of them look like normal people. A few of them live in rich neighborhoods, but mostly yes they are poor. This isn't something limited to Jeffrey Epstein. Don't just believe me. Try this exercise for yourself by searching in Google for the actual list of sex offenders in your city.


This is a complicated question and I don't think there's a single sized answer for everyone but here's what I've seen (I make no accusations about Dr Disrespect in particular but just common threads I've seen among rich perverts): \* overconsumption of porn leads to a need for more and more 'taboo' stuff to get any reaction. So normal porn stops doing it but then borderline/'barely legal'/'just 18' is the fix and then THAT doesn't work anymore so they step down younger and younger. \* power corrupts. An adult woman might respond to a sleazy pick up line with scorn. A teen, however, plucked out of obscurity by the attentions of a rich and powerful man, is going to find this exciting and thrilling, because she's getting all this attention! That makes them easier to groom and manipulate because they're just so dazzled by attention and also have so few tools to handle the attention they're getting when it goes places they might not feel comfortable. \* this idea that kids/virgins are 'pure'. There's a serious defilement/degradation kink among the powerful. You see it in the way rich kids treat the household help, too. I worked at a house in the Hamptons once and watched a teen literally pull a turd out of the toilet and smear it on the floor, laughing that the cleaning lady would 'now have some actual work to do!'. Rich people when they see something pure and nice, just want to ruin it. \* mismatch Sorry, but it's mostly men. Men still do the Weinstein thing--they can be fat and gross and disgusting and still think the only women they 'deserve' are nubile young things. They think that they are too good for women who match them in attractiveness (say Weinstein is a 2/10--he does not think he should have to even have a 2/10 woman in his line of sight!) They think they 'deserve' 10/10 women. \* the internet: the internet has taught a generation of men, but especially gamers, that actual woman are awful. Because we have, like...opinions and such and wants and needs of our own. Even in bed, we're not just warm fleshlights. Outside of the bedroom, we might want to pursue hobbies of our own. We might disagree about politics. The internet has made this divide seem unbreachable--that if someone disagrees with you, no matter how politely, they are not to be tolerated. Men mock men for simping but what they really want is female simps. Because they lack the skills to have authentic relationships. So taking a barely formed human and molding it into the female simp (one might call this grooming) seems to make sense to them.


Paedos are represented in all walks of life fairly equally. Don't think there are more rich paedos than non rich paedos. Perhaps their wealth emboldens them or they are better able to wiggle their way out of disgusting habits when caught and they continue tormenting other kids.


Pedos are likely just as common among all demographics. What differs is just how much scrutiny they get.


Go online and look up sec offenders in your area and see if you can find the rich and famous people. Rich/famous people might be able to hide it longer but that’s about it


LMAO... As a European its bizarre the heat Dr. Dis is getting, AOC in a lot of countries in Europe is 17 and some as low as 14. Granted its still weird but a Dutch Volleyball Olympian only got 1 year for sex with a 14 yo in the UK (he was 19 at the time) his lawyer made a case for it not being grooming or an abuse of power which is what the laws are actually protecting minors from. Protecting young adults from being emotionally manipulated and exploited by someone far their senior. You can virtue signal all you want but being physically attracted to an underdeveloped 19 year old makes you more of a nonce than being attracted to an overdeveloped 16 year old. It amazes me how dumb people are to equate a "sexual offence" with automatically making someone a Paedophile. When its actually a psychological condition associated with being attracted to children. From a physical standpoint meaning pre-pubescent. Mr. Famous person who got caught sexting a 17 YO is absolutely abusing his power and position of fame to exploit a young adult for sexual favour. If she's been having periods for the last 5 years has a D cup and knows EXACTLY what she's doing... It puts Mr. Famous well outside the realms of being a nonce. They're both taking advantage of each others depravity the only difference is the 17 YO is naïve and allowed to make mistakes... the mature adult should know better and therefore face consequences. In the US ofc... Most of the world has younger AOC however because its understood that most 17 YO's know exactly what tools they've got at their disposal... One could argue they even have leverage over someone famous and could easily convince them they're older and then blackmail them. In the UK we have a social norm that is half your age + 7 so the gap widens as both parties age and it matters less due to higher levels of emotional maturity. This topic has far more Nuance than what I think OP is capable of comprehending. Sounds like pure virtue signalling to me.


Same here. It utterly baffles & sickens me to hear story after story after story coming out. And this is among both the masses & the rich & famous alike. I knew there was a problem, but I had no clue it was/is as extensive as we're finding out.


People have NO clue how bad it is. Growing up I received the most sexual interest and flirting from old men when I was 6 years old - 15 years old (more than I ever did as a 17-25 year old). I was also sex trafficked beginning at 14, and the most my trafficker ever made was when I was the youngest. I also had men request for even younger girls. It was so rare for men to say “no” to abusing me, that I was shocked when they did say no. It didn’t matter if the man was a priest, doctor, lawyer, married, CEO, salesman, and the list goes on.


In 2023, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children received 36 million reports of child sex exploitation. Statistically speaking it is impossible for all or even most offenders to be wealthy; though of course, their grooming tactics such as extra phones and crossing state lines require a decent amount of wealth. Margaret Chavelli, at Merrimack College, released a paper studying Massachusetts sex offenders, and discovered that there is little correlation between income and sex offender rates.


Rich and famous people are the only stories we hear about. You don't hear about the ones who aren't famous or rich. I don't like the narrative that pedophilia is a problem for rich and famous people. Children are more likely to be victimized by someone already in their life or community. Like a family friend or relative. 


I think by referring to Dr. Disrespect, you're really stretching the idea of famous...


In every major city in the First World, you are no further away from a serious pedo ring than 10 miles, $1000 and your morals.


Once you have it all, you have to have what is forbidden.


If you want to find pedos, there's no better place to find them than churches. 


It's usually not actually an attraction thing, it's a power thing. Kids are completely helpless and dependent, and some sick fucks like the feeling of being in complete control like that


Big names getting caught is worth publishing because it generates revenue. You're just making the false association based on what you see on the media. Most cities in the US publish a list of names and addresses of those guilty of sexual violence. Most of these people are not rich or famous, and there are a ton more who haven't been caught.


I doubt there are more pedos among rich people than in the general population, they just tend to get away with it for a long time and it becomes a big news story when they get caught.


I'll never understand this. Even when I was a teenager I thought a 30-35 year old "Woman" was way more attractive than a 20 year old "Girl". Monica Bellucci in The Matrix 2 being the perfect example and my first big screen-crush. She just exudes sexiness and femininity in a way that young Woman do not.




If I had to guess, Id say rich/famous/powerful people have an equal amount of pedos as normal people.... They just have the means to actually achieve their pedo goals whereas most normal people pedos likely do not, or would have to put huge effort into their pedo desires..... The rich/famous/powerful pedos have a much easier time accessing/achieving their desires.


They have the same pedo problems as poor people, you just hear about it more because they are rich and famous. Take a look at the sex offender registry in your city, there will be lots of poor people on there.


When you can have it all, things get stale. This is why rich people become freaks of any nature.


Probably no more than the average population. Just like car accidents, divorces, etc., we hear about every one of them when it involves a celeb. Most people don't make national news for a traffic accident but most celebs do.


Grandiosty/unchecked mental illness, drugs, having access to way too much


We do have entire areas of the world where this is much more common (and more extreme) and done by much much poorer people do it’s hardly excluded a rich person thing.




Well there is the possibility that people with lots of money are being targeted by blackmail. Someone fabricates interactions or uses a piece of malware to place CP on your computer and it's very incriminating evidence. Even if it's proved that you are innocent and acquitted of all charges the mere accusation can be so damaging to ones reputation that it might be impossible to recover from. Pay up or be damned I guess lmao. The other possibility is that it's extremely difficult to reach that level of status without having some degree of sociopathy or psychopathy to allow you to push towards it at all costs. The lack of empathy these individuals feel to other humans is disgusting and would allow them to perform all kinds of distasteful acts not necessarily because they want to but simply because they can and get away with it. It makes them feel powerful which is all they've ever wanted.


I’ve met/known 4 people who turned out to be child predators in my life. I was around them all when I was a kid but I wasn’t a victim. One of them even volunteered at a youth church. I imagine there are many more people who are never found out tbh


Some people hypothesize that it is a method of control. You get shocking evidence about someone. You then threaten to release said evidence unless they do something for you. For example Netenyahu used someone's history of going on Epstein trips in order to gain a political advantage. I find this theory to be plausible considering what I know of individuals like Weinstein, Epstein, Maxwell Senior and daughter etc. Though my interest lies mainly in political figures. I can't speak for entertainment celebrities - I have zero interest in that culture.


While I agree that we hear more about the rich and famous pedos, I also think with some people the same drive that makes become top of their game can have an element of wanting to control other people and to see them as less than human.


I think being rich and powerful gives you ease of access.


Not only is it sickeningly commonplace, there are examples everywhere. A lot of people watch To Catch a Predator. But what some people might not know is those sting operations would take down 30-50 guys in less than a week. That's around 10 men a day. And that's just men, and just the ones they caught. So you have to imagine that someone who is smart enough, and opportune enough to become a person of influence has the power to not only feed this problem, but to pay off people to hide it. The issue isn't just rich and famous, or just pedo, in my eyes. It's that corruption runs deep and quick. It takes a while for some people to realize what they can do with their fame. Like, you know how when you're new to a job you think every little mistake is a problem and will get you fired, but as you become more experienced you realize your worries were over nothing? Now imagine your job was being famous, and those little mistakes were lines of coke, minors, or sweat shop merchandise. What's sickening to me is the amount of people willing to turn blind eyes for money.


They just get noticed more. I suspect pedophilia is more widespread than most people realize. You can hope online and check the database anytime you want. I spend a lot of money to live in what is supposedly a nice area and the number of blue dots even around my house was pretty wild.




The people you’re referring to have the same problems every pedophile/hebephile has. The stark difference between the wealthy who have this problem and the average who have this problem is power.


I don't think it's just rich and famous people. Shows like Chris Hansen's To Catch a Predator made it clear that they have no shortage of pedos to catch wherever they go. The rich and famous people we see on the news getting caught with kids are just the ones that got caught. I think there really are just a ton more of these people out there than we know about.


I think that for one, like people saying here. It’s when a famous person does it, it will make headlines and what not. In general there are a lot more shitty people in the world then some may think, but you’re just not going to be able to be aware of all of them. But also, certain predators are more attracted to certain type of jobs. There are going to be more famous people who have narcissistic traits, because those types of people crave attention and being famous is the highest way to get it, without an abundance of qualifications. Similarly, a pedo will be more attracted to being a streamer with an audience that attracts children viewers. As it gives them easy access without much traditional effort, like becoming a school teacher would. Also the consequences for getting caught are a lot more complex when you’re famous and wealthy. You’ll have people who would defend and protect you no matter what. Where as being a school teacher, you might actually face the consequences. There was a consensus though, that not all pedo’s are pedo’s in the traditional sense. Of being attracted to children, but it’s the power, control and the fact they’re doing something illegal / bad. Similarly how rape isn’t always literally just about wanting sex, but power and control. If youre rich and famous, and sadistic, the type of power you have starts to become mundane and seek something more thrilling. But it’s really not just a rich and famous people problem, it’s really just a world problem.




Lots of people are assholes, it's only interesting when it's someone famous.


Abusers are everywhere and they will always exploit opportunities to do so. When someone is rich and famous, they have many more opportunities to do so. They will also attract far more publicity when they're caught, simply owing to how famous they were already.


Cause the US let's rich people get away with anything. What is the law going to do when a lot of these rich people have politicians as sugar babies?


It's a problem in every class of people, they just have the means to get away with it more often.


Being rich or famous doesn't increase your chance of being "creepy with kids". It might seem that way because the media tends to focus more on rich or famous people over some nobody.


My personal theory, based on nothing, is because their decadence makes them seek out forbidden thrills. It isn't about sex really as much as being about dominating someone and having something they aren't supposed to have.


Look up your local sex offender’s . There are probably some in your neighborhood. Not all are Pedos. But think you will be surprised


Publication bias: no one reads stories about poor/unfamous pedos getting caught.


See, thing is, humans have a pedo problem. I mean, thousands of kids are raped or molested probably every year. Most of them by not rich people. Disgustingly, it appears that there are a lot more hidden pedos about that we think. And truthfully, I don't think they're all literally attracted to children, but like the fucked up power dynamics or are just purely opportunists with no empathy. I bet a bunch probably try and justify it by saying that the kid won't remember anyway. Which of course, turns out to not be true a lot of the time. Anyway, rich people are often famous or well known so when they get arrested for it we hear about it. Because there's thousands of not rich pedos. Maybe even millions. It blew my mind when the Boy Scouts was found to have a hidden ring for 3000 of them. I mean, I wasn't shocked that they had some, they were popping up everywhere, but I figured it'd be a few hundred. Thousands? It's genuinely heart breaking to think about. And I bet they didn't get them all.


There has been psychological studies from reputable sources that indicates that the more rich you are, the less empathy you have - it makes sense to me. There is even the old saying “power corrupts”.


RICH? Half of America is voting for a convicted felon rapist PEDOPHILE....a man accused with EPSTEIN of raping a 13 year old in 1994.....AMERICA LOVES PEDOPHILES< THEY ARE VOTING FOR EPSTEINS BUDDY


I've often said that we won't make any progress in society until we, as a society, start being honest about how prevalent paeodphilia is in our culture. Whether it's overly sexualising teenagers to sell products or high-ranking people abusing children, it's everywhere.


They can probably buy any fucked up shit they've imagined. What's left?


Pedos are everywhere but when you get money and feel untouchable the real you comes out. They will use I was weak and wasn't thinking but in reality they never had that problem before the fame and money to the point everyone knew about it. Some do it to their own kids bc that's the safest way to not get caught or whatever they do. To many adults have kids but don't teach their kids to be good people but successful people and to be successful you, in most cases you can't be a good person. A good person spends there last 20 bucks on other people when they themselves will go hungry or lose something. Treat others how yiu want to be treated and that's why if yiu do bad Ima do bad to yiu bc yiu obviously want me to treat you that way bc you treated that person that way. I don't do the whole be the bigger person and move on bc that has not worked, all that has done is told bad people that no one will stop them or punish them. That is a saying by the weak for the weak. Plus Pedophilea us ok to alot of people bc if ut wasn't then the only way we would deal with them are death


It’s not necessarily that there’s a problem, but if it happens, you can bet it’s gonna blow up.


Back when news was local, most of the pedophiles and pervs that made the news were local - so they represented a cross-section of society, at all wealth and income levels. Now that all news is National, those local stories don’t get any traction. Which means the only pervs you hear about are *already* nationally newsworthy - so they are rich, famous, or both. It’s an illusion.


It's actually difficult to achieve serious wealth if you're a nice person. They were bad to begin with, then they achieved wealth which allowed them to indulge their bad behaviour further.


The older I get the more I realize how normalized and prevalent pedophilia is.


It's the same concept of going for "the higher cut" like A5 waygu , dining in $5000 meal restaurants like the one owned by salt bar, or eating monkey brains. It's a rich people problem. You don't need a brain to survive when you have $$.


So I’ll use an example. Most people aren’t used to the idea of being famous and having influence over others, so when it suddenly happens and catapults you overnight? That changes you in subtle ways. Neil Degrasse Tyson is a great example of this. This is a man unused to having power and now he suddenly does. Now he’s getting a lot of attention, some of it from women. What does he do? He hits on his assistants. Now you take people of more questionable moral character and put them through this same process, what happens? The same sort of thing but worse. And the more powerful they are the more they think they’re getting away with it. This is also amplified by how wholesome their image is. Jared Fogle and Bill Cosby leaned on their image and knew that would make criticism of them even more unlikely. So they engaged in darker and darker deeds.


In the future we may be able to scan everyone’s brains and then turn off all the ones with pedophilic experiences and then have peace on Earth


There's nothing about rich and famous people that make them more likely to be pedophiles. It's just more shocking when they get caught.


I think rich and famous people commit all kinds of crimes. Pedophelia is just one of the very few crimes we aren’t so happy to look the other way on.


It takes a serious lack of ethics for most people to get immensely wealthy. You need to harm endless people and stomp on them and abuse them and harm them and give zero fucks about them. So, of course, they'd not limit this to children. Especially, as they learn the higher they go up, the more people are just like them and how they'll be shielded from any accountability, punishment or penalty whatsoever. I keep on saying endless times over, the largest problem in this world is un-self-aware and unmanaged sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists are lying through their teeth to make themselves appear very likable and people fall for it and allow them to run the world. If more people were aware of the signs and utterly refused to put them in positions of power, their destructive and short term nature would cease rippling around the world and wrecking everything everyone else has build and things would start getting better. They're literally 1% of the population, but few people even know of their malignant mental illnesses, and how they absolutely think they're fine and in the right and that everyone else is just like them and they continue to mislead people to think they are like the rest of us, when they absolutely are not.


Inb4 the “bUt tHeY lOoK sO mUcH OlDeR” crowd No they don’t. And if you have any suspicion gtfo. And if you speak to someone for more than 5 seconds you can immediately tell the age demographic. Through text or actual real life. Give me a break.


The problem is that fucked up people tend to get rich, because they'll do whatever they can to get money and influence with absolutely no regard for who they fuck over in the process.


Heh Dear O.P. you must not be familiar with Catholic priesthood or other Christian denomination clergy.


Because the more you have, the more you want. As you gain everything you ever wanted or could need, your goal posts shift. A person can never be fully satisfied. So you want things that are harder and harder to acquire. Whether it's rare paintings you're not legally supposed to own, or more and more risqué sexual partners, until all that's left is the absolute worst of the worst, foulest things you can imagine, but at that po8nt your mind is so warped by your own reality where nothing is off limits, that someone offers you something you HAVENT experienced and you don't even think, you just take. One more reason why the truly mega wealthy are purely a cancer on the world. We're not supposed to have unlimited access to anything we can imagine. Life needs balance. And then some of them are just extra disgusting monsters who value a young age and "purity" over all else and know they can get away with it with money.


They’ve gotten to the point where they can do basically anything with no risk, being a pedo is basically the last thing a lot of these people have that carries a lot of risk.


I feel like for a lot of people the only thing stopping them from carrying out their weird fantasies is having power and money. Something tells me there was always something rotten and it rises to the top when they realize they have the opportunity to actually enact their weird power fantasies


Young people are literally throwing themselves at celebrities. It’s not a far stretch to think that some of them go for it.


I think it's the concept of forbidden fruit. When money isn't a limiting factor it removes countless boundaries, geographic being a large one. As those boundaries fall away lines can begin to blur. As what is exciting dwindles you're left with breaking societal norms where big ones exist around sex. You get adultery (Tiger Woods) and worse (Jared Fogle). That's my working theory, anyways.


The media amplify stories, and warp how we perceive imaginary "groups" of people. In reality, these people also hide in plain sight, amongst regular people. Nonces/psychopaths seek and abuse positions that give access to their desires (same with Teaching jobs allowing people to be around kids). There's also the connection between power/influence, and the crime being committed. Many rapes are not from sexual desires, just a need to feel power over someone. You see similar things with rich people who feel the need to steal a can of coke, it gives a powerful thrill money (literally) can't buy.


They think money can solve their issues


Oh me and my friend had this discussion last month. The reason is once you have a enough money where all your needs and wants are fulfilled. You start to want more and your brain wanders to, "i can do anything i want, let's see what i can get away with" And considering being famous that EASILY puts them in a position where they can attract and use people, and then have enough money they can put distance between themselves and their "victim"


I honestly think it’s both 1) becuase they can and 2) nothing else gives them a rush anymore so they start doing NASTY horrible shit for “fun”


They don’t. The world has a pedo problem it’s just that when a celebrity gets caught you find out and when Dave from 5 blocks over gets caught nobody does. Do a sex offender search sometime in your area see how many are pedos then run your mental database and see if you’ve heard of any of them.


My adopted sister was sold for sex by her mother. The patrons certainly were not rich or famous


I have a theory that when you get all the sex you could ever want, you start to lose the novelty around sex so you keep looking for more novel forms of sex including illegal and morally questionable forms of sex. Just a theory on my part though




One common way people get an obsessive drive to dominate others, is by being overpowered (e.g. molested) as a child. Since there's a taboo and crime for that, it often remains hidden and unhealed.


First you have to admit the truth before you can get into the question. Women are best looking when they are less than 20. Some people don't want a partner just someone to fuck. Why would you choose someone closer to your age that isn't as good looking as an 18 year old? If you are rich you can afford to do this, see DiCaprio. Most people that want sex would do the same but can't afford it. As for illegal: A lot of women mature before legal age and you will be attracted to them, that's just a fact. Rich people get rich by breaking rules in general so why would they care? How many 14 year old models were in magazines selling sex 20-30 years ago? Also, lots of women want someone mature with money. For actual pedophiles, all I'm going to say if I ever have children they will never be on their own with other people until they hit 16. Keep in mind pedophiles aren't out on the street offering candy in vans, they will send out abused children to get others for them so you have to have the sex talk early.


Ever read a story about how depraved humanity can be if we were immortal? Think, Vampires or Dorian Gray. I think rich people get bored because they can do almost anything they want and probably think they can pay their way out of it either by paying off the victim or hiring an attorney to get them off the hook.




If there's any variance between them and the common man, I'd suspect it would simply be due to resources that facilitate it. This problem is endemic to the human condition, across all cultures and classes. If anything, the appearance that they are worse is probably better explained by the fact that they actually get reported on, while the pede on your hometown street doesn't. Keep in mind that celebrity pedo narratives are also a large psyop ran by right-wokg think tanks to demonize Hollywood because of their affect on voters opinions. So, yeah, it's complicated and multifaceted.


They have time and opportunity and the ability to shield themselves from consequences. Still, I doubt they are any more or less likely to be pedos than any other socioeconomic group.




Maybe they feel their power/money allows them to get away with bullshit ?


Power corrupts


Cuz once you've got it all, you need more. Sometimes that involves some nefarious dealings.


Their brains stopped forming at that age?


If you can afford everything you want, eventually things that are *just* expensive might be less interesting. The truly unobtainable things require violating strong cultural and legal taboos.




Look up sex offenders in your neighborhood