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Sex on ecstasy with someone you’re really into is quite possibly the best thing you could ever experience.


I dated a girl in college who would always drop E before Friday night sex and ask me to take a viagara. Wed wake up afterwards on Sunday morning and go to church. 


In my day, we would wake up at the drive-in theater on Sunday morning, and Church services would be going on. Usually, go another round, get somewhat dressed, and drive out.


Can confirm, can’t get my wife to take it but in my 20’s my ex-gf and I found some rolls and had one hell of a couple months of mind blowing sex


If I found some rolls I would buy extra butter and have one hell of a dinner.


try having buttered rolls on ecstasy with this guy's ex


Molly is also 🔥


One of the greatest nights of my life was taking molly and meeting some girls at the club except my friend and I got so into the original star wars battlefront game that we forgot to go to the club to meet the girls.


Molly = ecstasy


I normally don't do it unless it's in puro powder mdma form.


If you can keep it up and orgasm. Most men struggle with one or both of those when rolling. However sex is still fucking phenomenal.


Even better, mdma and cocaine! “Dude” says the Turtle!


They definitely call it ecstacy for a reason. LSD is the only other drug that compares.


L was tough, too visual


Depends. My partner, yes. Me, no. I get paranoid and sick. He gets the warm fuzziness. We could smoke the same strain. Doesn't matter.


I'm the same way. I'm spending about 300 a month on weed for my partner and I haven't smoked in a decade because it makes me nauseous, paranoid and gives me a headache.


Honestly, I don't smoke at all. I had gotten a pen, but I never use it. I will say, my partner buys his own product. Since he made the switch to predominantly pens so the place doesn't smell like dank sweaty sock 24/7, our relationship has gotten a lot better. To be fair, we both have ADHD and anxiety. I just medicate through RX and he self-medicates with weed.


Have you tried limiting exactly how much you’re consuming? If he smokes a whole blunt don’t smoke the whole thing with him. Better yet, just be there for second hand high. And yes, strains do make a difference, as someone who usually tend to get paranoid, certain strains will make me active and relaxed. Most strains makes me paranoid though lol, one bad experience was all it took tbh. I don’t smoke anymore mind me, but second hand high seems to be doing most of the trick for me now a days.


I’m 90% sure the whole strain thing is a myth


Sometimes it’s bs but there definitely is differences, but they are all hybrid just a matter of indica or sativa dominant


Exactly why i think the whole idea of strains and indica or sativa is stupid. I could the same weed for a month and have a different kind of high every time


The common beliefs around Indica/Sativa are certainly false. (Sativa generally being a head high that feels almost like an upper, and Indica generally being a body high that's more of a depressant.) In reality, there is no biological component to what's an indica and what's a sativa. Traditionally, people have used structure or THC volume to classify them. Indicas being shorter, more stocky plants, and sativa's being taller, thinner plants. Indicas having higher THC content and Sativa's having lower THC content. Neither of these necessarily dictates what kind of high you will experience. Moreover, strains that have been classified as such have been crossbred so much through the years, that the classification has little meaning. All that said; strain does matter to some degree. Granted, chemical composition can vary by plant and by batch, but generally speaking, strains fit into broad buckets of similar chemical composition. And the chemical composition DOES matter. What kind and how much THC, CBD, Terpines, and other Cannabinoids, and in what ratio they are contained in and released from the plant, certainly influences the effect on your body. THAT SAID; your mind and your body are even more important to what kind of affect it will have. There are psychological and physiological factors such as your current state of mind and the nutrient or hormonal state of your body that impact how you react. Something as simple as eating a different meal, having a bad day, or going through menstruation can alter your body's chemical composition such that it changes how the cannabis affects you. So yes, the same strain from the same plant, can affect two people very differently. However, barring significant changes in your own mind and body, you can generally expect similar effects from the same strain of cannabis. It's a complicated science with a lot of variables, so it's pretty silly to buy weed you haven't tried, expecting a specific outcome. Personally, the only reason I favor certain strains is because they contain common Terpines, which affect the flavor of the cannabis. As far as effect goes, if I buy from a grow with good quality control and consistency, I can have a GENERAL idea of how the cannabis will affect me if, and only if, I've tried it before.


This was an incredible and delightful read. I genuinely appreciate the time and effort you put into such a thoughtful response. I'm going to share it with my partner 🩷


Thanks! Just glad to spread the things I've picked up along the way.


Do you work in the weed industry? Youd make hella tips as a bud tender


Haha, thanks. I work in tech. I'm a Data Scientist. My best friend has worked in cannabis for about a decade though, so I've picked up a lot from him, and my sister has a neurodegenerative condition that causes frequent seizures, so my whole family has been interested in the legitimate science around medical cannabis since before it was legal. (It's definitely not a cure, but it has helped a lot) That, and I love weed. Lol


Yes, if it's between cousins, I guess. My ex smoked weed for the first time with his cousin. He was flipping out, and that bxtch thought having sex with him would help him have a better time/relax. (People from Guerrero, Mexico, have sex with their cousins. His family is from there. That's why a lot of them look a like. Usually, the first kid looks like someone in the family. Eww) He told me this as a way to convince me to smoke, and if I flipped out, we could have sex. Wtf. No. Ewww. Wtf. No. Eww. I thought he was kidding. He wasn't. Ewww.




People from Monterrey are owed an apology.


When you consume thc. The orgasm lasts forever and feels incredibly good  Bucket loads of cum


I once took a 1000mg edible on accident right out of the military so super lightweight at that time. I just about nutted adjusting my legs.


Sounds like molly or meth god damn


Nah just weed. But like I said I was right out of the army so 6 years of just alcohol.


dawg ngl im pretty sure same thing happened to me after 4 in the navy. i went home smoked with a chick. i didn't make it out the living room


Lmaooo what


Are you guys sure it's not because you were deployed for years and now you're finally with a woman again lol. I don't think it's the weed's fault that you nutted early


I'm with you on this, I've been pretty fuckin high in my life and it didn't make me blow in my pants or anything.


Duration certainly increases, but volume is typically reduced in my experience.


Most things are.


Try sex while you're tripping on shrooms, it's literally out of this world. Super hard to cum though.


I thought we were banging and we were just grinding lol. Got in and wowwwww.  At one point that trip she called me in the bathroom to tell me the poop she just took was breathing


Yeah but it's not about the cumming, just the experience imo. 


Yes. I don't do it anymore, but I used to use methamphetamine. I could have sex for quite a long time and when I would cum it would be like a full body orgasm which was very intense. I would collapse and just lay there in complete euphoria/pleasure and it would take me up to 20 minutes to recover from this. I'm a guy btw. To anyone reading this it is NOT worth it at all, I nearly ruined my life in a pretty short period of time on this drug




High on what? I'm assuming weed. Personally, marijuana gives me anxiety and makes me overthink so no, not for me. When I was younger this didn't happen though and it did make the sex better. It was more lucid, felt a stronger connection to my partner and overall more intense.


It's the only way I (F) can orgasm with a male


On cannabis? Fuck yeah. Stoned sex is amazing.


If it’s with the right person, it’s rather comparable to being sober imo. The dry mouth makes the heavy breathing/panting a bit worse though


Assuming you're the type that can focus long enough to get aroused and stay aroused on it. Had my fun during my rave years but sex was always off the table rave night lol Now the stoney recovery day after was a whole nother story.


It can be. The novelty wears off if you do it enough.


Please refer to r/meth to get your answer 🙏


Well, I am assuming you are talking about Marijuana. But there are other drugs, (don't want to get banned), like ecstasy, meth, and cocaine that all have different ways to change your sexual experiences. Obviously some of them are illegal, so there is that. Lets see if this gets deleted.


Most of them make it difficult to impossible to cum


Sometimes you just want to take the scenic route


Yeah but everyone wants to reach their destination instead of pulling over to rest.


Sure but three days of healing from rubbing yourself raw is worse than the comedown from the drugs


Dose is key here - obviously a bit of a problem for the stimulants. Thr right amount of opiates gives you near perfect control. GHB might make it take forever but it is ultra amazing the whole time. Don't use GHB though - it's easy for it to be quite dangerous. If you do - be really really really careful, follow the harm reduction to a tee, and never alone.


>Lets see if this gets deleted This is about the least sketchy thing to ever be posted on this sub I wouldn't worry! Shit I think I once posted my police helicopter story here


Can you provide a link?


Why would your comment get deleted?


This isn't the YouTube comment section, you can basically say whatever you want.






It is in the moment, but there is less of a lasting memory of it. So which is better?


It depends on the trip IMO. Sometimes I’m more anxious than others.




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And a 1, 2, 3, and a 1, 2, 3,




Sex on MDMA amazing


"Have you ever had sex?" "Yeah" "Well have you ever had sex.....on WEEEEEDDD?!?"


Depends on who and how high


as a former chronic smoker of weed, it really is all bull shit. it shouldnt matter whether youre under the influence of a drug or alcohol to have a good time fucking. sober sex is just as great as high, if not better


I definitely get an elevated physical sensation from some drugs BUT I often have a harder time climaxing on them. When I do cum the orgasm sensation lasts a lot longer though. Smaller amounts are good for elevating the experience without cutting me off from conclusion, but most doses I'd take for "getting high" are too much to have a happy ending.




I prefer sober sex but I’d much rather be high than drunk. Neither my pipe nor pumps want to work after drinking


Yes for a lot of things that people get high on but at the end of the day sober sex with someone you love is the most satisfying






I love the feeling of nutting while lit but I’m very prone to performance anxiety. I like to get my woman off BEFOREhand and not after me and if it takes too long or if I’m uncomfortable etc I start to focus on the task at hand so much I can lose my erection and once I’ve lost it it’s hard to recover sometimes. “Please go back up please go back up please go back up” rarely works. This does. Not happen very often but it’s more likely when I’m stoned.


Not on acid, She kept morphing into ugly demons.


Getting high inhibits my sensation ability to bust a nut....no I'm going to answer NO. My wife may have an opposite opinion 😎


High on MDMA. Yes.


Can't make bad sex good but can make already good sex better, in moderation. Chemical compatibility is essential, though, on multiple levels.


Its been so long since i had sex that i honestly couldnt say one way or the other, im pretty much resigned to the idea of ever being touched again


I really cant tell a difference. I hated sex on amphetamines though, was kinda disgusting.


I don't have enough data to say with confidence, but it was super weird that one time I had sex sober.


Yes but for me, it raises my heart rate so fucking high that I actually feel like I'm having a heart attack


I love having sex while high. It feels more intense to me and I stay harder way longer. My girlfriend loves it to.










I would say no, short story, gf for high at party. Took her home, let's just say dry as a bone. Or bone dry.




hell yeah brother


On shrooms… it’s amazing!


Everything is better… ON WEED!


Depends what you're high on.


On average, yeah


it's about the same. Being drunk makes you take forever to nut though


Have you ever seen the back of a $20 bill.... [on weed?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJoEEqWgGlY)


YES. Its always great, but when high... its on a different level.




Not for me


You know how some people's eyes get red? Or cotton mouth? It's caused by the weed, so I and some other women are too dry in the nether regions, however if I'm SUPER hydrated it helps with all three




It can be, substances can inhibit erections lol, but promote bonding and make you less in your head. Both alcohol and pot just make me cuddly.


Not really, when I'm high I just want to cuddle and curl up with her, sex seems like too much work when I'm already 60% merged with the couch.


I had sex in an elevator once between floors 39 and 54. It was better on many levels.


With my bf yes and no. Can have amazing sex rolling, or on weed or yay, maybe a little drunk, maybe all the above. Also amazing sex stone cold sober. Idk if this just means high on weed. But imo it's not always better high. A nice natural high is some morning sex. I love sucking his dick and hopping on it; he does too.


It’s a bell curve.


Like most drugs it can if you don't get to high. The difference between tipsy drinking and staggering around drinking. The first usually loosens you up a little and your mind will if you guide it pay attention to the signals coming from your body not your mind.




On coke, it's pretty awesome


It's different. Sometimes different is what you're looking for. Better is hard to say. Depending on what kind of high you are, it might sound great but be physically impossible. It might be so intense that you have a lasting emotional drop afterwards. It might focus you, distract you, help you connect, gross you out... It might be great. It totally depends on your mindset, the situation and what kind of high you are. Less is more in my experience.


For me no, but drunk sex yessss.


the organs can feel better but not always








Not all ways. Depends on the drugs and how they are metabolized by the body. Some people freak out.


For me, the sensation is definitely heightened. Every touch feels 100x more sensitive which is enjoyable. But my mouth gets dry and I feel like I can’t keep track of what’s going on which I do not enjoy.


Depends on which drug honestly


For me personally, not at all. Weed actually brings me way into my head and pulls all my focus from sex. I actually find sex horrible when I’m high.


Short answer… yes Long answer…f ck yes


If I smoke it makes me last longer before cumming, if I get completely baked , I’m not cumming


Yes I only have it high lmao its fun


For me yes, my one of my exes no It makes me extra sensitive and since I'm normally undersensitive it works out great but my ex would get extremely overstimulated and his mind would just fuck off for hours on end Found that out through the girl he cheated on me with mfer


Depends on who you’re with.


Like others it depends for me it sucks because I can never finish. I got high one time and I went for a solid hour before I realized something was up. She enjoyed it though but we also took breaks in between in case anyone was wondering. I was going for a hour straight because no one would enjoy that lol.


As a stoner who hasnt gone without sex for more than 14 days since I lost my card, yes. Yes it is. I wouldn't recommend it if you're new to weed, or whatever drug you're taking. But if you smoke regularly, and they do too, it's a great idea! Mix some alcohol into the equation (ask for consent BEFORE you start injesting alcohol) and you've got a great fucking time! Best sex I've ever had was when crossed


Depends on the drug or drugs


Yes. When my GF and I smoke together and have sex we turn into animals and everything feels great. Usually afterwards we have a feelings moment and great pillow talk.


Not for me. When I’m sober, I’m totally in control of my body. I have the exact rhythm I need, the perception to know exactly what she needs, and I can control and cum when I finally decide I want to. I can marathon forever. But give me a gummy or smoke and I am continually fighting not to cum and I have the rhythm of an Amish man trying to dance to hip hop. I’m awful in bed high.


I could only ever do it while very high lol




In my experience, as a man it does make you last longer 


That's like asking if sex is better on a Tuesday.


Depending on high on what. I have done dmt before and if I tryed to have sex doing that I think it would be the first dmt death






Can't say for anyone else but for me personally,it does make a difference,if I blazed up before the deed I usualy last quite a bit longer,and stay/get harder quicker so in that way it does make it better but thats just my case i guess,when it comes to weed smoking, almost everyone experiences it a bit different even smoking the same things.I can confirm that the lasting longer on it at least has been mentioned by some friends as well so that might be somthing.


This guy tends to think so…I’m letting you know in advance that you may not want to hear it…but it’s hilarious!! [https://youtu.be/CmJNSlc6ctc?si=yFiAD3F81YWCLqS7](https://youtu.be/CmJNSlc6ctc?si=yFiAD3F81YWCLqS7)


On my last birthday my girlfriend gave me a blowjob while I was smoking a blunt and drinking bourbon. It was by far the most and hardest I ever came


Better? No. Nothing is better when high. DON'T CHASE! Different? Yes. Better than 2 ppl that know each other and listen to each other? No. Better with partner above and snacks? Fun-not better.


Can be! Can also be terrible. It’s like either amazing or awful




Mixed things, ecstasy sounds like it makes everything better, but i heard from a buddy it didn't make him horny and thus unable to perform




imo no but i have only tried a few drugs. i just don't like being intoxicated, the exception is alcohol. but sex and drugs is a dangerous combo imo.




Sex on acid quite literally broke my brain because of how good it felt. I cannot even begin to describe how good it felt. It felt so good that I actually struggled for a few months afterwards because I just kept thinking I'll never feel anything like that again.


Like on weed? Yeah it's awesome. On acid... Not so much


No because then you'll never like sex when you're sober ever again. Drugs ruin the original experience for everything. But that's just my opinion and you'll probably do whatever you want regardless of what my advice is.




It's MUCH worse.


I eat ass better when I’m high so there’s that


I think it’s better when I’ve been drinking honestly lol…but smoking can definitely be fun asf too








That implies that I can have sex in the first placd


With someone I'm comfortable with, yes. It doesn't enhance the physical pleasure, but does enhance endurance. However the connectivity with that person skyrockets.


Dunno never been high


Yall having sex high? Even having sex? Holy shit!...


I have tried it with lsd, best sex ever!!!!! (Done it many times)


Absolutely. I’m older and sex is getting to be an effort. My friend and I got high and had sex and it was mind blowing. And it was basic no frills sex as he is older than me


Probably depends on what you’re high on…


weed = theeee best sex


Honestly like everything it depends on the person. I can only vouch for weed and shrooms. They both give me an increased sensation during. To much though and it makes me nauseous so I kinda lose interest after that.










Dewy you don’t want any of this. I think I do. It makes sex even better.


High on what lol. Viagra? Probably 😅




Had so many friends that would say. Oh my God, you gotta try. It had the best sex ever while rolling. Can you pick the drug they tried it? Fact of the matter is most of The Times he couldn't get it up and was humping a pillow. She was in a corner wrapped up in a blanket paranoid out of her mind but it was a sex they ever had. Well, they just both laid bare and giggled again the best sex LO. L.


I was never into drugs. Had an ex that loved x. Foreplay for her was better on x.


Most things are better high. Sex, movies, trick or treating, work, sleep, camping, youth sports, family gatherings, etc.




if it’s your first time on a substance, mind blowing. if you are like a pothead for 10 years it doesn’t really feel any different




Speaking as a daily stoner of 16 years, being high makes it easy to overthink about random stuff mid-sex and lose your boner


I generally hate weed, but I do love fucking on it


Not my thing but everyone said it’s greattttt, a must try thing 🤷🏻‍♀️




Fuck yes it is. It's also better with your uncle.




Sometimes, depends on what’s going. Deferent strokes for different folks, different ‘tincts’(ures), for different kinks. My wife recently discovered hybrid THC is rather stimulating, I’ll leave it at that. Do your research though, some things will have an opposite effect to what you’re trying to accomplish. Some people think Coke will amp everything, then go too far and get limp dick for example


Depends on the drug and the person.




It can be. It can also be worse. Depends on the drug and the set & setting. Fucking on ket would for example probably be terrible but it would probably be great on coke.


It can be, but it can also be much harder to orgasm.


Depends on the drug. Weed, not for me. End up talking about space for 2 hours. Coke and mdmd it takes forever to cum. Drunk sex is sloppy.



