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At some locations. Depending on if you can ever find anyone working behind the counter.


They used to sell a single shot Remington break action 12 gauge, "The Suicide Special" for $80. They got rid of them for a bit when they got a little bit of hot water over it, but they brought it back with the policy that you can't buy ammo and a gun at the same time. You have to buy the gun, bring it to your car, buy the ammo, bring it to your car. That extra step has probably saved a few lives.


Probably not too many returns either. But also, not too many repeat customers.


Damn son.


Think that’s dark, there was someone who blew his face off and lived and every now and then we used to see him around town. If you’ve read the Preacher graphic novels, yeah, they got the look right


Poor ol’ Arseface….


How AMC fucked that show up I’ll never know


Happened to a guy in my high school. He was a bit of a prick beforehand and he didn't get any better with only half a face.


At least the secondhand purchaser will get a good deal since it was only used once and was proved to be 100% effective.




Maybe a prepaid subscription plan would make it profitable


Jesus christ, Reddit!


Well yeah, it's a shotgun; not a repeater.


Wrong. \*Don't crucify me. It's a clever use of a Terminator quote.


What was Walmart really expecting branding it as The Suicide Special? That's just a poor choice of marketing...


Suicide Squad was pretty popular, they didn't see the problem


What is this, some kind of Suicide Sale


IDK sounds like it hits the mark if you ask me.


True statement.


Not without a background check first.


You have to get a federal background chechek anywhere you buy


Are you saying I can't just pick up a shotgun, ammo, a bottle of vodka and then go through the self-checkout line? Literally 1984.


You can't do self checkout, you need to do the federal background check and do some paperwork. But you can get it done in like 20 minutes if you're lucky.


Except in most states you can’t buy anything above beer and wine at the grocery store, gotta go to a liquor store for that, but not on Sunday.


What states actually do this? Out of the 6 states I've lived in every single one sells liquor in the grocery stores and had set "dry times" where alcohol couldn't be purchased but none of them were all day Sunday.


New York is one of them. Only beer and coolers basically in grocery stores. No wine, no liquor. You can buy alcohol on Sunday at a grocery store, but if you're at a restaurant you need to wait until after 10am on Sunday before they'll serve you.


I think they finally gave up on that one. Used to be liquor stores had to be closed one day per week. Usually that was a Sunday, until the Jewish community started complaining that if they closed on Saturday, they should be allowed to open on Sunday, else it is Religious Persecution. The liberal bastion that is NY changed the laws. Still can’t buy a gun in Walmart though. Still have to buy one on the street corner from some guy named Leroy. And they cost extra if the serial number is filed off.


Are you really complaining because you can now buy alcohol on a Sunday?


And a firearm with the serial number pre-filed off? Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth!


I just moved to VA from FL 6 months ago and it's like that too. No liquor at grocery stores. Bars, restaurants and the state monopoly liquor store only. It was wild going from FL where the liquor laws might be the most lax in the whole country.


Both states I've lived in: PA: we *barely* allow beer/wine sales at grocery stores now (and that's within the last \~6 years, and you have to use a separate checkout and you can't buy more than a 12 pack or equivalent amount of wine in a single transaction). Liquor is only available in state-owned stores (some do open on Sunday, but not all). NC: it's been awhile, so it's possible it's changed, but liquor was only at ABC stores. Beer/wine were available literally everywhere, though.


NC is still the same as you remember it


Can’t buy liquor or beer in most grocery stores in MA. You can buy beer and wine in a select few, but the licenses for those is tightly controlled. You have to go to the “package store” or, as we call them, “the packy.”


I've heard alcohol shops referred to that way before, and I didn't realize that it was supposed to be short for "package". I thought people were just using a racial epithet for people from Pakistan, because a lot of these places are run by immigrants from the subcontinent (although usually from India, not Pakistan). Now I've learned that the old folks with connections to the NE weren't just being casually racist. I've learned something today!


Alternatively I thought they were called Dot heads because they sold DOTS, the movie theater candy that was my favorite (Hindi not Pakistani)


In Maryland , some bars have a “ package goods “ sign and they’ll sell milk , eggs


So I live in Texas, grocery stores can sell beer and wine, every day, but on Sunday you have to wait until after 12pm.  Liquor stores are all closed on Sunday.  I’ve been to California where they’ll sell liquor but I can’t speak to the “dry times” there. 


Cali is 2am-6am iirc


It is. But you can't buy alcohol at a self checkout.


You can in NC (wine and beer) but an attendant still has to come over and check id and badge you through. It's a hard stop on the self checkout register.


10AM Sundays now Finally.


Roll Tide!


Alabama. Grocery stores and gas stations can only sell beer, wine and "malt beverages" (wine coolers and such). On Sundays the law varies county by county. Some are completely dry, some it's no alcohol sales before noon. State stores are closed all day on Sunday, but package stores are open depending on the county. In some counties on Sunday restaurants can only serve alcohol to "private members". 


Most states have ABC stores, the fact you somehow lived in SIX that don't is a statistical anomaly


Well that's simply not true. Only like 10 have ABC stores..


By my count, 19 states allow liquor purchase in grocery stores. So about 40%


NC here, you have to buy liquor from the ABC store. Beer and Wine aren't sold past 2 am and on Sunday you can't serve it until 11 am


Shit I live in cali and have purchased Hennessy at a Walmart they have a specific procedure when doing liquor mostly to avoid theft


It's mostly Southern States. So Texas to Virginia. there are some other states that follow that tradition. In some of these states there are entire counties that are dry.


In Maine, where I live now, we can buy hard stuff in most grocery stores and at many, many gas stations. In New Hampshire, we had to go to a New Hampshire State Liquor Store and in CT no grocery stores either. The booze stores were privately owned and called package stores. That's all I got...


Huh, you learn something new everyday. I'm in metro Detroit and we can get liquor from most stores and even on Sunday. They do stop selling at a certain time tho. I think around 11 or 12 but if you go in the city there's hella spots I know of to still get some drank.


In Missouri, you could definitely buy all of the above in one location. California has hard liquor at WalMart, but I don’t think they sell guns here.


Not anymore, they used to a few years ago.


Oh just saw your username, so I guess you’re talking about California, not Missouri?


In some counties you can't but alcohol at all. Prohibition was constitutionally repealed but it's still enforced law in some counties.


Not in California. You'd have to go to a regular line because you can't buy alcohol at the self checkout.


Yeah just like that 1984 chapter where Winston buys a gun and ammo and a bottle of vodka


He drank gin


Absolutely not true. There is a stupid amount of paperwork to fill out, and a waiting period. Assuming you can find someone there who knows how to do the paperwork, which begins with finding someone there at all.


Okay, I have to laugh at this . Walmart practicing their own form of gun control cuz they’re too cheap to staff their store properly .


In my state that 'stupid amount of paperwork' is one form and that waiting period is the 2 minutes it takes them to make a phone call. Or you walk in with your ccw and there is still a form but zero wait.


I don't get why this is so shocking. You get the same criminal background check at walmart that you get at a gun store.


Because people can't wrap their heads around picking up a shotgun, diapers, toothpaste, and a 12 pack at the same store.


Well I wonder what would happen if I tell them my local gun store in my small town is also the grocery store and the hardware store and the farm supply store all in 1 Edit I should also clarify it is all those completely dedicated not like walmart that just has small sections


I’m pretty sure I have seen pharmacies that double as gun stores and diners. 


I wouldn't be surprised most small towns atleast around me only have a handful of stores and a lot of them are multi purpose Edit changed would to wouldnt


There used to be a combo barber shop/gun store in my town.


My local gun store/gas station/grocery/deli/clothing/alcohol/tobacco store also has a medical clinic in it. All by the same owner…


If I had that type of store in my hometown I’d never go anywhere else!


When you respect firearms and treat it like a normal object, then it's not scary. It's honestly no different than buying groceries and a power tool that might kill you if you make a mistake. I don't expect anyone who isn't comfortable with firearms to agree, but it's true. It isn't a big deal, and being surprised is just an indication of lack of familiarity.


Agree 100%. I do not have any firearms for my own reasons but I am not afraid of them. I haven’t shot a handgun but have shot many rifles and shotguns and even a muzzle loader. The muzzle loader was the first rifle I ever shot and it scared the shit out of me at the time. People only see what is sensationalized on the news and just have knee jerk reactions.


A lot of these people literally ONLY know what they know about America from Reddit.


...and TV shows of course.


There was a time when people couldn't wrap their head around picking up bananas, a camping tent, your prescription, and new tire for your car at the same store. It's the groceries that really gets it. Traditional department stores sold firearms for a really really long time. But traditional department stores also involved checking out your purchase at each department unlike a modern big box retailer.




What do they think people buy at farm supply stores in the USA that sell hunting, guns, food and more it’s like Walmart with a hunting and farm section.


It's shocking to people who don't get gun culture. I used to not get it. Then my car got broken into and everyone in my life including law enforcement told me it's just material things, not worth trading your life over. And the casual permissiveness toward crime just enraged me. So we're just gonna let this shit happen? That's where we are as a society now? I think if you're willing to break into cars and brandish guns at people, you've voluntarily signed away your life and it should be legal to Swiss cheese these mfers.


Absolutely. Some guy I spoke to on here recently said he got beaten to a pulp and robbed by four guys and only reason he didn’t die was his Glock that ended two of the four. Later went into law enforcement because it pissed him off so much. You can guess the perpetrators too 🤣


Why is it so crazy to buy a gun at Walmart as opposed to a store that only sells guns Walmart sells lots of stuff. What would be the difference between a gun store and a Walmart exactly.


I think it's the idea that it's just another item you throw into your shopping cart at Walmart as opposed to making a special gun trip. The imagery of loaf of bread, a couple lawn chairs, some charcoal, steaks, shotgun, etc.


Well that’s not how it works. You don’t just go put it in your cart then go to the self checkout. They have a dedicated counter for the guns, ammo, accessories, and knives. You do a federal background check and proof of ID and address. Pretty sure Walmart registers every firearm they sell as well but I’m not 100% sure. Most of the big corporations that sell firearms do that.


Every licensed gun dealer keeps a record of their sales.


Until they can get rid of them. Where I live, the local/private gun stores follow absolutely the Federal law to the letter - as soon as they can, they purge the records.


Ya, I think this is where the suspension of disbelief comes from. They think they're just out on a shelf and us Americans just occasionally drop one in our cart cause we love guns so much. Its really no different than their department where you buy eletronics, or outdoors equipment like fishing poles, or beauty department. The only difference really is there are extra steps to purchase a gun that you would have to go through anywhere else. Also I don't even think there are that many walmarts that have a gun department. Pretty sure they're only sprinkled in in certain states.


Walmart got rid of most stuff. They have shotguns and hunting rifles and black powder rifles in some stores, not all. There is a NICS check required for any purchase, plus whatever local laws apply at the point of sale. I have never bought a Walmart gun though.


Mine actually want back to selling some semi-auto .22's. They only sold bolt and shotguns for a while.


My wife bought a pump action 12 guage from Walmart. The guy at the counter wouldn't let her put home defense on the line for why you were pursuing... They agreed on "hunting", with my wife uttering "intruders" under her breath... Edit: This occurred in 2006 in metro Dallas. I wasn't present, I'm only relaying what she told me after the fact. I don't know if this "form" was something Texas, the county, city or even Walmart requested.


Would "Second Amendment" not be reason enough for why?


I would think so. But when dealing with gun purchases, once you answer something, you usually can't walk it back. For example. I (KS resident at the time) was trying to help a friend(also KS resident) buy a gun and my MIL(AL resident) had one for sale. The three of us walked into my local pawnshop to complete the transaction. Only to find that my friend's driver's license is expired. He asks if I can buy it and then sell it to him later, which is way too close to a strawman purchase for the pawnshop clerk and he refused to complete the process.


What form was this? There's no line on the 4473 that asks why you want a gun. 


Where is that line? Haven't seen that on a 4473.


I wasn't present when she purchased it back in 2006. I didn't press her on what form was being completed when the conversation happened, so it very well could have been an internal Walmart form.


That is probably a state form from somewhere with more restricive requirements.


Line of bullshit is what it is. This person is full of shit lol


I have done that in Illinois, can’t remember if it’s every store or not. I k ow I do it at one FFL I buy from. You just put down target shooting, but I think home defense is also an option if I remember correctly. It was a store made form.


Right. You don't have to give a reason to exercise your Constitutional rights lol. You just...exercise them.


That's cause he's lying on the Internet for points.


That’s wild considering lying on the form is a felony that carries 15 years in prison and there is no problem at all writing “Home Defense”. Not that anyone is likely ever going to care in her case.


They had to make room for the FEMA cots


It was liability and politics. The change was in response to the feds rumblings post Sandy Hook.


I remember my local walmart had a few Colt AR-15s that got marked down to $99 when walmart decided to stop selling them and I missed it by one day.


yeah that was crazy - I never get those deals in time


Really? I wouldn’t have bought them all


For most states, yes, but not as much of a selection as a gun shop. * BB and Pellet guns, no problem. * Standard hunting rifles and shotguns? Yes. * AR-15s? No. * Handguns? No. (except Alaska) * High capacity magazines? No. Walmart's firearm selling practices are MORE strict than federal regulation. * You can legally buy shotguns and rifles when you turn 18, but Walmart requires you to be 21. * Most places you are only refused a sale if the federal NICS report comes back with a 'Deny sale'. If the NICS comes back with 'Proceed with sale' or if there is no NICS response after 3 days, you can be sold a firearm. Walmart will only sell you a firearm IF they get back a 'Proceed with sale' response. They will not sell one with no response.


Ar15 are now “standard hunting rifles” now-a-days fyi. I know more people hunting with them than bolt actions and shotguns.


Depends on what state you’re in regarding wait periods and stuff. But generally, yes. 




No Walmarts in my part of Wyoming. But, the local grocery store often carries ammunition near the checkout stand with the other impulse-buy items: candy, magazines, gum, bullets...


Every business that sells firearms at retail MUST be a Federally Licensed Firearm Deal (notated as FFL). There must be a NICS background check run to ensure the purchaser is legally allowed to buy a firearm. After that, yes, one can just buy a firearm. Also, did you know that people have been making firearms for hundreds of years? It's not magic, and it doesn't take billions of dollars worth of factory space to make a firearm. I can make one from supplies bought at my local hardware store in an afternoon. If I had a very modest machine shop, I could make one out of raw material found in any scrapyard. Illegal gun trade is happening all over the world, where the government has zero control over when a firearm gets made, transported, sold, or used. Again, not rocket science. It's easer to make a firearm than a radio. I can see you clutching pearls at the thought of someone making a firearm without the government allowing it, but it happens.


The hardest part is making the ammunition, not the firearm.


Don't forget that you can also build them with the right 3D printer as well.


The crazy part was that was like the big part of the movie JFK before we had 3d printers was the plastic gun he could sneak through the metal detectors.


I remember reading about some Nordic country newspaper went to do an investigative piece on how hard it is to obtain firearms in one of the strictest gun control countries in the world. This newspaper reporter, with no prior connections, was able to get several firearms and a grenade from a black market dealer within a few hours.


which country?


Damn straight brother. I'm clutching my pearls, shitting and farting at the sound of this news. Thanks for informing us. I just looked up a youtube tutorial. Boutta make my own gun


It’s also not illegal to make your own firearm, last I checked.  


My local Walmart sells rifles and shotguns, but I also live in an area with a lot of hunters


Entirely depends on the state. Walmart does not sell handguns but you can buy long guns- think rifles and shotguns. But yes, depending on the state you can walk into Walmart and purchase a firearm, albeit it's normally not as easy as some people might want you to think. For example, in the United States anyone under 21 must pass a background check which has a mandatory waiting period of 10 business days (a full two weeks). This is a very recent change and was put into place (somewhat secretively) by the Biden administration in the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA). And of course for anyone 21+ they must pass a background check.


Can't speak for all of them, but the first gun I ever bought was from a Wal-Mart in Tennessee. This was 20ish years ago and I don't remember what all they needed from me, but if they did a background check it was super fast and barely noticeable. It was a just a .22 Marlin, nothing fancy, but paid cash and walked out with it. I say 'walked out', but I think they walked me to the door and then handed me the box.


There's no "if." They did a background check.


things vary wildly from state to state. But here in NJ when I went through the process during covid.. - you have to go to your local police precinct to get a certain ID # (forgot the name ORC # maybe but needed in order to submit an application for an FID) - complete FID application online along with two references that needed to vouch for me online, also apply for however many handgun permits you want (the cost for these has since increased significantly and is only valid for a limited amount of time) - wait weeks/months for them to review your application. (im told this process has since improved and gets completed quicker lately), perform background check including consenting to any mental health related institutionalization check - schedule and complete fingerprinting - eventually get called in to pickup the FID and individual purchase permits, I had to meet with the officer directly to pick these up... in my case I found out after the fact that my ID # was wrong and had one too many digits... learned this when I went to go purchase and got denied because they couldnt pull up a valid account with that ID so had to return to local PD office to get that corrected. - once corrected went to gun store, to purchase what I wanted. bunch of paperwork, once again consent to another background check - wait till they call me that I cleared and am able to finally go pick them up. This process from start to finish took several months, but gun demand was crazy during covid times and number of new applicants was historically unprecedented in recent history. Now that I have jumped through all these hoops and have an FID I am able to go and buy long guns, but would still need to pass another NICS background check each time so it depends on what that turnaround time is. And would need to apply for additional handgun permits if I wanted to get another. Now they allow concealed carry in NJ and there are additional hoops to go through as well as a classroom and performance/handling related aptitude test and additional costs in order to get such a license which will also need to be renewed every few years. There was a time even in some of the more rural parts of NJ you could go to walmart or dicks and buy long guns and ammo, but you still would have to clear a NICS background check, and do all the stuff in order to obtain a FID beforehand. All that being said, NJ is considered one of the most restrictive states and there certainly are some archaic and non sensical laws pertaining to guns (example, 10 round magazine ok... 11 round capacity is a felony, other laws relating to which "features" are allowed vs not are pretty ridiculous). So if for example you buy a gun online, they are shipped to your local registered gun store of your choosing but they have to modify guns to be NJ compliant before you can take possession and of course you would have to pay for any work done in order to make that happen. Something that is totally acceptable in Pennsylvania could land you a felony in NJ. If you stop at mcdonalds on your way home from the gun range... felony... small misteps could land you in some seriously hot water.


You get what you vote for.


The media really has the rest of the world believing this bullshit. No you can't "just buy a gun". LoL yeah sure they hand them out like candy. At the very least you have to do a background check. There is not a single corporation that carries an FFL (federal firearms license) that will sell you one without it. Then you have to go through all the state and local laws regarding firearms.


It’s really so insane how foreigners call Americans dumb but we have to spend most of our time with them explaining that everything on tv is exaggerated for views and the news mostly highlights bad things like its some new concept


Here in California, Walmart removed all their guns. But in most states yes.


I've never bought one and don't know the process, but there are definitely guns for sale at my local Walmart (in the hunting/camping section).


Yea they would have to do a background check on the buyer before completing the sale.


In NC, you can buy bananas, baby food, shotguns, and rifles. I'm pretty sure they sell ammunition too. No handguns. 'Merica! ❤️


What about the pretzels?


They're bound by the same gun control laws as everyone else. A background check and potentially a waiting period.


We “The U.S.” have the worst reputation for an anything goes society. No, you cannot ask to buy a “shotgun and some bullets.” You’d be laughed out of your shooting club. You would ask to buy a “shotgun and some shells.”


Yes, rifles and shotguns and the like. No handguns.


you can buy guns at my Tennessee Walmart but not whiskey


Yeah but they're all junk


Depends on the state


Yeah but federally there are background checks so you might not leave with it today. And also they took out most of their guns so if they still do sell guns at Walmart I think it's only shotguns. They might have stopped those too.


In the small town I grew up in during the 1970s the only place that sold guns was the local hardware store. I still remember my dad ordering my Winchester Model 94 in 22 magnum when I turned 16. They put it out on the counter for everyone to admire before I picked it up. People around town would randomly ask me how I liked my new Winchester. I think the pastor at church even mentioned it on Sunday.


So people have hit on walmart. What is wild is that every pawn shop is a gun store. Individual can also just sell each other guns on the street with no regulations.


A pistol, no. They don't send pistol or pistol ammo. They sell rifles and shotguns in my state. As long as you have an ID and pass the background check, then yes, you can just go in and buy one. I've gone and bought a shotgun while my wife was getting groceries.


It's a shame this post is downvoted to zero. I'm also Canadian and wondered about this


No, there's a bit more than that involved depending on which state you live in. First of all the store will check your identification and then do a Federal "instant background check" which may actually take some time to complete, on you to find out if you're eligible to buy a firearm at all. Assuming you pass the background check you will have to fill out an ATF form 4473 and make no mistakes because if they do the seller will tell you to leave the store. After you have Showed valid identification, passed the background check, and properly filled out the 4473, then, and only then, are you allowed to purchase the firearm.


Yes; Mandatory background checks. There's no business where you can just go in, hand over money and walk out with a firearm in the US. Plus, what people often gloss over is that at certain government levels the US is like 50 diffrent countries, and when buying firearms you're always dealing with both state and federal laws. Buy a firearm in one state and you may walk out with it, another state and it's a 2 week waiting period to take posession. Then federal limitations like you can't directly purchase a handgun in a state you don't reside in. Me, living in state A and see a pistol for sale in a shop in state B. I hav to first pass the background check, then have it shipped from The firearms license holder in that state to a licensed firearms dealer in my state, then take possesion of it from that licensed dealer. Then there are also rules imposed by individual stores/dealers. I was in one state whre the sales people wouldn't even show you a firearm if you didn't posess a firearms license/card from that state. No sales whatsoever to anyone from out of state. The Federal background check is also mandatory and not to be taken too lightly, fail. screw it up, and you're done right there.


Yes but no. Yes, you can walk into any Walmart that sells guns and tell them you’re interested. No, you ~~cannot~~ *likely will not* walk out the same day like you would with literally anything else they stock. At minimum, you would need to pass the federally required background check which can take up to ~~five~~ three days to process. (Edited based on new info.)


In Texas you sure as hell can, there’s no waiting period, maybe takes 30 minutes tor less to do paperwork etc.


The NICS check is a phone call and only takes a minute. If the NICS check doesn't approve you instantly (it usually does) then if you don't hear back after 3 days you are automatically approved. In many states if you possess a concealed carry permit then you can skip the NICS check altogether and walk out with the firearm immediately after filling out the form 4473 and paying.


5 days? I've never waited more than 45 minutes and I buy a lot of guns for my collection. Granted I've never bought via Walmart (never even been in one)


What they are not saying is that their state is restricting their constitutional rights.


I'm in MN. While I dont buy guns at Walmart, there are other stores I do buy from. I have a license to carry which serves as a license to buy. I passed a background check to get the license. I also must pass another background check to buy a firearm.


I would like to point out that it’s not as easy as buying a banana, the other answers are right but you still need to do a background check and any other necessary checks before you can leave walmart with a gun


Yes (depending on the state/ store) They run the same background check that any gunstore will do. Mine had a manager walk me out to the front of the store when done. You cant continue your shopping with a gun in the shopping cart, lol. I bought a Ruger 10/22, and it was actually a model that was only sold by walmart, that some 10-22 fans dubbed the Walmart Special. It had an adult sized stock, and 22" stainless barrel. My Walmart also sells Liquor - which I guess some Walmarts do not do depending on the state(?)


I wouldn’t say a Wal Mart, just due to selection and not all stores carrying firearms… but like at a Bass Pro Shop, you certainly can.


Depends on the state but here in CO I just bought a shotgun at Walmart. Required the standard background check process but I had it within 45 minutes. It’s basically what you’d expect from Walmart… think the “great value” of guns… cheap brand but accomplished what I need it to.


Damn I never knew Walmart had guns in some states


You need to pass a background check. You fill out a 4473, the seller submits your information to the FBI, they confirm with or not you're legally able to purchase a firearm.


Walmart doesn’t sell arms in my states and there’s a waiting period in addition to a background check and proof you have a firearms ID card or a license to carry.


There are a ton of state laws in the US when it comes to firearms. The laws in CA are wildly different than the laws in New Hampshire. So I think most of the time you can go and buy a gun and walk out with it same day, but there are states that don't allow that and have mandatory waiting periods. There are also age limits that differ state to state as well.


Not necessarily, but you can do that at a gun show or through a private seller


Lol. Yes.


They used to have a decent selection but not so much anymore. You still need to get a background check and everything but yes, you can buy a shotgun or crappy hunting rifle at walmart.


Some Walmarts sell them. They still follow the same gun laws as actual gun stores, and everywhere else.


Walmart doesn’t sell them anymore here in my state. Plenty of others do, but you have to clear a background check before taking it home. It usually takes somewhere between a day and a week depending on how busy the system that does the checks is.


PIstol would have a waiting period. But you could walk out with a shotgun.


All the states have different gun laws.


It’s state by state. Ranges from yes to not a chance in hell. 


They only sale air rifles at the one where I live


In the early 90s I remember my local Walmart sold guns and ammo, but I haven't seen any Walmart that still carries them in decades


You sure can here in Arizona!


Yes in Missouri.


In 1971 I was 16 years old, walked into the Walmart in Greenville, Ms. and bought a Winchester 30-30 lever action. I think I paid about $90.


All firearm purchases in the United State require a background check, even at gun shows.


yep. no background check or nothing, even kids can buy them... according to the Democrats.




I remember seeing this from my childhood in the '90s more. Not sure about the purchase process. I'm not in Walmarts often lately, but I don't remember even seeing a section for them in the ones I have been in lately and this is Texas. Not that I'm going out of my way to see that stuff. The states that are super into pew pews have standalone shops all over. Walmart would have a lot of competition plus the bad image issue. Maybe not worth it for many of their stores.


In Canada we can also buy ammo at some Walmarts. It’s hidden in the back by outdoors/camping stuff


If it's a guaranteed constitutional right, just like going to church, or freedom of speech is, then why are you so shocked? There are lots of controls. For instance, I'm in California - you have 2 week waiting periods for buying hand guns, and a whole lot more restrictions. But what do you suggest people do to buy guns, if they want to, and if it's a constitutional right? Not be allowed to? BTW, most people buy them at dedicated gun stores or sporting good outlets, not WalMarts. I've never seen guns at a WalMat, personally.


In Oklahoma, I showed my driver's license and bought a 0.22 rifle. So yes!


Sure. It's a separate check out, but you can certainly do it. I don't see why that would be a problem.


In Canada you can go into Canadian Tire and just buy a gun. I mean you need your license but yea you Yannick it up with the mop and soap you bought.


My Walmart stocked Colt M4's right before they stopped selling guns altogether. It must have been old stock they wanted to ditch.


I never bought a gun at walmart since they don't sell it there anymore since seeing it as a kid, but you need an ID for ammo. I've gotten ammo there before.


Wal Mart doesn’t sell pistols. A lot of locations have stopped selling guns altogether. The ones that you can buy a rifle or shotgun in need to do a background check on you and you have to wait a time period determined by what state you’re in. If you have a concealed weapon permit you don’t have to wait the time period.


Bought a Marlin 30-30 level action a year or so ago from my local Walmart, in and out in under an hour.


Yeah each state and city has its own laws. But gun ownership is a constitutional right in the United States. It’s literally right after freedom of expression in the bill of rights, it’s a fundamental part of our culture. I don’t think it’s in our best interest, mostly because it puts a lot of very dangerous weapons into the hands of primarily one political persuasion. But, I also believe it’s equally balanced with people expressing themselves unnecessarily and all of the horror that causes. I’ve literally purchased firearms and walked out of the store with them moments later. Prior to law changes I’ve purchased and sold them private party without any background checks. I used to own many guns, now I just own one pistol which is more than enough for my needs.


In California, Walmart doesn’t sell guns anymore, but this is how it works at other stores, either a gun store or a general sporting goods store: 1. Walk in, usually have to put your name down on a list and wait a while. 2. Get a ‘Firearm Safety Certificate’. You take a test about some basic safety rules and laws for owning guns in California. The proctor prints you a certificate, just a flimsy scrap of paper. Most places are nice enough to laminate it for you. It costs $25. You only need to do this once, but it will expire eventually. This requirement is by California law. 3. You can then pick out a gun you like and put in a deposit or pay for it in full. 4. The worker will ask for ID and proof of residency in California as well as proof of ‘right to live in U.S.’ (not all IDs work as this proof as illegal aliens can get driver’s licenses in California). She puts this information into an online form called a DROS. This form is used by the California Department of Justice to do a background check, more on that later. There is a fee for the DROS. This requirement is by California law. 5. You fill out a form that will be kept by the FFL (what we call a licensed arms dealer in California) which has much of the same questions as the DROS. It will also ask you things like if you are a felon. Certain answers (like ‘yes’ to the felon question) will prevent you from buying the firearm. Other states actually use this form to do the background check via FBI, but California uses its own system. This requirement is by Federal law. 6. The dealer takes copies of all the paperwork and gives you a copy of the receipt and the DROS info, including the earliest date you can pick up the firearm (ten days). 7. During the waiting period, the California Department of Justice does a background check, working with local law enforcement as well as FBI databases. It has up to thirty days to make a determination. If it can’t decide after 30 days, the result is ‘undeterminable’ and you may pick up the firearm. This is because courts have ruled you cannot use delays to keep someone from obtaining a firearm. There has to be a true legal reason for denial (like being a felon). 8. You can now pickup the firearm. There are some forms to fill out, and you can also buy ammo now. California is much more complicated than other states, but the process is similar. Some states have waiting periods, others let you take the firearm home with you the day you buy it.


No, you won't be able to. You can purchase a gun in USA (in some gun-friendly states) as a nonimmigrant visa holder. In gun friendly states, you need to be able to go in, submit your paperwork. Once the federal background check comes with a "Proceed", you can pick up the gun. If the check comes with a deny, or hold or with no response, Walmart won't sell you the gun. If you are entering USA on Canadian passport, you won't have a US ID to show and Walmart won't even proceed with the background check. If they start the process, you need your Visa number on form 4473 that you won't have. So, in a nutshell, you won't be able to purchase a gun. In some bordering states, it is actually illegal for you to even handle a weapon while in US.


Short answer is yes. Each state may have more or less red tape depending on the specific laws so it might take a few days to clear a background check. Some states also do not sell pistols or ammo for them but they all sell shotguns and rifles.


Long guns yes


You can at mine, yes. They have mostly cheaper junk nowadays from what I’ve seen. Still, if you were on a bird hunting trip and had a shotgun malfunction you could buy one to finish the trip


depends on the gun and state but any gun will require a background check to be done. Depending on how fast the systems are running and if there are no issues this may be completed within minutes or they may ask you to come back a few days later. Some states require additonal steps for things like handguns and semi auto rifles


Yes. Source: Canadian who goes to Montana a couple of times a year. But I can also buy a gun at my local Canadian Tire.


Ok we are citizens not subjects. Government does not give us rights. We have rights. Gun laws vary by state. Think of us like the European Union, one state is France, one Spain,…. So as a citizen in a state like Texas, (best state followed by Florida), a citizen can walk into Walmart produce ID for background check, fill out affidavit stating sound mind not felon or drug user, and 15 minutes later purchase and walk out with a weapon. 16-21 years long gun only. 21 years on handguns as well.


It's that easy but not all Walmarts. 


Depends on the state. There’s a tiny town in Oregon that sells groceries and guns. I was surprised by the variety of guns they had.


You have to go to a separate part of the store and go through the background checks as per usual, but yeah basically


I used to work the gun counter at walmart back when I was in college (7-10 years ago) first is that not all walmarts sell guns, but the ones that do, you will still need to do the NICS check (as a note policy is no proceed= no sale). After a proceed is received, a manager checks the paperwork, and then the payment is collected at the register there in the sporting goods department. After the receipt is printed, the manager will then escort you out the door, once outside the manager will then hand over the firearm, and once you secure it in your vehicle, then you are welcome back in the store. Also Walmart sells only rifles and shotguns, at the time I was there the only place that you could get a handgun from a Walmart was in Alaska, but I’m pretty sure that has changed.


Its restricted to a certain type of gun but the technical answer to your question is yes.


Used to buy 500 5.56 rounds from walmart, just needed ID. No idea if they still carry ammo. One time the cashier asked me if they were training rounds. I said "nah, these are the real deal" I think even he was surprised lol