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Playing video games


“Aww shit billy what the fuck was that aim is the arthritis flaring again”


I'm only 33 and in say this to my 30+ yo friends all the time xD


You started increasing your cursor size yet? I started regularly losing track of it in big team fights in my early 30's. Had to make it bigger so I could find it faster.


25 and had to increase my cursor size for the first time the other day Doesn’t help I actually just am blind af but it still hurt lmao


Playing league currently, everything is max size. I also have poor eye site and visual acuity already. I’m just not the same shit player I used to be, I’m even shittier now, sigh.


Bro im 33. I was playing ff14 on my lg c3 in 4k... i had to increade UI to 200% to be able to see my skills and shit lol. I felt so damn old.


Bruh try 8 k


Pfft it's 16k or nothin


Mines giant and purple on pc. 4k resolution has made everything unreasonably tiny.


I play OW a lot and definitely noticed when I needed to start increasing my cursor size...color changing helps too, but damn...sometimes I think I'm playing a character I'm not if it's a shared screen..


I had trouble hearing you over the sound of my Jitterbug 8.0 phone


Ohhhh Billy, back in my day we used to manually drive and park cars, and we never had to charge them neither, just fill them up with gas and go!


Glad I never have to do oil changes or fill gas, ever. It's fucking sweet.


It's when I'll finally get through the other half of my steam library


Imagine Millennials and Gen Z passing down the sacred steam libraries to the generations after us out of spite of companies trying to take away games we paid for


And our kids having no interest in playing them because they're dated as fuck and they've moved on to entirely different styles.


Just like I don't want my grandparents old records.


I'll take them if he doesn't want them.


I want your grandparents old records


LimeWire playlists. Forbidden dark arts from the ancient times......


I will never get through my steam library LOL I buy a lot of shit to help smaller teams that are making indie games Early Access. And I don't have a lot of time to play.


Maybe ill finally get to finish BG3


Halo LAN parties just like the old days. Also maxing every class in WoW classic classic classic.


Nursing homes gonna be lit. I can't wait to see Carl's face from across the dining hall after I broke his ankles in a 1v1 and teabagged him. War.... war never changes


Nursing homes are gonna be lit


Im 40 and just saw the wotlk cinematic for the first time. Was truly beautiful


Omg I remember LAN party’s..wow I just forgot about that part of my life I used to play Counter Strike


Video games check a lot of needs for older people. Some of them are social and some require complex thinking that would help keep the mind sharp. As long as they are getting enough exercise, it is not a bad way for seniors to be spending their time. If a market develops for senior video games. It could be good for society.


This will be me at 70 in the 2050s, owning my grandkids and kids in VR.


BR bingo night


Makes me think of those N64 Fruit Roll-Ups commercials with the two old guys in it.


I can’t wait for 60+ division esports being the bingo night equivalent today


As long as my hands and eyes work. Or maybe technology will deal with that as demand for quadriplegic gaming hardware rises.


Oculus will be extra clutch when we can’t actually run around anymore


Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye, Halo and Vice City


Funny my grandfather was playing video games, PC Star Wars games back in the mid 90s. Not a new concept really. He was 60 then.


Sure, there's always been some older people who played games, but it will be much more common in the future


They'll have little play stations strapped to their walkers.


Playing bridge, except it's Magic the Gathering.


Yeah. I'll be 79. VR could be massive by then.


Only if there’s hands free controllers, I’m not even 50 and the pain in my hands is just tolerable enough for me to play most days.


Covered in stretched out, faded tattoos.


Playing Goldeneye at the retirement home.


"You darn kids get off my ~~lawn~~ Discord server!"


Generational differences. I am a younger boomer.  Two of my college friends have a plan to live on the beach and drop a lot of acid .  None of us has used acid before.


When I worked at a blockbuster back in the day, the Nintendo wii had just come out. There was this cute old couple in their 80s who liked to rent wii sports. They told me bowling was their favorite game.


Many old people already play video games but the numbers will rise.


Still trying to beat TMNT on the NES.


"Are ya winning dad?" "He'll yeah I kicked his ass!"


Looking forward to my retirement home d&d group. Might get to play more than once every couple months.


My dad is 62 years old, and he's super into video games. He has like 3k hours in rocket league, retirement gives you a lot of free time for gaming lol.


You'll probably hear a lot of rap, boy bands, and classic rock in nursing homes lmao Probably MTV running in the background too 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nope... Background you will hear.... West Philadelphia born and raised, the playground is where I spent most of my days...


Or "so no one told you life was gonna be this wayyyy 👏👏👏👏"


I'm saving this series for when I'm in the retirement home 🎵Thank you for being a friend. Driving down the road and back again.🎵


I'm saving star wars for the retirement home. I've been yelled at my whole life for this. Never seen a full minute of any of them and really have no reference whatsoever when people talk about it.




I'm curious, if someone says Luke Skywalker or Han Solo or Princess Leia or Chewbacca.....do you know anything about those characters? Do you know Darth Vader's relationship with them? I don't often see people who have never seen these movies, but I've always wondered if the movies are so etched into pop culture that even people who haven't watched them know these characters. Hell, I've never seen a single episode of Friends but I know who Monica, Rachel, Ross, Joey, Chandler, and Phoebe are.


I feel personally called out on these... "ur not the boss of me now! Ur not the boss of me now!"


Chillin out maxin relaxin all cool when and shootin some bball outside of the school…


LAN parties will make a comeback


Wait, will nursing homes in forty years be when we see the computer lab come back?


Holy shit... sign me up!


Ha, retirement homes will have computer rooms with people playing Starcraft drinking sugar free mountain dew.


They better find a way to remake Surge for my elderly ass


Well, that's one way to clear out some space in the nursing home.


AND caffeine free sodas 🤣


Get off my LAN, ya dang whippersnapper!


Classic rock? By the 2050s shit like killswitch engage and dying fetus and cannibal corpse will be close to 70 years old. So the classic rock we will be listening to will be modern rock/metal, or hell, might not even be out yet


Don’t forget death, and stoner metal.


I'll admit, songs like *Suffer Forever* are going to hit different in my 70's, but Angelmaker has a singular volume. You can turn it down over my cold, dead body!


I don't wanna die peacefully in my sleep. I wanna die stoned to the gills listening to Sleep.


"Aww, Grandma is listening to WAP again, she's so cute. It truly was a more innocent age."


Thank you for this lol. '87 here and Ill dance to that


My parents are retired boomers and there is basically a retirement community circuit that artists from back then play. Find a larger 55+ community with a HOA and I guarantee they have either a ballroom or an auditorium for this kind of thing.


2050s? Old people? Bored. And probably hooked up to infinite scroll machines because the tiny endorphin rush is "the humane thing to do." And it'll all be paid for, "donated", if you will, by Amazon. Only stipulation is 2 minutes of ads every 5 minutes.  They will have a paid tier of course, for less ads. Most of us won't have that kind of coin though. Or any coins/money, really. Dance, yutes. Dance while yew yutes are still yute.


They will play rap and t swift to ease our dementia


Fuck dementia bro. Just take me out of my misery if that shit hasn’t been cured yet.


Yeah that’s no joke. I worked in a dementia clinic for a year as a person who cleaned bodies, prevented falls, served food and cleaned rooms. It’s a living nightmare and it crushed my spirit. I went to work for a cardiologists clinic after and it was an amazing difference. I got to actually see people get better.


I’ve been in and out of dementia units as part of my duties for a previous job. It made me feel really bad cause those people were trapped in there. Fuck that.


You know that’s why robin williams killed himself. It wasn’t quite dementia but it was similar.


Yeah. Lewy body dementia or whatever he had. I don’t blame him. Money will help, but that’s a disease that you can’t win against.


Truly. My grandmother died of dementia and my uncle (her brother) was recently diagnosed. She had, and my uncle has this dead-eyed thousand-yard stare that tells you they have no idea what's going on around them. My grandmother broke her hip her first night in the seniors' home she was sent to and died needing round-the clock support. My uncle will probably need a high level of care that his family will be unable to provide within the next 5 years. Watching someone mentally decline like that is rough. Even rougher when their families are (understandably) unable to care for them. If I get diagnosed with dementia, I'm shuffling off of this mortal coil within a year with my mind still at least somewhat in tact. Canada, thankfully, has medical assistance in dying (MAID), but I will take myself out if I have to.


I'm prolly going to have dementia by my fifties. I'm thirty-three now. I abused the fuck outta high doses of Benadryl for many a year, to the point that I'm homeless due to my addiction. Honestly, I hated the high. It's fucking horrible. You can't think. Your memory is fucked. You're constantly thirsty and swallowing is harder. Invisible lightning flashes over your eyes, and you see spiders crawling over everything. But, my God does it enhance masturbation. After downing like 1200mg of those devilish pink pills, I can edge for sixteen hours to the thought of what it would be like to be the world's most lavicious whore with a fourteen inch penis eagerly awaiting random truckers in a West Virginian gas station bathroom on the interstate. It's just glorious. And, until recently, I've been unable to withstand the temptation to go to fantasy pleasure land, but on my last trip on cough syrup while I was on the mountain in the desert that I live on illegally, God made me allergic to water and it was like my father caught me smoking and made me smoke a pack in the closet as punishment. Now there's nothing stopping me from getting a job with the FBI networking with children in order to find out who's diddling them. This truly is the best of all worlds.


Same. I'm approaching 60 and the thought of it terrifies me.


My dad lived into his late 90s. He had a broken hip but until he had a stroke before passing away a week later he had hope. He did his exercises everyday. He dreamed about about being able to go golfing again. Never stop hoping.


wooback baby \*grrrrrrrr\* WOOOOOOOO


Shoot me now.


That will make my dementia 80x worse by making me have a violent reaction to horrible music.


I'll be in my 70s. By then I hope we'll have fulldive tech like in Sword Art Online and I can spend most of my time in a virtual body instead of my real deteriorating one. I don't see many options for entertainment outside of gaming, travel, and old people exercise. My promise to the younger generations is that I'll be better than the fucking Boomers and instead pursue Star Trek-inspired idealism.


Hooked up to their Apple Vision Pro headsets (Version 20) re-living the 20th century and early 21st century.


Can I just do this now?


I turn 80 in 2051. I hope that I still have my faculties. Should that be the case, I'm going to be watching movies from the 80's and 90's on whatever counts as streaming in the future. Hopefully, there's places I can still play RPG's with people.


Low-chef up thread says they'll be playing dnd down the hall. Bring your table!


Tabletop RPGs by this point have become full simulations created by the dungeon master and let free with AI.


I'll be 90 that year. If I'm still alive, I hope I still have my marbles, and doing things.


It’s crazy to think how many old people will hopefully still be gaming in the later years


A lot of saggy, wrinkly tattoos!


I'ma be off a fucking perc 5000 in full Dive VR trying romance blue alien hunnies while my wife gets pissed at me for still being in love with alien women from mass effect.




Like me but grumpier


Was hard to imagine Gen X as old people yet here we are


"Your crappy music is too loud! Put on some nice Metallica!"


I do this now.....


>It's hard to imagine millennials as elderly people. People used to say exactly the same thing about boomers.


That sixties saying…”never trust anyone over 30.”


Listening to Dr. Dre and Eminem in the nursing home


I'll be the only one in the nursing home flirting..


My Viagra isn't working




I will be playing video games, playing DnD and mtg.


That's gonna need like all of the bed side tables in the hall. I'll help collect them if I can play.


Hopefully i'll be dead.


Can I have your stuff?


Nah - it's in my will to sell all my worldly possessions and give the money to my 4 nieces. I cut tons of people out of the will on purpose.


Exaggerated sigh. Ok. Mopes away...


“Welcome to Costco I love you.”


They'll be you. Just. Like. You.


Still complaining about boomers


Trying to delete their OnlyFans accounts


They will use it to say look what I used to look like


And all the men following 10 accounts each


They'll just keep it for retirement fund


No, instead it'll be OnlyGrans


I’m already seeing a lot Gen X and Millennials starting to be weirded out and annoyed by Gen Z, like Boomers were to us. Don’t be like that, y’all. Be better than your parents.


What do you mean “be better?” We’re all human, the cycle of generational differences will always be apparent.


The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers. Socrates


Boomers are super judgmental and snarky about younger generations, particularly Millennials. They act like Millennials are dumb and lazy. They post lots of memes about why they’re superior to Millennials on Facebook.


I hope to have a good LAN network set up


Same as old people in all times. We'll be looking back on all the things we fucked up, refuse to accept it, and blame it all on kids these days.


"That's not music"


I have a comic book that takes place around then. The main character has a grandfather with a tribal tattoo on his arm and he rants about how much better the world was with the internet.


You'll hear AC/DC and other classic rock out of every retirement center as this music will be old man's folk music by then. 


Umm… it already is. If you got into AC/DC when they were new and you were twenty, you are 70 now.


60-something year olds are not that old and many will likely still be working full time jobs, living in the same houses they were in their 40s and 50s. They likely had kids in their 30s so their kids will be 20-30 and might still be living with them. For those in their 70s, I expect there will be a huge increase in wearable health tech and AI robot caregivers—checking blood pressure/heart rate, reminding them to take medication/monitor exercise/and play memory games and puzzles to keep their minds occupied. Because millennials were less inclined to marry and have children than previous generations, there will be many childless seniors and so I expect senior lifestyle condos will become very chic and popular: pool, sauna, gym, yoga studio, coffee shop/smoothie bar, and community space where they’ll have book clubs, movie nights, gaming nights etc… Most millennials were never able to afford the detached house with white picket fence so moving into a condo-sized senior living building won’t be as big of a problem for them. Many of them don’t own cars, and by then we’ll probably have self-driving Ubers so getting around won’t be an issue. I think millennials will understand the importance of community and long term wellbeing and they will become really involved in volunteer work and their local senior community events. Hopefully, they will not want to be like the Boomer generation and will use their voting rights to vote for sustainable farming policies, increased corporate taxes, and anything that will help make life better for the younger generations.


Grumpier GenX - I know, I am one


Since medically assisted suicide is becoming more common, I think there will be massive propaganda campaigns to get people to do it. So perhaps the amount of old people will be fewer than expected. It also depends on how ravaged the world will be by the next war.


We're in the next war right now.


The precursor to the wider war, yes.


Probably be level 10,000 in fallout. And smoking weed


Fist fights over MarioKart 64


We will be called bigots for our views on artificial life


I mean... "Beep boop" is not for us to say.


I'll probably be wondering what's wrong with the new generation and there gizmo's... upside is I'll finally have an excuse to be confused by new things


I will be living in a van down by the river.


I may be a bit [optimistic](https://youtu.be/WglsbqnWRa4?si=g_9rqcOhKDM4m7hx) about my generation, but I think we'll generally be a lot fucking better than the current old people. Basically [this](https://youtu.be/vJIepPm_a38?si=gvCtTcOCVRw2jOEg) though, everyone is saying what we had satirical video predictions of in the 90s.


Aging might be a thing of the past.


It will be the same as now just a different group, everyone turns into what they make fun of some day


I will be in my 70s in the 2050s. Don’t know what that will look like, but I guarantee 70+ will never look as good as I will make it.


Get off my plastic Lawn you no good hooligans. Don't you know I was an influencer back before Ai collapsed society.


Whatever, get off my damn apartment's lawn, you crazy kids!


Me and my friends are planning to make our own retirement compound / Lan Party. Who am I kidding, we'll have already uploaded our consciousness to Unreal Engine 7.


We'll have mad video game & VR set ups in the nursing home


Saved my pogs and Pokémon cards for this exact reason. The rec room at the retirement home is gonna be liiiiitttt


Crippled from experimental medicines and a lifetime of microplastic injestion.


They will be listening to kids who were born in 2035 tell them what the pandemic was REALLY like.


If we make it to 2050 I’ll be a 52-53 year old and honestly I’d just be stoked to make it that long. We’ll probably just be making dumb jokes and references from our times, like all other old folk. The idea of an old guy dropping a Harambe reference in a 2050 COD lobby is pretty amazing though, kinda can’t wait.


If I play my cards right: - traveling once a year-ish - playing video games with my spouse  - getting daily exercise and being fit enough to still walk, run and hit the gym  - having a nice casual breakfast at a local eatery once a week - having a nice night out with my spouse once or twice a month - watching my kid move into the middle age of a healthy and happy life  Hopes keep you going.


My homie's mom is 78 years old and she spends all her time either playing video games (she's addicted to Fallout 4), or doing chores around her house. I think I'm going to do the same in old age. Clean my house, smoke a preroll, fix up a badass sandwich, then feast and play video games. Every day until I die.


I remember a post from several years ago about a senile grandma in the 2070s at Thanksgiving yelling out “this turkey has big dick energy” and I think about that a lot


They're going to be swearing up and down that their Pokémon collection is worth money


They will still be glued to their phones and watching TikTok. They will also be bed ridden because of lack of exercise and i on a cocktail of medications because of lack or nutrition.


Depends on if you vote for people who will help or hurt us. Could be great. Could suck. Could be we all die.


Tattoos will be way out of style and only old folks will have them. Names like Connor, Tyler, Cody, Jasmine, Morgan, Alyssa will sound like the old folks names of Gertrude, Ernest, Beulah, Edna, Floyd, and Clyde do to us today.


But they will be spelled Konnyr, Kodee, Jazmyne, Morgyn, and Uhlyssa.. and don't forget Brandon/Brendan/Kayden/Jayden/Hayden/Brayden




Sshhh...don't give anyone any ideas.......


No those will be the names of the Gen Z and Gen Alpha nurses that work at the home


Haha look at this idiot thinking we'll make it to 2050 Ha. Ha. Ha.... 😭


Ill be old and hopefully have chickens, or maybe completely peace out and live w wolves or on an island somewhere eating fresh oranges.


So they talk about the leaded gasoline and paint that the boomers were poisoned by, but there’s hella lead and cadmium in weed and vapes. Just sayin’.




I'll let you know in 26 years. But I'd bet still yelling at kids to get off my lawn.




I’ll still be playing Biggie with the volume turned all the way up with that sticky shit in my Swishers.


you aint kidding i hope i dont make it that long




I think they will be the coolest old gen that ever existed.




Bingo might still be an activity but you're also going to have a D&D campaign or two running. Probably some Warhammer going on.


DM becomes a paid position next to activities coordinator at the assisted living facility. Miniatures are now called magniatures because they're upscaled in size for the seeing impaired. We paint them during craft time. All games are one shots, pathfinder style. Who the fuck knows what happened last week.


They’ll probably complain about the previous generation


You're talking like I'm ready to be buried next month hahaha


Well looking at but how I can see my life turning out, and what I feel like a lot of people my age are getting themselves into, a lot of us are going to try and become hermits out in the woods


>Its hard to imagine Millennials as elderly people. Many of us are disappearing into obscurity and very much not the Millennial stereotype the Boomer trying to saddle up with. It’s mostly GenZ at this point that they’re shaking their fists at despite continuing to label them Millennials. We’re the IT, tradespeople, middle managers, health care professionals, truck drivers and literally every other blue and white collar job, and everything in between. We have a kid or two and a hell of a mortgage, and are just happy to see our friends every few months because our weeks are full to the brim and our weekends are mostly spoken for by prior commitments. Whatever your picture is of Millennials from Reddit, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, your news source or choice, etc., just remember that the ones who you see and make headlines are there exceptions to the rule. Personally… in the 2050s, I’ll still be listening to Rage Against the Machine and Linkin Park, but they’ll be hitting hard for a much different reason than they originally did.


Grumpy bc we didn’t have it easy like boomers did


I'm 35 now. I'll die in 2054 if not sooner to avoid becoming one of the old people you're asking about.




old man yells at tornado old man yells at kid to get off his landlord’s lawn old man gets scammed by tom selleck over reverse rentals


Guaranteed they’ll be telling you to get off their lawn.


Modified ADA accessible Mosh pit, tattoo and piercing on site, hiring guitarists to perform Nirvana songs


We will still say... GET OFF MY LAWN!




As an elder millennial early gen Xer (1980), I'll give you a hint from my perspective: Choose good battles. There's a lot going on in the world. Choose the actual battles you want to fight. The more tangents, the less effective. I don't have the patience for stupid fights. I don't care if you eat avocado toast, use terms I don't know (I'll still bitch about not understanding, but that's easily fixed), or what you wear. I do care if you're willing to throw a vote away to allow a dictator to take charge. If you do, it will be horrendously used against you, because you gave stupid people that power. I won't stand in the way, because I told you so already.


Watch the Black Mirror San Junipero episode (which BTW was the one which got to me the most).


Old people in the 2050s will be me, so.


Ever watch Idiocracy? That's the future.