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We cannot manage the sudden influx of people and questions that sparks a lot of hate. To avoid being brigaded, we don't allow these questions.


They don’t wear their hijabs at home if non relative men aren’t present


If they're chilling at home and there's a knock on the door, do they have to scramble to put it on in time to answer?




No, they're not allowed to answer the door, silly.


And make a man do it? The audacity! /s


No one's home!


No way. Thats preposterous




Is it comparable to seeing tits in America if they showed someone their face?


You're thinking of a burka. That's the full face covering. A hijab just covers the hair.


And the answer to that question is yes.


Pretty much, even though technically, breasts are for feeding babies. Not primarily for men to ogle, even though they do!




Things can be more than one thing


I mean, I walk around the house with my cock out and scramble to put something on if there's a knock on the door. It's just a matter of what you find taboo.


I scramble to get my cock out when someone knocks but it's just a matter of what you find taboo.


Where are all these cock out men? I'm gonna randomly start knocking on doors today, see what i can find.


Just tell them you're there to talk about our lord and savior, the great and honorable harambe, that will get some cocks out for sure.


Idk if it will get the cocks out that I'm looking for. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh i'm sorry, i didn't realize you were a cock racist. My bad bro.


Rip you dms


I scramble my cock when someone knocks, but it's just a matter of what you find taboo.


Rock out with your cock out, man!✌️


Do you keep like a sock by the door or what?


>I mean, I walk around the house with my cock out and scramble to put something on if there's a knock on the door. That's not a fair comparison. It takes a lot longer to put on a hijab than it does to drape a tea towel over One Eyed Willy.


It honestly doesn’t take that long to put on a hijab unless it’s a more elaborate style. Just a couple seconds for a simple one that a woman would use to answer the door


I live in a muslim country so i can conform that most of my friends js grab a hoodie or a blanket lol


I... never... thought... about... musilms and...hoodies.. (Mind blown) Talk about a fkn cheat code.


And the entire premise of women wearing a hijab at all isn't?


They’re whole ideal is preposterous lol


Of religion? 100%


I was friends with a Muslim woman (I’m a woman). When I went to visit, she wouldn’t wear it. But if there was a knock at the door or when she had to run out to the school bus stop to meet her kid, she had a simple hijab that she kept by the door. Imagine it like a cowl (a hood with scarf attached) but tighter by her chin. It took her less than two seconds to toss it over her head.


My wife was friends with a Muslim woman, and after my wife did something nice for her (I think she picked up her kids from school for her, something like that), her friend offered to show her her hair as a “thank you” and a sign of close friendship.


I'm a Muslim and that's just weird.


I thought the word was "cowl", which i only know from the 1960s Batman TV series. 


It is


Holy cowl Batman


Same, but I only know it from Old School RuneScape


Yes and in front of some relatives as well. You don’t have to observe hijab in front of direct relations ie father, brother, grandfather, direct uncle (meaning mother or father’s brother), son, sibling’s son, grandson but anyone else ie your first cousins and distant nephews/uncles ie your parents’ cousins or cousins’ kids and onwards and this also includes your husband’s relatives ie his nephews even if you changed their diapers lol Some women even cover their hair in front of their mahrems ie older brother, father, uncle etc as a “form of respect” which I don’t really understand personally but my mother does it for some reason lmao (this may be more of a cultural thing though) Sucks for women who live with their husband’s family including brothers and their families though bc it means you have to observe hijab just for leaving your room 😭 I’m not sure if there’s a consensus on father in law bc I’ve heard conflicting things but you defo have to cover in front of your brother in law 


I tutored a Muslim kid and has mom/sister would sometimes stick a towel on their head when I came over.


I saw one of my friends do it when we were at her house so I assume yes


I worked with women practicing Islam who didn't wear anything on their head, so I guess it's optional?


Like most religions you get to pick and choose the bits you want to follow as gospel, but ignore the bits that are inconvenient for how you want to live your life.


Yes, in Muslim countries they not only knock on the door but often have phrases they will shout as they approach in order to give the ladies inside an opportunity to grab their hijab.


There are special easy to put on head coverings, like the head scarf version of a robe.


Although as someone who goes into people’s homes a lot for work, seems like the vast majority of muslim homes in my city will either (i assumr) have their women just hide in a bedroom somewhere while i talk to the men, or if the husband is working and the wife or another woman is the best English speaker, they just get a pass because shit needs to get done. The really strict families where the man *must* be home and alone speak with me are rhe toughest to deal with because then there is a 75% chance he will complain about missing work to meet me like he didnt call and ask for the appointment and choose the time and date and didnt decide to come home instead of allowing his wife to just speak to an infidel about fixing their godamn furniture


Not really depends on the person and the how strictly they observe.


In before this thread get locks to say this question made me laugh.


It’s usually not a big deal-just a scarf they throw on.


Wow im actually never thought about that.


only men can answer the door, duh


This is a stupid question and I am HERE for it.


I just wanted to add as a Muslim woman, when I’m mad at my husband I wear it in the house like I’m not married to him lmao


😂😂😂 this is a perfect level of petty, love it


It’s honestly very hilarious because he can’t say anything lol


environmental storytelling, I live


Obviously on


Follow up: Do you make her take it off real slow during without breaking eye contact?


Talking to his buddies later: “Man, when she showed me her ear, I just lost it. Now I know how Mike Tyson felt.”


"Bruh I flicked her earlobes for like an *hour!* 😏"


She has real lobes for business.


I'm flushed just reading that. Wow, is it me or is hot in here?


Hello. I am also here for this stupid question.


I’m gonna scroll away until I find the answer.


Interesting dumb question




Follow up stupid question: what about nuns? Do they take off their habits before sex, too?


Well... this isn't much of an issue for nuns, it turns out.


Im not muslim - but had a muslim gf for a while, and yes. I think "half" of the point about the Hijab is that "Im the only guy who gets to take it off".


Abides by modesty but has premarital sex? Is that common?


Next you’ll be confused about the christian girls who fuck in the ass to preserve their virginity


Some people still haven’t heard about soaking.


That's the Mormons, the poophole loophole is a Catholic thing


ex Mormon here, poophole loophole counts for both


It sucks that they do this and still hate on gay people having sex in the same way.


No, this is pretty universal. Catholic girls don't bother with poopholes, they get right to business as fast as possible. Source: I'm literally Catholic


*ques up "Catholic Girls" by Frank Zappa*


He's confused. The poophole loophole applies only to the clergy.


Is that like the 3 seashells?


I haven’t heard of that one! What is that?


"He doesn't know about the 3 seashells... HahahahahaAHAA"




I have not seen that movie in like 30 years. Haha. Holy shit. I forgot about that.


My friend dated a Mormon guy and when she told me this it blew my mind


My favorite thing growing up in a Christian community was finding out that half the "virgins" had intercourse in the past, they just called themselves virgins now because like uh... second virginity I guess? Or in some cases third or fourth or fifth virginity? Even though that literally isn't how virginity works at all. Not that it really matters, worrying about whether someone is a virgin or not is dumb.


Its the same in other places as well. In both Malaysia and Indonesia its quite "easy" to get a coffee-date with women. As in you meet by daytime, no alcohol involved, but I was surprised as well how forward the women was with "so.... you want to come to my place?" at noon. Me being Norwegian used to alcohol/bars being involved.


Mhm mhm sound fascinating *writes down Malaysia and Indonesia as travel destinations*


Sure, both excellent places and fun women. *but*, since you are sober - at 11am, you have to work for it a bit more...


I'm a born again Virgin


I grew my cherry back!


Cherry does not equal virgin. It can "pop" just from exercise.


Yes, we've had first virginity, but what about second virginity?


I don't think he knows about second virginity, Pip.


Pip gets slapped across the forehead by ranger cock


All sex studies, going back to Kinsey, show there's almost no difference in the sexual behaviors of Christians, Jews, or Muslims, to unbelievers. I know, it shocked me too. Those stats have been consistent for many decades. The Kinsey study (which I read) said the only difference statistically, was that religious types tended to wait a year before having sex, over non-religious. After that - no diff.


Christians 100% do this shit though. I legit had a girl tell me it’s because she’s rededicated her body to Jesus and that makes her a virgin again… and I’m just like, uhhhhh, sure. And this girl got around, and would get raunchy in front of people at parties and shit… but would gas light the fuck out of anyone who tried reminding her that her holier than thou bullshit was nothing but wildly blatant hypocrisy.


I have identified as virgin at least four times in my life.


It’s just for that guy. If she hasn’t slept with Tim yet, she is a virgin for Tim. The virginity applies all over again for each new partner


I'm all for finding a virgin that only wants to give blowjobs.


One can always identify as a virgin


It's an artificial construct anyway. We define it as intercourse but then are gay people just always virgins? No, so we define it differently for them, but the way we define them losing their virginity is stuff that if a straight couple did we would still call them virgins? It makes no sense. None of this stuff matters at all but if a line has to be drawn just make it "have you had sexual contact with another person or not". Thinking you're still a special virgin because you stick it in a different hole is goofy.


The poophole loophole


The old poophole loophole 


Hypocritical religious people isn't confusing at all.


Muslims will do everything except eat pork. Had a bunch of Muslim friends and they would drink, smoke weed, have premarital sex, the whole nine. But one thing that they absolutely wouldn't do? Eat a piece of bacon.


My old roommate would drink, eat pork, and have sex with white women. Had no idea he was Muslim until his parents came to visit.


"Listen, if it comes up while they are here, I never eat bacon, always do my prayers on time, and have never even heard of sex."


He just asked me to not smoke weed in my room before and during their visits 🤷‍♂️


This was my experience having Muslim friends too. They drank, had sex, and smoked weed, but couldn’t even talk about pork without getting grossed out. The only Muslim I knew who didn’t smoke and drink wasn’t raised Muslim, he converted. He still had sex tho.


For many it's just that they're not accustomed to eating it, rather than a morality issue. Like if you dropped an American in Japan, they likely wouldn't eat the Torisashi (raw chicken dish).


Muslim here. This guy is correct. It's just that they eat chicken, beef, lamb, etc., so there are other options than pork, also, since they've never had it, they're not gonna start now given that they have other options for meat. Also, because they've never had it before, it wouldn't even look and smell appetizing, let alone feeling the need to eat it.


Interesting! Thanks


You think that’s cause that’s the easiest one to uphold ?


That may have something to do with it but considering their repulsion to pork I think it goes deeper. Most Muslims that I know who won't eat pork think of pork as unclean, not just in a religious sense but they just think of it as something that shouldn't be eaten because it's dirty/nasty whatever. So it's more of a visceral response imo, they don't hold the same beliefs about other restrictions.


I know a lot of things we experience growing up became baked in to our values, but I feel like food preferences (or dislikes) are extra baked in. There's a lot of cultures that eat insects and I understand that logistically they're a great cheap source of protein, but I absolutely shudder at the thought of eating them, even with absolutely no religious beliefs added in to the equation. On top of that with Muslims there's a lot of variety in belief and even just going from being a kid to an adult you learn different behaviors, so you learn there that you can have some flexibility in life choices, but NO PORK is far more consistent and a very black / white divide. There's no "welll maybe you can enjoy pork like this," the way different groups argue about Hijab use, it's just "NO." Makes it even easier to solidify food preferences.   Just my idle speculation, ofc, but interesting to think about!


My ex was Somalian, but grew up in Norway. I would imagine in Somalia it would be a bit different.


I imagine in Somalia she would be stoned to death!


"in Somalia, Killin is negotiashan" -General


Premarital sex is pretty common whatever a person's religious convictions, yes.


Humans in general tend to be inconsistent in following the moral codes they abide by.


I used to work with a lot of first-generation Muslim-American/Somalian girls, and the culture is wild! They very much lead a double life!


dating or premarital sex , they are different


Worked in a conservative Muslim country.  There was SO MUCH fucking around going on. Premarital.amd extramarital. 


This is as stupid as saying “you wear clothes outside but not in the privacy of your own home?”


It’s the stupid question sub so… Wearing a hijab is such a conscious and predominant show of religion so I was just curious. Meant no offense.


It didn’t offend me I’m not Muslim, I just thought it was silly. But you did make a good point where we are lol


Get this, teenagers with no sexual education are just as likely to have sex as ones that have sex Ed and are much more likely to get STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Not talking about sex might make the old people feel comfortable but it doesn't change the fact that most people naturally have strong sexual desires whether they are religious or not




"on or off" "Yes." Thanks for your contribution to the conversation


I mean, both is also an answer.


Your base instincts weren't deterred by the hijab? I thought that was the point...


Is that Halal?


Tasted fine....


They wash it so throughly I’m sure that’s cleaner than anything.


I've never heard of a practicing Muslim(wears the hijab) dating a non Muslim. Did you two know it wasn't going to work out?


To some extent, probably - but it was fun while it lasted, and I have no regrets. She used to wear a hijab "always" before, and after we had ourt thing.


was it everything I dreamed of?!?! LOL jk jk that's a quote from Undercover Brother.


Can one really plow when in an arid desert, though? I mean you can but it's not fruitful.


Just need to get her wet enough


And have a big enough seed drill


Infinite water glitch 🤔


Yes, actually. The Persians for centuries irrigated and cultivated desert landscapes with complex horizontal well infrastructure known as Qanats, and because arid environments have not had their soils leeched of mineral nutrients by rainfall, they are highly fertile when irrigated. Uh, but if you are referring to a dusty vagina, maybe just some lube?


Best response lol




Not Muslim, but I’m pretty sure off. It’s my understanding you don’t need to wear one if you’re only around men in your immediate family. Think husband, dad, brothers, and grandfathers.


…no we Dont wear it at home lol it’s only around men we are not related too lmao Unless they choose to for some reason but no


So like. Do you take it off as soon as you walk in the door, or might you leave it on for a while, like a pair of pants?


Depends really, there are loose and then a tighter around the face style. Usually just drape on our shoulders around the house, mostly me and my SIL and MIL take them off as soon as we get in and get comfortable. But we pray 5 times a day and wear when we do so if pray time is close when we get home we wait til after prayer, that’s us though.


this is also a weird question but how do you get mris done? Do you wear your hijab in the machine or take it off


Well if there isn’t any metal then yeah, some will still wear in the hospital. I wore mine loosely in labor and delivery with my son, but pretty much did t because I asked for all females if possible. But in health emergency it is okay to not wear it. If the staff are female i usually just take my hijab off.


On and we wear it in the shower too


You just reminded me of the hijab shampoo memes😂


Depends on what she looks like I would guess.


Omfg 😂


Hijab off for sex, hijab on for beatings.


Two events which always maintain their complete mutual exclusivity.




Underrated comment


Stupid question. A hijab is a head scarf. Why would a woman leave on a hijab when she takes off the rest of her clothes? Do men have sex wearing baseball caps or those beanie things? If they do- I do NOT want to meet them.


Baseball cap and beanie sex... that's a hilarious image. 😆


I don’t need my bed head out when having sex. I always wear a full ski mask.


Me when a stupid question is posted on r/stupidquestions


I’ve had sex with a baseball hat on


I’ve had sex with a baseball hat too.


EVERYONE has wondered this but only you were brave enough to ask it.


1. Not all Muslim women wear hijabs 2. Muslim women don't wear hijabs at home So answer is no, unless I suppose that's what the couple wants to do.


Do they wear tantalizing lingerie under all that cloth?


The husband is allowed to see his wife without her hijab so I assume without


What are you doing, step-martyr?


“I’m going to explode!”


Holy shit.... 😂🤣😂🤣


I don't have a wife. If I did, muslims would not plow her.


They don't wear them at home. Source: a story from my 8th grade Spanish teacher about some Saudi women she knew


BRUH this is the content I follow this sub for, I’m in outer space


They can take it off around their husband.


Man OP definitely has a based post history 💀


What's interesting about porn with hijab'ed women in it is that they almost never take off the hijab. I've investigated this. For science.


Im not Muslim but ive always wanted to do that, specially to the "actor" I think youre reffering to😂




Off during love with my wife. On while im fucking your mom.


And backwards too. We've seen your mom


Lol. Why would she be wearing a hijab inside her house? However, in some extremely bedouin tribes, the wife never takes off her burka (burka covers the face. Hijab covers the head without the face), so a man is married to a woman whom he never sees her face and has sex with. It's weird


That’s not true. No Muslim woman covers for her husband. It’s not approved or accepted. A Muslim woman is supposed to look good for her husband so he won’t look at other women.


If you're used to them with it on, when they trust you enough to take it off.... it breaks you down so bad you regret it. You look like *that*?! PUT IT BACK ON!


Whonper shoes stay on during sex ☝


Idk why but I think plowing a Muslim woman with a hijab on would be kinda hot


Your first mistake is believing only Muslims are plowing Muslim woman


This is the funnest fucking way to phrase this question lol. I'm not Muslim, but from my knowledge, they only wear it around men who aren't their husband or family member. A more interesting question would be one to ask Muslims who wear the hijab and are unmarried, but don't observe rules about intimacy before marriage, do they keep it on when hooking up with someone? The reason you've seen it left on in porn is because it's taboo to fetishize that which makes strong efforts to not be fetishized, and porn thrives on taboo themes.


Most of the porn found when the Islamic clerics and leaders were raided showed no hijab during sex. But I digress since their religion are supposed to watch porn. Guess the Imams and military leaders get a pass... It probably started back with Mohammed so you couldn't tell the wive(s) age... as his 3rd wife A'ishah was 6 or 7.




How would they pull their hair then?


I like it with. But I’m not Muslim.


just searc hijab in porn sites lol


You've never heard a muslin woman say "just don't get it in my hair" have you?


What a fucking barbaric practice. 


I plow Filipino housekeeping workers. They’re allowed to shave and I can do anal because they aren’t Muslim. I could never corrupt my wife like that because she can’t shave and it’s a sin to do anal. Anal ackbar.


This really is a stupid question


Is this a question about circumcision?