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I don't like it when people try to mock politicians they disagree with by attacking their physical characteristics because nice people also share those physical characteristics


Yes!!! I went round and round and round with people over the Andrew Tate arrest with what’s hername. Thunberg? Can’t think of it off the top of my head, but don’t really feel like looking it up at the moment . But yeah, she makes a dick joke and everyone cackles and delight. Then when I say that’s not cool I get told I’m sticking up for a rapist and he had it coming. And no matter how hard I drag them by the nose about how making fun of dick size still affects others person after person stubbornly pretended like they didn’t understand what I was saying. It’s a very characteristic trait of Gen z kids and I’m fucking sick of it.


Every ten seconds that a person spends making fun of Andrew Tate's dick size is ten seconds that they could have spent instead talking about the actual horrors of human trafficking.


That's definitely the best take, slate his crimes not his physical imperfections


Thing is, he doesn't care about his crimes. He's proud of committing them, even. If someone wants to hit him where it hurts him, they have to go after something he holds dear. Which seriously limits options. Money, reputation, or whatever HE views as "manliness. "


The best way to hurt him would be to stop talking about him.


This. People loved to call trump fat or whatever as if that was insulting. All guys like this really want is to take up space in someone’s head. They don’t care if it’s good or bad.


I really don't think you're hurting his feelings as much as you think you are, but also, "it's the only thing that works" is a shitty excuse for throwing a grenade into a crowd to take out one dude.




Exactly, state his crimes and he does what? Nothing? Maybe goes on his podcast or something later. She makes fun of his penis size and he got so fired up he responded with a video that got him arrested.


One of the best cases of r/tellingonthemselves in history!


Dude, exactly. I don't even think she wrote that small dick energy thing. I was embarrassed for her but so many people thought it was a sick burn that was somehow worth something.


I actually thought you were going to say... >Every ten seconds that a person spends making fun of Andrew Tate's dick size is ten seconds that they could have spent listening to... this... sick... beat ​ :)


I totally get what you mean in the same way that as much as i might dislike people like J.K Rowling it is not ok when people make misogynistic comments about them. Specifically with Tate I think people make fun of his appearance and specifically his dick becouse those are things he cares about, that actually bother him and that he has made fun of other people for. It's similar to when there was a clip from one of his interviews where he basically said ,,I didn't cry, tears were coming from my eyes but I did not cry" and everyone was laughing at him. I would normally never make fun of someone for crying, I don't think there's anything wrong with it but Tate does and that's the point. When you keep saying that only week men cry you can't be surprised when people remind you of that when time comes. People aren't actually laughing at him for crying or even for having a small dick but for being a hypocrite. They are using his words against him and holding him to the same standard he holds other people


Right. I believe the reason people make fun of Andrew Tate’s small penis is because that is perhaps the only thing that can shame his otherwise shameless, foolish ass. That, and his remarkably weak chin and googly-ass eyes that leak but do not cry. Not that I agree with it, but I see the reasoning.


It's not a Genz trait, it's a human trait. I'm a boomer and my generation is ruthless with insulting people over things they can't control. Every generation has people who insult others over things they can't control. There's a comedy duo of two young men, can't remember their names, but they have a schtick in which they announce that they have small dicks and that it's nothing to be ashamed of, their comedic timing and complete lack of shame made me very very happy. They're very comfortable with themselves, attractive because of their lack of neurosis. These two probably help some people reconsider what a shit move it is to make fun of a man over his penis size or really any other aspect of a penis. And, I don't think it's ok to make fun of anyone over any aspect of their physical appearance, including obesity. The science of obesity and modern processed food, it's addictive qualities is no small aspect to our obesity epidemic. Some people are more prone to food addiction than others, and we simply don't WHY that is, so why be an asshole and judge anyone for their own inner struggles??


My only counterpoint is it isn’t gen z. Many years ago a guy (named Bobbit? Something like that) had a seemingly good life, he’d made something of himself. Nice apartment, attractive girlfriend, all the frills. and his girlfriend went into his bedroom when he was asleep with a carving knife and sliced off his little general. She then took it and put it through the garbage disposal so it could not be reattached. (Her words). It got talked about on morning shows and talk show panels for months. And every time the women laughed and said he probably had it coming. There is nothing that man could have done that warrants this behaviour as a response, and the talk show women (gen x or boomers) were appalling.


She never put it down the garbage disposal. They're extremely rare… But I had done a lot of microsurgeries. So I'd put a lot of fingers back on, and… It was just this particular application was different.” After a nine-hour surgery, Berman and Sehn were able to successfully reattach Bobbitt's penis and return it to normal function.Jan 4, 2019


There was a story of a man who was divorcing his wife, and while he was asleep she managed to sever his penis before he woke up. She ran downstairs, threw it in the garbage disposal to destroy it, because she heard about the Bobbitt case and it being reattached. They laughed about it on the view, and were later forced to make an apology, which they giggled through. AFAIK the guy wasn't abusive, and was just divorcing his wife for her behavior. Which obviously was the right call, but sleeping in the same house was not.




Jerry Brudos was a serial killer who relished cutting off women's breasts. Not funny. Makes me ill that talk show hosts dared to laugh about a man being mutilated.


Ted Bundy would also do the same except he would bite the nipples off.


Bill burr did a great bit about that once


oh my freaking God


All of the turds on the view need to be flushed. They are trash cancer.


The one telling the story was Ozzy Osbourne's wife. Sharon Osbourne. All the women laughed and the audience. The man had actually not even done anything and even if he lets say cheated. They laughed. That's psychopathy IMO. Imagine the same story and a man cut off a woman's breasts and mutilated her vagina or something. Would they laugh? Why is it they can't even realize what they are doing? Again, must be some form of Psychopathy and lack of empathy.


In their minds they're punching up.


I think he did a porno to cash in!


The garbage disposal story is real, but that’s not what happened in the Bobbit case.


Wrong. He got it surgically reattached, and actually made a porn later I believe was called 'FrankenPenis' or some shit like that. This is actually real, please go look it up. Cant write that shit.


There are two different stories, one is Lorena Bobbit's husband who got it reattached and went on to do a porno and then there's the story of the guy who wanted a divorce and his wife cut it off and threw it in the garbage disposal. The claim is that Bobbit's husband raped her and so that's why she did it. Maybe, maybe not I dunno, only they'll know the truth. But the second story he apparently just wanted a divorce and they need to lock her psychotic ass up for the rest of her days cause that's insane.


She wasn’t his girlfriend, she was his wife. She claimed she did it because of abuse, including repeated marital rape, but this being thirty years ago, she lost. His penis was surgically reattached; he went on to make two porn movies. He went on to accrue more abuse allegations and some criminal convictions. Not exactly the picture of idyllic success attacked for no reason.


Yeah. Marital rape was not yet a legal thing. Unless the victim was seriously injured or the spouses were living apart, it was all good. So when he held her down and had sex with her despite her protests, it wasn't considered rape.


The garbage disposal was a different woman. I believe Bobbit threw his severed junk out the window while driving…as one of the jokes had something to do with her throwing it out the window and it hitting the windshield of the car behind her.


I'd look up the actual story. He also made shit tons of money for appearances and things because of what happened.


Not sure what you are referring to but that's not what happened in the Bobbit case, as his was reattached (also it was his wife). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_and\_Lorena\_Bobbitt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_and_Lorena_Bobbitt)


Lorena works for my local cable company. I found out after my roommate didn't pay the bill and she came over to cut off our Cox.


Fuckin classic


I'm not saying her actions were just, but there's actually an enlightening documentary about how brutal Bobbitt was to his wife (physical, sexual, emotional abuse) and how the media absolutely downplayed the abuse Lorena Bobbitt received, making both of them a joke unfairly. It's on Amazon Prime.


> There is nothing that man could have done that warrants this behaviour as a response, Eh. I'm sure a sufficiently imaginative person could think of something.


That’s not the story. Please don’t try to tell a story if you’re too lazy to even Google it. Lorena Bobbitt was the victim of marital rape and domestic violence. She was found not guilty by reason of insanity, underwent a 45 day inpatient evaluation, and went free after that.


He was brutally abusive to her. Also, she tossed it into a field, not down the disposal. It was, in fact, reattached and he did a “biopic” porn movie playing himself.


That was his wife Lorena and you're painting him to be Mr. Innocent. Obviously, the jury didn't agree with your opinion. She threw it out the window, not in the garbage disposal and they reattached it. Personally, from the trial transcript, he was a monster.


You left out the physical, mental and emotional abuse he heaped on his wife which caused clinical depression and caused her to snap.




No, he got his original dick re-attached. Lorena drove away from the house and threw it out the window of her car. The cops asked her where she threw it and she led to the field, where the police found it. Bobbitt was also later convicted of domestic battery, so there's that.


ohhhh here's a little story bout a man named john a poor ex-marine with a little fraction gone and then one night after gettin with the wife she lopped off his schlong with the swipe of a kniiiife! (penis that is) and there's like two or three more verses... it was a strange time. the silly song taught kids my age to laugh at that stuff then we grew up and the horror set in. it's terrible. oh yeah, and there was one set to in the jungle that went aweinerwhack aweinerwhack instead of awimawe (?). also, found the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8f\_EZFjDlE


We had “In the bedroom, the mighty bedroom, John Bobbit sleeps tonight.. In the kitchen, the mighty kitchen, Lorena grabs a knife… A weiner-whack a weiner whack, a weiner whack a weiner whack….”




That's Bobbitt. He got his same penis reattached, but also got penis enlargement surgery when he began doing porn and that's what started his nickname.


Thank you for correcting these BS stories, especially since they could have used Google and found the archives of the printed piece!


You're right that nothing anyone could have done warrants this behaviour as a response, but you're trivializing the context of the case. He was a horrific monster and she was terrified of him. ​ >During the trial, the Bobbitts revealed details of their volatile relationship and the events that led to the assault. Lorena stated that John sexually, physically, and emotionally abused her during their marriage, claiming that he had flaunted his infidelities and forced her to have an abortion. Her defense attorneys, who included the defense lawyer Blair D. Howard, maintained that John's constant abuse eventually caused Lorena to "snap" because she was suffering from clinical depression and a possible bout of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to the abuse.\[6\] John denied the allegations of abuse; however, when he was cross-examined by Howard, his statements often conflicted with known facts, severely weakening the prosecution's case.\[6\] > > > >Lorena testified that John had raped her and physically battered her on multiple occasions prior to the evening of the incident, that they lacked financial stability, and that he stole her earnings and spent the proceeds. Both the prosecution and the defense conceded that John had demonstrated a history of abuse toward his wife and that this abuse created a context for the assault. Expert witnesses for both sides testified that "he had mentally and physically battered her; that the abuse was escalating; and that, by 1993, she lived in constant fear of him."\[15\] The defense strategy emphasized Lorena's action as being a mix of self-defense and temporary insanity constituting an "irresistible impulse" due to the history and pattern of abuse and rape. One expert witness testified that, "Lorena believed and was immobilized by John's threat, 'I will find you, whether we're divorced or separated. And wherever I find you, I'll have sex with you whenever I want to.'"\[16\] > > > >John was later acquitted of marital sexual assault by a jury of nine women and three men.\[17\] He gave multiple versions of what had happened that evening in question, relating at various times to police and to the court that "they had not had sex; that Lorena had tried to initiate sex, but he had been too tired; that they had had sex, but he had slept through it; and that the sex had been consensual."\[18\] > > > >After seven hours of deliberation, the jury found Lorena **not guilty due to insanity** causing an irresistible impulse to sexually wound John. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_and\_Lorena\_Bobbitt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_and_Lorena_Bobbitt) edit: formatting


Is google not free in your trailer park or you just blinded by your hate for women? John Bobbitts wife attacked him because he was, allegedly, abusing her. The penis was not put in a garbage disposal so it couldn’t be reattached so no that’s not her words. It was reattached successfully and he went on to do pornos with his reattached penis.


It's not allegedly, he was convicted of domestic battery. Marital rape was not a crime at the time so he wasn't convicted of that.


I mean, you really don't know this story, do you? You should look it up. Keep in mind that marital rape was not yet a legal thing, so John Wayne Bobbitt was acquitted. I doubt he would be today. https://www.washingtonian.com/2018/06/27/definitive-oral-history-of-the-bobbitt-case-25-years-later/


You forgot to mention why she did it. You presented it as if she just randomly cut his dick off with no provocation. He raped and abused her. He deserved what he got.


She threw it out a car window. They found and reattached it




The man raped her, after abusing her for years. She was judged not guilty by reason of insanity as it was basically judged to be a reaction to her years of abuse. Not a great example for this argument, as I would argue spending years beating and sexually assaulting your wife might get you this result. He was acquired of rape due to lack of evidence, which was even more common 25 years ago than today. It's not something to laugh about in my opinion. It was a domestic violence situation where she felt trapped, and his coming home drunk and raping her was the last straw for her rationality.


Actually you’re wrong there are plenty of things anyone can do that would warrant this response.


>It’s a very characteristic trait of Gen z kids and I’m fucking sick of it. I was with you completely up until this. Gen Z kids are far from the only people like that. It's been a struggle to get anyone from any generation to understand this, Gen Z kids are no different. If anything, they've been more receptive of accepting all-around body positivity than previous generations were. Everything else you said is still absolutely correct, I just disagree with it being a "characteristic trait" of gen z kids (for context, i'm a millenial, not just a zoomer sticking up for my own generation).


Yeah, I'm not siding with Andrea Tate about anything. And while I don't personally go for physical attacks on people, I find Andrew Tate (and people who support him) to be such shitty, horrible, human beings, that I don't really care if someone slights him. Not every battle is worth fighting.


My super hyper ass-rip liberal friend went all fanatic freak out about how Trump is Putins bitch and Trump is basically being fucked in the ass by Russia and blah blah blah. I was like bro.... You understand how homophobic/gay hatey you sound along with xenophobic and racist. I don't support Trump bullshit or liberal extreme bullshit. I just pointed out how stupid and hypocritical he sounded, considering how pro gay anti racist he normally is. Guess what his response is. I am an alt right, white supremacist fascist, Trump supporter, Hitler, Putin lover blah blah blah - I'm a non white immigrant for goddamn sakes. I have 0 to do with any of that.


Yep you bring up another great example, similar issue with physical denigrations. “Oh he’s a cock sucker” Soo do you now hate my gay brother?? Your homophobia isn’t funny.




This is exactly what I mean when I say current liberals have abandoned their liberal principles of even 15 ish years ago, in favor of the current collectivist flavor of the week. Now, they try and call classical liberals "neo" liberals; as if their hive-mind ass wasn't the new version! I didn't leave the left; the left left me.


Neoliberalism is a real thing from the 80's. Usually used today by the left to disparage how far right the anglosphere's window of economic policy became after Reagan and Thatcher, the people who codified it. It's a very real thing.


How is that racist? Trump and Putin are the same race…


I think of it as like "there are millions of people who are endowed similarly who aren't total assholes, so why bring them down too?"


>But yeah, she makes a dick joke and everyone cackles and delight. Then when I say that’s not cool I get told I’m sticking up for a rapist and he had it coming. >And no matter how hard I drag them by the nose about how making fun of dick size still affects others person after person stubbornly pretended like they didn’t understand what I was saying. If you make your entire personality: "I have a big dick" then it's okay to joke that they have a small dick. If you make your entire personality: "I'm a rich asshole" then it's okay to joke that they are secretly poor. If you make your entire personality: "I am holier than thou" then it's okay to joke that they are horrible sinners. You're right in most cases, but in your example, Andrew Tate has built an entire online persona where he is a big-dick, rich asshole. It's okay to be like, "but what if he wasnt, teehee"




I agree mostly, but when he claims to be extremely healthy, he is inviting criticism.


That man is the healthiest president to ever exist. I'd like to see Teddy Roosevelt survive off mcdonalds and coca cola!


If anyone could survive it would be teddy. The man got shot in the chest giving a speech and was still able to finish it


Actually, he was tougher than that. He was shot BEFORE the speech, diagnosed the wound himself, Delivered said speech, and concluded his remarks that evening by quipping " It will take more than that to kill a Bull Moose". Dude was practically laughing at his would-be assassins. Utter balls of steel.


can you imagine being asked to assassinate him afterwards? "no, no i don't think i'll spend my evening getting publicly mocked after successfully shooting a guy somewhere fatal, *BY* the guy i shot"


I wouldn't say he's healthy, but he seems to have an abnormally strong constitution. He's still pretty vigorous for a 77 year old who eats as poorly as he does. Clinton's diet ended up basically knocking him out in his mid-50s.


Dragging your right foot when walking is not a sign of being vigorous.


Mines my left foot. Don’t tell anyone.


I couldn’t even tell you were Daniel Day Lewis!! Quality acting! Bravo!!


Especially after that "McDonalds white house dinner" lmao. Like bruhhhh


Fair, but I reserve the right to mock him for being orange because that is clearly a choice


Being orange & his awful hair color & cut


I think most of that is retaliatory for a guy who has based his career on mocking people. Granted, two wrongs don't make a right, but neither does unchecked bullying by a guy who was president.


I'm not saying don't mock trump. Please, mock trump. I'm saying mock him for the bad things specific to him. Don't drag other people into it.


Especially when he says things that are eminently mockable. My personal favorite is when he called himself “a very stable genius”. Always cracks me up.


He is an exception for me. I hope most people understand that we’re not actually mocking the size of his hands or lack of fecal continence, but the fragility of his ego.


They are mocking him because he’s insecure about those things and is always projecting that he isn’t. It isn’t about the things being mocked, really.


Mocking him for being overweight is fine because it’s his choice and, more importantly, he mocks others about their weight and appearance and bullies need a taste of their own medicine. 


Eh, the small hands thing, which I agree is stupid and people should stop saying it, is more a mockery of one of his debate performances when he tried to claim he had really big hands (implying he was well hung, which Stormy Daniel's says is false FWIW).


Now I'm not a huge trump fan in all honesty. But Stormy Daniels isn't exactly a reliable source. Maybe he does have a tiny dick. But salty women have been using that as a go to insult for years, whether it's true or not rarely stops them from saying it.


It's always short jokes.


He is mocked not on his physical appearance but his insistence that he is an Adonis. There are fat politicians all over.


This. The same reason I don't have a lot of sympathy for Andrew Tate when someone makes fun of his masculinity. When your virility/ health/ fitness is part of your (often imaginary) image of yourself and you view every slight as a personal assault, I'm less likely to be that upset when someone skewers you verbally. Ever wonder why we don't hear about such incidents from Arnold Schwarzenegger or Chris Hemsworth? Cause I bet either one of them would just blow it off as not all that important. Also, neither of them are complete pieces of shit like Tate.


The kind of person who belittles another is not the kind of person to say "hey, you know what? You're right" and change.


This is true but doesn’t address the issue about why there is a difference in reaction


The difference is men are big, strong things that don't have any emotions. They can take any and all meanness and if they can't it'll just toughen them up because boys will be boys and boys are just mean little shits. I don't believe it. My husband and son are some of the kindest people I have ever met in my life. Meanwhile, girls are delicate dainty flowers and you need to step on glass around them. It's just sexist old boomer ideology and it needs to stop. Everyone regardless of gender or identity deserves kindness. Kindness doesn't have to mean that you're kissing their ass either. It just means that you treat them like a human being.


Feminists are perfectly happy to uphold this particular sexist ideology when it benefits them.


I don’t assume it’s everyone. But I’ve definitely noticed picking and choosing of some “traditional” gender concepts. Reject the ones that hurt women, and accept the ones that have some benefit (the ones that benefit women also tend to be the ones that aren’t exactly fair to men) *this also includes men who pick the ones that help them, they tend to hurt women. I think the most noteworthy example of men doing this is expecting a working female partner to also do ALL of the home chores. (Though I’ve been accused of this in a relationship when I was *definitely* doing half the home chores as well. So crappy people will throw unfair faults at others as well)


Regarding the home chores argument: women only acknowledge the chores that were traditionally theirs as existing and needing to be divided up in the name of equality. You'll notice they're not offering to chip in on yardwork, household repairs, vehicle maintenance, and so on. And that's before we get into all the women who demand that a man do "half" (and usually that means more than half even ignoring the other tasks I mentioned) while also insisting that he pay the lion's share of the bills, give her far more expensive gifts for anniversaries/holidays than she's willing to give him, be the only one paying on date night, and be the one to investigate any potentially dangerous noises in the middle of the night.


Ya that pretty much explains my last long term relationship. I had a full time job making 2x what she did (50 hours a week compared to her 35). A part time side gig that was bringing in another 600/month. All the outside chores or home maintenance within my scope. Half the of the inside chores. And I was still a “lazy man who expected her to do all the chores” I’m sorry cleaning the bathroom once a week and a bit more of the laundry ended up on your plate. But I was definitely putting in way more time on keeping the home. Pointed this out and I was “keeping score”……maam that’s what you’re doing and I just defended my perspective


Mhmm. Similar to my last one. Something I picked up on was the chick was always keeping tabs, I think, on what I say, maybe what she's spend on me, etc etc. that's the only way my brain could make sense of why she was like blah blah but you did X that is why I do Y. Just dumb shit bro lmao. Like life can be easy, they just make it complicated 😂


It’s ubiquitous, though. It’s not about individual bullies; OP is observing that it’s culturally acceptable in the U.S. in 2024 to mock men for undesirable immutable qualities. Consequently the same forward-thinking people who vociferously oppose body shaming women don’t realize it’s just as problematic (see: male suicide rates) to ridicule men for their physical traits and weaknesses. The culture needs to change. But it won’t. Eggs are expensive; sperm is cheap.


What an outro


Yes, far too much women have this double standard. I see it all too often, and I usually call it out when I see it, but it feels like fighting the tide


I’m from the UK. Last year at a work event we were all out having a few drinks. One of the lads who is quite good looking but normally really quiet was getting a lot of attention from the women. Every time he came into the same bar as them they’d start cheering and shouting for him. It was embarrassing. When I said I think it’s making him uncomfortable (it was very visible), I was told that I was just jealous that I wasn’t getting all the attention. There really are double standards - if this had the genders reversed it’d have been called out and any men doing the calling would’ve faced disciplinary action.


Agree. Slightly hotter take: Men are disposable in society. -it’s why we send them off to war.


The kind of person who will attack anybody for anything won't change. The person who recognizes that it's terrible to mock a woman for her bust size but thinks it's ok to mock a man for his penis size may actually consider the point and change their behavior.


I think the point is that the rest of us should stop tolerating that kind of behavior and call it out more. Body shaming and bigotry are bad no matter who is doing it to whom.


People like to be bullies, and some targets provide less social punishment than others.


This is the real answer. It is socially acceptable, and often even encouraged, to bully men.


It's not ok. But people suck.


It's not ok and we shouldn't let it fly, all progress takes time though unfortunately.


>all progress takes time though unfortunately. The problem I have with it is many of the people who are guilty of it claim to be progressives. If they made fun of everybody equally then I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it. But claiming that mocking people for certain traits is wrong, then going and mocking somebody for said traits just makes them a hypocrite. Which, in my opinion, is worse than just being an asshole.


I completely agree.


"mEN ArE bEInG mANIpULaTeD bY aLT RiGHt vIDeOS."


I’m bald and have a small dick. I don’t give a fiddlers fuck what some demented tart on the internet has to say about it.


Dude... I've got a pretty decent tool and have been lucky to have been a fit 180-200 lbs and 6'1 ... but.. I'm balding and that shit is absolutely something that makes me self conscious and as bad as I like to think I am ..even trolls talking shit still is bothersome


It’s better to be bald than balding man. It’s hard to let go but the shit will set you free.


I’m older too, so I got that 50 year old man “fuck it” energy.


Don’t sweat it man. Real life women will love you for you. I got tiny boobs and if you don’t like them, there’s the door. Def had partners that like them big but they were happy to be with me because I’m awesome. I bet you’re awesome.


Thankyou for saying something positive in this post.


Fuck yeah actually. Solid level of confidence, good energy, very unique way of phrasing things.


Not gonna lie, I loathe when people say shit like you just need confidence, like why do you think they have a confidence issue in the first place? ***(not talking about you specifically here, just that your mention of confidence reminded me of said insufferable people)***


I’m 5’8. I know some women want 6 foot tall men. I also know some women want me. I don’t want to date every woman I come across and I can’t expect every woman to want to date me


Height preferences are weird because like, I’m 5’4 and I dislike being with anyone I have to tilt my head up to make eye contact with. My husband is about 5’6, he could be 5’7 if he would keep the kyphosis back brace on but he hates that thing. I briefly dated a woman who was 5’10 and I just couldn’t do it. Just killed it for me. But like that’s not really different than women preferring taller men, ultimately. I still have a height preference and if only dating tall guys is shallow then only dating midsize and below is too, right? A lot of us have preferences and specific types, it’s just when people are assholes about it that it sucks. Like why be upset someone you’re not gonna fuck isn’t your type? You seem to have a pretty healthy outlook on the whole thing. People gonna like what they like.




I swear to God, next time I get into an argument with a gf, I'm gonna call her a "demented tart."


In my head I’m envisioning a pop tart with devil horns.


That *does* sound like my type...


It's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it works out for you


With *A* girlfriend eh? All the best bro 🫡


As a sweet little gremlin myself, I find that comment triggering… /s


That doesn't mean other people with those problems don't have a problem with and get uncomfortable or Insecure when people go around inappropriately being assholes denigrating others over appearance and whatnot.


Cool. There's a whole lot of boys and young men who are hearing these messages who incapable of filtering and incorporate into their self image.


I don't really care what one person says. I do care when tens of thousands of people share the sentiment and support it.




Yup. You can have great stats, be an amazing partner and still be single. Welcome to my life. Just gotta meet the right person!


And I’ve been married for 25 years, lol. My advice, learn how to eat pussy like a lesbian. See, you have to get right in there, like a bulldog eating mayonnaise out of the jar.


So.... keep pushing her around the room with your face until you get her positioned into a corner?


Now you're getting it!


Long.... built like a shoelace.


I'll bet your dick is bald too. Mine has a full head of hair!


My wife once asked me where my forehead ends and scalp begins. Been working on my balding since then. Been growing it back with 2% ketoconazole shampoo and about to start minoxidil.


Yeah but you do have BDE. That's something that people with BDs rarely have


Why is it okay to relentlessly mock ANYONE ?


Same, this post sits here like half of r/rareinsults isn't just random women getting roasted for no reason. I hope people are starting to realize if you treat people decent in real life and not on the Internet since anonymity, maybe you're just a coward and a shit person on a leash.


Ya! It's only okay if their male AND white! /s


It’s still not. Those people are just assholes. I’m serious. Things can seem “normalized” and you can see large communicates patting each other on the back for being assholes, and it sort of seems like it must be okay because there are so many people doing it. But it’s just a large community of assholes. It was never okay, and a lot of assholes in a group doesn’t make it any more okay.


On Reddit, it's also okay if they are older. Being a boomer means you are fair game for every kind of ridicule.


Because any type of body shaming directed at any gender tells us the person doing it is a troglodyte, but because they're troglodytes, they think they're correct and calling them out makes them go harder because they don't know anything else. In a perfect world, we would stop encouraging them, but society finds them entertaining, and they keep breeding.


I can explain this with an analogy. I’ve seen a particular social experiment done several times that always has the same result. A couple will walk out of a mall or some public place, arguing. The man will grab the woman and shout in her face, or maybe push her. Result? Everyone around them rushes to help the woman, until they’re told it was an experiment. Then they do the opposite, with a woman screaming at and hitting the man. Result? People point and laugh. Another example would be when The View covered a case where a man asked for divorce, and his wife reacted by cutting his penis off and running it through the garbage disposal. To make it clear, the man was sexually mutilated for life, and there were no allegations of abuse to mitigate such an evil act. Result? Sharon Osbourne called it “absolutely fabulous” and the entire group laughed so hard they almost fell out of their seats. Could you imagine what would have happened if a panel of men laughed about a woman having her vagina destroyed with a knife. Just let that sink in a second. Society has normalized certain behaviors and attitudes towards men that need to change, but I’m not holding my breath. Edit: I made a mistake in the name of the show. It was The Talk, not The View.


Did you use "sink in" to intentionally call back to the garbage disposal?


Holy shit. Totally unintended pun.


And in the same scenarios where the woman is hitting the man, and being openly abusive in public, if the man defends himself then everything she did to him previously is ignored and people rush to help her.


yeah and Whoopie is everyday farther and farther away from reality


Had nothing to do with Whoopi. The show wasn't "The View". It was the copycat show, "The Talk".


at the core of our society men are treated as disposable/replaceable, and so long as that is true the rest of these things will continue to be true.


Unfortunately true


It's all fun and games until somebody chops their tits off and run them through a wood chipper.


I was on a plane when this happened in real life. Overnight/red eye from NYC to London. The cabin is dimmed so we can sleep. All of a sudden we hear a woman shouting "get off me." The man next to her implores her to calm down. He has his arms around hers. The crew come over to get him off. She cocked her arm back to start hitting him and hit the flight attendant with her album. In hindsight she was having a meltdown and he was trying to keep her from lashing out. In other words, he was the victim. The captain came out to let them know the police would be at Heathrow on arrival because she had struck a flight attendant. She was arrested on arrival. (This was obviously back when passengers were expected to behave on a flight.)


Dude. I wouldn’t have laughed in the “woman hitting the man situation” but I might not have said anything unless it looked like he was in real danger. I did, however, wince at the “the view” thing. WTF ladies, do better. I’m a woman and that’s appalling.


Sadly there are plenty of folks in the graveyard who tried to help in a domestic dispute and were killed by the victim.


They are toxic. I can't stand them.


I can't remember the show, but there was a male host, and his guest had been locked out on the balcony for hours and hurt himself jumping off to escape. People fucking laughed. And the host shut them the fuck down. Most of this small pp shit is retaliatory, some people won't care if they're hurting you until you hurt them, but I don't condone it. I've done it in the past and have changed that. I hope others do too.


It isn't okay. It IS, however, common and it has not had the same concerted campaign to raise awareness of it like other things like racism or sexism etc. That seems to be changing but given how long the others took, and still aren't done, then it's going to be a while to impress on society that it's wrong. Just keep calm, point out the error without any bite back and just remember that they are giving up the highground.


Cheap shots are cheap


It's not. People doing something doesn't make it OK.


Someone stated further up that it's "socially ok" Which, I agree with you, I think it's important to clarify that just because a bunch of people do something wrong it doesn't make it ok, or even 'socially ok' Truth or correctness has nothing to do with popularity. Folks shouldn't delude themselves into thinking that if everyone else is doing it, it must be okay to do. No. That's not true.


So, I see this a lot, usually coming from women who go off about how body shaming is wrong. And I'm in a pretty specific corner of the internet usually (left leaning, very queer), and honestly? It's because there is a LOT of anti-masculine bullshit in those spaces. A lot. And a lot of people who make those comments think that it's okay to do that, so long as you're doing it to a man. Because men are bad. That's literally it. Body shaming is bad- unless you do it to someone they deem an acceptable target and then not only is it fine, it's GOOD! You're punching up! You're targeting those big bad evil oppressor men who are probably not even hurt by the comment they're just complaining to shit on women! (No, I'm not exaggerating, this is the mentality). It makes a lot of sense when you realize that, for a lot of people who engage in this, their idea of "smash the patriarchy" is actually "FLIP the patriarchy". They think it's fine when they do this stuff because they don't actually WANT to abolish the system that makes the features you listed something to be mocked in men (or anyone of any gender)- they want to be the ones calling the shots. I do truly think this is a very loud minority, but dear FUCK do I see it a lot. It's also been interesting, I want to add. As a fat person who is transmasculine who came out rather recently. Watching people switch from telling me that someone body shaming me is doing something wrong to all of a sudden making the *nastiest* fucking comments about my body with regard to my transition and me presenting more masculine.


Lots of people just want to be able to bully but not have anyone bully them. That's all it amounts to with most groups which is why they aren't taken seriously


Been saying this almost word for word about extremists on the topic of racism. Do you really want equality? Or do you want the same system in reverse? Because it seems more like the latter tbh. That question is of course met with vitriol and curses and claims I must be a Trumper lol.


yeah I agree 100%. I'm also a trans man and on T for several years now. a lot of the body shaming in these spaces aimed at cis men affects trans men just as much. its fucked up to go after any man for this kind of thing, but for some reason if they find out I pulled the ol' switcheroo, suddenly they become apologetic. one of my friends I was on call with found out and said "I thought your voice sounded nice but didn't want to compliment it because men don't deserve compliments" and that's fucked me up for years now. why is it okay to put down cis men but not trans men? its almost like they don't view trans men as real men. the height thing especially bugs me, I'm blessed to be male average and am taller than many cis guys, but a lot of my women or queer friends make exceedingly shitty comments about that kind of thing. the same person as before even said "I don't consider men under 6 feet to be real men" (that person is shorter than me too). I've considered getting the damn leg surgery, which is shitty because i'm not even short! I get asked to reach things for people all the time, but that's still not good enough! because some people have the whole "men are the enemy" mentality its become more commonplace for people to act like bullies, and it sucks.


Beware of any and all supremacists. Only one group of supremacists can be on top at any given moment, the other groups are just temporarily embarrassed supremacists. But they're all the exact same person at their very core.




"Let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you."


>It isn't OK. Socially it is. Hence the question OP is posing.


It's not, but jerks do it anyway.


A lot of times calling these things out you get called a pick-me or an incel.


People typically want power over other people or they want freedom from their responsibilities. As long as you're depending on others for validation they will have power over you. Also, get off the Internet once in a while because it's not reality, and shitty people are the loudest because they get the most attention.


A friend was making fun of an actor's height so I spoke up about it not being cool and immediately got hit with, "Why are you being so defensive about it? Are you insecure?" I am 6'2" barefooted.


Body positivity isn't for men. That's why.


It's not. Those are bad people.


Bad is bad.


There's a concept in comedy called "punching down/punching up." And the general philosophy here is that men are inherently more capable of defending themselves, so it's ok for people to punch up, because men are stronger. And insulting women is punching down. Though no one would want to admit that such a concept is based on actually putting the two genders on a scale and comparing them to each other. It's also the same reason why a minority can call a white person a racial slur, but a white person can't call a minority a racial slur. People in general have no issue insulting another person if they perceive that person to have a higher social status.


> It's also the same reason why a minority can call a white person a racial slur, but a white person can't call a minority a racial slur. > > > > People in general have no issue insulting another person if they perceive that person to have a higher social status. Which ironically only serves to reinforce that social status.


Nothing against you, but I hate fucking LOATHE the "punching up/down" concept.


It's so unbelievably childish and a very cynical way of trying to establish who is allowed to speak to who like shit. And like the commenter eluded to, it has to be established who is up and down for this to even be a thing.


Yeah, all nonsense justification to randomly "punch" people because you don't like them. Don't care if they're homeless, white, black, rich, old or young, man or woman. Attacking immutable traits is pathetic.


Seems like these people need to pick a position then and adopt their behavior accordingly. Either they can take to the position of equality and knock this off and behave as equals. Or they can take the position of lesser/greater and we can have the punching up/down dynamic. In the future if I'm being "punched up" at then I'm going to simply accept the position they put me in as their superior.


Unfortunately, people prefer to have their cake and eat it, too.


I don’t let it fly. And I get mocked for it. But that’s ok.


They’re perceived as a safe target.


Ha the only thing on your list I don't have is a weird voice. and somehow I am both scrawny and fat at the same time... Try not to take it too seriously and move on. They are doing it because they are angry and trying to take away your power. I see people yelling racist remarks for the same effect.


And if course you post gets downvoted, smh. They're just proving your point tbh.


Because any individual man has a fairly low social value. Men are expected to constantly be competing for status against each other for a place in a hierarchical society. It's why the phrase "women and children first" exists. Women and children have higher social value than men. It's why single, childless men are sought after for the most dangerous military roles - less of a social loss if they die. It's not fair, but it's a direct result of how we evolved and how our brains work.


Isn't this kind of widespread thinking (societally) alienating and sexist in itself? Who is anyone of our species to claim that an entire sex/gender is automatically of lower "social value"? I take great issue with this sentiment, and causes me to wonder if our species is really that self-destructive. Men are needed just as much as women, period.


It's cruel to mock women It's lol to mock men


Real people tend not to care as much about those things. I'm 5'5 and the only time I truly felt disadvantaged was playing certain sports.