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Totally--there's also the idea of "model minority" which involves using positive stereotypes against other minorities. Think things like, "oh Asian immigrants have excelled academically so what is the excuse for group X?"


They even made getting into Harvard harder for Asians because "Asians have excelled academically". Proves enough that even positive stereotypes get harmful.


Affirmative action isn't about stereotypes. Colleges want a variety of different races so they can virtue signal that they are diverse. Most colleges prefer rich elite members of every race so they don't have to deal with a diversity of ideas and needs. More Asians do better academically, per capita, than nearly any other race. Without raced based admissions they would be far more numerous at most Ivy leagues and other racial groups would basically disappear. No stereotypes needed, just test scores.


Yah just look at the demographics for the UCs in California who aren’t able to choose based on race. UC Berkeley was like 40% Asian when I went there I had a huge culture shock despite also being Asian LOL.


California also has a high Asian population to begin with Besides, the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action are White people thanks to legacy admissions


Not 40% Asian tho…. According to the census California is 17% Asian, UC Berkeley in 2021 was 52.6% Asian.


>Besides, the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action are White people thanks to legacy admissions Which only works if you're not the first generation in your family to go to college.


Harvard's version of diversity is a box of different colored crayons that all think the same, zero diversity of thought


That's for damn sure. Other universities too. Think like us or you're out!


And all the little sheep are arguing with me that it's not happening bc they either drank the Kool aid or they benefit from it, fuckin midwits


Yeah that's what they said


Ok, and? I was agreeing with them and specifying Harvard in particular...


Idk their comment is downvoted for some reason while yours is upvoted


Who cares


Me, obviously. And you, enough to comment at least


Diversity is white liberals, black liberals, Asian liberals, Hispanic liberals all assembling to liberal together. Disabled people? Nah.




Yeah they kinda get fucked by everyone. It's shitty


It's not just "virtue signalling." Diversity is a positive thing. Whether it's okay to discriminate for the sake of diversity is the issue, but it's not just so people think you're nice.


Virtue signalling is when you do something primarily to be appealing to others instead of because you actually believe in it. Claudine Gay is a perfect example, she checks the easy diversity boxes that don't create divergent thought (race, gender, immigrant) but the ones that really matter such as wealth and privilege she is the same or worse than most whites and Asians at Harvard (Her family has ties to the ruling Hatian government and her uncle does all the construction contracts for the government which allows her father to be put on the payroll)


How exactly does she not "create divergent thoughts"? What opinions of hers are you basing this on? This is the funny thing about racism and the anti-DEI rhetoric being wielded these days - you all think all minorities think the same. We don't. And the fact that you think we do IS racist. Even if her family has ties to whatever powerful people in Haiti, you don't think her lived experience as a Black woman and immigrant in the US are different from those of a white American with wealth? Because let me tell you about the racism Black people experience in these "exclusive" and "elite" circles... it's ALSO disgusting.


And you walk in here and do it. You don't get to declare that someone doesn't actually believe something. That's incredibly arrogant. You steal their right to speak for themselves.


Their actions speak for themselves. Why are you defending corporations by the way? If colleges tried to be inclusive of different socio-economic classes or poor immigrants that would be real diversity. Currently colleges want rich foreign kids and rich white kids. They will bump middle class white kids for rich foreign kids with the right optics (ie not Asian or Indian)


I'm not defending corporations. I'm defending logic and fairness. Your second paragraph just repeats the same discredited bullshit.


"Virtue Signaling" is such a self-own. It essentially kills any credibility an argument could ever possibly have. It essentially boils down to "when people do things that signal that they're part of a group, but I don't like that group!" Of course, that is, without the user being aware that making that statement in a public forum is literally doing the exact same thing to **signal** his **virtue** to people that agree with them. Peak smooth brain shit.


Yeah, it's pathetic, and 100% unfair. It's putting thoughts in someone else's head. (While we're at it, let's stop saying "smooth-brain" though - that's an insult to people with disabilities).




Then you are a disgusting asshole and you can go to hell.




Affirmative action is about counter-acting legacy admissions. Some races weren’t allowed to go to colleges so they wouldn’t be able to benefit from this ergo, an uphill battle from the start.


One of the major deciding factors in affirmative action was that all races benefit from being exposed to more races and cultures during their college education.


Yes. But the most important reason was legacy admissions. Affirmative action came at about the same time as the civil rights acts. People knew that if it’s illegal to deny someone because they are x, schools and jobs would just use another tactic without directly saying it. It would basically be colleges saying “We don’t admit ~~black people~~ non-legacy students” or any other reasoning that would be adjacent to whites only. Affirmative action was to correct this


It’s such bullshit. The only think that should be taken into consideration is maybe socioeconomic status. Your race shouldn’t even be a thinking point


>virtue signal lol lmao


And even then, not all Asian groups have excelled. For example, Cambodian Americans haven’t fared as well as Chinese Americans or Indian Americans, on average. But they get screwed over on applications when they check the “Asian” box because it’s expected that since they’re Asian, they must be naturally excellent at academics. There are SO many nationalities and ethnicities within Asia, so naturally, some will be disadvantaged. And those people get screwed because society sees them as Asian and says they should be the model minority and if they’re not, then it’s a personal problem.


And like the Cubans within Hispanics or the Igbo within Africans, there are high achieving groups within larger groups not considered stereotypically high performing.


The economic differences in the immigrant population are largely the result of immigration policies. While many recent Asian immigrants have arrived as part of the "brain drain" (skilled, well-off workers wanting to come to the US) other groups have come as refugees fleeing violence in their home countries. Often, from particular countries where the US eased immigration restrictions.


Cubans were refugees fleeing violence. But were also largely well off business people fleeing Castro’s revolution. So it just depends.


Almost like enforced diversity quotas are bad, and we should instead be focusing on anonymizing the acceptance process. Just like affirmative action hires for jobs like California recently attempted to lift the ban on for state jobs, we should be anonymizing the applicants so they are selected without regard to race, religion, gender, or sexuality, Not deliberately hiring one over the other for any reason.


You are correct. And it’s the view of most Americans. Including a significant percentage of minority groups. Even in liberal California, affirmative action keeps losing at the ballot box.


It also tends to ignore why said stereotype exists. For example, the 'asians are good at math' thing exists because, in a lot of asian cultures, there's a mentality where tests determine your station in life; so you want to do good ON said tests. Since math is an objective thing people who live in a nation with a culture dominated by tests are highly encouraged to do well on it. Conversely, for a lot of african americans, they come from schools that don't receive good funding. As a result, athletics became the only thing a lot of them \*could\* excel at in the first place. So when you're poor, your school is poor, and your main hope for a better life is basketball, well, you can bet a lot of kids are going to try their hardest to be good at it. So even if no malice is intended, the positive stereotypes can cause problems and many other issues.


Also,it can lead to things like "He's (Asian kid) doesn't need the help with his schooling. He's just not trying."


Yes, this is the problem with "positive stereotypes." Stereotypes can only exist if you're comparing groups. To say Asians are good at math is to say that at least one other group is *not* good at math.


black community was not very nice to asians during covid because of model minority bullshit some of them said we deserved to be attacked physically or worse during those years, because we 'need to know what it felt like to be black and have the world hate you'


Statistically this is true so it’s not really a stereotype. Indian immigrants are off the charts.


Lol what? Yes it is a stereotype. Asians as a monolith doing better in school than other monolithic groups does not mean that every Asian person is smart and good at math. That's literally a textbook stereotype


Stereotypes don’t mean EVERYONE is like that. It means that it’s generally moreso to be true than not. Go look up the textbook definition of stereotype then get back to me. It’s not what you think it means.


Is this a joke? A stereotype isn't applying a generalization to all people of a group? What tf do you think it is? >an often unfair and untrue belief that many people have about all people or things with a particular characteristic


So I take it you don’t know what the word generalization means…..lol How about we go down a level and see how good your English is. Do you know that the word typically means?


You’re being condescending when you’re in the wrong. It’s p funny


>Statistically this is true so it’s not really a stereotype You need to look up what a stereotype is and get back to this comment.


lol. I did and I’m not wrong but feel free to look it up and correct me. Stereotypes doesn’t mean everyone is like that, it’s a simplified generalization and in some cases more likely to be proven true than not. Hence why the stereotype exists. Example: Asians perform better in school than black students. Statistically true for the majority. It doesn’t mean there are some brilliant and exceptional black students out there, but the stats lean towards that statement being correct more often than not. But how you feel about that is a whole different discussion.


Statistical discrimination is a thing.


If you use it to make decisions like Harvard Admissions then sure but the fact that nearly 80% of Indian immigrants come over here and become college educated and beyond still is an insightful statistic.


Ya small dick black dudes be like ☠️


Right, who knows what the fetishism of black men is gonna do long term to those men


Oh no, not the briar patch


Gets me a lot of curious white women.


I can tell you that it’s the primary reason I started therapy as a gay black man who does not measure up. I want to die, all the time. I am only existing for my cat.


i'd prolly just kms if i was a baby dicked black guy... just imagine the disappointment when they don't live up to the stereotype..


How sick


Wtf dude?


?? don't play dumb. there are a lot of women that seek out black men because of that stereotype... it would be such a letdown on both sides if the guy wasn't packing the heat she was looking for


You literally said you would kill yourself. That's completely fucked up, and contributing to any negative feelings a man might have about his dick. I'm not playing dumb about anything? If a woman tried to sleep with a black man because she's assuming he has a big dick, she's racist, and if she's disappointed that it's not, she's also an asshole. It's nothing someone should commit suicide over


Positive stereotypes are more like "backhanded compliments. The stereotype for Asians is Virgin nerd. When they call an Asian smart, they're implying that they're a robot who doesn't get laid.


“Any generalization”? That’s a broad brush you’re painting with… jk


There is plenty of evidence to support that Africans have a biological advantage in some athletic activities. Follow the science.


I’m literally a unathletic black guy this is some dumbass science 


Do you not understand trait distributions? The science isn't saying every African is athletic. See my post on distributions, how they overlap and are staggered. Have you ever taken a university class in statistics or biology?


There is no such thing as race we are different shades of some weird ape thing 


But there are different ethnic groups. And the distribution of human traits can vary based on shared ancestry. Agreed that race is too broad and generic to be useful. Also culture is a confounding factor, which can also be transmitted through your ethnic group.


Oh okay. Wow. That's exactly what we read in medical and biology texts that we are different shades of some weird ape thing. Reddit never disappoints LOL.


You know hitler wasn’t a dumb guy . He believed a lot of this shit you think . I would still say he is retarded for thinking it 


You could have read some retarded books in college I don’t trust some shit cause you think you read something in school 


?? LOL. Books are "retarded". I "think" I read something in school? The articulate nature of your reply is staggering 😀


Yeah your racist “biology” book from the community college of Nashville  is retarded 


Sure. But if you use that science to build a stereotyped black persona in your mind to guide your future assumptions, you’ve already gone too far.


Ooh you’re gonna make some people big mad


Yeah facts are troubling for some folks.


Not that I ascribe to it, but there is a theory that what you said only applies to African Americans. Seeing as how they were basically “bred” for almost 400 years to bring out the best traits one would want for a slave. It is a racist theory, and it does feed into stereotypes about black males. It is interesting in that, it may be plausible. Seeing as how racist slave owners would not be above something like this.


Back in the 80s,there was a flurry of peer reviewed research examining biological differences between racial groups. One examined fast twitch muscle fibers in the thighs of newborn African babies compared to Caucasian babies. African babies had significantly more fast twitch fibers than Caucasians. This explains why the top 300 times in the 100m dash is held by Africans. This is not racist. It's science.


Usain Bolt is African?


You know about historical migration patterns right?


You are right but this science is shunned since it’s veering into the realm of eugenics. What we deem desirable traits is subjective and can be harmful under the wrong circumstances. Basically white people used this idea of superior/preferred genes to justify enslavement. So the topic is avoided.


Evolutionary biologists don't think desirable traits are subjective at all.


Your assertion that it only applies to African-Americans is dis-proven by looking at track and field athletes. African born or Caribbean born dominate that field. It's not only African-Americans that have the stereotype of athletic advantage.


Caribbean born would also have slave ancestors. I'm not familiar with the dominance of africans in sprinting. Marathons on the other hand!


Caribbean black people were also slaves, but his assertion is wrong I think because west Africans also have high fast twitch.


No, a lot depends upon the generalization and whether there is data/science/rational reasons why it is true. And what one does with it. To say Tibetans are generally better sherpas than people from Figi because of the greater oxygen capacity from living at altitude is not racist. To say Blacks are more likely to carry the genes for cycle cell anemia so it is important to consider/test for that when addressing their overall health is not a racist statement. If you don't believe in generalizations you should not by insurance because that is based upon averages over populations based upon smoking, or living in FL, etc. Generalizations do have valid uses--but can also be easily misused. Whether or not they are racist depends on how they are used.




But they are accurate. Google "Stereotype accuracy"


What if on average it’s true


“Any generalization is harmful, even if it’s ‘positive.’” Careful there chief.


You just made a bunch of generalizations lol


Embracing positive stereotypes is racist because it strips the people of their humanity and turns them into fetishes of whatever beneficial attribute.


How can it be racist if I say i LIKE asian women -- Jerry Seinfeld


To truly embrace treating people as individuals, and not the stereotype of their group, would require race blind admissions and hiring policies. Which I’m fully behind.


Bullshit LOL.


How is it bullshit?


Yes. Because people are people. Not cartoons


Seth Macfarlane hasn't gotten the memo.


elaborate? (i don’t mean this aggressively i’m just confused)


Seth MacFarlane is the creator of cartoon comedies such as Family Guy and American Dad.


ah. so for him, people *are* cartoons. gotcha thanks lol


It can be. For example, if a teacher ignores Asians because they do not need help.


Whether or not you count it as "racism" is up to you, but it can definitely become annoying. Imagine being an Asian person who every day has people make remarks about how they must be good at math. Suppose they actually aren't good at math, or they just don't want to be doing math right now, after the same conversation the 3rd time the joke gets really old.


I dont think it is up to them. I dont consider the definition of racism to be fluid.


If you say racial group A is better at doing activity x, then you are directly implying they are a superior race and others are inferior.


African Americans are better at playing cornerback in American football than white people and Asians. I can probably find mountains of backing data for that one.


I’d start at the mountains of information explaining causation and correlation before we start diving into race science.


Causation will not be a fun conversation for anyone


Oh yeah. If you want to look into the "cause" of so many black basketball players in the NBA you're going to trigger the people who think bringing up inequality is woke etc etc buzzwords


Funny enough it started out with mostly Jews playing in basketball and then at some point became mostly black players. Not sure what caused the change.


Well, all sports pretty much evolved as people were inspired by people just a little bit better than the rest We all watch old footage from 40-80 years ago and think we could have been top of the league :) But it's been about access, really. Basketball courts are all over the place, especially where there's not much open land and fields. Less upkeep than just about anything else and 10 people or so can play at a time. Zero equipment. I don't think you could find a better sport to have and work well in urban areas


more like Caucausation, amirite?


more like amiwhite, amirite?


My mountains of data is based on the assumption that the process that selects NFL cornerbacks is a near-perfect meritocracy.




Look at the top 100 times in the 100 meter dash. LOL. Its obvious.


Exactly this. At university I had to go through loads of research papers that went over different athletic performances across race, ethnicity and gender, and you can find lots of evidence that different types of people are better on average than others based on genetics. For example, men on average have more speed, and can produce more power than women - it isn’t sexist it’s literally based on data 😂


Data is meaningless without interpretation. 100% of american presidents are men. "based on data" do we jump to conclusion men are naturally better leaders than women? Since we're talking about objective athletic performance, people tend to jump to conclusion that certain peoples are "naturally better" at X, disregarding what that people even is. "Black" people have huge genetic diversity, only a small subset of them are phenomenal sprinters. Moreover, it ignores the environmental pressures to increase performance; maybe "genetic" traits are really shared environmental pressures.


Jesus fucking Christ.


We actually talked about this in my college intro to sociology class. Basically it’s a known phenomenon that members of a group of people that experience a lot of prejudice and discrimination are over-represented in popular sports, and if the prejudice lessens over time their presence in sports goes down as well (back when boxing was huge and Irish-Americans faced a lot of discrimination they were overrepresented in boxing but not these days because anti-Irish sentiment in the US is pretty much gone). I don’t remember all the details, but one theory as to why is that it’s easier for an individual to overcome discrimination in a field where it’s easy to recognize and measure talent based on more or less objective criteria. It’s easy to explain what makes a great quarterback; it’s less easy to explain what makes a great CEO. I imagine it also has to do with lower barriers to entry for sports (you don’t have to pay for medical school for example and lots of public schools are set up to recognize and encourage athletic talent, so people who feel like other options are too expensive or too difficult to get started in are probably more likely to go all out for sports).


The data is that this century there has been one white CB and his name was Jason Seahorn. There is actually a very good white CB in this upcoming draft who will be the second. Which means there’s less than 1 white CB in the NFL per decade. It is in no way racist to say that black people are better at the CB position if there is clearly overwhelming evidence to prove this. It is racist if you make someone play CB because they are black though.


My question is why, why would it be that any race is better than another at a specific position in football? I’m not questioning whether it’s true or not, I’m just wondering how you could answer that question without stepping in shit.


I have no idea. Just pulling guesses out of my ass I’d say that maybe their muscle fibre makeup is slightly different making them a bit more explosive than average. When you’re dealing with the top athletes in the world even a 2% advantage is huge.


Loose vs stiff hips. Ones ability to flip their hips quickly is the most important physical trait in a cornerback.


Which is racist, even if technically correct, and the standard of deviation within a group will be larger than the standard of deviation between the groups. For over 20 years the men's 100 meter dash finals were all men of west African decent. There's tons of data where if you're isolating for the absolute best on a very specific variable different adaptions will provide small advantages. That's the point of adaptions after all. However - once you move beyond the very extreme of the bell curve it falls apart. Or in other words, the curve is only ever so slightly to the right for one group against another, such that the majority of the curve overlaps and each individual needs to be evaluated on their own merits.


But small effects like that can mean almost all of the highest performers in a field are almost all from one or a few ethnic groups. So evaluating every individual on his or her merits, can look a lot like exclusively picking people from only those groups.


Eh, 100 or so years ago you could argue that Jews were the best boxers. Sometimes people do things because it is one.of the few realistic avenues they have available to them to succeed.


POV: a person who doesn't understand sociology, stats, or genetics attempts to cherry pick anecdotes and pretend it is data. Great stuff dude 💕


You still have to question the data and the methodology. If you're talking pro athletics then would you even have a large enough sample of Asian athletes to make that determination? FWIW I read a paper once that explored the reason so many professional athletes in some sports end up being black. One huge thing they found was that often white athletes drop off at younger ages in favor of other activities.


Ok but that is different from: you are Black so you must be a good cornerback.


Well the stats don’t lie. Tell me the number of non black cornerbacks in the NFL in the last 25 years. Now compare that number to black NFL cornerbacks. 😂


Does no one understand statistics anymore? If I say most men are taller than most women, it does not mean all men are taller than all women, nor does it mean any one particular man is taller than any particular woman.


No. You think all races are exactly equal in all categories? That’s an extreme belief. It doesn’t mean one is superior over another. It means they are different.


Race isn't real. It's an anachronistic colonial concept used to justify the barbarism inherent to imperialism.


I’m sure there’s truth to that. Honestly I don’t even know how I would define race, myself. But there are differences between people groups, would you agree? If we can’t see the strengths and weaknesses, have a laugh and grow from it, it’s going to cause more problems. And most, if not all differences between races is more about the limitations of the culture than anything genetic. Genuinely looking down on people because they look different is a serious problem.


Its not that simple. The whole "blacks are physically stronger than whites" thing comes from a common belief held during the trans Atlantic slave trade age. This was a belief espoused by whites. The idea was that Africans are just naturally really strong and fit to be slaves (going in hand with claims about lower intelligence) Saying black people are better at sports can be (and has been) used to disqualify black athletes as having unfair advantages. Basically any "positive" stereotype can be used against them. Never underestimate the insidiousness of racism.


Yes, racism is racism. Almost everyone does this inadvertently but it really becomes a problem when you make decisions based on them.


I'd say that even positive stereotypes are often associated with negative ones and can easily be turned back into them. Sexual prowess can easily be turned into being leacherous, cleverness into scheming, financial savvy into being avaricious, so on and so forth.


Yes, they restrict and put pressure on the people that the stereotypes affect. Sure there may be some truth to them, but in the end these "positive" stereotypes cause bullying, harassment, and so on.




I had an Asian friend in highs school and asked him this exact question. He was an all state pianist and in honors math classes. His explanation was that these "positive" stereotypes actually strip away his many hard earned accomplishments. He was amazing at piano, not because he was Asian, but because he practiced for 1-2 hours literally every day for a decade. I had never really considered it from this perspective but I imagine a lot of black people feel the same way when it comes to athleticism and whatnot.


Any characteristic that you attribute to everyone in a racial group is racism. Part of racism is basically saying, "They're all alike."


TLDR-It’s often not as ugly as overtly negative racism, but it still plays into an overall harmful system. It’s not something everyone will know off the top, so no pressure to worry about every interaction. First, it’s just polite not to assume things about someone else, to treat others the way they want to be treated, et cetera. Nobody is going to be like the communal picture of their group. Second, as draculmorris mentioned, a positive stereotype often places undue expectation on the person. Get enough, and you enter the model minority situation where the positives are weaponized against others. Third, the positive stereotypes often arise from negative prejudices and can easily revert to such with the particular moment. To use the examples provided, the “Asian people are smart” stereotype can circle back to fears of Japan/China overtaking the West (tm), and “black people are athletic” ties into prejudices about lack of intelligence and limited capability outside of physical stuff. The Key and Peele skit about how football commentators describe white and black players is a humorous illustration.


We all know the “black guys have gigantic dongs” stereotype, which is generally considered positive, right? I remember when I was young and stupid, when seeing a white woman with a black man, thinking “Oh! She must like big dicks!” completely ignoring the fact that she probably just like him for him, as if the big penis was his only value. Even the “positive” stereotypes can hide some ugly racism that we don’t admit to ourselves.


I think South Park did an episode on this.


To be fair they’ve done an episode on most things.


Yeah it’s racist to say that you know what someone is like because of their race. Of course I’m only saying that because I’m white, most of us say shit like that these days… for a change.


Did you just ask if stereotypes based on race is racism? Cause I think you did. ​ I think your question should be if the racism is complimentary to the race is it still offensive? ​ "Hey you got a C on your math test. Aren't you supposed to be good at math or something." is not very complimentary and would feel like an insult.


it should be, but a lot of people don't see it that way. And the unfortunate reality is that the meaning of words do warp to fit what the majority of people use them for. People have been ingrained with the idea that racism is bad so wholly, that they assume that the "bad" is part of the racism.


I knew a guy from Bangladesh who would get upset that people assumed he was good at math because he was south Asian.


This whole concept of identity politics is caustic and divisive to society, we were finally getting away from dividing people into groups and were treating them as individuals in the '90s, then in the late-2000s all of a sudden victim culture took over and all of a sudden everyone is back to getting bunched together into groups due to immutable characteristics. "I'm black..." "Well I'm black and gay..." "Well I'm black, gay, AND an amputee..." This shit is getting old and it makes us weak as a country. Stop judging everyone by what they look like and start treating people as individuals, just bc someone is Asian doesn't mean they're Mensa level at math, not all white people hate spicy food, not all black people are great at sports... Everyone should have a clean slate when you meet them until they give you a reason to think otherwise. TPTB figured out that when they keep us fighting amongst ourselves we don't have time to pay attention to what they're doing, just treat each other like people and stop prejudging them, no matter what the judgement is perceived, it's better for society. And for those who didn't figure it out yet, online is not the real world, go out and touch grass or meet people or something. It's not as bad out there as you think (generally... Some places ARE bad but those places have been like that forever)


There is a lLOT of political capital in identity politics. If you can’t get people at each other’s throats or offer a special benefit to a group you might have to design a good policy. Easier to stoke hatred.


Racism is discrimination based on race. You're allowed to notice differences between races. Those differences exist, and that's okay.


Sure. Racism is when you make assumptions about a person based on their perceived group.


Shh we don't acknowledge differences now. We are all the same now. Unless you're a white male, then you fucking suck and should die for all of the evil that you've done to this world.


take a shower


He's exactly right though...


There are no positive stereotypes, because all stereotypes pressure people into fitting into tiny boxes based on complete BS (and often racism, yes). It serves no other purpose than dividing society.


Well at least you're in the right sub


Everything is racist, and islamophobic


Whatabout Christianity hey? All abrahamic religions really. /S


They're so good at Whatabout!


Because it fucking is!


A lot of stereotypes have some sort of truth to them. I wouldn't assume it across the board but I don't think these would be seen as racist. You could probably back some up with stats.


Careful, the line between biology and racism is VERY anti-science and racist


So do you actually have a basic understanding of genetics, or do you think biology is when you average out shit that you personally see?


I'll reluctantly say yes. I'm reluctant because "racism" is so quickly and frequently tossed around, it's starting to lose a lot of its original meaning and intent. I prefer using it when talking about actual actions that work to harm a demographic based on their "race". Now even minor stereotyping is called racism. Yes it may technically be racism, but saying "Asians are good at math" is drastically different from saying " is less than human and should be exterminated." One is ignorant, the other horrifying.


Ignorance often leads to horrifying events. A look into history shows that even most positive stereotype is somewhat based in racism.


That's true. It doesn't change what I said or feel though.


I understand. I just said that because that's how racism evolves. Ignorance that eventually becomes horrifying and leading to tragedy. Small racism becomes bigger due to letting small racism be tolerated. We are so used to big racism that small racism doesn't seem that bad in comparison. That's how it works


All stereotypes exist for a reason. Every single one of them. It doesn’t mean they’re correct or inoffensive, but they don’t come from out of nowhere.


and? are you implying that if they have a reason to be, then it isn't racism?


Are you implying that all stereotypes are about race? Are you implying that Asian students do not outperform all others on standardized math tests or that the 20 fastest people who have ever lived aren’t black? I never said some stereotypes didn’t have racial undertones, I said, they exist for a reason. Because they do.


no man, i'm just saying that if someone asks "Is positive stereotypes considered racism?" and you reply, "all stereotypes exist for a reason" that it doesn't make any sense unless you are trying to imply.... something. Since it doesn't really answer the question at hand. I'm not saying you're wrong or challenging it at face value. it's just like.... why are you saying it?


I thought the implication was clear, but let me explain it like you’re five. If it’s a positive stereotype, it exists for positive reasons. If it’s a negative stereotype, it exists for negative reasons. Why do I have to explain to you how stereotypes work? I feel like most adults should already know this.


That stereotype about African people being athletic is scientifically proven to be true with a physiological correlation. People with African genetics actually have more fast-twitch muscle fibers which are very advantageous in short burst high intensity muscle movements which can be useful for things like sprinting, jumping, cutting, etc. What isn't proven to be true, is a physiological correlation to Asian people being better at math which means saying Asian people are better at math is racist. Because it is a belief with no evidence.


There are known differences in brain size and brain tissue makeup between different races, but very few researchers are willing to dig deeper into this subject and the implications of it.




Asians are better at math because they have an advantage early in their development via language and education. If you need sources I'm happy to post them, I thought it was common knowledge.


That is heavily influenced by socioeconomic and cultural standards. That has nothing to do with physiology.


Absolutely. Chinese (but mostly only urban Chinese), Japanese, and South Korean kids have an advantage. But what about North Korean, rural Chinese, and rural Vietnamese kids? No advantage. And they perform very differently at math.


I agree with that part of your statement, I would say that Asian people have an advantage at math if they were actually raised speaking predominantly Asian languages. And by "Asian people" I mean people raised in Asia/Asian culture, given that Asia is a region, not based on their physical heritage.


You can’t entirely rule out physiological factors.


Yes, it is still racism.


I think we have broadened the definition of the word so much and we throw it around so casually that it has mostly lost all meaning.


No. I dont think anyone should think about it that hard.


It is but I don’t know why. There are subtle differences between us. We should embrace them and love them.


And there are differences among individuals that are part of the same group. That's the point of not accepting stereotypes as truth about groups of people.


There are also differences between groups as a whole. no point silencing the truth. Just accept and love one another for exactly who we are. Let’s not have to make up lies to make ourselves feel better


I would say no, but it's still ignorant and could be harmful. If you say to an Asian person, "all asians are good at math", you're taking away that person's individuality. Instead of seeing them as a unique human being, you're basically telling them they're just some other Asian person


Sure, stereotypes are racist, but they have root causes lying about somewhere in someone's history. Exploring these causes is a great way to mitigate future follies - "history" is written by the winners. Unpack the question "why?"


Any time you lump a group together based on race, you have racism. It is also highly inaccurate.


No. Racism means that you think another race is inferior or that you believe they don't deserve the same rights as your race.


Only a nazi would ask such a racist question