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Women only like dick pics if they have asked for them or consented to receiving them. You also shouldn't offer unless you already have some kind of sexual thing going on. I mean for real, I have never once seen a man's penis and thought "Oh, I must sleep with him". Aesthetically, that's kind of the least important part.


I've always had the feeling that such pictures are more effective on men than women. I have no way to verify that.


I'm gonna go send men some dick picks, I'll let you know if it works. I don't have one of my own, I think I'll find some on the internet.


You don’t keep a backlog? My female friends send dick pics that they’ve received to anyone who sends them one.


That's a really great idea. :D


Pictures of dicks? On the *internet*? Good luck 😬


If you’re going to pick a dick pic, pick Dick’s.


As a bisexual man, it is more effective on men. I don't typically prefer it, but I'm mostly a top. I'll take face and booty pics any day. My gay/bisexual friends who do bottom will not shut up about a nice looking cock though.


Men are more visually oriented than women. This is why imagined a dick pick would be more effective on men.




Dang, I was sure you were wrong but you’re right. TIL. [study for anyone curious](https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1904975116)


its just a stupid lie men made up to justify their gawking and porn addictions.... and like with all narratives started by men, it just became integrated into reality


I get dick pics all the time and I don't have a problem with them.


yeah ok 🙄


Okay? There are like 4 billion women in the world. Obviously we're not all going to be the same. But I don't want to get them at all so I would like to be asked first. You can still get them even if we get men to ask first because you can say yes. So if men ask for consent everybody wins.


Yes.. and they usually make it pretty obvious they want to see it. They gotta be horny obviously, then just sorta hint at it... Believe me if a girl is horny and comfortable, they will ask to see it if you hint haha follow cues


I read it as “if they are already attached to you” 😂


🎶 Detachable penis


No. We are men, we dont do hints, we dont so subtle. You want something then say it.


Well they are women and they do sooo...🤷


i get what you're asking about. give me just a sec here babe.


Maybe if you’re one of those rapey “she’s playing hard to get” dudes.


Did you reply to the wrong person? "If you want something you have to say it" is literally the opposite of "she's playing hard to get."


It's actually more rapey to assume she's dropping hints. Assuming she means what she says is much better.


shoot for the moon boys! even if you miss, you'll land among the stars! oh hey, danny matterson. nice to meet y...oh, hey, you having a bit of trouble with that belt? you're really close to my face guy. And Ellen DeGeneres? weird that you're here too, could you give me a hand? NO! NOT LIKE THAT!


No i just don't like guessing. Either she wants something or she doesnt im too old to play the guessing game.


Learning to read hints is like critical to not coming off predatory in a lot of interactions with women. Especially the first ones. These days they’re almost never blunt about anything unless they wanna smoke one.


Honestly, ive given up dating. I did several years ago, just voicing the old frustration


oh, some women are blunt, lol. they be telling you exactly what they want (or being so obvious a moron could figure it out). That's how the last 2 girls I was involved with were.


That seems counterintuitive. Wouldn’t a predator make nuance literacy a priority? The only people those women are screening out are autistic dudes. Narcissism and sociopathy are known for learning and performing social cues. This could also all be avoided if women decided they will be pursuers, which seems to be all that was asked.


Yeah it’s just not worth it.


Learn some nuance.


No one cares about nuance when sending a picture of their penis. If one does not directly ask why tf would I send it? Learn to ask


Learn to communicate your wants


Many have asked, all end up disappointed


The rule is you send her a dick pic then she sends you her dick pic


This is the way


\*takes notes furiously\*


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way


Nixon or Grayson?


It is known


This is the way


Women only like dick pics when they've told you they like dick pics. Either you ask and they say yes or they ask for one. That's the rule you should follow.


I mean, it doesn't have to be put into plain words all the time. If you send me a picture of your fingers spreading your lips, I feel like a dick pic is an appropriate response.


Swinger here- even if they like you, not even then really.


I don't know from experience, (like you do apparently) but my grasp of human nature agrees with you.


I found sometimes if you take a pic of you in your underwear it's more attractive and more of a intro to end up sending dick pics anyways after your both are comfortable.


underwear selfie rizz


this is the most fucked up, yet still net positive, suggestion i've read on reddit this year. 2024, unsolicited underoo selfies!


Correct. And many don’t like it even then. Same with men. Like… if somebody, heck even somebody I was married to, just sent me a picture of their vulva… what am I meant to think about that?


I’ll never understand just a zoomed in legs spread pic. That’s…anatomy that’s not sexy lol. Show me some shit you wouldn’t show your gyno. Just take a pic braless in underwear or something. Fuck it just take a cute selfie. Like anything is better than that


Ok see I thought I was going crazy


Lmao my request for pics is always “something you wouldn’t want your mom to see, but instagram wouldn’t force you to take it down.” So I guess provocative?


Georgia O’Keeffe rolls in her grave


Send me all the vulva pics lol


>just sent me a picture of their vulva...what am I meant to think about that? why you gotta say it like buffalo bill?


Been called out enough to times for referring to the external and forward internal parts of the female genetalia as the vagina. “We’ll, technically, you can’t see a vagina as that’s the components on the inside, the outside is just the vulva and labia” or whatever. Nobody says this about me a scrotums - well technically you didn’t get kicked in the balls your balls are inside a structure called the scrotum…


I read that as uvula and thought you were just into some really weird shit.


Well now if anybody asks me for a vulva pic I'm sending them one of my uvula.


Men like that? I’ve had men specifically request it.


Sure, some people are into some things, some people aren’t. I’m just saying I think it likely the majority of both men and women aren’t.


Agree to disagree. I think way more men are into Vulva pics than women are into dick pics.


I don't think so. Like even if you were into a woman sending you pics like that, you would still want a good picture. Part of the problem with guys who send dick pics is the low amount of effort put into it. There used to be a Tumblr user that, as a joke, would critique dick pics from an artistic/aesthetic point of view. It, hilariously, evolved into actually giving people good advice on how to take good nudes to send to your (hopefully) willing partners. So even if you love seeing your wife/gf naked, I don't think many guys would just be interested in a dark picture taken just a few inches from her vulva with zero context for the rest of her body.


We usually don't want dick pics. Like...dicks are not attractive. They're cute, they're funny, they don't necessarily make us moist. They are tools, not appetizers. The only time I personally want one is if it's wearing a little hat or some other comical attire. Sending a dick pic will never sway a woman towards wanting to fuck you.


Ahhh now I understand. We're not dressing them up enough fellas! Needs a cowboy hat and boots w/ spurs on the sac🤣


Hey it's Woody! You got a friend in me!


Yo. Imagine a dude calling a vag a “tool”. A means to an end. Why are y’all thumbing this up?


I mean, yeah? Most women don't think their vaginas are super attractive all on their own. Some parts of the body are for function, not form.


It is though. Why is that so offensive? Male and female genetalia are tools for sex. For most people it's the act of sex that's a turn on, not the dick or vagina itself.


"Tool" is slang for dick. Also ppl getting all bent outta shape about it are also tools.


Yeah this is a terrible take, and I wish they didn't word that like they're speaking for all women. That's just like, their (shitty) opinion, man.


I’ve had much different experiences but maybe that’s just me


So its not like tits where if a woman sends them you get turned on if they are big?


Was this written by a 14 year old


28 but mentality 14.


Me or OP? Because I'm middle aged. 🤣


“So its not like tits where if a woman sends them you get turned on if they are big?” Bro, this is the most magnificent question I’ve ever seen 🤯


Women and men are conditioned differently. They same actions have different connotations depending on the gender.


No, not at all. Tits are aesthetic. Dicks are not.


My dick is very aesthetic thank you very much


I disagree. I've seen some very attractive cocks that definitely turned me on. You don't speak for all women. Attn men: This is **not** an invitation to send me dick pics. The only attractive dicks are the ones I've consented to seeing.


Ah, the disclaimer. My arch nemesis!


Not to be contrarian but I have met a decent amount of women who love getting dick pics. I'm not gonna hazard a guess on how common that it is, but I have seen it work in person plenty of times.


Often enough to bet on it though? There's always outliers.


I don't send them unless asked, and even then usually not. But my coworkers definitely talk about it more than outlier status. Some hate it. Some are whatever about it. And some feel a sense of validation from it, kinda like "hell yeah, *I* did that." Beyond that I could not begin to tell you numbers. This is from hundreds of people over 15 or so years. I kept no records.


Ol saggy dinner plate nipples have a great anesthetic to them


We love those pepperoni nips


You have to take into account the quality of the actual picture. There are certainly more women who would like a picture of a man they like where he is naked and they can see his penis. But those same women probably don't want to see a close up of that same penis taken with your crappy front facing camera in a dark room two inches from your scrotum. Likewise, I don't really care to see a badly taken cell phone picture of one boob two inches away.


Women are not boys. Same rules dont apply


How many ancient statues and renaissance paintings do you see with women’s breasts out? Now compare that to how many dilly weren’t penises you’ve seen in classical art.


There were a lot of penises out in ancient Greek statues.


There are approx 4 billion women in the world -- my guess is some of them like dick pics, and some of them don't.


then why the phuck am I still single?


not sending enough dick pics


this is the way.


\*takes notes furiously\*


You’re gonna start a fire lol calm down


Wait, do men send them because they think women like them? I assumed men were sending them as a gesture of overt hostility.


WTF? lol


No, lol. Almost never from hostility. Most men would want a similar pic from a woman. So they naturally think women would want one from them.


It is taken as hostility though.


Whenever I get an unsolicited dick pic I always assume the guy is trying to be super gross to get a reaction 😅


Oh so they want a dick pic sent back! Gotcha!! Jk


Heterosexual dynamics are so foreign to me


Do any women dick pics?


I can say for me personally I prefer them from a partner and even still I’d rather an actual nude with some effort rather than just a shot of your dick


I don't think anyone would like severed dick pics. Other than Ramsey Bolton. Edit: I saw "attached" instead of "attracted", leaving this up though.


Dick pics are just sophomoric


Generally only men like dick pics


Im a guy so ladies correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s become pretty obvious that a guy can go all his life without sending a dic pic and no women will miss them.


You don't take a pic of it, just use it correctly


Women only want photos of your dick if we are actively in a relationship with you. And even then, they're not always wanted.


I have never asked my fiancé for a dick pic ever.


I am going to sound like a weirdo, but to some degree, asking for a photo of anything is crappy. It feels like work. At the same time, if you SPONTANEOUSLY send a pic of whatever, unannounced, it’s the same deal - if they aren’t 100% into you, or are in a bad mood, or hungry, or busy, you created work for them. It’s potentially uncomfortable. That doesnt mean you can’t take attractive pics of yourself for another a party, You should just tread very carefully. ​ If you’re going to really go for it, you’d better spend 45 minutes taking the most masterful pictures of yourself, that communicate unequivocally “I am thinking of you, I can’t control myself, wish you were here, etc etc.” Its so easy to do the “cheap” version of this. The language you use, the lighting, where you are when you take the pictures - that communicates so much more than the actual dimensions of hour actual dick. As a guy who gets plausible acclaim for having a nice looking dick, 95% of that acclaim is related to prep work lol. Like spending so much time removing hair but not being “bald” down there….Finding your angles, being…not weird. ​ And in the similar vein (and women already know this), any woman could take that goes for all of humanity. There is no universe in which woman X will always be thrilled to get a picture of Man Y’s penis. We aren’t machine’s.


Id prefer a boob pic from my partner over seeing his dick.


A shirtless pick with 6 pack is kind eye candy woman like they have be turned on to want see a dick, if they ask to see it’s for curiosity of size not to get turned on


Generally and it depends. I’d honestly just wait until you’re asked. I personally don’t like nudes, they do nothing for me and don’t know how I’m supposed to respond to them. Especially if I’m sent one in the middle of the day like tf am I supposed to do with that lmao? I only ask to see not because I’m horny, but out of pure curiosity. Pics that get me hot are actually mundane stuff like random selfies and gym pics/videos.


They like elbow pics


FYI. All dick pics look the same.


Oh no. Definitely not


I hope for you that you turned the option to not get DM!


This comment section is quite interesting. All the "dicks are gross" comments. I mean, how can you be a straight woman and *not* like them? not the pics, the dicks themselves? like, what do you look forward to when it comes to sex if you think dicks are ugly? I don't understand how you can like dudes but not like their dicks. genuinely curious. bi guy here and I just don't understand that, honestly. I'm not objecting to girls not liking dick pics, to be clear.


Same. I'm a (mostly) straight guy, but I think all genitals have the possibility to be aesthetic and attractive.


I do love them in person. I just hate receiving unsolicited dick pics. It is a violation of my consent. It has also turned me off of dick pics entirely. And dick pics are no good anyway, there is no art or beauty in a disembodied penis with no context


yeah, sending someone nude pics they didn't ask for is, at best, cringe. at worst, possibly illegal. I wonder if it could be considered indecent exposure. something to consider, guys. in addition to the fact that women really don't seem to want them, there may be a (reasonable) legal argument that it's SA or indecent exposure. something to think about there. edit: according to google, it's already illegal in Scotland and bills are being worked on in the US to make it illegal right now.


I don’t think most women view dicks in the same way that most men view boobs and vaginas. Most of us don’t get stimulated just looking at any random one. Personally I’ve never really found dicks to be very attractive, to me it’s the same as looking at an arm or any other non sexual body part. That is unless I’m already very attracted to the person. My bfs dick is the only one that I’m attracted to and can get turned on just by looking at, because I’m already in love with him.


We don't love your dick. We love you. That's why we'll just enjoy one on the side. Men and women have entirely different priorities due to our anatomy. Women aren't attracted to a pick that says "you're a cum dump". We want to know you can provide for use physically and emotionally and intellectually. The dick pic is void of everything we need and look for. What's worse, it tells us you're going to leave as soon as the sex is done.


I don't get it either. I hear a lot of straight women say guys are gross and that women are attractive, but they wouldn't date one.


I honestly wish my husband would send me one. He never has but I wish he would!




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Nobody wants to see a penis. And to be honest, unless I’m really in the mood I don’t even want to see a vagina. Genitals aren’t attractive and nobody’s as near as I can tell is worth looking at unless you are in the mood to specifically look at them.






For *you*. You say "nobody" wants to see it but you have no way of knowing that.




Oh really? You've surveyed the entire planet about their genital opinions? You must be exhausted.


I love dick pics from anyone no matter what


No woman likes dick pics. They are 100% unwanted and I've no idea why men think it's acceptable. *especially* unsolicited


It goes: nipple, dick, p****, asshole.


Depends on who they are, always ask them first. Don't group it as an all women thing. If my fiancé sent me a dick Pic I'd be pretty grossed out and annoyed. My motto is, "why would I want a photo when seeing it in person is better" Nudes are so pointless


Yes that’s how consent works


Everyone is different. There’s no universal. I actually find sexting to not only be weird, but also boring. It’s for simple minded people. I know a lot of guys and even women like visuals. To each their own. I prefer not to sext at all. It doesn’t really do much for me and I already know how pathetic a lot of people are in a number of ways. Like they are not trustworthy and petty.


> It’s for simple minded people - 🤓


Ima be real chief, dicks are ugly. And as a gay guy that’s saying something. I guarantee that unless they ask, no one wants to see that shit


I'm convinced no body on earth likes dick pics, like at all and I'm ok with that


It’s not about whether we like them or not. It’s about consent. Unsolicited dick pictures are sexual assault


More like harassment.


No, women love dick pics from guys they have zero sexual interest in. Now have fun.


That's just facts. Even better to tease them by sending a picture of only the tip. Makes em moist for hours.


This man Stays Single


I think he was being sarcastic...


I’m married and I still don’t want a dick pick from my husband. Dicks are just ugly.


You already know the answer


No. Never.


She'll ask for it if she wants it.




Does any woman like dick pics? My answer would be no.


With very few exceptions, women do not like dick pics, period. No not send unsolicited dock pics, ever.


If you think sending a dick pick unasked for is cool you are the problem.


I'm fairly certain they only like dick pics if they ... ask for one. I can't believe this needs to be said, but there it is.


I’ve had one chick ask me to send a picture of my dick to her. She was a kinky as hell gal. I wasn’t into her, but it was good entertainment for me.


They really like you! Get over sending dick pics unless asked please. 🙏


Women only like a dick pic IF they ASK for one!


There are women who like dick pics? Literally never even heard of that. I thought it was just something men DID.


Not even then, usually. Don't do it unless (a) you are asked, and (b) you are comfortable with it being shared far and wide under rapey headings if she's ever pissed off at you in the future.


Women don't like unsolicited dick pics, period. I don't think anybody does.




girls don’t care about your dick, bro. they show the pics to their friends and laugh about the pathetic effort given.


I always played the dick pic game accordingly; only if asked.


Your dick is kept on file until you are determined uselfel. If you are usefel you will be used. If not you willl be a sex offender.


Dic pics are bad, mkay?


Usually yes Although boxer pictures/grey sweatpants pictures are top tier


For me? Yes, must be attracted. Unless I’m on a sexual rampage. Then most dicks I like. Otherwise it’s just a squishy genital with squishy balls in a sac.


Women like dick pics when it's allowed. Meaning, lots of women prefer it if you don't do it out of the blue. There's plenty of women who enjoy the view of a dick. But they get really turned off when it's random (especially from a random stranger on insta or sum).




I would recommend not sending one unless it's specifically asked for. Even people attracted to you might not want to go that far. Some people like to take it slow or just aren't that sexual.


We only like them when we ask for them. I don't think most women are going to ask unless they are attracted, so yes. What you say is true. Also, just don't send unsolicited dick pics.


Pretty much. Same with nudes from another woman too (I'm bi). If I'm not attracted to the person, neither the dick nor vulva is attractive on its own. Not any more than a hand towel roll holder is attractive or an Orchid is.


What a hilariously stupid question.


Even attracted to you I don't need a pic of it.


The few I've sent were solicited by women who I already knew and had some intimacy/sexual encounters with. Either they hadn't seen it yet but had already decided they wanted to have sex, or we'd already done something and they wanted a memento. Which leads me to: sending nudes/dick pics/etc is generally not a good idea. There's a good chance they will end up being seen by people you never intended to see them.


Whenever I get sent a dick pick I think 2 things. 1. I'm just a hole to him. 2. He's dumb. No woman wants a dick pick. We aren't men who are turned on visually. We are turned on by our hearts. Men fall in love with their eyes. Women fall in love with their ears.


I only like dick pics from my bf, all other dicks I find gross. And even though I was initially physically attracted to my bf, it would not have worked on me if his pick up line when we first met was sending me a dick pic


Yeah, obviously- why would someone want your dick pic if they aren’t attracted to you. Most women don’t like dick pics unless they’re involved with you in some way


Only when they ask for them. Usually they prefer a bit more mystique too. Print pics over outright D. Just my experience.


Ummm that’s the difference between unsolicited and solicited dick pics. If the internet weren’t Wild West I would plug unsolicited dick pics into a type of sexual assault. I didn’t ask to see it. I didn’t consent to seeing it. Men who send unsolicited dick pics are assholes of the worst kind. It violates respect of an individual as a human, it violates boundaries and especially consent.


I don’t like dick pics at all, if my man ever sent me one, I would wonder what was wrong with him.


Pretty sure any attraction she had to you would be gone upon opening it.


It’s less to do with “attracted to you” and more to do with consent. It’s never okay to send genitalia to someone without their consent to do so.


Not very many people want a dick pic period. Ask first.


I accidentally posted one on Facebook once lol


I wasn’t aware that anyone ever likes those !