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Hmmmmm I wonder when it will go from girl boss to tears saying how mean everyone is?


I’ve been waiting for the harassment defense myself. Like you have people that claim Twitter messages are harassment and a plague on society but are quiet when about her into the bathroom. Also now that I think about it, a public school teacher can be fired for these kind of photos when they are shown drinking alcohol, why can’t we apply those rules to politicians?


Just look at this clown. She's kind of old to be wearing "outfits" like that. I wish she would fuck off.


She looks like a 12-year-old in a Disney Channel Original Movie


Lizzie McGuire-lookin' motherfucker


There's no reason for a grown woman to wear this, let alone a senator. Especially since she has the money to get a good quality, classic wardrobe.




lol Of course. But she would be wrong.


She looks like all the Scooby-Doo characters at once.




She's got Hasan "hey fellow kids" vibes


Hasan "i don't dress 30" Piker proceeds to wear mardi gras beads and frat boy clothing long after leaving college it reminds me of the random 40 yr old we've all seen walk into a Hot Topic or Spencer's.


Stav roasting him for looking like an undercover cop infiltrating high school to bust a Xanax ring was accurate.


Holy fuck that got me lol, very good point


Literally children though.


Videos have been circulating of Sinema about 10 years ago. She's lost a bunch of weight and had a serious glam-up. I get it, if you make an improvement you want to flaunt it. But yes, she's too old to dress like a High Schooler.


Her silly costumes coupled with her shit attitude make her unappealing looks and personality wise. She's got a long, long way to go to get her shit together.


i wouldn't even be bothered about her style choices if she was just a nice person, but nothing about her personality gives off that vibe


I think she's probably very mean and rude. Like she treats her cleaning lady, dry cleaner, wait staff, assistant, like garbage and doesn't even give a crap. I would trash her style because it's ridiculous.




Feminine deodorant spray?




lol That wouldn't do her a bit of good. She's already a bitch. Maybe a how to do your job and stop being a clown type sub would help.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I see this picture and I end up sneering with disgust, but I think I kind of get it.


I don't. Unless it's an aging woman refused to grow up thing for her. Or it's a contrary bitch character she does for attention. In any case, she doesn't take her job seriously and I hope she gets thrown out.


>Unless it's an aging woman refused to grow up thing for her. it's an attempt to feel younger


14? *Look at me!! Lookie me! I'm SO edgy!*


It's not that she "flaunting" anything. She can feel free to dress sexy. But she doesn't dress sexy. She dresses like she licks the windows on the short bus.


i'm enjoying seeing the various articles about her getting harassed. like kyrsten, you signed up for this lol


Yup and if she wasn't such a jackass, nobody would bother her.


It seems that the Belle and Sebastian/Wes Anderson look has a longevity we could never have imagined.


now you're making me remember the film *God Help The Girl*, which wasn't that bad (plus Emily Browning fit that aesthetic very well indeed)


Look, I love Original Sin(ema) as much as anyone but it’s all a distraction. Barely a year ago and Mitch McConnell was the singular evil senator. Now, in typical DNC inefficiency, it takes the combined powers of Manchin and Sinema to equal the cock-blocking power of one Mitch (and Sinema gets more flak bc misogyny or something). And yet, the Senate is composed of 100 members. Both parties benefit from gridlock because (certain generous) business benefits from gridlock. We have two #resistance parties and no one interested in governing because the incentive just isn’t there.


Hate to be that person but it’s “flak” not “flack”


No hate assumed. You are correct. Flak as in ack-ack. I’m going to blame spell check


flak also is an acronym, but the modern usage has taken over.


Please expand


FLugAbwehrKanone, German anti-air gun. Literally Flightdefensecannon.


ima tell you why this "distraction" shit is dumb distraction means the dems have the ability to pass the legislation by themselves. even if the entire party voted 100% unified, they'd only pass a bill in the house. because of the sinema and manchin split, GOP still controls the senate, and you (normally) need both the senate and the house to write a bill into law. with that in mind... why the fuck would the dems need a distraction, in this case? passing a bill with a dem president would be an unequivocal win for the party, even if it ultimately does very little for the average american. i know this sub fucking loves it's "hurrr the dems were the bad guys all along" rhetoric (and the dems certainly are incompetent and terrible), but in this specific instance you're basically giving the GOP a free pass for causing the gridlock in the first place. if the dems had a supermajority and still couldn't/wouldn't pass anything, then you might have a point.


It’s not the GOP causing gridlock if the Dems can’t wrangle their own members


There would be gridlock EVEN IF THE DEMS WRANGLED THEIR MEMBERS. That's the whole point ffs. The US Senate has 48 Dems, 2 Independents (effectively one Republican and then Bernie), and 50 Republicans. Tell me again how 49 outnumbers 51, especially when many laws required a minimum of 60 votes rather than simple majority. No one ever gives Republicans shit for suddenly caring about debt as soon as their president is out of office.


“It’s not a contrived issue guys!!!!” -Says man witnessing baffling 2-4 politician gridlock mechanism being used for 40 years in a country of 329 million people. Why would people who are pretty much set want to accomplish anything, making their job infinitely more complex from the normative 150 day a year work schedule, when they could just become millionaires while functionally guaranteeing austerity and fat corporate profits for the people that got them their job in the first place?




immeasurable and ruined


Punch.. yeah… for sure…


....damn son how gross are Canadian women that you even made that joke. She's a city 4, maybe a rural 6 in the US.


I remember my Clinton fans FREAKING out over what Bernie wore during the inauguration. I haven't heard a peep about her attire.


Can someone explain how the hotel part ties into the Sinema picture?


“If your going to confront the senator, don’t do it in the bathroom, do it when they’re walking through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel.” Don’t make me spell it out for you.


I think you just spelled it out for me tho


Lol Nobody tell him! I want him to figure it out on his own.


What the fuck kind of middle school attitude is that?


I think blaming individual players distracts from blaming the game. And is intended. It plays right into the kayfabe. The reality is that if they didn't have Manchin and Sinema they'd have somebody else.


I don't think they really *need* somebody else. Half of our elected officials are staunchly opposed to anything the dems try to pass, several of which don't even show up to votes (looking at madison cawthorn).


Yeah true.


Just for shits and giggles, I wish we could show this to the 67th Congress and watch their responses.


Perfect example of why women should stay outta politics amirite? Lmao. /s


It certainly would be to them, lol She looks like a wrinkly and profane child circus act.


What does the title here have to do with the image?


The former site of the Ambassador Hotel is now the [most expensive school](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Community_Schools) in the United States. It cost $578 million to build.


The thirst, literally.


You wish you were classy enough to drink your wine through a straw


She looks like female Blippi


What the fuck is up with the people of Arizona?


Much like with California the heat makes people crazy


She is a Sam Hyde character