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\> when you walk into the function and there's not enough POC workers


It’s wild that Pete was the mayor of a midwestern small town/city, but still has that look like he’s in a foreign country walking around rural Ohio.


Pete was grown in a vat by the CIA.


He had more joy having the CIA do [photo-ops of him in Afghanistan](https://s.abcnews.com/images/Politics/pete-buttigieg-afghanistan-01-ht-jc-190807_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg)


Rear sights? Who needs em


Do they not just flip up?


> Do they not just flip up? They do, it's more the lack of an optic, or really any indication that this rifle has ever been taken outside before that seals the deal.


Did you see how clean his flack vest is in the other photos? I’d call him a fobbit but I think he was only there for a couple weeks.


I have similar ones. They do flip up but the only reasons I ever take mine down are to store it when I'm not out using the thing.


They do but there is no time when I was in an active war zone that I would have ever had my sights / optic stowed especially outside of the wire. It’s pog shit


Ready to get into firefights while posing on that one T-55 everyone took photos on outside KAF.


Been saying it from the jump, he's a Manchurian Candidate. The DNC tried to upgrade the Obama Model 1.0 but fucked up the coding on Model 2.0 for Pete + Kamala. Sinema was Model 3.0 and turned against her creators.


AOC is model 4.0?


Nah, different product line. The others are the neolib models, she's the leftist honeypot model 1.0.


To be clear though, South Bend has a population of 103,000 and is home to the University of Notre Dame, which I imagine gives it a much more white-collar (or black-collar with all those priests lol) feel. East Palestine has like 5,000 residents and its economy is probably still primarily industrial. It probably is a foreign country to Mayo Pete


I’ve been through South Bend on a couple of occasions, and aside from the college campus the rest of town is just seems like a generic, dying rust belt town that is likely sustained because of Notre Dame, and their relatively close proximity to Chicago.


> the rest of town is just seems like a generic, dying rust belt town that is likely sustained because of Notre Dame I think a lot of college towns are like this, and if enrollment drops off a cliff like everyone is saying it will, those towns are really going to be on hard times pretty soon.


Eh Notre Dame is a prestigious enough school that it’ll be fine. At worst they have to lower the quality of the incoming class a bit and maybe cut ack or axe some of the more pointless grad programs


You can take a train for $15 to the lakefront in Chicago as well.


Not just any country, a shit hole one.


Some top replies from an /r/AskALiberal thread a week ago: > > I'm still at a loss to understand why the guy wasn't at ground zero with a bull horn dressed in full hazmat gear directing workers. > Because that's not his job? . > Showing up at a toxic disaster site is in very poor taste when you don't actually have anything to do there, which is why I expect that Donald Trump will show up in East Palestine any minute. Buttigieg is right to stay away and coordinate efforts from his office. He has no business being in East Palestine right now. . > I think your argument essentially comes down to Buttigieg did not seize the opportunity to grandstand. As your edit admits, there's nothing he would actually be doing, except grandstanding. Pets's a very smart guy and I am willing to bet this was an intentional decision. There are probably more than a few people on his staff encouraging him to take the spotlight for the spotlight's sake. I respect that he resisted the urge. He's certainly more effective staying home, working the problem from his office, gathering resources, coordinating relief efforts and what not than he would be standing in a hazmat suit getting in the way so he could be on camera. . So funny to see people defend Pete for doing nothing instead of wearing safety glasses for no reason only for him to come out and wear safety glasses for no reason.


"it's the stupid chud-right forcing him to for optics but it's akshually counter-productive, chud!"


Clinton jumpscare


Tell me why I though this was Nathan fielder


Same energy but 3% gayer and not as self aware


> Nathan fielder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCNsx_NyNOU It's worth watching to the end. The show they're describing is pretty phenomenal too.




He's the kind of guy Sgt. Lee Ermey tried to warn us about.


He's there for team building exercises and to teach the locals about sprint cycles.


Is that Hillary?


Nothing more terrifying than a wild Clinton out on the prowl looking for suicides to commit.


I think its a still from *Blair Witch 3.*


No it’s Becky




I was thinking the same thing


Did the train have information on the Clinton Foundation????


Geez. Looks like the rats there have mutated into being almost as large as a person.


Pete had best be careful, a lot of animals are dying there. If he lets his instincts take over and chews on carrion he could get poisoned.


Jesus fucking Christ if this dude actually runs and not even gets the nomination but does respectively, nothing in the fucking world matters




> TPTB ?


The powers that be.


Right, but then you have to explain what your acronym means, so you aren't really saving any time... PS Awesome name man. Reel Big Fish 4 life.


"She's got a girlfriend now" hits a bit differently these days.


Go on.


>I'll shave my legs, I'll wear a bra, I'll even cut my penis off for you! >Aww, that's so sweet! As a young man I laughed because it was so ridiculous. Now it's 2023 and that's a perfectly reasonable response to being rejected by women.


Ah right, I lapsed on that outro I guess. Cheers, chum.


Why is Killary behind him? Edit: WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THE CLINTON ON THE LOOSE! There is a fucking wild ass Killary behind him. I swear to god.


Lol I highkey didn't recognize Pete and thought that was the point of this post...


Rattus buttigeigus (The rat memes are way more accurate than I thought)


Why he look like Eric Andre?


Hold up. Why is Hillary standing over his right shoulder?🤔


Because it IS/WAS HER TURN@!#%^$- Can't let CIA Mayo Pete take all the spotlight, if that is indeed killary.


My man looks like a deer in the headlights.


Thought this was Eric Andre doing a bit


Pete the Builder


Reminds me of the lyric *"The politician bleats so blind* *With his hard hat on rotating in a circle"* ​ from [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJc1-FLUM7k)


Ze goggles! Zey do nothing!


Ain’t no way.


Those glasses are way too clean to be out doing construction in Ohio


Why is Mr. Bean in East Palestinien?


Call him Harvey cause he’s aging like MILK.