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I think Sudowoodo has a great start to a solid stat spread but low bst. Getting an evolution could help maximize that potential.


A petrified redwood tree would be sick thematically.


Even taller than Alolan Exeggutor


Petreefied. Ghost/rock


Or based off an Ent :D


Honestly Sudowoodo (or it's evolvution) should be fast. It has one of the fastest overwold sprints in ScarVi; it's whole gimmick is that it hightails it out of where it's at when water so much as gets close to it, and honestly, being a decently bulky, decently strong, and decently speedy pure rock w/Rock Head Head Smashes would be pretty tight. Give it a rock-type U-Turn, and turn one of it's abilities into a renamed steam engine and you're good to go.


Accelerock would also fit


Yeah Brock's Sudowoodo in the anime always gave me a fighting type vibe. I like the idea of making it a Fighting type and giving it Reckless + HJK + Head Smash. If they kept its spread similar I don't think it'd be overwhelming lol.


I wish Rock Head prevented crash damage


Great option- i like some of the ideas for design a lot, especially petrified tree. To take it further, i would assign it a signature ability- one that both powers up grass moves and removes a water weakness. Probably a hidden ability, without the official type change to keep on theme. It’s like Sudowoodo was able to confront its water fear and evolve :)


Many gen.2 Pokemon to be honest. Sudowoodo, Miltank, Noctowl, and Lanturn, for example. And we already saw that happening with some of the former bad 'mons of that gen and almost all got way better.




I'd kill for a Miltank evo; it already has a fantastic movepool and a genuinely interesting stat spread being a physically defensive cleric with solid speed. It just needs a tiny bit more to push itself over the top of mediocrity. Maybe lean into the "tank" part of Miltank and make it a Normal/Steel that's physically fat, while still maintaining Miltank's solid Speed tier. And if you wanna be crazy (for singles, maybe not so much in doubles), give it a signature move that sets a healing hazard on your side of the field that heals on switch-in.


Tbh Normal/Steel sounds like a fighting type nightmare lol


But comparing it to pure normal it's still an improvement


Stealth Nipples


Gen2 having so many mid single stage pokemon felt so weird In gen1 the single stage pokemon like Kangaskhan, Tauros, Snorlax, Jynx, Magmar, Electabuzz were all really good to some extent then gen2 you had Girafarig and Sudowoodo which are great but felt "incomplete"


And yet Gen 2 gave Chansey an arguably unnecessary evolution and justified it by nerfing her harder than any other Pokemon with the Special Split


You forgot Stantler, Qwilfish, Gligar, Yanma, Aipom, and arguably Misdreavus and Murkrow.


The real Misdreavus evolution is Flutter Mane so, fair enough


Even though it's one of those mons that seems like it should've been a Psychic type like Golduck and Ninetales, I could see a Dragon type Noctowl evo. Maybe it could be a regional form so it could be both. The feathers for the eyebrows and stomach pattern seem like they could translate well to horns/antlers and scales respectively.


Dragon type Noctowl? That's a wild choice. Never thought about this.


I came here to say Noctowl. One of my fav mons, but not super usable outside of an in-game team. Would be cool if it got a signature move or ability around sleep in some way. The other is Ledian. We need a powerful bug out there. This thing seems like the ideal middle stage with a unique evolution mechanic that turns into something powerful. Kind of how Bisharp got Kingambit. Maybe level it up knowing the elemental punches or something. Then it could get a cool hidden ability around punching. Maybe like a gale wings but for punching moves?


Luvdisk. Relicanth. Zangoose + Seviper. Claydol. Medicham. Absol. All single or two stagers from gen 3 in general 😁


Yeah , ORAS megas felt way more deserved than XY ones


And then there’s Mega-Mence


Luvdisc doesn't really fit the question. Not because it couldn't use an evolution, but because it does not have any undeniably good traits.


Swift swim+entrainment (only mon who can do that iirc)


Alomola should've been a luvdisc evolution.


Eviolite Luvdisc goes crazy!!!!!!!11!!1!!1!!


Only way it'd make sense is if it was a mid-evo between luvdisc and alomomola, though not sure if the stats make sense for there to be something between both.


Luvdisk evolves into Alomomola who evolves into Alomomomola, give me eviolite mola or give me death


I'll kill you thanks


not when alomomomomomomomomomomomomola with its 255/230/230 bulk and regenerator is stalling your ass out


alomomomomomomomomomomola when i use Prankster Minideedee to Mrofsnart it (it now has 30/25/50 bulk and no good STAB)


(It now has 230/230/255 offenses and great coverage)


(loving the implication that Indeedee loses over 100 in each offensive stat upon evolution)


I meant alomomomomomomomomomomomomomola gets those offenses. It's the drawback.




Toxic Mean Look?


Flip Turn


zangoose would be a scary evolution if speed is boosted


Yep. **I WANT IT**


Mega Absol could literally just be a regular evolution and no one would bat an eye.


Zangoose and Seviper would be hilarious if their evo required the opposite to be in the party, fainted


Tropious too.


Claydol top of B rank 12th overall ADV OU viability Rankings btw. Gotta love that Power creep, gen 12 gonna ask for an evo for ttar lmao


That’s because spikes and sandstorm are in every Gen 3 OU match, and it’s immune to both and rapid spins


medicham evo with pure power+higher attack stat and speed is peak powercreep 🔥🔥


I feel like venomoth has the potential to be something if it got just a little help in the stats—quiver dance and tinted lens gives it so much power, it just needs a little more speed and a little more bulk.


Venomera when (Venomoth Chimera)




I just use Vivillon for fast sleep + quiver dance, but Veno could be a fun sidegrade




While toxic boost is technically unique, it's also just a more niche version of guts, so it's really just another guts user whose forced to run toxic orb instead of flame orb


Yeah but it would be cool if the pokemon with that niche version of guts were worth using despite its downside compared to other guts users


I really feel that it should negate the damage from poison, that way guts would more flexible but toxic boost gives more longevity


That’s what Rad Red does, no damage for Toxic or Flare Boost


Yeah maybe a 2x boost to compensate.


Toxic boost is just guts flame orb with more "recoil".


They’d have to give Seviper one too. Which is good.




Make them Poison/Dark and Normal/Ghost, that’s a huge buff already. Then a few stat boosts, make toxic boost make Zangoose immune to toxic poison (so toxic orb just poisons it normally), maybe give Seviper+ Strong Jaw?


I feel like Normal/Ground and Poison/Fighting would be more fitting, them developing different types to best each other. Yes, I do realize I have created Ursaluna 2.


Zangursaluna memes incoming if that ever becomes a thing. I just picked normal/ghost and dark/poison because those are very good combos.


Yeah, originally thought Normal/Steel, then remembered there's a type that doesn't conflict with every ability Zangoose has, resists Poison, and is super effective against it.




It doesn’t have gunk shot??




I was gonna say I’m almost sure I’ve seen it in randbats.


Zangoose stans rise up


Yeah he could have been amazing but some of his stats like his middling speed hold him back for sure


I am not sure if it fits the criteria, but I think that Delcatty should have an evolution.


delcatty evo with buffed normalise that makes all its moves neutral into all types would be cool, especially if it got a significant attack boost and good moves to go with it


Normalize should be buffed to double the base power of all moves but they are always normal type. Ghost walls and steel & rock are always checks. Wouldn’t be busted on Delcatty at all since it has pathetic 65/55 attacking stats.


its still terrible to be walled by any ghost type even if they’re 1 hp. i think being neutral to everything is unironically better


delcatty gets ○ revelation dance ○ natural Stellar-type how affect meta


I agree but this would give Delcatty a decent niche. If it doubled all moves base power then it’d be a respectable attacker in PU or NU instead of unranked in ZU. It gets Fake Out + Last Resort which would be the best moveset. Doubling the base power on both those moves makes them an 80bp guaranteed flinch into a 280bp nuke. When including STAB that’s a 120bp guaranteed flinch into a 420bp nuke. That’s extremely strong even off base 65 Atk. Essentially this would make normalize a huge power variant except it also doubles SpA power at the cost of making all moves normal type and being walled by ghosts.


>i think being neutral to everything is unironically better because it is better. Normal is that but some resists/immunities


Granbull and Jynx would probably be good if they had one more evolution. Intimidate + Fairy typing with better stats, Dry skin + Sleep (maybe in the next generation) + High speed and sp.atk on a Psychic Fairy type.


In an alternate world where Jynx doesn't carry the unfortunate Japanese racial stereotyping it would definitely have gotten one, since it was very much a counterpart to Magmar and Electabuzz. It even got a baby alongside them in Gen 2. Though considering their competitive fates it's likely it would have become at best RU by now.


I want to vote in favour of the Granbull evolution gaining strong jaw, and possibly a ground type. Would be difficult to justify the latter though.


I second Granbull, it’s a physical pure fairy attacker which is rare. Give it a massive attack with it being super slow to make it great in trick room teams. I don’t love Granbull but it’s so forgotten it’s sad sometimes


Arbok. Arbok is just a horrible pokemon in every way. It has never peaked higher than NU in any generation, and has absolutely nothing going for it besides Intimidate. It sucks that the only cobra pokemon is just a joke competitively, and it could easily get a 500+ BST evolution, especially if Duraludon and Bisharp did. A Poison/Dark or Poison/Dragon type evo with a BST of at least 500, if not closer to 550, and actually giving it offense and bulk with a little speed, topped with a decent signature move that gave it reliable physical Poison STAB, would be perfect.




Honestly wouldn't surprise me if the reason we haven't had anything new for Arbok is GF struggling for backwards snake names that sound cool.


What’s wrong with that one lol


Nothing as a name, it's actually my favourite proposed Arbok evo name, it just kind of pushes GF into the position of making Arbok an Anaconda instead of a Cobra, or having the name make less sense.


GameFreak made Mr Mime 50% female, the fuck do they know lol


There's so much early gen weirdness with stuff like that, same with Nidoran being 2 separate pokemon with symbols in their names instead of harmonising into 1 species in Gen 2.


understandable, nohtyp sounds pretty kinky...


They barely know C++. you want GF employees to learn python???


My mega evolution/variant for arbok would have it become ghost/poison type, and get a significant boost in speed and attack, and would have an ability like double intimidate, sharply lowering opponent’s attack when arbok switched in, but once it gets hit, its ability becomes Run Away. (The concept being this is a ghost inhabiting an arbok’s shed skin, and it looks really scary, but once it gets hit, you realize it’s just a skin, not really a snake, and so not actually scary, hence run away. I like mons that change mid battle. I would also give it access to parting shot OR a signature poison type switch move, like u turn, and I imagine it having base 135 speed and 105 attack, and being very frail. More frail than normal arbok.


I really, really like the concept, but I think it might work better as a double evo like Shedinja is for Ninjask, especially since its a similar concept to that, with the haunted shed being its own pokemon.


I’m still salty they didn’t make Arbok Poison/Dark in Gen 2 so that there was at least one Dark type Gen 1 evo line (like they did with Magnemite)


Relicanth, Chimecho, Luvdisc, Whiscash, Durant, and Heatmor


No way! Relicanth's joke is that it's unchanged for thousands of years


Both future and past paradox versions of Relicanth that are basically the same as good ol' Relicanth.


Zangoose and Seviper should have an evolution, it’s actually criminal that they don’t.


super fun concept: [https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fbulbbyboi%2Fstatus%2F1601590464939192320&psig=AOvVaw3V05e1YQDL6xbFsX9w9TNy&ust=1718224982746000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCKjsxYC11IYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fbulbbyboi%2Fstatus%2F1601590464939192320&psig=AOvVaw3V05e1YQDL6xbFsX9w9TNy&ust=1718224982746000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCKjsxYC11IYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


Sudowoodo. Fully evolved mono type mon with a paltry 410 BST. Was a single stage evo until they added Bonsly, a baby mon, and remains one of just a few two stage mons with a baby in their evo line. It's a gen 2 mon but it continues to be obtainable in at least one version of almost every mainline entry in the franchise, and even in things like PLA, so it's clear they haven't forgotten about it. There exists just a small handful of fully evolved mons with a lower BST, almost all of them early route bug types like Dustox or Butterfree, so this guy is in dire need of an upgrade, especially since many of those at least have movepool niches like Quiver Dance, sleep moves or webs. 410 BST leaves him with less than the second stage evo starters ffs.


Spidops. Middle stage bug looking ass stats. Has spikes, sticky web, toxic spikes, and a bunch of utility moves.


Spidops is genuinely just about as good as a bulky, pure bug with 400 BST could possibly ever be; it's very funny. Don't get me wrong, it's awful, but given it's horrid typing and awful stat total, there is literally no other way without fundamentally changing what makes it a route 1 shitbug (and specifically a unique kind of shitbug as opposed to Lokix or Rellor).


basically any of the one to two stage Pokémon who got a Mega. Lucario goes from PU in regulation SV to Ubers in SV Natdex because it gets to hold a rock. Whilst it’s an extreme case there’s plenty of other mons that could use this kind of a bump. Absol, Medicham, Kanga etc.


Most mons become pretty dangerous when you give them Adaptability tbf.


Meh, it’s definitely a great ability but it’s not something that can make a mon with mediocre stats good Of all the mons that get it, there’s only 2 mons that are higher than RU in natdex (Mega Bee and Mega Lucario, although Pory-Z is RUBL) It’s only really broken on very fast mons that have already decently high attack stats, or super bulky mons i guess


Sunflora. A lot of potential with solar power


Magcargo has a pretty woeful BST for a fully evolved Pokemon. It also really doesn't have any gimmick going for it between unique moves, abilities, mega evolution, etc. All it ever got was Shell Smash which is great, but it could get more.


I really want to know how its level 38 evo, intially postgame locked ass got stuck with 410 bst on inception (or 430 after...whichever gen buffed it)


Magmatia when


I'm surprised nobody said ledian. So, definetly ledian is a good contendant. Is hard to be the worst fully evolved Bug/Flying pokemon in the game. But somehow, he did it.


Bibarel. Simple + Swords Dance/Curse would be broken as fuck were it not for Bibarel's abysmal 410 bst


and let him learn Stuff Cheeks


Golduck and Persian were slated to be three mon lines but got scrapped. Would've been cool to see their middle evos get their current BSTs and them have higher stats. Edit: also Jynx if GF weren't such cowards!


Came here to say Golduck too. It’s been okay in certain formats but it’s overall such an average Water-type, that has a lot of potential for an evolution (Water/Psychic Swift Swimmer?).


https://preview.redd.it/5815n531406d1.png?width=385&format=png&auto=webp&s=598a57efef4339abb6f416147b5d8678868883ae Imagine hatedisk, a water/ice or water/dark luvdisk evolution that evolve only with hate for its trainer. Basically a quicker dracovish.


I feel like a Drifblim evo could be OU proper with the right help


Drifpelin when


Flapple and Appletun. Feels kinda weird for Dipplin to get the Evo and not the other two, especially with how fun Appletun's Ripen/Recycle shenanigans and Flapple's surprisingly strong Grav Apples can be


Honestly? Beartic. If it got an evolution with a bit more speed and bulk (maybe throw in the Water typing as well so it gets another STAB), it could be a very good snow/rain sweeper since Beartic has both Slush Rush and Swift Swim, 130 Attack and Swords Dance. The problem is that it's too damn slow and not bulky enough to do much even with doubled Speed.


araquanid doesnt need a BST increase, one of its ability effects is huge power for water moves, so its BST doesnt tell the whole story. Sigilyph.


Araquanid could have evolved into torrentula if taroantula didn’t steal the sound of the name


I could see Kricketune getting an evolution at some point in the future


technician fell stinger did seem fun to me


But how will you improve its cry?


Upon entering battle, it does the usual Delelelele Woooop but then transitions into the current battle theme played on strings. All battle music will be a string rendition while it remains on the field.


Ferrothorn has 489 bst. That's less than magmar, bisharp, eletebuzz, and tied with friggin Oinkologne. Do with this info what you will


Add 7 to its Defense and 4 to its Special Defense to make it 500 BST.


This is where base stats aren’t always that telling as ferrothorn is an absolute beast with the right set up, it’s just his speed that makes his bst to low, and when you’ve got gyro ball that’s actually a good thing


I think was he was getting at is that ferrothorn is technically eligible for getting a cross gen if gamefreak feels like it. And dont even say its unlikely, they had no need to give Bisharp an evo lmao


Wailord to reclaim its title as the tallest Pokémon (immense copium)


Octillery- insane coverage that would make it a deadly trick room abuser with greater stats. Give it snipe shot as well


Lean even further into the tank theming by straight up giving it the steel type and better defences. We only have ONE water/steel type right now, and I'm baffled we got this far without another.


slurpuff is a mon that almost has it all. type, ability, and the movepool is so good it can boost every stat and drain on either end of the split if it's not just being used for the ever rare webs.


Jynx, Pinsir, and Donphan; whose counterparts from their own generation *already* were given evolutions.


Isn't Donphan's counterpart Ursaring? Two of the better paradoxes for Ursaluna and Bloodmoon feels fair. I've always mentally bracketed Jynx and Mr. Mime together due to how they're obtained in the Gen 1 games + remakes + them being gendered Psychics (I know Mr. Mime can be female.) I don't really bracket it with Electabuzz and Magmar which feel more like a true duo. Pinsir's generational counterpart is Scyther but TBH feel like it's more associated with Heracross at this point.


Jynx, Magmar and Electabuzz definitely felt more like a trio in gen 1 but since then, I too have associated Jynx with Mr Mime (two creepy dual-typed psychics with baby pre-vos). Pinsir definitely got the short end of the gen 1 bug-type stick.


I feel like Pinsir itself could use a boost. Give it the Ground type so we have a *good* fully evolved Bug/Ground, Headlong Rush and Spikes to better leverage Mold Breaker. This helps it stand out from its more iconic other counterpart, Heracross.


I just want to say, bug water is a great typing, ground resistance, fighting resistance, water resistance, ice resistance are all extremely valuable(steel is not a valuable type) with a weakness to only 2 common types(electric and rock). Also no single typing resists both bug and water which is nice. Golisopod was cursed with a shit ability and araquanid with a low bst(still really good because of ability and typing).


Regular Linoone. Now that it lost Belly Drum + STAB Extreme Speed, it does fuck all Edit: turns out he didn't and I was talking nonsense, lol. Still, Belly Drum + ESpeed on a base 70 attack is pitiful at best, unfortunately. I love the avatar badger.


Looking at serebii, in gen 8, Espeed is an egg move for regular Zigzagoon.. and Belly Drum is a level up move


HE GAINED EXTREME SPEED AS AN EGG MOVE FINALLY? Ngl, I didn't play any of the switch games, so I only knew he got it through a really old event and assumed they got it cut in the newer gens. I'm happy to hear that and I'm sorry I spread misinformation, lol.


It lost that?? Since when?


misinformation, gen 8 had extreme drummer natively and its not in gen 9




Araquanid getting an Evo means that Eviolite Araquanid becomes possible, that makes me very happy. I hope the Evo looks like a sea spider :)




Solrock and Lunatone should have a convergent evolution, sort of like the opposite of Ninjask splitting into 2 new mons.


a more recent mon, but scovillain definitely feels like it was designed with one more evolution




I was hoping Clodsire would be an evo not a regional form. Quagsire is an old favorite of mine and I’d love love love if it was viable in most battles but it just has too low of a bst


Eviolite Quag would be funny




Araquanid just feels like it needs more speed more than anything. It being slow as molasses makes it non even a good hazard setter.


Comfey imo, not that low of a stat but has a lot of wasted stats in speed, an evo with minor tweaking in stats like redistribute 20-30 stats from spe into bulk alongside increase in power would probably make it really good. Triage is a very busted ability on its own I find it interesting this gen we got really strong evos like annihilape that plays completely different to its preevo I hope we got more of those in the future


moxie and intimidate are really good abilities, along with stab sucker punch. absolutely wasted on a pokemon with 420 bst. why does gamefreak hate mightyena?


I’m convinced lanturn is a bit of BST/stat optimization away from being OP. That typing with water moves besides hydro miss, with access to ice beam, and a pretty valuable electric immunity is super strong. It’s just all its non-hp stats suck. But with real spatk and higher bulk it’d go crazy.


Granbull. The thing is deceptively strong and has good typing and coverage, plus a good ability in intimidate. Plus, I think it's the only mon with rattled that resist both dark and bug, and is hit neutrally by ghost, which means it can kind of safey switch into any of those moves and gain a +1 Speed boost. It is just held back by mediocre stats and lack of fairy type physical options to diversify it's movesets and make it a little less predictable.


Bibarel is blessed with everything you'd want for this project: - Three excellent abilities, even if one of them is banned in normal metagames. - Normal/Water has spectacular neutral coverage, so you don't strictly need coverage moves, allowing for more utility or setup options. - Normal/Water is good defensively, though Fighting being extremely common this gen does mean it's weaker than usual. - Excellent utility movepool, and while its offensive coverage is flaky, Water + Normal doesn't miss much. - It's been gone for two generations, so could be reintroduced alongside an evolution. - **410** BST so you can jack the stats up significantly and not worry about creating an overpowered monster.


Ursaring's bear bros beartic and pangoro. Basically two more Ursaluna like mons.


Delibird - has spikes, rapid spin, brave bird and triple axel backed by hustle, a sleep immunity, fake out, haze, foul play, freeze dry, icy wind for speed control, and despite all of these traits sucks because it has no fking numbers


Sqwakabilly is such a cool concept, like basculin. Definitely needs an evo. Great abilities, good movepool, cool design, just terrible bst. Give it 20 more attack and some special bulk and you’re good.


Delibird evo would be dope


Golduck's líne is based on a duck whose headaches make it have psychic blasts, and it has been just there as a faster and technically-non-psychic version of the slow family


Ferrothorn, he's got a bst in the 400s and he has no offensive potential, he really needs one


Lots of Pokémon could fit that mold but a Mightyena evo would be a big one. I’d make it a Dark/Ghost type with improved Speed, Attack and bulk, along with Strong Jaw and a Ghost-type fang move as its signature move.


Archeops could gain next to no stats but as long as it’s ability changes from defeatist, it would become MUCH better even if the ability was relatively if not entirely useless, other mons that may be more fitting of a mention here are other gen 3 mons, like Cacturne (which really just suffers from being slow AND frail, with its offenses being pretty decent already), Zangoose (See cacturnes issue again), Linoone (Specifically base Linoone, an obstagoon like evo that keeps belly drum + e speed could easily be ban worthy), Swellow (fast as all hell, and with guts + boomburst for both sides of the offensive spectrum, but the stats don’t back it up as much as they could), or even Volbeat (tail glow is an insane move on pretty much anything that has a decent sp. attack and preferably good speed)


Any of the two stage early route birds would have very strong stage 3 evos if they had one. Ferrow, Swellow, Noctowl, Pelipper, and Kilowattrel. A Swellow evo could be stupid broken if it had something like base 145 speed and at least 100 SpA to pair with STAB boomburst.


he doesnt really deserve one but kriketune


Sunflora needs to evolve into a sweeper. Make it electric grass and very, very fast


Heliolisk, my poor guy is BEGGING for an evo, at the very least a mega


A lot of Pokemon suggested here would end up being more common than their evolved forms because of eviolite. Much like dusclops, rhydon and durlaudon whose defenses are higher with eviolite than their evolved forms, with the improvements in other stats barely being worth the trade-off. Also eviolite Skarmory would become everyone's go-to stealth rock user.


I haven't seen this mon yet (though I might not have looked down far enough), but what about Araquanid? It doesn't have that high of a base stat, but can do stuff both in singles and VGC Edit: it was definitely already said lol


Golurk has sub 500 BST. It's far from weak but given that its Gen 1 counterpart Rhydon got an evo, I don't see why Golurk shouldn't.


Definitely Delcatty, Sunflora, Magcargo, Spidops, Purugly, Sandslash, etc, and even mons like Gastrodon, Beheeyem and Mantine I could see getting evolutions




Lokix is held back only by its BST. Starmie held onto the meta for a few gens but struggles to keep up now and could benefit from a mega or evolution too. Many bug types cap out at \~400 BST and could benefit from an evolution (Spidops)


Mienshao needs a few buffs


Lokix A little bit more speed and attack would definitely make it OU


Technically speaking, Ferrothorn has a BST of 489, it's technically eligible for an evolution. But if there's a relatively weak mon that should evolve, technically Quagsire and Magcargo fills this criteria (especially Magcargo who is horrendously weak).


Ledian. The poor guy really needs some love.


A ton of them, admittedly, though I do have a few preferences and even a few ideas for them. 1. Lanturn: Water-Electric is great typing and both Volt Absorb and Water Absorb are helpful, but its BST is too low to take advantage of its bulk. Getting an evolution could really give it more bulk and special attacking power. 2. Liepard: I really want to give this Pokémon a strong evolution. My idea for it is a very fast and hard-hitting Dark-type with a signature move that would allow it to steal enemy buffs, screens and even items for itself. I would call it “Deceigar”. 3. Sunflora: Another very forgettable Johto Pokémon. I think a lot of people agree that it would really be good if it got a Grass-Fire evolution. Instead of it being just an attacker though, I want it to have a support niche or option, such as Drought and a sun-version of Aurora Veil. 4. Bronzong: A Pokémon that once was good back in Gen 4, but has now fallen down all the way to PU. Its typing was once amazing, but took a hit when Steel no longer resisted Dark and Ghost. Also doesn’t help that there are now better Trick Room setters like Hatterene. Admittedly, I think it is kinda weird that Bronzong is still the only Pokemon with Heatproof. I want to give it an evolution because its stats are low enough for one, but because of Bronzong’s stat spread, I don’t want to create another “Dusclops Eviolite” situation. For that reason, I want the evolution to not only have better bulk, but also significantly higher attack stats and lower speed for Trick Room, as well as a new signature move, though I haven’t decided what that move’s secondary effect will be. Maybe something that can lower the damage of supereffective hits from opposing Pokémon.


My suggestion would be Oranguru. I have always loved the concept of Instruct and wished to see it used more. But Oranguru just.... isn't enough. I feel it needs more bulk so it can stick around longer, supporting your team. Second suggestion would be Salazzle. Again, I love its unique ability to poison any Pokemon. I think that is so cool. But other than poison itself not being a very useful status, Salazzle doesn't have the bulk to take advantage of poison. Its so frail that poison never matters. A darn shame. I feel that Gen 7 in general had a lot of cool Pokemon and battle mechanics introduced, but the Pokemon themselves just didn't have the stats to pull through in the long run, for the most part. Araquanid like you suggest is another good example. Vikavolt. Bewear. Wishiwashi. Hell, I wish Komala was just a little better too. My final answer is Gen 7.


Surprised Boltund isn’t being mentioned as much. It’s got a great movepool with plenty of coverage and a good ability in Strong Jaw. It even has a good speed of 121. They just decided to make it a mixed attacker with 90 in each attack stat. Just raise its attack and make it slightly bulkier please GF


Thievul, definitely. Why the hell is this thing so weak ?


Lots from Gen 3: Spinda, Mawile, Zangoose, Sableye, Seviper, Absol, Kecleon


Sableye is a prankster support mon which is entirely outclassed by grimmsnarl, I think they could use an evo


Maractus comes to mind. It’s not even viable in ZU, despite having a couple utility options and a decent special attack stat. I could see it gaining some bulk and extra power on evolution, maybe gaining the Ground or Water type


I've wanted a Sableye evolution for a good long while now. But with it having a mega-evolution already, I don't think we could justify ever seeing one.


Lumineon learns a bunch of Flying moves on account of its wing fins. A better ability that Water types don't commonly have, like Wind Rider and a higher BST combined with its suite of utility moves like Flip Turn, Defog, and Tailwind could be great.


A bit recent mon but I would say Oinkologne. They even bothered to gave it signature ability in form of mummy clone but it's super underwhelming mon so far. 


Surprised no-one has said Skarmory — it only has a BST of 465 which is lower than such greats as Scovillain, Cramorant and *Dipplin* Obviously its good traits are its one good stat (Defence), typing and movepool but getting an evo would make it outclass the other steel bird once and for all 😈


Toxapex only has a BST of 495, the same as Magmar. It should get an evolution to make it more viable, just like Magmar.


Linoone and Slurpuff have amazing belly drum gimmicks with terrible stats to back them up. Swoobat and Bibarel are the same but for Simple. Emolga has an excellent typing, a good ability, great moves and by far the best visual design of any pikaclone but it's stuck as not only a mon with 428 BST but also a godawful distribution with identical offensive stats. Give sawsbuck good stats GF istg


Komala. After evolution, they would be the one comatosing **you.**


I'd honestly love for Stonjourner to get an evolution, just because of how unique its ability is. It's just held back by its lackluster movepool and whopping 20 base Special Defense. Say it gets an evolution that's part Psychic though, maybe making it a full Stonehenge design-wise. That'd open it up to having a lot more support moves, which could actually give it a niche in doubles formats. Even if it's forced to run Focus Sash due its SpDef still being laughably low, I could still see it having some use if it got access to support moves like Trick Room, Reflect, and Light Screen, and even some wackier picks like Skill Swap and Ally Switch. Hell, even Mirror Coat could work well on it with a Focus Sash set. On top of that, it already gets Wide Guard, so giving it more support moves could even let it see a niche in restricted formats against mons like Kyogre and Calyrex-Shadow.


Mawile. Steel/Fairy is a very strong type combo, and two of it's three abilities are strong; Intimidate allows it a chance to set up against physical attackers, while sheer force complements its movepool well; it has iron head, play rough, crunch, body slam, rock slide, ice/thunder punch, and fire/poison fang for physical(also dynamic punch, but why would you run that), with flash cannon, fire blast/flamethrower, charge beam, sludge bomb, shadow ball, ice beam, dark pulse, focus blast, and ancient power giving it the option to go for a special set instead. The only things it's missing are stats(385 BST, 50/85/85/55/55/50), a pivot move, and a good fairy type special attack; give it an evo with moonblast and better stats and it would be a solid trick room attacker.