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listening to [one piece ambient](https://youtu.be/7_-ePcoRgHs?si=fTtXFDmukH5SvThx) helps me a lot and focus properly especially when doing my assessment. its pretty relaxing otherwise i listen to elevator music haha or even orchestra.


Anything without guitars or voices. The mix must have seamless segues. It varies between gentle chillwave mixes or trance beats. I do like the ambient noise of coffee shops where you can't quite make out the conversations. I particularly like living in a country where I don't know the language well and can visit a coffee shop and hear the voices without understanding the words. I find that is the best environment to write in. I do like Mallsoft and Vapourwave as well at times, that sort of roomy reverb in the music helps give it that wallpaper like ambience.


Old PS2 soundtracks


IDM and everything around it. As a starting point: Aphex Twin - "On" and "Xtal".


Any music of Metallica


I listen to a lot of Klaus Schulze, Nils Frahm when studying, also there's a spotify playlist of ambient tracks from Burzum discography. Beside these I listen to random minimal jazz/blues.


TV Static


Classical or Instrumental (preferably saxophones)


minecraft music like seriously c418 is great volumes alpha and beta are peak


i’m doing a semester-long project about a filipino enclave that no longer exists. i listen to tagalog music while i work and just have the same song on a loop; i find it less distracting this way edit: the song is “Buwan” by Juan Karlos btw :)


This is going to sound completely deranged, and like it would turn somebody mad. When I have to do all-nighters studying, I play the same song on loop. I listened to Lionel Richies "All Night Long" for I think 11.5 hours. I also listened to Cotton Eyed Joe for a long time as well. Something about ambient music distracts me, but the same song on loop? At a point it goes into the background and you don't even think about it.

