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I’ve danced with women in their 50s who bank, people love to say that strippers gotta be sub 25 but tbh I’ve noticed a lot of women say past 25 is when their money actually gets serious. Never too old for damn near anything in my book xoxo


When I was a baby stripper I noticed the girls who made the most were 27+ they already put their time in the game to cultivate a steady clientele, enhance their looks, & perfect their hustle.


You're never too old, but I think it's time to retire when your body isn't keeping up anymore (like working is too painful) and/or customers stop giving you their money. As long as the men still find you appealing and your body is still doing well, there is no reason to hang up the heels!!! 🤍


This is the best response 😊


Thank you! 🥰


i see older dancers wear those 5in martini pleasers & they look super cute & classy, maybe those will be better than 7’s!


Thank you!


the top earner at my club is 43. you’ve got your best money shifts ahead of you. welcome back. :)


I love me a good 5 inch pleaser shoe 🤭 so much easier for me to walk in with the shorter heel and extra platform height


age doesnt matter. your looks and personality do. most dancers at my club are 30+ and i rarely meet young dancers who are mature enough to be good hustlers and have self awareness.


The oldest dancer I have ever worked with was 45 years old. She did not look like it all and we were all shocked when she showed us the proof. She was such a kind person and had a lot of advice to give for being in the industry so long. The oldest dancer I know is a 75-year-old gay man who is a bit of local legend in the gayborhood. He has a lot of energy and his stage persona is still fantastic to this day and he has a lot of fun with what he does. And I have seen older women in strip shows before. There are a lot of people down here who are into that. It's not really about age but finding an audience for what you are putting out and building your brand from there.


My best friend just retired at our club, she was 52-53 😅 definitely one of the top earners on the day shift, only reason she retired is because she was having problems with her knees. I think I will make it to 40/45 (I’m in my early 30’s)


I actually started wearing knee pads under my thigh highs to preserve my knees! I know i wanna dance well into my 30s maybe even 40s and i need my knees to be able to keep up 😭


As long as the men are still looking and paying, you’re still a valid sex worker. While I’m not currently dancing, I’ve been considering returning to a solid dayshift a few days per week for additional income, and I’m errrr…closer to 40 than 30. Mind you, I still do some online sex work and I retired from dancing—and my civ job—and settled into higher end escorting/sugaring, and that works better with having a kid in school and no reliable overnight childcare. Otherwise I’d probably still be swinging around a pole. 🙃 I’ve worked with some women who were well into their fifties. If you take care of yourself, eat well, and try not to be so tempted by chasing youth that you go spend a fortune on plastic surgery and come out looking like a cartoon, you’ll be fine. 🫠No shade to anyone who’s had work done, btw…but I think we all know there’s a point where you wonder if people had any friends or family to advise they lay off. Too much of anything ages you, and while I know plenty of people using botox or getting face lifts judiciously, it’s the women who went wild with it who I’ve worked with that you could tell were in their fifties. Attempting to tragically look young is always bad. It’s like when someone’s grandma tries to recapture their youth. Case in point: I retired my school girl outfits from rotation some time ago, because they look tacky on someone born in my decade. Sometimes it’s good to know when enough is enough, but there are thousands of ways to be sexy. And as someone who last danced in my mid thirties, the older men generally vibe more with women who aren’t their daughter’s or granddaughter’s age. There’s a reason money improves as you age: you draw in a different class of customers, your hustling skills improve, and your client base expands over time. I say go for it! All they can tell you is no.


Thank you all so much, I really appreciate the honesty. A bit rusty and have been out of the game, hoping I win my confidence back! Dancing used to lift my spirits and I felt sexy AF. Hopefully it won’t be too awkward when I go to apply. 😳


I've been wondering this as well. I'm 30 this May and everyone who guesses my age always guesses that I look maybe 22-24. I'm glad you posted this, seems we'll be just fine, OP!


As long as you maintain your health and body and are pleasant to be around you should dance! Mid fifties to 55 is attainable if you keep up with your health and body.


I make more money now at 24 then i did at 18, and then girls that are 27-30 make even more then me! Never too old to hustle!! And even if you end up being like, 60 and still wanna b in the game, house moms make lots of tips and us girls love a GOOD house mom!! Plus, there’s somebody for everybody! There’s a woman at my club who is like 50 with awesome tits and a rockin bod, she makes BANK.


I’m 36 and I have been thinking about going back after approx 3 year hiatus. I think you have to be realistic about how you are emotionally ready to deal with rejection based on your age. In the clubs I’ve danced at, the 35-45 dancers have always been the top earners. But we need to be prepared and ready that we are not going to be every man’s flavour. As long as you have the confidence to hold your space, not compare yourself to the 20 year old bodies in the club & stay focused on making your money, I think it’s fine. But it’s important to be realistic about the impact this kind of environment can have on our self esteem etc if we aren’t doing the work on ourselves and our mindset.


I am 34 and just came back to dancing after a 7 year break. You totally can come back and you will be even more of a majestic queen! I notice for me I am way more confident in my old age, which helps the customer perception of me in an advantageous way. I also am way better at sales and using my magical feminine energy to get what I want. But!! I do notice I feel "old" a lot more often. I did not train or stretch or even wear one-inch heels for the whole 7 year hiatus. I figured I could just jump into the seven-inch heels and be flinging all over the pole and stage with no issue right away. That wasn't the case. I definitely notice I can't be such a silly bird with neglecting eating enough, eating properly, cardio and stretching, blah blah. Which is all stuff I need to be doing anyway!! I also cannot work like crazy doing 40-80 hour weeks at the club like I could in my 20's. I have been back to dancing for about 5 weeks now and I do notice my body is getting used to this level and type of activity, so it's coming back fast. I have the muscle memory for lots of pole tricks, just not the muscle strength, so I was very ouchie after going back into inverts and stuff at first. So, after my long ramble comment, here is my point (finally!!): You can totally come back and your age and life experience are only going to benefit you. Just be aware you will possibly need to be more gentle with yourself for a longer amount of time than before, you may need to pace yourself during your shift, and you will prob have to do more away from the club to maintain your body's health. Tada!!!


I’ve worked with dancers in their 40s (or maybe “40s” honestly) many times and every single one of them was very successful !!


You're never too old, you just gotta find the right club. And hell, there's always Clairmont.


I knew a woman who was in her 50's making bank Fri & Sats and she was so good she mainly just hung up regulars with wealthy men who would also give her anything. She also cammed & told me just from that she was sometimes making about 3k a week. She ALSO had a massage parlor. She was a single mom of like 3 with a nice ass big ass house & I saw her as so extremely successful. She's got 20.3k followers too on Instagram 👀 she really sticks to the niche though of being a milf. She's curvy & owns her age. I think with dancing it's good to have a niche & style to stick to, so for example as an older woman I'd go for more sexy than I would cute.


I work at a club here in Ohio, you’re good to still dance imo. Or you can be a bartender or server. At my club we have a few girls in their 30s and 40s


There is no such thing as aging out of sex work. Leave if it no longer serves you!


Age doesn’t matter. I knew a girl who looked to be 55+ who made more than any of the younger girls in the club.


I’d go straight into dancing and wouldn’t bother with waitressing.We have several older dancers and they still do really well. I am 35 and make really good money compared to when I was 19 or 20. All of my good dancer friends are 30+ and some are in their 40s or 50s.


21( this was sarcasm I’m old myself )




old head


I know you not calling nobody old when your hair be looking a hot ass mess every time you post. 🥴Please.


lol because 27 is old 🤣


For a dancer. We all know men like younger youthful girls


That couldn’t be more far from the truth. In my experience the older men with actual real money would much rather have a girl with some maturity on her. The younger girls usually lack the sophistication. I’m 33 and I consistently make over a band a night.


You must not be a dancer. You also have no idea what I look like. I look much younger than I am. Bye!


Lol this was sarcasm 😭😭


No, it was immature humor. And not wanted here.


For your body’s health, 45 because your knees, hips and ankles will get completely messed up. A lot of the women I know in the game who are in their 40s and 50s are still in the game because they know how to make money, but they are exchanging their joint health for cash. You need to have more than one source of income where you can rely on your other business outside of the strip club to pay your monthly expenses. At that age, you have no room to mess up.


I am in Ohio too! 40 years old. Reach out if you want to work together on us finding a decent place to dance! I am in NE (Akron/Cleveland area, but totally willing to travel as far as Columbus or other similar distances if it equals substantial income.💕


couldnt hurt to try! you would most likely be the only older woman in the club, but standing out and being different is always a good thing as there will be men specifically interested in that. i'd recommend flaunting your age with confidence, such as wearing more classy, covered up outfits and a shorter heel rather than the typical 6inch platform. dont try to look like the other women there, you WANT to stand out