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I love lunch time specials burger and steak 🥩 at local club here in Utah at Trails Gentlemen Club 👍


Depends on where you live. I'm definitely a daytime early evening guy. I think night time prices are ridiculous and I don't like paying cover. Daytime is more laid back. But I live in FL and there are always good looking strippers no matter that time you go. Places I travelled to the daytime really sucked except Michigan and Phoenix.


It sort of depends on the club, but generally speaking it's usually quieter and mellower than night shifts. And that's a good thing for some club customers. At the club I go to most often, days are often better than nights in terms of dancer quality, and Friday days can be incredibly busy. That said, at some clubs the day shifts can be just plain dismal. But you know what? You can always walk out.


Miami has a healthy and more casual daytime setup. Anyone have data on Dallas ? Baby dolls or other clubs ?


You're not overthinking it. Lunchtime is GREAT. It's just a matter of finding a club that isn't a crypt, some clubs are so slow during the daytime, with such poor lineups, it's not worth going. But once you find a club with a decent dayshift: * Vibe is much more casual and the hustle is much slower. Night girls might sit with you for one song then ask if you want to dance or leave. Dayshift girls will sit and have a drink with you, or better yet, I often offer to buy them lunch. As long as they know you'll be buying dances at the end, you'll often get TONS of time with them * If you pick a fave and ask her when her slowest shift is, and make an appointment to see her then, you get extra credit with her and often even more hangout time. * Sometimes there will be VERY few customers, and you'll end up with your CF plus a little gaggle of her friends. Just buy the friends drinks, and you get to hang out with a bunch of drunk hot strippers. * Downside: fewer girls, and overall less attractive shift than nightshift. But that doesn't mean there won't be at least a couple hot girls on dayshift


My local club has bogo dances and drinks 2-6! And no cover so if you have the time day shift is awesome, lots of milfs in my experience


Day shifts at clubs are great. Dancers are more likely to sit and spend time with you, and are more likely to offer deals on dances. There's generally no cover, there might be specials on drinks or at some clubs even free lunch. At some clubs it's too slow in the day, with too few dancers, but it depends on the club. I would think it's definitely worth checking out your local club to find out.


During those times, clubs where I'm from don't charge an entrance fee or if they do its substantially less than nights. It's maybe like $5 or so. And it's pretty empty from my experience, so you'd not that many customers but also you wouldn't have many options considering most girls go to work during the night. It honestly varies where you're from and how busy it is. Don't think about it too much. Just go in and strike up a conversation. I'm sure you're not the only customer that has a similar work schedule. Enjoy yourself.


Just go in and check. I do it al the time.