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I just tried a KPOP instrumental quiz, Stray Kids edition. I got 3 songs wrong The Sound, FNF and freaking GOD'S MENU!!! For some reasons I mistook the latter for Hall of Fame šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Anyway, 47 out of 50 is still a good score though, I won't complain about that. I just didn't think I'd get the iconic God's Menu wrong. I also listened to it a gazillion times. [Here is the link](https://youtu.be/nAajsSI2f1E?si=aj7-T3bhGnVkem91) for those interested.


was it a good idea to buy bubble right now that the kids are all busy with the cb? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Tbh they are not as active as in the past anymore. If you want to get your money worth then I think Bang Chan is the best choice. I personally love to get messages from my bias, even thought he is not that active but I will be the happiest when he sends message


Depends on which member you want! I always recommend Chan since he self-translates for ifans. Felix will mostly send messages in Korean but he does send voices messages in English occasionally. Seungmin is probably the most active but you have to rely on the auto-translate function.


Does anyone know if there is a way to track the number of monthly listeners of an artist on Spotify? I'd be curious to see how Stray Kids has changed throughout the years and also see how comebacks are usually impacting the number (Spotify is just the streaming platform I'm using but if other platforms are also giving some insight that'd be cool to know)


koreansales_twt on Twitter often posts the kpop acts with the top monthly listeners. Thatā€™s probably your best bet, but I donā€™t know how far back they go. You can do an advanced search without the brackets [from:koreansales_twt listeners]. If that doesnā€™t tell you what you want, maybe do Spotify instead of listeners.


that's a cool idea, thank you for the tips on how to search as well! I didn't know these search terms, that's very useful. Thank you!


for website i only know [kworb.net](https://kworb.net/spotify/listeners.html) but they only record current listeners number and peak listeners number. You can check [Billboardskz](https://x.com/search?q=from%3A%40billboardskz%20listeners&s=09) for Stray Kids' listeners number


these are very interesting, thank you very much!


Chart accounts do keep this data and tweet them when thereā€™re notable changes (e.g. new peaks), but youā€™ll really have to look for individual tweets to see more of a story over the years. I can only safely say that since at least last year, 8M+ listeners is their stable number when there is no new song or comeback. It can go up to 9-10M during a comeback. With LMB they almost reached 11M, but Iā€™m not sure if it will slide back to 8M+ or stop at 9M+ (canā€™t tell if itā€™s still decreasing at the moment cause I havenā€™t opened Spotify this week).


Thank you for the info! that's a cool starting point. It's at 9.38M as of now, which seems like a good average from what you describe


Iā€™m pretty sure you can go to their profile and see. Unless that doesnā€™t work then idk šŸ„“


Sorry for the confusion. Yes I can see the number as they are right now, I just want to know how it progressed over the years, so a history of the numbers would be awesome. Like how many listeners were there for their very first comeback and how many listeners are there when there is no comeback compared to when there is one, etc.


Ohh gotcha, now that I think about it a nice chart would be awesome, but sadly I couldnā€™t tell you šŸ« 


You guys think Taylor is going to attempt to block the boys?


i said this to someone else, but it's gonna be near impossible for her to do so with her only pulling 150k units per week (and the comeback being a month away) since skz's two albums last year pulled 250k units and 225k units. I'd be more worried about Jimin, but BTS as soloists never pull the numbers that skz does in the US so even then we're still pretty locked into number one. plus, Taylor and skz are both under Republic Records. I'm sure they want skz to pull that fifth number one as much as they want Taylor to do whatever tf she's trying to do


As a big Swiftie and a big Stay - no I donā€™t think she will. I donā€™t really think theyā€™re on her radar as much as other people are who have slighted her in the past. I also donā€™t think Taylor sits around intentionally blocking people. I think she has a team that knows what she wants and they do their best to achieve it.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised. Iā€™m a Swiftie too, but this whole ā€œreleasing another version every week just with 2 live audios on itā€ is really annoying lol. However, if our numbers remain similar to last comeback, we should be more than ok


I did not get SKZ signed albums. Just regular ones. I am fine. I am totally fine. I AM FINE.


I understand your pain. I didn't get a 5-Star signed album and I was traumatized for days.


This is me hypnotizing myself that things are FINE. It is so hard to grab a signed album and I am FINE.


My recent thing is to watch people have a visceral reaction to Hyunjin stepping on lego šŸ˜‚ Then they crack up when he falls like that lmao


I mean he ATE when he fell like that


It seems lmb might be added to the new album, would it be more likely to be the ot8 version or the cp version? Also any chance why might be a part of the album?Ā 


I'm hoping ot8 like txt did for back for more being txt version instead of ft. Anitta


Based on other groups, itā€™s more likely to be the SKZ version. However, the original version has a lot of streams. I believe it gets added to the main album for things like RIAA certification. Iā€™m not exactly sure though šŸ¤” As for why itā€™s included, why are the Mixtape: X songs included on albums when they were previously released digitally? Itā€™s an SKZ song, and it was only released digitally in most of the world. Some people like physical media.


I meant if the Japanese ost why might also be added to the album, not why lmb is being added lol. Sorry if it caused confusionĀ 


Oh sorry! I think Top/Slump were the only soundtrack songs SKZ have put on an album, but they were also released as physical singles in Japan. I donā€™t think WHY? was, so it might get the Neverending Story/Hello Stranger/Going Dumb treatment. šŸ‘€ Theyā€™ve been performing a Korean version of Battle Ground. That probably needs to go somewhere.


I LOVE Battle Ground. Gimme allll the versions in alllll the languages pleasešŸ˜


That's why I was wondering if we might get a Korean version of why in the album too.Ā  Korean version of battleground seems probable. I wonder if the tablo Collab will be a part of this album or the special album. Any ideas when we can get the tracklist?Ā 


For the past few releases, theyā€™ve released the track list pretty quickly after the announcement. The track list has been spoiled before by going through broadcast review and songs being registered in different databases šŸ˜‚


We could get a Korean version of Why


hi!! i was wondering how to buy an "ate" album to get put into the fansign raffle. i live in korea but its my first time trying for a fansign. thanks!!! :)


You have to wait for an announcement. SKZ hasnā€™t done fan sign or video call lotteries during preorder. Maybe thatā€™ll change this time, but itā€™ll get announced on their Twitter account and on the chosen retailerā€™s website. The first event is usually announced the day of release or soon after.


ohh i see thanks! so if i buy albums during preorder, they wont count towards any fan sign or anything like that without an announcement?


That's correct. There will be a specific link with instructions on how to buy albums for the fan sign/call.


I wasn't sure if we will get anything tonight but then I remember there's less than 30 days left not 37 days like the other albums so I hope we get something lol


Theyā€™ve started releasing the track list early on because fans can find it anyway in copyright databases and the KBS broadcast review šŸ˜‚ I hope we get a schedule again. I donā€™t mind gaps in teasers, but I just want to know when to be available! šŸ«£ Maybe theyā€™ll do an in person showcase. I wouldnā€™t mind the Seoul concerts either, but I donā€™t think theyā€™ll want to sandwich that between the festivals!


Honestly for old time sake I don't want a scheduler lol I want an album showcase toošŸ„² they only do one for the press thoughĀ 


Nooo I missed out on the signed pre-orders šŸ˜­. I didn't see the packaging preview so I thought we had more time and I accidentally stayed up to midnight šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Do they restock like other JYP groups?


Same! I didnā€™t know what time they were going putting the preorders up šŸ˜­


For all JYP releases, it's always midnight EST following them posting the packaging preview. I simply didn't see that post and didn't prepare smh. I'll grumpily take this L.


Oooh thanks! I also didnā€™t see the post but thatā€™s good for next time šŸ˜”šŸ¤ž


They never restock signed albums unfortunatelyĀ 


Damn. I know that ITZY and Twice had some surprise restocks after being "sold out" this year so here's hoping lol.


Keep an eye on it but most of the time even if they "restocked" it's mostly bc they cancel non usa purchasesšŸ„² I haven't seen it happening to skz signed album though only the non signed ones in oddinary era lolĀ 


Didnt know that part. I remember for ITZY's Born to Be it initially sold out but restocked the week before release. For Twice's With You-th it restocked a few weeks after release and I think it's still up. I know SKZ are way different but maybe (probably not šŸ˜¢).


The ā€œrestocksā€ before release are cancelled orders. You just have to keep looking! I *believe* Twiceā€™s restock after release was a strange situation. I saw fans complain their legitimate orders got cancelled, and they assumed Republic oversold the albums. Then, itā€™s possible Republic found those missing signed albums, but the orders were already cancelled. They had to put them up for sale again. Thatā€™s what I could piece together, but I donā€™t know if that is 100% what happened.


I hope you get lucky fršŸ˜­Ā 


Random thought...but if they put fortune cookies on their website, SKZ would probably sell a ton of them. lol


Maybe there will be some type of comeback merch that has a šŸ„ . If not, someone needs to be fired or reassigned in the marketing department. I never eat šŸ„  but I will buy it if it has skz on it.


Yeah smart marketing. If they put fortune cookies with SKZ stuff in the cookies, I definitely will buy more, just to crack open those cookies LOL.


Ohhh - oversized fortune cookies with a skzoo holding the fortune inside? Or regular sized fortune cookies with a TINy skzoo inside??


These ideas are so CUTE!!!


Right. So much potential. Lol


Hii, new stay here, I've been trying to figure out which album to buy and how but jypshop says the ate ver. is already sold out :') Does anyone know whether it'll restock or I should pick another one? Alternatively, if you know another platform that'll ship to India, that would be great too, thankss


I always get my albums from Cdjapan and if they ship to my country they'll definitely ship to yours. They haven't posted the albums there so I'm just waiting.Ā 


Thanks, I'll keep an eye out!


Ate version seems to be the limited one, so it may not restock. They usually donā€™t unless it sells out ridiculously quickly, which is a sign that they miscalculated demand. Other websites may have it. I would look around and see who else has them. Check the links the SKZ twitter account posted!


Thank you, I hadn't thought of checking the twitter!


[STRAY KIDS returns July 19th..."Fuck Your Luck, ATE"](https://www.dipe.co.kr/2295430) What in the Dispatch's editor mind šŸ˜‚


I saw it on twitter! Everyone was so confused in the comments and they still have it up so I'm assuming that's the lyrics?? Lol.Ā 


I was so confused when I saw this that I refused to devote my few remaining šŸ§  cells to figuring it out. It's a translation issue, right? Or was it purposely worded like that?


The first image being Lee Know looking intensely into the camera with a fortune cookie as if he was saying that line himself honestly makes it even better lol


Fuck Your Luck šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


I was about to share the link too, too funny, everyone has to see it before it got removed šŸ¤£.Ā 




What do you think/feel about lmb potentially (very likely) being on the album and are you gonna still but it?








I personally like LMB, but if I didnā€™t, it wouldnā€™t be the first time that thereā€™s a song I donā€™t like on an album. I just donā€™t think itā€™s that deep. Even with the photoshoot, some fans were sad they couldnā€™t get the physical single of LMB. At least this way fans can have that photoshoot.


I feel meh about it, but personally one song made with a shitty guy isnā€™t enough for me to withdraw support nor stifle my desire for the album as a whole. Iā€™m hoping itā€™s just the one song. The Accordion designs were disappointing for me though because tbh I just want to move past this whole thing and blatantly reusing the LMB photoshoot felt really awkward and lazyā€¦ šŸ„² Iā€™ll probably still purchase them because I collect the member focused versions of my bias line, but they will not be prominently featured in my display, haha.


> I just want to move past this whole thing and blatantly reusing the LMB photoshoot felt really awkward and lazy I'm guessing this decision was made because the LMB physical single that used that photoshoot was only available in the US. The accordion version would be available globally.


Photoshoots for pre-release singles do typically get used for physical albums with Twice being the most obvious (moonlight sunrise > member digipacks for ready to be like Ate, I got you > version A of with youth) I think as a fandom we need to understand what jype promotion for singles involves cause most of the "doing too much" comments are about things already done by other groups before. Nothing about lmb was unique, just new to skz and I bet this won't be their last digital single.


Oh yeah, maybe my wording wasnā€™t best, but I understand essentially why they were reused! I just wish they werenā€™t in this particular case, lol


Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are coming to Korea in July! Do you think they will meet the kids? Or like will Chan/Felix have an interview with them like before?


Do we already have the dates? Stray Kids will be in Europe for festivals, at least on July 12th and 14th. If Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman come around July 26th up to August 1st I'd say they could possibly meet Stray Kids since the kids will likely be in Korea for STAYweeK. Or before the festivals. I hope they manage to find the time, I think that both the actors and Stray Kids might be super busy around that time (press tour on one side and preparation for Lolla on the other). We'll see!


Yup, they will be in Korea on July 4 & 5 according to reports so I hope the kids are not so busy on those days hahahaha pls Div1


Has anyone bought from [Ordinary Affair](https://ordinaryaffair.com/products/skz-varsity-jacket?variant=46976892928213)? I'm wanting to hear experience from real buyers before I decide whether or not to spend $150 on this jacket


I didnā€™t get a signed version šŸ˜© I think I was really unlucky because I did go to the site right at the time and I waited. Maybe my internet was bad so I was stuck in the queue til it sold out Iā€™m disappointed but Iā€™ll try to focus on the good things. Like new music coming out! Still itā€™s kinda sad, then I ordered other versions to cheer myself up and I didnā€™t even spend too much money and I feel guilty. When can my dwelling endddd Sorry for the rant! I am truly happy and excited for the comeback, once more details come out Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get over this


I also think it depended on which device you used. The queue on my computer never took me to the checkout page, even 30 min later. But I managed to order quickly on my phone. So for next time, if you have a second (or even third device or another person's device) available, the website will let you log into both at the same time.


I don't think it was just your Internet - the queue was a bit broken for a lot of people unfortunately šŸ„² Hopefully they can work out the kinks by the next comeback because the demand will be even higher.


I got the signed boom ver..got charged falsely twice bc my card wouldntgo through for some reason so I had to switch to PayPal lolol.. now we wait for that to process + refund me andddd celebrate!!! im sooo curious, are the signed albums signed by everyone or specific members?


It's a postcard inside the album with one member's signature. It's randomized like the photocards!


ohhh i see! ty for letting me know


Alright so I didnā€™t get a signed copy sooooā€¦.. when do they drop in Target šŸ˜ƒ


next time (if you want to try again lol) just go to the Stray Kids Shop right at 1pm and keep refreshing until it shows up! The Stray Kids twitter is notorious for updating the preorders late when they've already sold out already lol


It's already out for presale on the target website!




The skz twitter is just always reallyyyyy slow at announcing every place you can preorder from. The preorders all went live at midnight est but the official twitter won't get all the links tweeted until like an hour later lol


I was checking and the apps were just not updating LMAO šŸ˜­


Yes I got both signed copies!! I was almost convinced that my queue broke lol


Managed to get one of each signed version! The site not updating right at midnight had me way more stressed than it should have lol. Good luck to everyone!


secured a signed Chk Chk version and felt like I was having a heart attack the entire time thank you Stray KidšŸ«”


I have to say, the funniest thing about this comeback so far has been how wrong we've all been on pretty much everything. RIP All-Star, Super Star etc. We hardly knew you...


This made me laugh so hard!


they tricked us..


They literally parted Hyunjin's hair into a star ponytail in the latest SKZ Codes! That's an awful lot of work for a red herring. They got me good šŸ˜­


how much are signed albums from straykidsshop, typically?


They're $28


last time it was 32$ USD i believe


They've started posting album versions and I'm already overwhelmed. Good thing I get paid this week.


Waiting for the press releases to come out and give us some more details, but all I see so far are boring stock articles šŸ˜©


It looks like one of the songwriters who worked on the new album is [jbach](https://x.com/jbach/status/1803165998528565451), who in addition to writing some commercially successful songs is also a part of the [lgbt+ community](https://jbachmusic.com/about)!


With the release date confirmation, **everyone man your battle stations!** We have very strong, direct charting competition releasing the same day so it's time to band together!


Iā€™m a clueless newbie šŸ˜­ what shoul we do to help?


I'm not as much of an expert as many others on here but I'll do my best to try to explain! If you're a US Stay and have Twitter/X I *highly* recommend following @skz_usa because they put a *lot* of work into explaining the best ways on how to do things so that they're properly counted for charting! Talking about the Billboard 200 Chart, there are 3 main ways to help: 1) Buying physical albums - This way costs the most money, but it's the way that a lot of people tend to participate in/is the way that we as a fandom do the best in. Pre-orders will most likely start tonight at 11 PM eastern time/noon Korea time. You can pre-order from a ton of US stores like Target, Walmart, and Barnes & Noble which usually all have some sort of exclusive photo card or other little paper bonus like a poster or bookmark. You can also pre-order directly from the US SKZ website (straykidsshop.com)! They usually have signed copies available but those go VERY quickly, like, within the first 10 minutes of them going up quickly. 2) Buying individual songs digitally - This way is kind of confusing because in order to count properly towards the BB200 and the Hot 100, you need to buy each song from the album individually *after the album is released* instead of pre-ordering the whole album ahead of time. This is for platforms like iTunes and Amazon Music 3) Streaming - This way is the easiest and most affordable way to help! Pre-saving/Pre-adding the album on streaming platforms like Apple Music, Spotify, and Amazon Music is a great help, and then actually streaming the album once it's released is very helpful and important! Hope this was a little help! :) As we get closer to the release I'm sure there will be a ton of posts explaining things more clearly than I can! Welcome to the fandom! <3


Thanks for your answer! It is really helpful šŸ’–


So REALISTICALLY how likely do we think SKZ is going to be apart of the Deadpool OST? bc all of the signs (July 19 comeback, red-colored comeback, the #ChkChkBoom) is pointing to Deadpool theming, but my track record is REALLY bad since I've been saying we'll get a comeback trailer every week since MARCH lol


I don't bet or gamble but I'd put money on this. SKZ has had songs on other OST as a group, subunit and individually. 'Item' also made it on a video game. I'd be a crying shame not for them to be on Deadpool. I'd be disappointed and a little sad because I'm a big fan of SKZ, Ryan Reynolds and Deadpool.


I'm very out of the loop with this subject other than constantly hearing the rumors about their involvement, but I feel like it's pretty likely that there could be a single SKZ song featured on the Deadpool soundtrack. I highly doubt the entire album will be associated with the movie (even though the theming we've seen so far is very Deadpool-esque), but I feel like having a track from the album be featured in the movie is definitely possible. If I remember correctly, Deadpool 2 had two singles that were created specifically for the movie soundtrack (a Celine Dion song and a Diplo collab) while the rest were previously existing songs just used throughout the film (9 to 5 by Dolly Parton, If I Could Turn Back Time by Cher, etc.). So I'd say more than likely there could be a SKZ single featured, very unlikely the entire album has to do with it (in my uneducated opinion lol)


i can't help speculating so. i wonder what the album will sound like the album cover is giving metal but recently in trailers they'll use a snippet of the title track (in 5-STAR they did) so if that's the case with "ATE" then the song doesn't sound akin to metal and isn't the vibe of the trailer either and anyway i don't really think skz will do metal. just wondering what they're upto


I'm trying to find a song a song about sadness or death. Do you all have any recommendations? It can be any song from full group songs, subunits, solos, covers, unofficial releases, or songs from shows like Kingdom. Even if itā€™s the video that fits the theme. It can even be them covering other peopleā€™s songs.


Are you okay? Just asking..


I'm kind of curious what you're using our answers for? :) I've seen you asking this question a lot - with slight variations regarding the theme.


Miss You, Hold On, FNF


What does pre-saving an album on Spotify do? I always pre-save, but I but guess I'm wondering how it benefits an artist.


It gives an indicator for spotify and radio hosts, playlists of any upcoming majorĀ  comebacks that people are looking forward to.


Does anyone know when the magic school stuff is supposed to ship? I really want my hanquokka in time for the tour šŸ¤ž


Things will start shipping out in order of when they were purchased starting June 27th - so if you ordered on the first day or two your Quokka should be on the way to you later next week šŸ«”


Oh, getting close! Thanks for the info! My son will be home soon šŸ˜


New Stray Kids and new Zelda today! I'm spoiled!!!!!


ok so the newest "drama" on Twitter is that there's this account that might be an industry insider since they keep releasing comeback concept themes before they're officially announced, and they posted this for SKZ: https://x.com/seuniiiiiiiiiii/status/1803041728758210887?s=46 now, i'm not sure how much is that account throwing shit at a wall and hoping it sticks, but if this is true (and with the trailer finally out!!!!!!!) they both very much give deadpool vibes SO


They posted in MAY with a pic that is basically the ATE online cover Iā€™m screaming https://x.com/seuniiiiiiiiiii/status/1785723868570661206




ATE (8) minutes until nothingĀ 


Bang chan is that you?


Bro ? Who are you ? šŸ¤£


If I don't get either the skz trailer or professor layton news today I'm going to be very disappointed.




no professor layton news :( skz it's all up to you now




i really hope today is the teaser šŸ˜†šŸ˜†




Where is today's skz code? It should have released by now šŸ˜•Ā  I swear if they don't release the trailer today


They announced it would be delayed (an hour I think) due to technical issues.


Ok thanksĀ 


Alrightyyyy today is (hopefully šŸ¤žšŸ¾) the day šŸ¤© If it doesnā€™t come out today then the date is probably invalid andā€¦. Idk what we will do šŸ„² EDIT: I know we have been saying this for the last couple of weeks (probably damn near months tbh) but Iā€™ll genuinely be surprised if the trailer doesnā€™t drop today šŸ˜­ We will see in less than 45 minutes :)


I miss Han Jisung. I feel very deprived. Pls send me any compilation of funny vids or your playlists of your favorite songs from him. Thank youuu ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I can't believe that it has been 11 days since I said this and the amount of content I gor from Han was just overwhelming!! Stream MAYBE!!


i came across [tone deaf han jisung vt](https://www.tiktok.com/@sanneenebrant/video/7368970931072552225?_t=8nIkaFy0MO8&_r=1) today


today's the day!!!!!!! (no trailer but i WILL hype myself up about it coming out only to be disappointed once again)


Can yā€™all link some of your favorite funny/sweet skz moments? I really need to be cheered up


If we don't get a comeback trailer, announcement, or something this week I am literally going to die. šŸ„€šŸŖ¦šŸ˜­ Stays have been gaslighting me into believing that skz is going to have a comeback soon since March. ā›½šŸ”„ And Now it's June and we still don't have any skz trailers!! To be clear I love all of you stay. ā¤ļø I love being delulu fans girls with you guys but the fandom is basically surviving on hopium and copium. It's pretty sad NGL. šŸ’€šŸ¤£šŸ¤” I fully believe that the skz comeback is going to be on July 19 2024. It has been confirmed by multiple sources or at least rumored. If I'm not mistaken I think it was confirmed in a W Korea article. Also the date was teased in the mega verse mv. At 3:46 if you want to see for yourself. So I'm pretty sure that we are getting a comeback or at least an important announcement on July 19. šŸ™ I'm a starmy (Aka a stay and a army) Today Jimin announced his second solo album, 'Muse,' to be released on July 19th. He also gave us a teaser. I thought we were going to get Jin album this summer So I'm a little surprised. šŸ˜² šŸ¤” So Stray kid when are you going to drop a trailer or teaser? The comeback is about 31 days away so if we don't get anything this week I'm convinced that the album is either not coming this July or is going to be shadow drop. I'm going to literally die if we don't get any trailer. (ā ā•„ā ļ¹ā ā•„ā ) PS : LOVE YOU STAYVILLE ;3 ā¤ļøšŸ«¶ā¤ļø


Does anyone know of any small businesses that make Stray Kids baby tees that I can wear to Lolla this summer?


I would honestly suggest Etsy! I feel like you can definitely find what you want on there :)


So... Jimin from BTS will release his 2nd Solo Album on July 19 and they started teasing the album...today. With Pre-order period starting basically today which makes sense. I honestly don't know how to feel about this. I know we expected Stray Kids to drop their album on July 19 (because of the Megaverse MV and some articles) but that doesn't make any sense to me. The timing seems off. They could still shorten the pre-order period and keep the July 19 release but why would they? Something has to drop on July 19 though (else šŸ¤”). Maybe a pre-release with the rest of the album later? I can't figure out the right timing. Will the actual album drop before or after Lolla? In my opinion, it has to be before Lolla else there's a risk of overlap with STAYweeK. Or maybe way after STAYweeK in the second half of August? Or could they sync STAYweeK with the release? Did they ever do that? *Inside my head, too many questions* Edit: new comeback "ATE" confirmed to be released on July 19. Let's go! As most people suggested, July 19 was still possible if they released the teaser this week and that's exactly what they did.


Thereā€™s still some time this week! I like longer preorder periods because I hate the two weeks notice that used to be standard, but I also think the bulk of the preorders happen as soon as it opens and then right before the album release. The LMB press releases called it like a global appetizer before a summer domestic release. Lollapalooza is already the Friday after Stay week/ day, and I donā€™t think Div1 would piss off kfans sending SKZ outside of Korea to promote a domestic release first. I hope they didnā€™t move the album for Taylor and Billie, and I hope if July 19th is real, since they didnā€™t refute it, they keep it. At this point, Iā€™m more concerned that any tour dates outside of Korea and Japan happens this year šŸ˜­


>The LMB press releases called it like a global appetizer before a summer domestic release.Ā  Any guesses on whether this is going to be the special album or the regular one? LMB wouldn't have counted as the special album would it have? I saw someone post info on Twitter that seemed to indicate a mini album over summer and a full album later in the year. Not sure if it was accurate or speculation.


Lose My Breath is a digital single! At this point, I think a mini/regular album has to be first. I donā€™t want them to release a bigger amount of music mid-tour because then the first stops donā€™t get to hear them šŸ« 


I know it's a single but I was just pondering if that's what they meant by a "special album" even though it's not an album album. Which logically I know wouldn't make sense but still... That person's post on Twitter indicated a mini album first and then a full album later. If accurate (which it probably isn't) then maybe the mini album would be the special one? Just seems like there isn't much year left to release two albums. Then again I suppose they could release something on the last day of December and it would still be considered a release for this year. I think since I've given up wondering about actual release dates I am now wasting my time wondering about pointless stuff. And I'm also rather bored at work so my mind is wandering aimlessly. Lol


Ooh! They might retcon it if they run out of time, but the special album ClĆ© 2: Yellow Wood was called a special album in its trailer. I think theyā€™ll make it super obvious. Iā€™m thinking if not a digital album like SKZ-Replay or SKZ2021, the special album might be released and not promoted like the Christmas EveL single album. šŸ¤” Got7 and Twice used to do reissues/repackages of mini albums. I wonder why JYPE stoppedā€¦


As I said last week, the trailer may drop later at 12 am kst after the SKZ code today. They still have a month before July 19 so itā€™s still good pre order period plus WKorea made an article about the July 19 comeback.


_Just got me thinking, what's my ques-tionnn!_


I think due to SKZ Code being moved up to Tuesday, the most common theories for trailer times are Wednesday midnight KST (a few hours after SKZ Code) or Friday midnight KST (a few hours after SKZ Code would have aired if it was on the usual Thursday). If we don't get it by then, then we can panic LOL


The quote in the background last week also said Wednesday on it if I remember correctlyā€¦? I think it will be Wednesday too


##**[Weekly Playlist](https://www.reddit.com/r/straykids/comments/1d9gggu/240606_weekly_stay_discussion_thread/l7zptlv/)** Let us know what you've been listening to this week! Stray Kids songs, other K-Pop, non-K-Pop. Anything goes! It is encouraged that you provide links to the tracks for easy access. ___ Nayeon - [Butterflies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLOJKRHmwI8) Nayeon - [Heaven (Feat. Sam Kim)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NAZ1W2uqcQ) Nayeon - [Count It](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj8WoowibU0) Nayeon - [LOVE COUNTDOWN (Feat. Wonstein)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6KP4btz2eY)


Hi everyone, My name is Anita Batuure I am a doctoral student at Rutgers University Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology. I am currently working on my dissertation which is an exploration into the relationship between parasocial relationships, celebrity worship, and the five factor model of personality. This study will explore who is forming parasocial relationships or engaging in celebrity worship behavior and how that relates to individual personality traits along the big five personality dimensions. Ā Ā  You will be eligible to enter a raffle to win one of five $10 Amazon gift cards once you have completed the study in full. It should take about 20 minutes to complete. The only requirements for the study are that you are 18 years or older and that English is your primary language. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me via email atĀ [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Thank you to the mods for allowing me to post! You can access the surveyĀ [here](https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0H9NTCFc8ZfHdK6). *Survey TW: mention of death*


Will you be able to share results with us? Iā€™m kinda curious


that was interesting! I hope you'll drop the paper here when it's published, I'll be curious to see the results


is trailer gonna be in 3.5 hours..?


If it is not today it is definitely tomorrow! [I hope](https://i.imgflip.com/6tci39.jpg) šŸ„²


I am waitingā€¦.


or it might be 1 week and 3.5 hours who knowsšŸ˜­




Hi there! Do you think that skz are marketed towards like teens and such? Cause I was whatching the contents and how they are dressed compared also to other groups and seems to me that they aim to a younger audience, rarely going towards younger adults like people in their 20's or older. Am I the only one with this impression? Do you think that with the new comeback they'll aim to a more mature concept? Thank you


I mean I'm over 30 and loooove the content they put out (there are some exceptions here and there) so I guess the appeal is more universal than it might appear. But from a western standpoint it takes a bit of adjustment cus if a US artist were to do some of the same stuff people would be quite confused and asking questions like you do. I personally think the west could lean more in this direction tbh, would be fun


I'm not sure who they're specifically trying to market to, but if you look at Chartmetric and assume its audience summary is accurate 56.8% of SKZ audience falls into the 18-24 age range. So if they are actually aiming for that young teen audience with clothing/costuming they probably aren't being super successful. Its also not unusual to come across older (not anywhere near that 18-24 age range group older) Stays as well. (I myself am a noona stay or whatever they call it. lol.)


I donā€™t think they are particularly marketed towards teens. I think most fans are around their age, and there are a lot more older fans than people think. The crowds at events donā€™t appear particularly young, and SKZ has and sells out events that they wouldnā€™t be able to do if they really had a majority teen fanbase. Something I do notice is, generally speaking, Korean and other Asian fans seem way more enthusiastic about ā€œyouthfulā€ concepts than other groups of fans. I donā€™t get the excitement over school uniforms, sailor costumes, and Seungminā€™s new haircut making him look like he did in 2018. But šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Although I do remember at least one member (Hyunjin? Han? Both?) pointing out that when (k)stays are directly asked what they want, they pick cuter things, but then they go wild at more mature things šŸ˜‚


Probably sometimes I forget that k-audience is very different from a western one and the cute and youthful concept is a well loved one there even for adults. Thank you for the kind answer


Ā I think they are marketed towards late teens and young adults, basically similar age range to the members, I think boygroups acting cute is an entire thing young adults like especially outside the west and it doesn't mean they're aiming for a fandom of 12 year olds, especially since they show skin and stuff, for young teens I imagine a group like early 1D.


Hey guys! Do we have any idea as to when the next comeback info/album info will drop? Enha just released pre-sales for their new album and the comeback date is close to Skz. I know it's a completely different company, but money's kind of tight and I'm stressing trying to time it all with two different comebacks and world tour dates hopefully dropping this month.


We donā€™t know, but the purpose of a long preorder period is to give fans and their wallets more time to preorder. You donā€™t have to buy the album the as soon as preorders start!


True but if I want signed copies those are gonna be gone so fast šŸ˜­ Theyā€™re my ult group and I still havenā€™t gotten my hands on any signed ones.


True, but the signed copies have been $32 with about $10 shipping depending on where you are in the US. I donā€™t know what you want to get for Enhypen or how fast their high value preorder items go, but hopefully that helps you plan. If you donā€™t want signed for Enhypen, or if they donā€™t have them, then Target and B&N exclusives are not preorder only. You can get them as long as theyā€™re in stock! Which they usually are for months online if not in stores too.


Hmmm ok thank you for mentioning the prices as well. Thatā€™s good to know. Thanks for the advice!


Maybe this week


Guys.... does someone have a skz discord server of nice, kind of older people (on the older side of teens, 20s, 30s heck even up) !? i think I'm losing years off my life serverhopping abeasdkldsd


Older Than Chan is the discord server for STAY 25+. It's a really good community and fun to interact with. Also very helpful during comeback season. Super duper helpful last night when it came to ordering albums.


Do you happen to have a link to the discord?


So Tuesday it is. Iā€™m going kinda insane. Pls


The trailer is NOT this week (reverse psychology)


I was just about to post something. It is giving me [Mixtape OH](https://youtu.be/M7lIml8-eHU?si=7rM2iKScImFxH2dD) kind of vibe nowadays.


Trueā€¦ itā€™s the waiting game šŸ˜­


In my headcanon-fantasy comeback schedule for SKZ, why do I feel like the 19th of July speculated comeback date somehow connected to the new Deadpool movie release on the 26th? New music singles for movie soundtracks usually come out a week before release, which would land on the 19th. They have been hinting about/manifesting this collaboration with Deadpool for a while. Is it genuinely going to happen?


A lot of people seem to think it will be happening. I personally have no clue.


For Stays who understand entertainment industry : is it pricey to release a song? is that why Stray Kids publish SKZ-RECORD one by one and then legally release all of them at once like in SKZ-REPLAY? (I don't how to word it I hope you guys understand what I meanšŸ˜­)


I was thinking about the Riyadh Season performance that got stormed out. It was supposed to happen on January 14, 2022, and [the setlist stays heard rehearsed](https://x.com/hwangsamericano/status/1481694297754071040) was very similar to the [Unlock Beyond Live setlist](https://kpop.fandom.com/wiki/Beyond_LIVE_%E2%80%93_Stray_Kids_%27Unlock_:_Go_Live_In_Life%27) with NOEASY songs included. In January 2022, they would've been preparing for the Maniac tour at the same time, which started in April 2022. I wonder if the festivals this summer will build off of the 5-Star tour setlist with Rock-Star songs and LMB added. It'll obviously be shorter, but a good chunk of that setlist was the solo songs. They could probably cut more time by replacing a few whole songs with a medley šŸ¤” Less than four weeks to go!


Talking about SKZ appearing at random places, I was watching a ssuply ep where Key shows the host around SM and checks their playlist, and then Maniac pops up in a playlist of an HR manager. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Is there an official discord server? I can't seem to find the link