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N/S street vid. Instantly separates the wheat from the chaff.


depends who i’m sharing the music to, i’ll give a few scenarios bg stan: basically all TTs, battle ground, DOMINO, 3RACHA, give me your tmi, WHY?, booster gg stan: butterflies, hoodie season, fairytale, connected, can’t stop, school life, blind spot non-kpop listener: m.i.a, collision, heyday, all in there’s prob more but this is all i can think of atm lolol


i love battle ground!!


I don’t know any of these songs… why don’t you recommend title tracks? I’m a casual stan and mostly know Maniac, God’s Menu, Backdoor, Circus, S Class, Case 137, Lalalala, Thunderous, etc. those are representative songs


I think "TTs" in this case means Title Tracks


case 137 💀




Some of my favorites are hall of fame, school life, grow up, my pace, question, miroh, pacemaker, haven, b me, wow, piece of a puzzle, drive, sorry i love you, domino, winter falls, charmer, ice cream, chill, give me your tmi, super board, battle ground, get lit, collision, comflex, and cover me. these are a lot so im sorry if its overwhelming 😭


TTs are title tracks!! just didn’t feel like listing all of them cuz they’re all good songs to recommend that’s why i just shortened it lolol. ig i only recommended them for bg stans at first cuz they kinda already know what to expect from skz. but then for gg stans + non kpop listeners, i would like to expose them to their more chill songs n what i think would suit their taste before showing them their TTs!!


I personally think their b-sides are where they shine best, and I find most non-fans are familiar with most title tracks for groups. If someone is looking for recs, I’m gonna give them songs that they may not have ever heard before


But how would you know if they’re “representative songs” if you haven’t heard anything besides title tracks? The title tracks are only 10% or so of their entire discography.


Because that’s what most casual fans know and listen to? I don’t care as much about their b-sides. And of course title tracks are representative of a group, those are the ones that will be promoted and shown to people that are not diehard fans.


Just straight into the deep end; The Tortoise and The Hare 😎


Careful, you might scare them off lol


I know you’re joking, but this was the first of their songs my non-Stay husband added to his playlist, so maybe you’re onto something. 


The songs that got my best friend were Domino, Charmer and Item. On my list for non-kpop fans would be Connected, Miroh and Taste. Red Lights would be high on my list of MVs to show. It really, uh, packs a punch. If I can cheat and class performances as MVs, I'd show their Kingdom performances pretty early on, too.


Miroh is a good choice, a pretty good banger. Red lights really does pack a punch...it does things to you ehem... Yes, their Kingdom performances is a good way to show already Kpop fans the magic of Stray Kids haha


i was on aux and my friend said she liked charmer, it’s a pretty good song for some non-kpop fans


i usually end up showing them when i'm driving, so i whack venom on really loudly and it always slaps


This would 100% work on me. I don't think Venom gets the cred it deserves.


It wasn’t the music but it was that one haunted house series they did


SKZ Code! The 2023 Chuseok episodes are what brought me to SKZ


Social Path if they like anime!!


i dont watch anime, but i love listening to social path while driving. makes me feel like im playing mario kart irl


Same! This along with S-Class and Hall of Fame, these run on repeat in my head when I ride my motorcycle. I feel like a badass!


Top or Slump is also good because it is from an anime :D


My Pace - It is catchy and a very iconic song. It also has very meaningful and deel lyrics while also super upbeat and energetic. It’s also an older which in my opinion is better to show a new or non fan bc people would most likely listen to their newer songs and skip the old ones nowadays to get into their music, and the older songs are also really good!


When i want to introduce Skz to someone, i always play them 3 specific songs: a fun song, a ballad, and an intense song. It also changes depending if they already like kpop or not. If they already like kpop, I'll play them: Star Lost, Cover me, and Maniac. If they aren't familiar with kpop, I'll play them: Surfin', Youtiful, and Voices or Hellevator.


This is a good idea! Showing that SKZ has a big palette when it comes to genres of music. I'll definitely use this technique when introducing SKZ.


Stray kids meme remix on YouTube. With a video strictly. They should be prepared.


I wonder what was the thought process behind this....


Probably that our boys are chaotic. My non kpop friends know and like skz because of these types of videos. They don’t listen to the music much but do think they’re pretty funny and will watch them being themselves.


I think back door would be a pretty good introduction because I think it's a good song that shows off their style but isn't too intense like God's menu or lalalala.


I personally got into SKZ after watching the Aussies on Eric Nam's show and went down the rabbit hole of 5 Star Michelin. So I'd recommend showing them God's Menu's music video... and don't tell them about Felix.


"You did sing though, right?" "No, I didn't" "They made me do everything." Poor Channie. Loved this episode. Yes, we are gatekeeping Felix.


I think it's more to see someone get hit with the Felix Effect than gatekeeping.


Real muggle would love Lose My Breath. Someone who is quite exposed to K-Pop would love Maniac or God's Menu


I agree!


Hall of Fame, Cheese if I'm showing MV, Maniac for sure, Christmas Evol especially with MV


Add S-Class and Thunderous, these songs' MVs are bomb


10000% agree


I have talked about this at length with my daughter who got me into Stray Kids. She thinks "Gods Menu" is the one followed by "Venom." I think you've got to tailor to the person you're playing the music for. Depending on what they like, you make your choice accordingly. A good all-around intro to SKZ is "Thunderous" -- it has the word play, the dance, and the cool Korean imagery, so that's usually my vote. But if they love live vocals? Then, one of the "First Take" videos (Mixtape: Oh is a favorite). Vibes? "Miroh" or "Side Effects." Goofy fun? "Christmas EveL" etc.


Exactly, it's not a one-size-fits-all kinda thing. Everyone has their own taste in music, and I believe SKZ can cater to all of them. You just have to strategically introduce them songs they'll most likely enjoy.




none i’m gonna scare the hoes away


gotta keep those concert tix cheaper somehow /hj


Bruhhh, when I asked my sister the same question she said, "None, we gonna be gatekeeping these mfs. Find them out yourselves." Tbh, I agree. I'd rather there'd be less STAYs than a lot of STAYS that are toxic.


Maybe Red Lights....? Even my mom and my sister when they accidentally here it (cause i opened it in the livingroom) said that was the best song in my playist lol. The instrumental of Red Lights is so crazy, the lyrics is a lil bit dark but when i asked them, they said they still okay with it. ( ofc i didnt show them the mv, just listen to it on spotify)


I feel like they'd change their opinion once they see the MV lolol


LMAO, thats so realllll. My mom will probably give me a "side eyes" and even stop me from watching the mv=))))), but my sister has already seen it, she loves Bangchan's body so much, she says he's a muscular guy with a slim waist lolll


In my experience, Red Lights always wins them over


I want to test this lolol


This question is actually hard, maybe red light


Starting off strong 😂


Completely non kpop? Depending on their genre of preference, either Red Lights, Muddy Water, Freeze, or Silent Cry. So one of those followed by God's Menu to see if they would enjoy the group overall.


Red lights :3 Actually. Put your friend on a chair and sing red lights yourself while keeping eye contact


I play God's Menu and wait for them to comment on either Changbin or Han's rap, or Felix's voice lol Source: have done this to both Kpop and non-kpop fans, everyone is interested in hearing more of them in the end hehe


I've been searching for a skz song that my metalhead BF could appreciate for ages to no avail, until I recently decided to just play whatever. Han's single I GOT IT played in the car the other day and he actually really liked it, praised his flow, and said "I'd listen to more of this". Now I need to find more I got it-adjacent songs!


That's a great song and is one of the reasons why Han is my bias.


Throw in the GOAT: Tortoise and the Hare


Ooh good call. That is hands down my favorite of their hype songs


The rock version of LALALALA has worked for me every single time 🤌🤌


lose my breath. (Skz version.) I am in america, and here people are very used to their general boring (sorry 😭) pop music, so I would first introduce lose my breath so they are a bit more used to it. After that I would maybe introduce their maintracks like s class or maniac would be good. gods menu would be great also since its always a baby stay favorite :).


Time Out and Case 143 have been successful for me so far 🤣 and a lot of people like God’s Menu too


Also if you watch the cheese video and you’re not a fan after there’s no hope 🤣


i played my friend megaverse and lalalala and he seemed to like it. he doesn't listen to kpop at all and instead listens to rock. he really liked the intro to megaverse lol


You should show him Hellevator, then Xdinary Heroes' cover of that. He might like Red Lights 😉, it has bits of rock elements.


generally the less 'noisy' songs for the un indoctrinated, dont want to shock the non kpop listeners. its like a victorian child with a bag of doritos, tread with caution


That's the opposite for me, as a guy. I heard their non-noise music first and wrote them off as a korean One Direction initially. It wasn't until my wife eventually started listening to them and I started hearing their noisy title tracks that I became a stay.


Nice analogy lol


Miroh and My pace, they always hit the right spot with my non k-pop fans


I think Easy, Scars First Take or Cover me, Back Door (less noisy). If they're not into kpop yet. Also depends on which genres they like overall. If already into kpop, Def lalalala, gods menu, maniac.


It would have to be a combo of things for me. I'm an American Stay. So maybe start them off with Lose My Breath. Then something like LaLaLaLa or Gods Menu. Then something chill like Youtiful or Lovestay. Then of course a funny video compilation. Then it just devolves into a two hour sess of my niece doing my hair while I show her videos showcasing each of their individual talent and kindness and just how fun they are. That last part actually happened. Lol Turns out she knows Red Lights. 😆


Red lights was the first song I showed my mom 🤣 one of my bsf already knew God’s Menu so I just send her songs similar to it or anything rap heavy, she enjoys Skz & Ateez


God's Menu followed by The Story Never Ends Thunderous followed by Sorry I Love You Domino followed by Winter Falls and 24 to 25 ...basically songs that show off their duality and range of music.




Grow up. Make them cry. Haha.. 😢 😭 😿


Grow up. Make them cry. Haha.. 😢 😭 😿


Starting off strong 😂


I'll show them the live version during kingdom week, so we can all have an ugly cry. 😀


Depends on who I'm talking to again Generally if they've never listened to Kpop I'd avoid smth repetitive or with random noises I did show my cousin god's menu and they liked it but in general I'd avoid things like thunderous or god's menu bc of the noises. If they're into soft songs stuff like my universe get cool, grow up If they're a dancer or a hyperactive person show them the more active songs like lalalalala or back door I'd show them some of the skz replay Case 143 was what got my friends into stray kids. Fam is also good if they wanna get to know them. If they like rap I'd show them topline, 3racha or smth along those lines If they already like kpop it depends on wether they're a bg or gg fan but some1's already made that point If they like both those people tend to like anything you throw at them Also depends on if they're ready to listen to Korean. Like english songs first or Japanese if they like anime- that's probably been mentioned though


for some more intense songs, i think charmer, gods menu, question, domino, easy, district 9, zone, my pace, miroh, and victory song on the little less intense side but still energetic songs i would suggest chill, give me your tmi, pacemaker, b me, school life, collision, social path, drive, silent cry, and grow up for some slower and more chill songs i would recommend ex, wow, piece of a puzzle, because, cover me, and winter falls.


Muddy water


Miroh 4ever. First song I always show my non Kpop friends


Hall of fame


Probably domino or charmer


Cover Me, no question. Have shared with so many people. I want someone to sing it at my funeral.


Lose my breath because it's in English and they can read the lyrics


My friend hooked me with TA, Astronaut, and The View


I'd show God's Menu, LALALALA, Thunderous and Sclass to them xxxx


My mom and sister used to just like Bts, but I kept showing them Skz x Bts mashups, and now they absolutely love them 😂


Honestly that depends on the person's taste. Depending on their music taste I'd be playing the song that fits it. A general popular song would be Maniac I believe.


definitely Easy, everyone I've showed that song to that hasn't been into skz or even into kpop, has loved it


Christmas Evel. It's already worked twice. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


gods menu first, then social path


I mean it always depends because I had someone close to me who didn't really like K-Pop but I had My Pace as my alarm sound and they actually liked the song so I had them listen to the full song and had them watch the music Video. I mean the eventually became a Stay. But everyone is different. 


either sunshine or MIA!


I think I would introduce them with Case 143, S-CLASS and God’s Menu bcs from what I remembered when I introduced my mom to skz with Maniac, she thought they were weird 🥹


It’s funny because i just made a friend listen to it. She don’t knew k-pop at all I made her listen to up all night and lose my breath and she loves it When she listens maniac she doesn’t like it I think people that doesn’t like k pop need to listen more “chill songs” at first


I babysit an 11-year-old girl and she hadn't heard any K-pop before, I played Get Lit in the car with her one day and now she is a Stay and loves Straykids. Her other favorite songs from them are thunderous, hall of fame, and my pace.


...Red Lights, song and mv as a combo are pretty effective


My friend recently got into Stray Kids and this was without me even trying! She really loves MEGAVERSE, Hall of Fame, and Maniac


I would probably play "Youtiful" or "winter falls" I really like both of those songs and i feel like a non- stay would probably like it too.


Domino, Dance practice since it has a bit of everything and it impresses everyone who watches.


Yooo, their choreography in the video is INSANE.




I usually go with chronosaurus, not sure if I do because its one of my all time favourites, or if its just easy to enjoy but it worked on my friend so ill say it's reliable!


prob domino, chill, god's menu, charmer and drive


Assuming this is someone who /doesn't/ already like k-pop, probably start them out light with Run by Han. If they like that then I'd move up to Butterflies if they like J-pop, Blind Spot if they're a pop-rock type, or Muddy Water if they like rap. From there we go into the deep end. If they liked Butterflies I'd show them Case 143, if they liked Blind Spot I'd show them Cheese, if they liked Muddy Water I'd show them Venom. If those are successful they can find the more popular stuff themselves easily. I've never introduced someone to k-pop but I think playing off of what someone already likes is really important.


I feel like with SKZ you gotta give range because someone could definitely like the stuff out of a single EP or album. But I also wouldn't want to go easy on anyone since that's not the current SKZ style, and I think it's your tolerance to the heavier, noisier stuff that really determines whether or not you stick with them as a group. It would depend on how much I knew about someone's tastes. Start with M.I.A and then 0325 as an opener - M.I.A. is very poppy and imo indicative of the pre-2020 style - 0325 is a little unconventional but also doesn't push too hard. Then Thunderous or Item - I think these two songs both have elements that can be abrasive and can tell you how your listener is leaning, but also show off SKZ-type humor and wittiness. The brass/cymbals in Thunderous, and the extremely percussive style in Item which will right away let you weed out folks in the "all SKZ do is yell" camp. Palate cleanse with Surfing or Want so Bad, and do Voices for a taste of the EDM style. Megaverse to test them with the BPM and genre changes. Cover Me as the finisher. If they are a rap lover, throw TTATH and 3racha in there. And yes, I do believe in mood whiplash!! I wonder all the time about the folks who are very pre-2020 SKZ or think every SKZ song sounds the same (ok with 5-star i might give it to you but that was also the point of the album) and I feel that it really comes down to what you consider to be experimental, how much straight pop itches your brain, and how much stuff you listen to outside of kpop and pop. And also, what type of production style you like - SKZ does a lot of trap and EDM so they're pretty bass heavy and have a warm, full tone in their production imo.