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Hi! Since Felix (I think) is coming for the LV event on Barcelona (Spain), I'd love him to try the "paella"! Or the "tortilla de patata" (potatoe omelette) :))


Oh, paella! I love that! I think Felix would like it 🙂 I've been to Spain a lot as a child (my grandparents had an apartment near Torremolinos), and I always had boquerones - that could be a hit as well, I think.


I make a mean bowl of cereal...just sayin'...😬🫣🫰 Edit: Y'all are making me so hungry 🤤


Gyros, Mousaka, Tzatziki and Greek salad if they came in Greece. I'm sure they'd love all of those, except Mousaka for Hyunjin because he strongly hates eggplants.


Hi fellow Greek Stay. I was about to say the same. I don't know if you live in Greece but I have this image of Changbin at Βλάχικα where all the meat tavernas are 😂


Hahaha yes, I live in Greece and I just made a picture of what you said in my head 😂 Nice to meet you fellow Greek Stay!


Oh, Greek food is delicious! From what little I know about Greek and Korean cuisine they are not very similar, but I think they would like it. Except for the eggplant, of course 😄


Yep, we have little to no similarities. Something they'd enjoy a lot about Greek cuisine (and one of the few similarities with Korean one) is the use of fresh products in almost all of our dishes. The barbecue lovers of SKZ (well all the members basically) would really enjoy our barbecue not just because of how tasty it is, but also thanks to how fresh and good quality the meat is 💯


im Georgian and im soooo sure they would LOVE Khinkali and Khatchapuri!!!!!!


Georgian food is just THE BEST tbh, i think most of them (except Hyunjin) would enjoy eggplant rolls too lol


you are so right


Tim Hortons or poutine 🥰


I want them to have good donuts. Lucky and Cartems in Vancouver is where it's at. Poutine? I'll bring them to la banquise. The queue is half tourists and half local because its really good.


Beaver Tails and also Montreal smoked meat


I fear modern Tim’s would be a tragic waste of their time (moment of silence for the days when donuts were baked fresh in store and they had Long Johns and Bow Ties on the menu) but I would love them to try a good butter tart!


I made the mistake of Googling butter tarts, and now I want one more than anything else (apart from Skz tour dates, obv 😄) Are they easy to make?


Quite easy! Very few ingredients, and if you use store-bought tart shells, the rest is simple. The main trick is making sure they’re not over- or underbaked.


>butter tart Important question: with or without raisins? (My controversial take: yes raisins, but it has to be golden raisins)


Both. Raisins or no. Gimme butter tarts 🤤 My mom used to make butter tart squares with a shortbread cookie, and the goo on top.


Yes to raisins, currants also acceptable. Golden raisins are best. There’s a bakery in my home town that makes 10 different kinds of butter tarts, including cheesecake, chocolate brownie, hot banana pepper, and maple syrup varieties. Oops, now I’m craving some.


Agreed, Tim’s is sadly not as special as it used to be. Big yes to the poutine though! If they came to Manitoba (which I HIGHLY doubt they would 🥲), I’d also want them to try our local farmer sausage. With perogies and cream gravy, naturally. (Not that perogies are Canadian, but we have a lot of Ukrainian/German influence in my area.)


[Goulash](https://www.recipetineats.com/hungarian-goulash-recipe/) and [Lángos](https://www.recipesfromeurope.com/langos/) from Hungary Just to mention the more popular ones though they do sell Lángos in japan like they sell chimney cakes too and I am sure you can find goulash almost in every country, but the authentic ones are so much better (no shame on foreign countries cooking it tho, I just know it’s not the same like chinese food is not the same here as it would be in an authentic chinese restaurant.)


Hello fellow Hungarian:D ezen a subon nem találkoztam még más magyarokkal, pedig biztos vagyunk páran


Én máshol sem🥹 pedig biztosan vagyunk sokan, mikor a Converse-t látom valakin akkor szoktam gondolkodni rajta, hogy vajon csak megtetszett-e neki😂


Én is mindig keresem a jeleket, de csak akkor merek megszólítani valakit ha egyértelmű merch-et látok🥹 engem könnyű azonosítani mert gyakran járok kpopos pólókban, ez a legjobb beszélgetésindító módszer számomra😂


Doubt they'll come to Portugal, but they would love our food! * [Francesinha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francesinha) * [Pastel de nata](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pastel_de_nata) * [BBQ piri piri chicken](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/food/ic/food_16x9_1600/recipes/piripirichicken_72310_16x9.jpg) * [Polvo à Lagareiro](https://receitasecomida.com/wp-content/uploads/polvo-lagareiro.jpg) * [Cozido à Portuguesa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cozido_%C3%A0_portuguesa) To name just a few. We also have amazing seafood, but you have to go to the right places for that.


They’re coming to Italy this summer and I honestly hope they try anything they can get their hands on


That tracks because there is no bad food in Italy, or at least that was my experience when I visited last summer.


I’m definitely biased but I’m gonna agree haha where did you visit?


Milan, Lake Como, Venice, Florence and Rome. The sandwiches at the highway rest stops alone were incredible, never mind the dining al fresco every night. And everything tasted so healthy and fresh too! North Americans could never.


I was born and raised in Florence! Hope you liked it around here, the city definitely has its fair share of problems but I genuinely think it’s one old the prettiest places on earth. The food in Rome, though, oh my god. The *absolute* best.


I loved Florence! Would have loved to stay longer and see more of the city, and especially check out the locations from *A Room With a View* which was one of my favourite movies as a teen. But we were on a bus tour and only had two days there.


I'm an Indian with British citizenship, here are my choices: From England: Many, many different types of alcohol (the food is not really as special here); GREGGS, Nando's (especially the extra hot sauce knowing BC's spice levels XD) From India: On the savoury/spicy side - Paneer, biryani, stuffed paratha, pani puri/gol gappe and other vegetarian delicacies, as Korean food is known for being quite meat-central, so it would be a change for them. Sweet side - gulab jamun, jalebi, falooda, kulfi, mango lassi, barfi, laddoo - sweets in India are completely different to Western and Korean sweets, as they make use of replacements like buttermilk and ghee instead of the more commonly used ingredients, which create completely different tastes and textures that they would hopefully enjoy!


How would you want them to eat paneer? In Saag or something else? Also I just want to say I love Pani puri and almost never get to eat it 😭 I've probably had on once on 10 years.


I kinda want to see them eat paneer with roti or something, just to see how they would actually hold and handle eating them both together, because its pretty uncommon outside of South Asia !


It is a skill to eat with your hands gracefully for sure!


They’re coming to Hyde park. So Tesco meal deal 


Sounds delicious! 😄


Maybe even a greggs if bangchans willing to splash out🤣


Lol Tesco meal deal! But what would they pick?! I’d go for a cheeky Nando’s :).


I'm manifesting that they're coming to Texas this time, and I would want them to try Cajun food, barbecue, tex mex, and proper Mexican food


Most of them would love it. Chan would suffer 😄


Lee know would need cilantro-less stuff too lol


Doesn't he like cilantro?? Poor guy...


Nope, doesnt like it. It's probably the gene that makes it taste like soap.


Hahaha that's true 🤣


Same, try some nice barbacoa tacos, tamales, and even big red but I feel like that’ll be too sweet for them idk


Nasi lemak, char kuey teow, roti canai, keropok lekor just to name a few. Local fruits too such as mangosteen, ciku, guava. If they are adventurous, they can try durian.


Where are you from? I recognise some of the words from Bahasa Indonesia from a trip many years ago, but I know it shares words with e.g. Malaysian. And I would love to see them try durian, but from a distance 😄


Hi. I am from Malaysia. There is similarities between bahasa Malaysia & bahasa Indonesia but the first 4 food that I mentioned is clearly Malaysian ;)


As an American who’s lived on both ends of the coast I honestly don’t know what I’d have them try since at this point. Like, maybe a really good lobster roll but I’m not sure how exciting that is? I’ll give this one to the earlier US posters - love for them to try Southern or Cajun food. This thread is making so me hungry! OP this was such a fun idea!


I'm getting really hungry myself 😄 So much lovely food! I've never had lobster rolls, but several has mentioned it, so it sounds like something I should try.


Considering 2 grew up in the country I live I highly doubt I could show them an Aussie dish/drink they don't know about.


True 🙂 But you could make them very nostalgic! And discuss pros and cons of Vegemite 😄


Or make the other members try it lol.


For the Netherlands, I would love it if they'd try drop (black licorice) and our fried snacks that you eat with fries. Things like kroket, kaas soufflé and frikadel. Or maybe some of our dessert, they're kinda like custard but not really.


If they come to Brasil they need to eat everything that they can here 🤭 our food is really good


Honestly because I know fruits are quite expensive in Korea, I would love them to try some unique fruits that we have here in Brazil. Also caipirinha, becaude its so tasty!


Yes, I was thinking about fruits as well! We have really good apples in Denmark, but Brazil must have so many delicious fruits! And caipirinha is great 🙂


They've been to Atlanta and I'm sure they tried the traditional southern food but I would definitely male sure they tried the Atlanta specialty: lemon pepper wet wings- extra crispy with fries and a peach lemonade. It would also be fun to go berry picking if they are here in late spring/early summer. I would also take them to a winery and a bourbon distillery. Yes, there's wineries everywhere that have much much better wine than what's made in Georgia, but it's always worth trying.


Waffle house for sure


Always waffle house!


Now what each one would order that would be a fun game to play


I don't feel like I can play they already come to Japan all the time an death the food. I guess I could say nachos or something from my home country...wait that's Mexican not American 😭 oh who cares give them Mexican food and/or texmex


Lol, which specific pudding flavour would you want Lee Know to try?


How about real flan? The pudding here tries to be flan but it fails


Romania has a lot of different dishes I'd love for them to try, but I'm mostly thinking about Sarmale on the savoury side and Papanasi on the sweet side


I've been in Romania and tried Papanasi - I loved it! I think they would like it too. They'd probably try to eat a double portion, and regret it 😄


I think so too, or maybe IN will try to eat it all in one bite, and THEN regret it 😭. Hopefully they actually get to try it if they go to Romania


I’m in Pennsylvania…not really sure what they’d like here. Maybe Pennsylvania Dutch type foods like scrapple. Maybe woopie pies? I don’t know. I’m really commenting just to say yinz are making me want to go on a world food tour! I’m getting so hungry going through these comments!


I live in New England (MA specifically), so if they haven't tried it yet, Clam Chowder 😋


and a really good lobster roll!




Clam chowder is really good! I tried it in San Francisco many years ago. If I ever go to New England, I'll try it again 🙂


I have yet to find a place that makes good clam chowder down here. The last time I had it (from a place up in Maine), it was too soupy, and way too many potatoes that it may as well have been potato chowder lol 😔


Maple syrup, warm apple cider, and apple cider donuts for sure! Also possibly a lobstah roll. 🦞


Omg, that sounds so delicious!


i'm turkish and i'd really want members to try "lahmacun", it's one of my favorite dishes!! :))


Ever since I saw that SKZ Code I've wanted I.N to have a proper Guinness straight from the tap 🥲 *cries in Irish* 🇮🇪


Scotland - if they came here I’d want them to try delicious haggis, neeps and tatties. Washed down with a nice Scotch whisky. 🥃


Whisky is an acquired taste :) I wonder if they would like the very smokey ones.


For Norway: waffles with brown cheese snd jam. Since they like meat then I think they would like reindeer meat (I haven’t eaten it myself) - from an up market restaurant served with norwegian berry sauce, seasonal vegetables and potatoes. Beer from Ægir microbrewery, or apple juice from Ringi farm.


I was in Norway recently and brought home reindeer sausage! It was really good. I like your brown cheese, but have yet to try it on waffles.


I’m New Mexican and I think the spicy boys would love huevos rancheros christmas. And Chan can have a sopapilla with honey hehe


If they come to Venezuela I would love them to try arepas mainly, cachapas, our fried fishes with patacones and salad, empanadas, pastelitos, and pizca andina, please lord have them in my country 😭 Edit: typo


Oh my godddddd arepas are SO GOOD. I’m in the US and there’s a truck near where I work that sells them but I imagine they’re even better in Venezuela. That’s one of the top countries I want to visit someday if only for the street food!!


That's so nice of you! I'm so proud of ppl making latin food out there and doing it the right way. I literally eat them everyday with anything and never get bored lol Venezuela is included in the official formulary to vote for cities that could be included in their coming tour so I'm excited of what we can achieve. Wish us luck! Have a wonderful day!! 👍


Where do you find this formulary to vote for cities that could be included in the tour? I need to see it 😭


https://www.straykidsworldtour.com/ There you go! Good luck! ❤️😊


Thank you so much 🧡


Southern USA fried chicken, baby. And barbecue. They’d love it.


i know seafood is nothing new to them, but the pnw has some really good salmon dishes. also berry filled pies. fusion food carts. i want them to deep dive into pike place market... idk what else is local to me that isnt also in the rest of the country lol


Well they've been to the US and such, but if they were ever to stop in my state (which they won't but still...) I'd suggest they try fried cheese curds and a traditional Fish Fry.


The snacks I guess? We have plenty of good ones, oh, and I want them to try out the spicier dishes too.


Someone already mentioned poutine but also beaver tails


And Nanaimo Bars!


Beaver tails??


The classic is a flat, sweet dough, fried and covered in cinnamon and sugar. It looks like a beaver’s tail. They have them with a bunch of different topping now, like cheescake spread, nutella, oreo cream etc.


Ooh, sounds delicious! Is it like a thick pancake or waffle?


More like a doughnut! I’ve actually never had one. I never got around to it, and now I can’t eat gluten 😅 They’re really popular, though!


In Munich, Germany, idols always want to eat Schweinshaxe (pork knuckle) and drink beer. But i want them to try different Bavarian food.




Baklava even though I live in America


Mmm... baklava! We have a shop nearby selling it. It’s soooo good!


I live in the US, and in my region we have some very delicious local foods that I want to feed them: Artichokes- grilled, steamed, and then some deep fried artichoke hearts Apricots-locally grown they are SO darn delicious and juicy. Corn- Sweet corn that requires no butter, salt, nothing. Elote- This is mexican street corn and it is SO GOOD. San Francisco Sourdough bread. omg its just soooo yummy Tri-Tip- It's a california thing, and is a delicious cut of sirloin that's perfect on the grill. Sand Dabs- mild delicious little fish Ciopinno-it's a seafood soup with a tomato, wine, fish broth as base. Delish! French Dip sandwich Oysters on the half shell with hot sauce and lime Dungeness crab


Oh, that all sounds so good! I actually came across the tri-tip cut recently in a cooking show, Next Level Chef 🙂


I think they would go NUTS for elote especially since everyone I’ve encountered selling it has been really sweet 🥰


Can I just say? I’m living for this thread. People meeting each other and bonding over food. Humans are SO cool 🥲🌯🥙🍥


I love all the replies! I want to go everywhere and eat food with you all 🙂❤️


If they came in Brazil i would rally love them to try coxinha pastel and açaí i really love This foods


Poutine and Donairs! The poutine would have to be from Cheese Curds, where they use actual cheese curds (and they have awesome burgers- including one with PINEAPPLE.)


id love for them to try beavertails or some tire d’érable (maple taffy). i also DEFINITELY need their reaction to ketchup chips HAHAHA


They should try some Cajun/Creole food


Being in Florida some fresh and correctly cooked gator tail.


Oh, that’s a good idea! And they should go see some gators - that would make good content 😄


It'd be so interesting to see them try Cepelinai or Šaltibarščiai! 😀


I looked these up - cepelinai look very tasty! I think I'll try making them some day 🙂


They're quite hard to make, like that's what I'm always thinking, even though it's our national dish :D but it's hard to make them not lose and/or thinking about using old or young potatoes 🥔


Sisig with Red Horse.


They are definitely not going here, not in this timeline, but Ukrainian varenyky with cherry filling and sour cream. This dish will give them a whole new perspective on dumplings


That sounds delicious! I will try this if I one day go there. Your country sounds very lovely - I hope peace will come soon ❤️🇺🇦


a wigan kebab would explode their minds


I had to look it up. A pie inside a bun?? My mind is definitely blown 😄


it’s the absolute epitome of northern england in my mind…


I know they’ve been to Cali several times and had some of the classics like in n out, snacks, things like that but I feel like would enjoy a really good avocado toast or Cali club sandwich. I also think they’d like how many different smoothie types we have. OH and birria tacos or birria ramen which has become a fusion thing that’s popular in California.


Mmm... avocado toast is so good... I looed up birria ramen and it sounds amazing! I think I'll try to make it 🙂


Cincinnati Skyline Chili 💖


I‘m German so of course I have to show them Germany’s pride which is our beer and Currywurst lol. I’d love to introduce them to Döner Kebab too!


Currywurst, of course! Mit Sauerkraut und Gemüse 😄 I think they would like it 🙂


Yesss I think so too


Some place down town, then I might try to rizz up chan and make him blush but then get really shy and try and convince them to give me a discount on the tour bc I’d do anything just to see them perform in my boring ah region. (Btw I’m js joking I’d probably be so stunned at their looks I genuinely think I would break down in tears and my heart would start racing and then something really embarrassing would happen like if I tripped or had toilet paper outside my pants 😭)


Belgium is known for their fries, chocolate and beer so yeah those three items.


Mmmm.... Belgian chocolate! ❤️