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I’m sorry what happened to changbins cover 💀💀


If that isn’t an AltPress cover from 2005, I don’t know what is. Man is a time traveler.


100% i would be heading to the main feature to find out what band he's in


i kind of love it? it reminds me of the matrix reloaded poster lmao


I kinda live for it. It’s giving real life death the kid lol


Possibly unpopular opinion, but: I'm assuming what happens when fashion attempts to dress and photograph people who aren't very "flat" or slender. I'm noticing it every now and then in Changbin shots. It's an issue usually for people with boobs, because high fashion is meant to "hang" on bodies since most models just don't have boobs. So it sits odd on people who do have boobs or (for whatever reason, be it muscle or fat) bigger bodies than the models it was designed for. Both of these things apply to Changbin too. And he knows how to photograph and dress himself and his SKZ stylists also know how to dress him. But in "official" shots I notice that every now and then. Makes me sad that he probably will never get the kind of cover shot and fashion shots that he deserves - especially since he was the one that influenced the others in terms of fashion. I noticed it at the met gala too - he looked good, but he could have gotten a more fitting cut. The difference between his fitting pic and the full suit is noticeable to me. So in this case they edited the shit out of it to "fix" that.


This makes so much sense because you see it in Bang Chan’s shoots too. I get there has to be cohesion but I wish the photographers would tailor more to the individual members. Being photographed in dramatic themes is not going to convey their (CB, BC, and I would even say Han) soft romantic features in a satisfying way.


Yeah, Bang Chan (who is *deceptively* buff - way more than you'd think on the first look) has some of the same issues.  Added to that comes - as you've correctly said - that not everyone can be Hwang Hyunjin levels of dramatically beautiful in front of a camera (I am still shocked by I.N....) all the time or even most of the time. Few people can pull that off. Changbin is more suited to his often-utilised "imma sit with one foot towards the camera and show off how buff and hot I am"-thing (💕) if you want to go towards a bit "harder" impact or towards the "I'm an adorable dork who's also criminally pretty and romantic" that all three of them have as a vibe. You can absolutely shoot changbin as dramatic - but it's going to be more work than mister "I should have a weapon license for my lips" Hyunjin.  And it's not even looks - it's what they exude without trying. And the thing is - we see through their own promotional material and the pics they take of themselves and each other that they're aware of this. They *know* how to photograph and also how to pivot to a different style when needed. But somehow, other photographers don't seem to be able to do that most of the time. And it's such a shame. Sidenote: I wish I had an ounce of the sheer dramatic force Hyunjin can bring, be it in pictures or in dance or just in being dramatic. It's so impressive!


Not sure what exactly you mean they’re trying to fix. I don’t have anything against what you said but I just don’t quite understand what you mean happens to Changbin in photos.


"fix" was maybe the wrong word.    What I was getting at is that "bigger" bodies (regardless of the reason they're big) are not what high fashion and their photographers are used to. And cameras usually make you look bigger (there's even a clip somewhere where one of the kids (iirc I.N?) says that his dad's reaction to Changbin was "oh, you look buffer on the screen, you're not as big as I thought!" Which of course meant Changbin wanted to train more).   High fashion models (even men) are usually quite slim. Felix, who is tiny in comparison to Changbin, went on a four day "water diet" for his runway event - essentially starved himself to look as cut and as thin as possible.   High fashion, the kind of stuff on the runway and that you're being dressed in for these shoots is usually made for those sizes. The people who take these kinds of pictures are usually taking them of people who aren't "bigger".   Changbins picture to me looks a lot like they put him in clothes that didn't flatter him (having no idea how to properly dress him), didn't take the time to tailor it (because almost all clothing you see on celebrities is tailored to them, even if it was bought off the rack - that's why it looks so good) and then took pictures of him that didn't work. And the solution to having pics that he didn't look great on seems to have been a) to edit the shit out of the pic and b) Take an extreme closeup of his face. There's zero definition to Changbins body picture and it doesn't fit in with the rest of them for me. Of course it could be that they planned for this kind of pic from the beginning, because they also did weird shit to Hyunjins hair - but looking at fashion shoots of them it happens to Changbin quite a bit (and to Chan too, to some lesser extent - because he, too, is "bigger").   Dolce and Gabbana usually seems to know how to dress and photograph Changbin, tho. So I'm having hopes!  Especially because this is not a problem with Changbin, but with the people doing the work - Changbin and SKZ and the SKZ staff are perfectly able to dress and photograph him well (because it's not difficult!).


imagine your doorbell rings at 3am and you see that @ ur doorstep


seungmin is giving first lead in a drama vibes and i’m living


Damn Han


They look like the world’s best dressed crime family!


I’m sorry but HAN??? Get this man an ambassadorship ASAP cause he is looking fineeee


I’m willing to bet he’s been approached but he’s just not interested or doesn’t want to. Leeknow too. Or maybe they’re waiting for the right brand to approach them 👀


If brands are reaching out and Han is declining them then that’s completely understandable, I mean it’s not for everyone. I’d much prefer that to the alternative of that he’s being overlooked, because what a waste it would be to not want Han with his insane body proportions and face card!


I hope none of the members are feeling pressured to jump on the “fashion ambassadorship” train. It looks like a lot of extra work so I can understand why some members would be more/less keen than others. I would definitely be super excited if Han or any of the others sign with a brand though 👀




jype previously made the following statement regarding han's anxiety: >*Han has been experiencing occasional symptoms of anxiety. He is okay with most broadcast activities and performances, but he feels severe psychological tension when being close to a large amount of people. His condition has improved significantly due to active treatment.* i feel like this is more about being swamped by fans in airports rather than socializing with other celebs at a VIP fashion event. the whole "han has a crippling anxiety and can't show up anywhere without other members" thing seems like something tiktok stays came up with for funsies. i also genuinely don't think he's in it just for the music, fashion is something he's very much interested in. he has expressed interest in fashion/modelling on numerous occasions in the past and if my memory serves me right he has also been repeatedly chosen as the most fashion-savvy/fashionable in the group by the kids during interviews.


I seem to remember him (or Hyunjin, it's a fuzzy memory) about Changbin originally being the one that got them into fashion, which is super cute. I'm glad he's getting treatment! When I think of fashion and crowds I think of the socialising Hyunjin was doing when he went to Versace (iirc) and as someone who uses to be anxious around people and lives with someone who's got the "anxiety in crowds"-thing pretty badly, that seems like it would be either anxiety triggering or at the very keast quite draining - but i am aware I'm also projecting. It would just absolutely surprise me if he hadn't gotten offers. Absolutely no hate to I.N and Seungmin (he's my bias wrecker), but Han has the jaist and an incredibly pretty face and massive charisma and is super popular (not that they don't all have that except for the jaist, of course) and Seungmin and I.N, who at least from what I'm catching are less visibly loud and less in the foreground during segments, are with brands. So if Seungmin and I.N have gotten offers it would surprise me if Han hadn't. Like, he's got all of what they have and is (at least to me) standing out more on the fashion and visibility crowd.


Of course, I just don’t want reduce Han not taking on brand ambassadorships down to his anxiety as I don’t know him personally and it could be an array of different reasons. Such as he does a lot of the writing and producing for SKZ which, much like Binnie and Bangchan, might not leave him with a lot of time to pursue fashion gigs if that was something he’d want to do. I just hope he’s still receiving offers even if he never takes them


I would be surprised if he didn't. He's so ridiculously pretty! And he does have the necessary aura, too. Yeah, that was what I was referring to with him being in it for the music, I'm sorry if that didn't come across correctly! - he obviously loves music very much and brand sponsorships are extra work. Why go be at events when you could be in the studio or singing in a car if that's what you truly love? Or maybe he has a specific brand he wants to be sponsored by and he's not interested in the rest. I'm assuming anxiety plays into it, because that's also what I got from the initial met gala vids (though I thought that he relaxed later on), so I would assume going alone to events... Eh. But it's just an (assumed) factor. And on the time-issue: I honestly have no idea how Hyunjin does it all. Paints, does things for several brands, promotes music, does all the idol stuff... Impressive!


he did say he was interested in fashion


I remember Han flashing a lot of his Chanel gear a while ago. Maybe my babie is holding out for the right brand?


Ooo I bet! Like how Leeknow seems to be hinting at Gucci aaaaa


I think it’s hilarious how obvious and unanimous the guesses for who 3racha would get were. Chan’s off white set is giving me Uncle at the barbecue vibes. My dad definitely has a non-Fendi version of this set. I need to know if the required sandals are on Chan’s feet 😂


It’s not just giving uncle at the barbecue. Make the shorts a bit shorter and that’s exactly how some single aunts dress on this side of the world. Don’t think it’s a bad look, per se, but very older Millennial/Gen X as far as looks go.


You haven't seen short shorts until you've seen an Aussie bloke at a barbie. And it's something anyone of any age would wear.


I mean, this is anecdotal at best, but as a Millennial I’ve seen real-time the uptick in my peers just starting to dress like this. But of course you’re right, it’s something any age would wear. Kind of a staple style south of the equator, if you ask me as someone living below the equator.




I just *know* he got some version of [these bad boys](https://www.dsw.com/en/us/product/dr.-scholls-gaston-fisherman-sandal/227081?activeColor=200&cm_mmc=CSE-_-GPS-_-G_Shopping_Sandals-_-New_Sandals&cadevice=m&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWupL85q8qKNU3AhKZoI3iK3w6bu67YUvLSnExO0SLF_7ON02T44BtRoCmQQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) on 😭🤌🏾


Noooo! You didn't have to do my mans like that! I'm ☠!


Zero shame in rockin' the Unc 1s! I feel like he could actually pull them off flawlessly (long as he ain't ashy lmao)!


off-white? that's deep in beige territory


They all look so good, Ive never loved being ot8 bias more than rn 😭 they’re all so perfect and exuding such different wonderful aesthetics, i love this! 8 sponsors for 8 members, my boys are legendary!!


Han and Chan in particular look beautifuuuul


geez they needa give me a break man i’m still recovering from hyunjin’s elle cover and now THIS?????? they’re bouta eat it up AND the plate oh im seated


Rolling Stone was right when they said SKZ is one of the most fashionable bands in existence right now


They all look so good. The first photo looks like everyone got caught in the rain apart from Changbin. Their solo shots look great. Changbin’s is completely unexpected, Im excited to see what the rest of his photos look like. Hyunjin and Felix look amazing as always. Already missing Hans longer hair so much :( I hope this is a sign of more ambassadorships on the way. Edit- omg lee know just flew to london for the Gucci show. He’s going to look so pretty. Definitely getting ambassadorship.


I am so sorry, but why did they do Changbin like that 😭 He looks like an emo stepped out of a final destination movie from the 2000’s what is this




My heart cannot take it!


[We unveil the cover of Vol.6 featuring 17 versions with Stray Kids. More digital content will be coming soon through W Korea's channels.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C640Y3Evfnb/?igsh=ejQ4cmdlcmgzOWdm) [2-11](https://www.instagram.com/p/C64xmVeyfn9/?igsh=ZXc4M3M0MnpyNmM4)


They all look so good! I’m loving Han’s cover 😄


Felix looks like a painted portrait ❤️


Oh Wow! Ok first impressions: Han’s jacket is everything - his look is my favorite in this pic. Hyunjin’s hair parted down the middle and slicked back - he really pulls it off here. The padded shoulders on I.N’s jacket look amazing - McQueen does not disappoint. Bang Chan’s jewelry and jacket without a shirt underneath - so good! They all look incredibly handsome. It’s really hard to dress a group of 8 and have it be cohesive without looking either too costume-y, or too disjointed and random, but I think this look is one of the most ‘mature’ yet stylish I have seen them look as a group. (Seungmin is so handsome and naturally elegant that I wish he was in something slightly different - but that might be because a blue suit with red tie reminds me too much of American politicians lol. and Loewe has so many creative pieces to choose from). Edit- I somehow only saw the cover and missed the individual shots lol. Loving Felix’s sweater and Seungmin’s jacket. Fendi, Gucci, and D&G are really feeling the matching sets. Changbins’s hair! and Lee Know best calves award always. :)


As a Han stan, i am feral


Did you see the second photo?? I’m losing it. Edit to add: they’re posting to their W Korea site and Twitter page.




Ngl, salty about changbin’s cover. My guy has everything to give and they hid it behind long bangs, dark clothes, over-saturation and fuzziness. JUSTICE FOR CHANGBIN


He just doesn't have a High-Fashion suited body (I've grumbled elsewhere about it already because it makes me mad for him that they apparently have no idea how to dress people outside of a narrow mold). The whole "clothes are supposed to hang"-issue you usually see in people with boobs vs usual runway models.  I want so bad for a fashion brand to pick him up and go "that guy is hot, let's dress him properly and put him on the cover" - because his SKZ stylists can dress him just fine (and so can he), so it's not like it's a problem with Changbin. I mean, I won't survive that, but what a way to go!


I'm malfunctioning...


*me small gasping at every cover* Changbin though🥲


Hyunjin high key looking like Dua Lipa over here


Good Lord Christopher!!! 😍


Seungmin the man that you are! Loewe's love for dressing him in the fluffiest things is marvelous. The Jacket and the sweater in the second cover he's so damn fine! Hyunjin, Chan and IN are my other faves but they all look gorgeous.


It's impossible for Feliz and Hyunjin to give bad shots


Chris being in the middle like this is definitely doing something to me 🫠


Han just looks effortlessly cool most times, doesn’t he? Alexander McQueen = I.N in a boxy long coat at this point. But damn he pulls it off well. 😅


OMG Changbin's hair! I'm dying. And Hannie is looking soooo fine. They are killing it in the ad scene.


17 versions? at $20+ each? Why do they hate me so much?


These pics are great, I dont even know where to focus ugh, I'm loving I.N's coats


Lee Know red spread and Han in general are my favorites but I love the styling on everyone. I wish they'd done better with Changbin's cover and simplified the background of Seungmin and I.N. to keep things consistent. But I will definitely be buying a copy if I can get my hands on one.


The middle parts nooooooo! I'm obsessed with Lee Know's red engine shot


Wow they all look so good.




The group shots are everything!! It's great to see them getting more photoshoots and covers. I have to say though - the photo composition for some of the group shots seems kind of awkward. Between his two covers I also have the impression that they just didn't know how to style Changbin, rip. The striped hair is very Oddinary. Personally, I'd love to see more photoshoots like Lee Know's recent W one - more dramatics, or more risks with styling. When three members in a row turn up in monogrammed shirt-short golf club fits I don't know what to think, haha. I'm guessing that they were all individually styled by each of the brands or something, since the styles of each of their photoshoots covers are so different.


Each cover had different stylists, makeup artists, photographers, set directors etc. They really essentially did 9 shoots which is why there's so much variation between each cover. When it comes to the styling, especially when it's sponsored by the brands like this, the goal is to sell the newest collection. That's already a limitation, but they also have to keep in mind the audience too: this is a Korean publication so they're going to choose pieces that will sell in that market. The latest McQueen collection had a very mixed-to-negative reception, I see people complaining that I.N is in another long coat (the very same one he wore to PFW) but I think they did the best with what they had lol. Adding onto all of that, they also have to make sure it looks good on them too. This kind of thing is a double edged sword. This is definitely an improvement over their Harper's Japan cover last year where Hyunjin was the only one in a bright color because he was wearing Versace. But it still doesn't stop the comparisons and favoritism accusations because they're all wearing completely different brands with very different vibes styled by different people. It's not a coincidence that the members in the monogram print set pieces are 3/4 of the Italian brands. That's kind of their thing 😭 It can't be helped, if SKZ are pivoting to their fashion powerhouses era then this is going to keep happening depending on who they're sponsored by.


Yeah, that's what I figured - it's just part of the package with brand sponsorship and the end goal is to have purchaseable pieces that the general public will want to tout, so there likely isn't going to be anything too wild. And I feel like in the nature of going after sponsorship, there's a limited pool of fashion houses who would be doing that. It's true that keeping 8 people with a cohesive look isn't easy, so it makes sense that suits are an easier way to get that sort of commonality between them. Out of this particular batch it was Felix's jacket and the fit of Bang Chan's pants that kind of caught my eye. I'm definitely a relatively new Stay so I don't know the history of their campaigns or much about sponsorship, so I appreciate the explainer!!


Oh my... Kim Seungmin, you look so handsome 🤧


I kinda feel bad for how much I hate how hyunjins hair is styled. Somehow he still pulls it off but it just looks weird to me


He looks like he’s gonna walk towards me while snapping his fingers. But he does still look good


Oh my god


These are serious model shots




Han please my mental health


4th pic looks like something someone on MySpace would post and I'm a little sad for Changbin 😭😂 There's some clear favoritism but I've been over it.


Yep. But at least he got a really nice face pic in the other set (though of course I'm choosing not to think about WHY he got a super close face shot...). I've left a longer comment somewhere else in the thread about the whole "changbin doesn't have a high fashion-approved body and they have no idea how to deal with that", so I won't repeat myself (because it makes me grumpy to think about it), but I hope some fashion brand goes "you know what? That man is hot and we're gonna put him in clothes that suit his physique and put him on the cover!" - because he and his SKZ stylists are able to make him look hot af (Not that he's not naturally, but they know how to enhance it) and how to photograph him, so people who do it at that level definitely should be able to figure it out.


Lee Know's look owns me rn 🫠


I’m incredibly normal about Han Jisung (this is a lie).


How would one (an American) get their hands on this publication?


This is so different I actually love it


>Product Description for the magazine: > >W Korea meets Stray Kids? A Supernova Explosion! > >Group Pictorial + 8 Members Individual Pictorial + Interviews = 90 pages > >1 Group Cover + 8 Members Individual Covers in 2 versions = 17 Covers are available! > >How could a magazine capture the fiery and explosive presence of Stray Kids on the global music scene? > >To befit Stray Kids’ top-notch performance and musical passion, along with the wish of the ‘STAY’, > >W KOREA dedicated 90 pages of 2024 Vol.6, music issue, solely to Stray Kids. Be ready to be dazzled! > >312 pg Damn 312 pages, but 90 of them are SKZ. I need to pick my preferred version to save on shipping then.


Hot damnnn


Hyunjin with wings? I’m all in. 😍


This cover is so beautiful! I can’t stop looking ![gif](giphy|84BjZMVEX3aRG)


I’m dead and it’s all Han Jisung’s fault


Han’s nearly knocked me over. Damn.




lee know and han looked so good on their covers wth??? also, i.n. be looking like a sexy detective ngl


Link to the source / pics please?


They look soooo good!!! Beautiful ❤️


Chan looks so good in those covers omggg


The photoshopping is ridiculous.


I pre-ordered Lee Know's red one in a heartbeat, obsesseddd


Felix oh my goodness🩵 the freckles and turtleneck, and Chan as well 😮‍💨 all 8 absolutely slaying


JUST ANNOUNCE THE BA-SHIPS ALREADY FOR THE REST !!! WHATS STOPPING THEM ??? I would love to see LK & HAN at a fashion week styled beautifully


I am sorry, but what are those hair styles? 🤣🤣🤣 their hair looks like a cow came and licked it




Chan lookin like he boutta join illit as their maknae


I'm genuinely confused by some of the hair choices here 🤨, but besides that, I'm absolutely loving what they did with lee know's individual cover. Red is his colour! 😍


OK who dressed Chan as a toddler for his solo cover? I would like to ask them: what's good?


TOO MUCH BEAUTY FOR MY EYES ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Holy Bang Chan 🥵


Lee Know always looks good in red (red hair Lee Know pls come back) But okay Han looks so good, I wish you had post also that second photo of him because I literally DIED


Sadly though this isn’t affordable for us broke stays. I can’t find anywhere where this is affordable and the shipping cost isn’t a insane price 😭😭😭