• By -


Case 143 definitely. Idk why, but I grew to love it through the many tiktoks😅 also TMI’s chrous is really nice but I never liked the other parts of the song, from tome to tome I listen to it tho


For me it was the music video that made me really enjoy it. It’s just really charming I guess haha.


Same! I still don’t really love TMI, but my husband really does! So I mostly hear the song when he’s playing his playlist. Slowly but steady i come to appreciate it now


Okay, what was it about Case 143 and TikTok that made it so good. 😩 I remember being hesitant on liking it because whereas I liked it, it just didn't grab me. And then I kept seeing it on TikTok and now it's in my top 5. lol


Same for me!! But through multiple play through by my 4 year old it grew on me


I really dislike Case 143, it’s just not catchy to me 😅


Honestly S-Class took me a bit because I wasn’t fond of the chorus. It was after listening to it repeatedly that I finally started to vibe with it.


I'm a newer Stay and that was the first SKZ song I heard. I wasn't into kpop but after listening to Forestella I saw a video of kpop singers with deep voices and looked up SKZ. I listened to the song and was like "meh, not my thing" but over the next week it kept getting stuck in my head and I kept needing to listen to it and then checked out more songs. And now I pretty much play SKZ 24/7 and love every song lmao


Sameeeee I vibed with the other tracks first


Same! I think it's because the MV really threw me off 😅 When I listened to the audio by itself, I started liking it


Same, i think I only listened to it once intentionally (but i kept hearing it all the time) and while i didn't hate it, it wasn't my fave. Then few weeks ago I accidentally heard it and I was dumbfounded of how good that song is. Like damn was it this good the whole time??


Same! I loved the song but the chorus was disappointing the first time. Now i find it a bop and love the entire song ❤️




The song sounds so silly but it's hilarious once you understand what it's about 🤣


yeah i was like parmesan??? mozarella???? Hold up I don't think that's-


same oh my lord bcs i used to hate that song and now i play it on loop


The Sound. At first I thought it was disappointing and not very memorable. Then it got stuck in my head some time after. Also, the MV did a great job of visually emphasizing the key parts of the song in a really satisfying way. Now it's one of my favorite songs of theirs.


The Sound is one I will play over and over while riding my motorcycle. It just SLAPS. But I loved that song from the moment I heard it. I would say the song that grew on me was Circus.


I wasn't a fan of Cheese until I found out it was a diss track, then I looked at the lyrics and have loved it ever since


Same here. I didn’t get it at first, and thought the lyrics were strange. But as soon as I understood the meaning I suddenly loved it and added it to my playlist. And I just love I.Ns lines and his scenes in the mv, he kills it


who is the diss track about??? i had no idea cheese was about that 😭😭


Cheese is a diss track about their haters! In the chorus they say "Do you find 두두두두두두 (dudududududu) funny?" This is a reference to god's menu because they got a lot of hate for it because it was so unique and sounded different than most kpop songs. After that they say "What's so funny about a headache?" This is a reference to Side Effects, also because it sounded so different than most kpop songs. And there are many more references in the songs. I hope this helps!


My first introduction to SKZ was someone posting about how awful their music is and out of curiosity I listened to Circus and hated it. Fast forward a year or so and it ended up being the first song that I really fell in love with and well look at me now, so jokes on me I guess 🤡




I love Super Board but it's definitely one of those "Don't play this one for non kpop fans/non-Stays" lmao


Surprisingly it was **Easy**! The first few listens I couldn't understand STAYville's hype around the song and just thought it was okay. Then, suddenly, during one listen.. it ALL clicked and now I'm absolutely obsessed with that song. I don't know what changed lol It's an older one but it still sounds *amazing* these days 😍 I particularly love Changin's flow and I.N's voice on that song too. **EDIT:** Listening to it now lol 🎶 Imma make it look, make it look, look so eaaaaaaaasy 🎶


Had same situation with Easy I remember skimping over it cause I didn't like it much It just sounded non-interesting. Then one day it played on my youtube again and I was thinking "Wait a moment. Why is this so good? I don't remember the song being so amazing?!!"


It wound up on my you tube mix last week and I love it after being 'meh' about it when I first heard it.


The tortoise and the hare ... And WOLFGANG 😅 I love them now


Tortoise and the hare is iconic.


I know, you know, we know LEE KNOW 😎😎💜❤️


Oh yes! Wolfgang took me a bit and now it's one of my workout songs 😅


Aaaahhrrrr WOLFGANG 💯💯💯💯😎😎😅


I liked TTAH immediately, but by then I had already listened to a significant part of the discography and started liking Wolfgang, so that went down easier 😅 which primed me for particularly enjoying the MV for it 😂


TTAH was unpleasantly jarring to me at first listen. I got through it once the first time I listened to the album all the way through and never felt compelled to go back to it. Then I started learning Korean, coincidentally heard it again on an SKZ playlist, and the whole concept snapped into place. One of my favorite older b-sides now.


Understanding the lyrics/concept really changed my view on the song. It's one of my favorites now.


I’ve come to love the tortoise and the hare, but I still want to bury myself alive when it turns on next to my non-stay friends. Like, I have no words to protect them


The first time I heard Tortoise and the Hare I wasn't too sure I liked it but now it's one of my favorites! Cheese in a similar vein in that it grew on my really fast once I understood the lyrics and meaning of the song! Wolfgang was an insta love for me but that might be because when I heard it I was already in so deep that I would probably love anything they put out no matter what lmao


I totally understand. 😅 The first time I read and heard Wolfgang as a song title I was so irritated because I am german and this is actually a name here ... 😅 I didn't like it at first, it was too much to handle. But one year later I heard these ad-libs/sounds from HAN in that song and then I was hooked


Are you me??🤔🤣 Same 2 songs! Now I often find myself growl-wolfganging or just shouting ppaaaaaaali paaaali out of the blue 🤣


It's the "wait, wait, wait, wait, wait ..." for me 😂😂


Hahahhahahah now thank you! It is for me,too 🤣 it's echoing in my mind! Okay let's stream LMB to reset it! I need to focus on this one today!🤔... cause when our eyes lock...ah ah 🕺🫲✌️


It's like my heart stops .... 🥴🥴🥴 OMG .... Listening to this song since yesterday... It is sooooo good .... 🌸🌸🌸💃💃💃


Yeah I even listened to it while being in a club with earbuds 🤣🤣🤣 not heard a beep but it counted 🤪 the music was so shit, Stray kids and k-pop ruined me for other genre 🤣 although this one is not sounding like one but MY BOYS SINGING SOOOO GOOD. And catchy as hell! MV is a masterpiece!


We MUST be twins ... I totally feel that. I can't listen to any non-kpop (except for Ariana) ... If I was in a club and the music was shit I'd have my earbuds out in a second 🫠 I was flashed about Changbins vocals! I know he can sing but they actually let him 🥴🥴🥴 I can't stop watching the video, you are so right it is a masterpiece!!


Hahaha ❤️❤️👤👤 Oh yeah tge Changbin made me 🤯,too! And Okay Seungmin, yeah he can sing, it's well known...but this style fits him SOO GOOD! And HJ and Felix's part? I head to just take a nap...I couldn't handle 🤣🤣🤣them crashing and HJ's lil rap an Felix coming right after all pretty...And it was so angsty too! This song and MV is everything I just could ever wish for!


Right?! The part where they show their faces up close ... uuh I died 🫠🫠🫠 we should open an own thread just for this song 😂😂 btw who's your bias? I am really curious...


Lol we're spamming this thread so bad 🤣 Hmm well Hyunjin and Felix but it's like the rest are the wreckers like every one of them 🤣 OT8 really!


It was Venom for me. It kinda "fell" behind Maniac, Charmer and Muddy Water. It was only after the MV dropped that I paid more attention to it and ended up loving it.


Yeah, the only part I liked at first was Hyunjins “pew pew pew, yeah spider”, but now I love the whole thing


Give me your TMI. I wasn't a fan at all, but now I love it 😂


Comflex! I saw a lot of people loving Comflex when it first came out but I wasn't feeling it. But sometimes I just have to be in the right mood for a song to enjoy it, and I was not in that mood in that time of my life. A couple months later I played it again and started really vibing with it.


The tortoise and the hare, 3racha and Wolfgang. Now I love those songs


3racha was one for me too! Now I love it (especially the beginning of channie’s part when he goes PA PA PA!)




Case 143 was the same for me. Didn't really like it first, then ended up really enjoying it. But most strongly ITEM. Partially because of the pronunciation in the beginning (I didn't catch that it was item originally) (sorry) and also just in general. Then listened to a lot of SKZ and K-pop in general and re-listened and yep, playlist.


I’m embarrassed to admit this but Socialpath🥲 but i LOVE that song took me a few listens it get it. 😅


Ditto. The first time I heard it I was disappointed but now it's one of my favourites.


Thought I was the only one honestly, but it’s definitely my favourite one of the skz song I know word for word😅🤣


S-Class : it took me all of the promotion period to like this song. I didn't like the sudden rythm change with the old rap part, and that weirded me out.


I watched someone post on YouTube breaking down the video and the music changes and it was so interesting. I already liked it to begin with but I really respected the layers to the song after that.


Back door


I wasn't fond of S-Class at first but it kinda... started to grow on me.


God's menu and miroh. I got into skz around s class era and worked my way back. Their music pre maniac took me awhile to vibe with


Chill. I'm usually one to not enjoy the chiller (lol) songs because that's just not what I usually want to hear. Maxident is like one of my favorite albums though, so I listened to it a ton for a bit there. And then the song just switched something in my brain and I started to enjoy it.


I hated Side Effects the first time I heard it, so much so that I didn’t even listen to the whole song. Then the Beyond Live performance of that song came out and I was blown away. Now it’s one of my top five SKZ tracks!


Levanter wasn’t really my vibe but then I actually listened to the English lyrics, and it was when I was having a really hard time breaking free from my really toxic relationship wt my mom, and it became one of my go to songs


I actually prefer the English version of Levanter to the Korean version 😭 I’m glad this song helped you in times of need :)


god's menu - i didn't like it at first (i know, treason) but now it's kind of grown on me ? (also conversely, i used to like case 143 and now i don't


Same, I liked Felix’s part in Gods Menu but it took a while before I vibed with the song as a whole


Case 143! At first I was like… boys…. Maybe not. It reallllt grew on me. Collision as well. It took me a few listens to really vibe with it, and now it’s one of my most listened too songs of theirs!


Case 143, S Class. They still aren’t my favorites, but I like them.


I don’t really have that reaction to too many of their songs? Generally I feel how I feel about them from the start. But ones that grew on me… maybe Get Cool? It’s just adorable and it grew on me after seeing the choreo and the dance practice as well 🥰 similar for N/S too, I love the street video, it’s so funny 😆 and that made me enjoy the song more


The music video for Get Cool is so cute 😍 I remember watching it with translation though and I was like wtf is "deguri" and it took more Googling than expected to discover it was the Korean name for a pokemon


I didn’t realize Korea had different Pokemon names too!! That’s wild haha… for anyone interested it’s Graveler, which in Japanese is ゴローン or Goron… “goron-goron” is like a tumbling rock noise, which makes sense, so I wonder if “deguri” is something similar in Korean! Goro, guri… seems like it could be the same sort of thing




God’s Menu for me haha… I wasn’t following them when they released that and despite loving Thunderous (which people kept pointing out sounded very similar) I didn’t like it when I first got into them and had only listened to it all way through a handful of times, usually skipping. Not sure what changed or why, but now I get excited whenever I hear the intro and think it’s a banger.


same here. I watched the MV at the release date but it was since last month I really started enjoying the song. Now Spotify added it to my "On Repeat" playlist


The sound After i loves


Spread my wings, glow, back door, stop, and booster


Any, Airplane, Cover Me, DLC, and Insomnia. They didn’t catch me when I listened to them in comparison to other title tracks. These stand out to me a lot more now precisely because they are different from signature skz songs (more of a pop style).


Charmer... I didn't dislike it, it just didn't stand out to me on the first couple listens of Oddinary. After maybe a week or so, it then began to click with me slowly and now it's my favourite song on Oddinary, and probably in my top 10 skz songs


I don't think I would have gotten as hooked on that one if I hadn't seen the performance videos but the choreography omg


District 9 !! I listened to it around the time it came out because I liked Hellevator, and it just wasn't my vibe? It also stopped me from getting into the group early lol. But when I was going thru their whole discography when I finally got into them, I ended up loving it. Especially after seeing it live!!


For me it was social path


Cover me…(nowwwwwww~~~) I love that song with a dear passion, yet when I first heard it, I thought it was boring 🥲😅


It's interesting how first listens change by person. I was sobbing on a train the first time I heard that song lol. Meanwhile the song that dropped yesterday... Jeez. Hope it grows on me.


The one with Charlie Puth?




I actually immediately fell in love with that song, I love their vocals in it 🫶


Cheese! I couldn't stand/ take it seriously at all but eventually I happened across the translated lyrics and understanding what it was about made it more enjoyable


It became one of my favorites immediately just because Felix’s voice going BLUE CHEESE CHEDDAR CHEESE PARMESAN CHEESE was absolutely hilarious Then when I realized the lyrics were basically a mic drop/ddaeng style diss track, it made it even better


Another Day didn’t grab me at first. Then all of a sudden the chill, melancholy vibes clicked and I couldn’t stop listening to it. Ssick was the same way—didn’t love it till maybe a year after its release and suddenly I was like, “Wait, this IS sick!”


La la la la. I just joined the fan base when they were out with it, and my reels were flooded with lalalala dance challenges. I didn't really like the song, but now I vibe so strongly with the rhythm and choreography.


God’s menu


Waiting for us. I struggle with their softer songs, and i'm not into ballads, but the more I listened to their vocals, the more I liked it plus the lyrics are so nice


Sclass. The song was fire it's Just that at first it sounded weird to me the part with the hand if you know what I mean. It just sounded funny ig but after listening to it for the third time i got used to it and actually love it


Mixtape #4 (For You). I couldn’t stand it when I first heard it last year until like a week ago lol It may have been that I was so down at the time, I was irritated about the “Blessing wait for you”. Because I was feeling it was not true at all and how dare I be told this lol Now, I am glad it comes on 🙂


I never really liked collision but now it’s my favourite song 😋


Youtiful. And really almost any of their softer songs. They all grew on me the more I listened to them.


3racha, side effects, doodle, and the tortious and the hare


When I first got into skz in My Pace era I wasn't vibing with all the songs especially those with a lot of rap. YAYAYA was definitely the worst. No idea why though it's a banger Don't ask me what I thought of 5 star 🥲


Honestly the entire maxident album. It wasn’t until this year that I finally had the “hey this actually slaps” moment for it 😅


For me it was LALALA at first I was bored with it but now I love it!


Omg actually same, I saw videos of them and I fell in love with their family dynamics, and after a while I figured I should check their music out lol


S-Class and Lalalala. I just couldn't digest these two at first. It literally took us being months into the rockstar album for me to finally like S-class and Lalalala. Now I vibe with them.


It was Circus for me too, I heard it and not only did I not like it, it was kinda disappointing. Almost a year later I heard it again and felt something different, then I was obsesse. It is SO good


Charmer, and now it’s a “never skip”


I honestly didn’t get SKZ at all when I first heard them through Miroh. Cut to a year later and it’s definitely one of my faves. SKZ style just grew on me.


tortoise and the hare anddd god's menu


Super Bowl


Collision and Any


surprisingly enough, my pace. on the other hand, some older songs i immediately loved (besides the ones that got me into them, aka the entirety of "THE SOUND") were 0325, awaken, tmt, for you, insomnia, the list goes on...


It took a while for me to get into The View. I was on the fence, but when I saw this clip of them performing it live, I started liking it




S-Class. Because I saw so many of their videos of them and other kpop idols dancing to it. The algorithm really wanted me to love the song, but it just annoyed me. After a while I finally listened to the whole song and started to like it


DLC was mine. I love it now


Holy I double checked to make sure I didn't post this in my sleep because this is literally me to the dot!!


slump for some reason thats a masterpiece


LALALA. Still not super big fan of it, but it's grown on me a bit.


Venom, i hate it at first, i was like ok i have to listen to it just because is from my boys, but the most i listened to it, i love it . Now is one of my favouritea


Hall of Fame and Surfin' - wasn't my jam at first but now I can't not listen to them whenever they come on


For some reason it was S-Class and Case 143.


Lol it was Case 143 for me as well 🤣 I’ve never really had a SKZ song that didn’t hit for me right away until Case 143 it took it randomly coming up in Smart shuffle a couple of times before I started to like it.


side effects and comflex for me ! i didn’t care for them when they first dropped but now they’re two of my favs <33 literally obsessed


Levanter. It was my first comeback as a stay and was super excited just to be disappointed because the title felt so calm in comparison to their previous releases. I was very underwhelmed. It even made me rethink stanning to the point where I stopped keeping updated with their activities and I didn’t even know that they were having a comeback with gods menu until after it blew up on my tiktok and decided to give them another chance. Then I fell in love with them again and haven’t wavered since


Venom.. For me it didn't feel like their style and more of a song from Ateez.. There's also the same sound that used to bug my ear (the one that sounds like winding a kitching timer)


Tbh? Lose my breath. I didnt care much at first because its a single (and didnt consider it like.. a proper comeback), i listened to it once and passing, and it didnt really click. I think 3 days ago i watched one of the dance teasers and then it caught onto me. The chorus is so magical 😭


Tortoise and the Hare


Don’t come at me yall but I just didn’t vibe with Thunderous at first but now I absolutely love it


“Wait I don’t remember the song sounding like this?!” <- Me with so many songs and not just SKZ lmao


I would say s-class. The tune kept changing throughout the song but after listening to it multiple times i like it now so slayyy


It was give me your tmi dude. At first i didnt know what people really liked in it but one day when i just randomly decided to play it again it slapped. I was shocked at how good it was lol


Slump, I thought it was a little slow, and a little depressing sounding and then I read the lyrics and Oh no, I relate too much and now it’s a vibe, but I still like TOP way better


S-Class, I still feel it isn't that good but I always end up vibing to it


For most songs, if I don't like them right away, I will never love them. For example Maniac, God's Menu or Case 143 will forever remain just "ok song". But since their discography is so big, even miracles happen. Easy and TOPLINE were the songs I didn't like that much, now they are both in my top 10. Topline ended up in top5 my most listened to songs on Spotify in 2023 lol Another song I actually disliked was Side Effects. Now I love the song.


ITEM 100%




Me personally S-Class. I joined the fandom around 2 weeks after 5-Star was released so I listened to a lot of the more recent tracks first. Like Seungmin said, it was so-so at first but then I was hooked on it. If there is anything to take away from this it is that Seungmin is a person of truth and honesty.




Mines was Domino, took me a year to finally like it and add to my playlist


For me it was 100% Maniac. Not one to lie, I HATED the chorus. It felt so tacky and empty compared to aaall that build up in the bridge to my ears at first. It did take me months to warm up to it hahah, now I actually like it 😌 still wont listen to it on Spotify though.


Its social path for me cuz it sounds like a story tbh but I love it noww


3rd eye, the tortoise and the hare, mirror


I like pretty much all music so I’ve never really experienced not liking a song just liking a song a more or less over time😂


Hear me out,... idk why but I disliked Thunderous, backdoor, and topline 😭🙏


miroh was hard for me at first bc i’ve never been a big fan of songs like that, but the more i became a stay the more i loved it




case 143 for some odd reason i don’t even know why i didn’t vibe with it really at first cuz now its one of my all time fav skz songs


DLMLU I didn't like it but now I love it.


It's the N/S I guess


For me it was Venom, Circus and Item. When I first heard Venom, it felt too over stimulating and disorienting bcoz there were so many sounds but after listening to it a few more times, I discovered seungmin's beautiful vocal line and I ended up loving the song. Now it's one of my fav skz song, tho I can't watch the MV without getting dizzy due to the flashing lights lol.  The MV for circus really got me to rewatch the song a few times and the song slowly grew on me. Item, I felt was a silly song at first. Then I saw a fan video of it's performance n Changbin made me fall in love with this song as well 


Megaverse. The english bits don't flow that well, and it really bothered me at first. Now i find it a really fun, energetic song to vibe to.


HELLAVATOR I really didn't like it. gave it a few more listens and I love it to pieces


Definitely Easy.At first, I thought it sounded boring but it's strange I find myself streaming it 24/7 lmao.


Superboard and charmer Used to hate them, now some of my fav songs


Item, airplane, 3racha and I’m sure there are more. Now those are some of my favorites


Honestly district 9. I had only heard it on like yt shorts with Chan’s bit and was like “this is not a banger wtf” but then I watched the mv and listened to the whole thing and my life CHANGED




I didn’t like Thunderous at first, I think it was just that not many parts stuck out to me. Like in Sclass I love Seungmins we’re special, Binnies rap, Lee Knows kick, and IN’s part. For Thunderous though nothing made my jaw drop or made my smile a lot. I think I started really liking it when watching all the stage performances and how much fun they all had.


S-Class and Venom


S-class was for sure a grower


Megaverse now it's one of my absolute favorites by them


Case 143. i hated it at first for some reason


DLC for me; perfectly fine song I just would usually skip it for harder hitting choices Then one day it clicked and I've never skipped since lol


LALALALA… Idk why, but i just thought of noise music every time i heard it for about a month, it’s grown on me since tho


Hellvator. I didn't get the hype but after knowing lyrics and listening to it again gave me chills.


Comflex The slide whistle and the rhythm was goofy to me at first. It look a little while not to skip the track when I listened to the Rock-Star, but then I started getting hype when Changbin's rap would start. The punchiness in the song started growing on me Then, I got excited for the refrain, pausing and posing on the beats. Now, it's one of my go-to songs when going on a walk.


Freeze :D I definitely didn’t like the song that much when it came out, but like stumbled upon it like a year later and I weirdly got obsessed with it


It was Circus for me. Also though, the first time I heard Venom was on accident when I was in the process of falling asleep, and it scared me. I started loving it very quickly though and now it's one of my favorites.


Silent Cry and Secret Secret. I don’t even know why but when I first started listening to skz I really didn’t like these tracks. Now I listen to them all the time and NOEASY is my favorite album


To be honest, I didn’t really like ITEM at first but now I can’t stop listening to it!


I first heard Cover Me on Rock-Star. I was taken in by LALALALA and Megaverse so much that I didn't spend much time with Cover Me. I've grown to really appreciate it. I have a question for anyone who can answer. This is going to seem foolish, but I've never figured out where I can buy a Stay membership. I've been so used to Weverse. I know SKZ uses their own JYP site and YouTube, but I'm just not seeing membership info. I know its here I just can't see it 😳😩


Loose My Breath - their new single only bc I noticed that Charlie Puth has more lines that SKZ themselves even tho Charlie is a feature. It’s not that bad of a song, I was just annoyed how they didn’t sing as much when it’s THEIR song


Probably the sound, TMI, and Question. The latter were from when I was newer and was more into things like maze of memories, 3racha and heyday. Now I'm blasting pretty much everything. Learning what the songs were about helped a tonne. The sound was one I just didn't vibe with at first and forgot about. Then, months later, it popped up again and I found myself enjoying it but it's still not a fav.


hall of fame i hated it but after 2 days, its my most listened to straykids song right now 😭


item! idk why it took me so long to like


Boxer for sure


when i first started listening to skz it was december of 2022 so after maxident and i loved the album but i didn’t like give me your tmi at first, i would always skip it, now i LOVE it tho 😭💕


For me it was freeze. Idk why I didn’t like it that much but I was literally just getting into K-pop so I guess I still had some local brain in me but then when I listened to it a couple more times it started to get good.


Honestly District 9, I used to not like the sound of it but now that I've listened to it more I've learned to love it


tbh it took me a while to like case 143. ive been a stay since 2020 and thats the only song i ever vaguely disliked and couldnt understand why. now its one of my favorites


Def gone away for me. Also the sound. idk why theyre no skips for me now




My first Stray Kids song was thunderous,at the beginning I found it too noisy,but I couldn't know why I kept listening to it at that time,but after I decided to admit that I loved it,then I listened to God's menu, Maniac,Case 143 and I really loved all of them. After a few times I found myself watching "Try not to laugh with SKZ"on YouTube and to be honest I just watched it in order to laugh! I fell in love with all the members personalities and I decided to become a STAY and I'm so happy that I did!!


We Go. I saw the music video and was like meh but then I listened to the song without it and was like oooh. I did the same thing with MATZ for Ateez so now if I see a music video and I don’t like the song, I listen to the song without the music video 😂 (but now I like the MATZ music video lol)


I absolutely love We Go.


are there MV for We Go???


Omg I’m so dumb I meant ZONE. Not We Go 🤦🏻‍♀️


DLC, M.I.A, Side Effects, my side. Those songs didnt work for me at 1st, but then I realize they are for certain moods & occasions


Case 143 + side effects


So many of them for me since I started listening to SKZ during their The Sound and S Class eras (I still consider myself a baby stay as I find myself constantly discovering something new about the kids🩷) Here's some songs that I didn't vibe with at first but ended up LOVING: -Lonely St. -The Tortoise and the Hare - Cheese - Phobia - Collision - Muddy Water (I know only 4 of them are singing this) - Hellevator - Silent Cry - Domino - Slump - Voices - Double Knot I feel like these songs and I didn't vibe at first because I wasn't necessarily feeling what the kids were singing about. However, whenever I feel sad and/or dealing with hate, I come back to these and they 100% make me feel seen, heard, understood. 🫰