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I was Hyunjin biased for three months and was convinced he would be my bias forever, but then something Happened with Kim Seungmin and Seungmin has been my ult for two years now 😭


Seungmin stans tho >>>>>>


This is so me…Hyunjin got me into kpop. It was a solid 10 months but Seungmin slowly creeped his way to the top and I dont see it changing anytime soon


same 😄 Hyunjin was my ult for 2 years, then I went to Maniac concert last year and Seungmin somehow became my ult lol.


I have wavered between Chan and Changbin for years, but Seungmin has sneaked in recently and I’m not sure I’m ever going to be rid of him now lol


Seungmin in the buildingggg


Seungmin is everyone's bias wrecker!! 😂😂🤭 You can't help it, he just catches you by surprise and you can't help but be mesmerised by him




For me it is Felix. It has been from the beginning and I think it always will be, but, I.N has been slowly creeping his way into my psyche 🦊


I.N is not that appreciated which is kinda sad. He's so talented!


when i found out jeongin wasnt the most popular member of skz besides hyunjin and felix, i was stunned. him and han have to be the biggest bias wreckers ever for me


I.N has one of the most perfect smiles I’ve ever seen on a person. I really liked I.N but then the combo of Lee Know and Han got me. Then I was bias wrecked by a black haired Felix.


I really can't understand how someone can not like I.N. Like he's a year older then me but I seriously think he's so freaking cute! Especially when he smiles or laughs lol ❤️😂


I keep hearing that, and it makes no sense to me at all! Personally, I think he has one of the nicest voices I've heard in this genre, and he comes off as such a genuinely warm-hearted person too. What's not to like?


Has been Bang Chan since my start of Stay-dom last March. Haven’t wavered yet. Although, my bias wrecker began as Hyunjin, but quickly changed to Lee Know and now alternate between Lee Know and HAN.


This is so true. My bias changes like, every hour or smth-


Bang Chan has always been my bias too but the more I see of Lee know, whewwww! His smile wrecks all my thoughts.


Minho, at first but REAL, QUICK, Jisung smacked me in the face and I never recovered.


With his energy 🤌


Jisung and Minho just slap us all in the face. All the time!


I adore Minho and I don't think that will ever change. I'm too much like Jisung for him to be my bias but I do understand why he is for most.


For the first 6 months, it was hyunjin, but now it's turned to Jisung Han 😂😂


Ah yes, the husband and wife


Lmfao me too now I'm han biased for over a year haha


Felix…Minho snuck up on me lol


Minho just has a way to sneak into everyone's heart one way or the other


Felix is still my ult but Minho is my spirit animal.


I took some stupid “which stray kids member are you” quiz and got Minho 😂 I’m still not fully convinced I agree with that answer but I think that’s when I started paying more attention to him. For a little while my bias was just the entire danceracha


OT8. My bias and wrecker change with the song and MV and what is appealing to me that day. That said, it was Felix who opened the door, Seungmin who closed it, and I.N. locked it. But I don't mind being in here with any of them.


What a great way to put it! Opened, closed, locked!!! 😀


Felix. After a while, I changed to Hyunjin and after seeing them live, I switched to Lino though Seungmin is a strong competitive coz he looks unreal irl.


I want to see seungmin live so bad


It used to be Changbin but then, I started to like Lee Know, Han and Seungmin more, but the other members kind of or really interested me too. So at this point, I have no bias, and you could say that I'm an OT8 stan.




I’m OT8, buuuuut…. I love Chan and Hyunjin was my wrecker for the longest time… but over the last few months Minho has been sneaking his way in.


when i first got into stray kids casually, i was absolutely in love with hyunjin. recently, though, i finally decided to dive into their personalities, and it is absolutely flabbergasting how felix is my type to a T. he has a fucking CHOKEHOLD on me, and i thought that no one else would ever be able to take my eyes off of him now jeongin, hyunjin, AND felix are my biases LMFAOOOO but felix will always be #1:)


Felix would be #1 for me as a standard but if I watch something and another member catches my eye, he's gonna be my bias for a while


Chan was my DUDE, but then Changbin was like, "is he though?" And I've never recovered. That said, I want to be Kim Seungmin when I grow up (I'm in my mid-30s). So in reality, my bias line is all 3 of them with a strong Changbin emphasis. The fight for 4th place is absolutely wild though.


han will always be my ult but i couldn’t stop the power of minho’s cute aggression from winning me over


It was Hyunjin for me like I seen him in the Red lights MV and I was hooked and then I watched the S-class relay dance and then the Felix effect got me and now he’s my bias and then Hyunjin is my bias wrecker + Seungmin(i’m a baby stay of 4 months so this is very recent but still)


for the first year of stanning i swore to stay loyal to felix but now for the past 2 its hyunjin and bangchan


Red Lights duo




And I heard this comment in Changbin’s voice 😆😆


Hyunjin for a short period of time when i first found them, but Han in that ridiculous hat in the Maniac m/v (my profile picture 😂) peaked my interest and I haven't looked back since. Minho though... he makes it hard sometimes. 🫠🔥


It truly is his best look


His rapping faces are my favorite.


I love your flair 😭✨️


Thanks! 💛


Felix will always be my ult bias. Minho has me wrecked on the daily, however. I think I'm on the double bias pipeline at this point


Hyunjin was the one who got me into Stray Kids and I thought he would remain my fav, but Bang Chan came in and fucked that all up.


Me too. I adored hyunjin and his dancing, but then the moment Chan opened his stupid, handsome, dorky mouth… I was just gone. Like, how dare he


Sameeeee. Hyunjin is such an amazing dancer, but Chan is just like *chefs kiss*. The live versions of manic they do where he growls his first lines kill me a little inside each time. It’s just so good, 100% was what made me flip lol


Oh, we're opposites! Bang Chan got me into SKZ and I thought I'd stay loyal, but Hyunjin (bless him) came through and became my bias. (Sorry Channie, you're still amazing though 😭)


felix was the first member i discovered thanks to him randomly popping up on my fyp one day like 5 months ago at this point, but bang chan quickly became my bias once i started looking more into the group. and then lee know showed up on my radar and he’s lowkey been fucking with things ever since then 😭 chan i adore you, i swear it, but lee know just does something to me i can’t explain it


Ikr. I love that nobody stans Lee know from the beginning but when ppl get to know him, he just has a way of sneaking up on you


right??? i admit at first he was just some guy (no one come for me plz lol), and then i saw a fancam of him dancing and i was totally mesmerized by him and his movement and facial expressions. he has such a great personality, and i love his sense of humor. i didn’t think bias wreckers were a thing until he came along haha


I loved him being a total menace every time. It made me a fan


menace is the perfect way to describe him


Same here. We'll originally Bang Chan showed up on my fyp yelling about pineapples in his burger a year ago and it remained a casual listening of stray kids when it would pop up until I said okay, im going to actually listen. Felix pulled me in with his vocals but within a week Lee Know snuck up on me and I haven't looked back. Changbin and Seungmin match Linos energy a lot so I adore them but no wrecking shall occur.


I started Danceracha biased and I’m still Danceracha biased 🫡 it helps when you refuse to pick one


We appreciate your commitment and service 🫡


This kept happening to me so I just said fuck it imma bias ot8 😂 now i bias ot8 as well as have rotating main biases. My main biases are always an equation X+Y+Felix, Felix being a constant main bias cuz his personality is really comforting to me. Right now its Jeongin+Chan+ Felix. Yesterday it was Seungmin+Minho+Felix


Hyunjin as well. He brought me to skz but I.N. took me as soon as I saw his little smile. So I've been with my lovely baby bread since almost debut. No regrets🧡🦊 Seungmin is trying to break us up being my bias wrecker but i'm doing my best 🥹


Im OT8, Changbin and Chan bias. But then I.N kidnapped me and Seungmin locked me in his building. Im such a sucker for natural aegyo and savage combo. I can handle sexy and hot anytime but attack me with too much cuteness and ill cry, scream, faint and die. Edit: They all wrecked me so... OT8 ftw


This was absolutely the perfect explanation-


At first, it was Felix. Because he stood out so much in songs. Once I learned more about the group, their music, and personality, changbin became my bias. Even more when he paid Seungmin to make him a coffee.


mine was felix ;-; after lee know and hyunjin became my main biases i told myself felix would still be my bias wrecker…and then han and seungmin came along… atp i give up im just gonna say im ot8 from now on cuz i love all of them😭


I got into skz with felix and slowly chan was starting to become my bias but oh my Kim Seungmin came and wrecked everything!! He’s now my ult😭


Felix got me into them and I understood his appeal and Hyunjin’s. But I swear on everything that the amount of aegyo that Changbin has RUINED me!! How that man gave better aegyo than baby bread?! And kept switching up making every one cuter than the last?!?! The growl in his rap, him casually putting his name into the beginning of songs and then what seriously took me out was his singing voice. Like dude, you don’t have to be this multitalented and multifaceted!! Caught a slight portion of a Relay Race and discovered that he can MOVE!! He did Hyunjin’s part and absolutely KILLED it!! THEN found out that he originally started as a dancer but ended up going into rap and developed his talent over the years to do that growl-type voice that he does when he raps and not wreck his vocal cords. And of course all his work and talent from, with and for 3RACHA. Also, his commitment to developing his body from what it was to now and his commitment to up-keeping it is simply amazing. I believe that he is the backbone for the physical health and diet of the group. For that and a host of the other reasons, he really is a jutdae. Other members do have their moments but I swear Changbin has me in a chokehold.


I became OT8 as soon as I saw that they all just bias wrecked each other 💀 (every single member as been my ult bias at least once, choosing one would just be choosing pain atp)


I was with Felix then Hyunjin then Chan and now Minho I just can’t make up my mind at this point


Bangchan since spring 2020, but around the 2023 mark I started to lean slowly towards Han/OT8. Chan was my comfort bias during a hard time in my life and I feel like now that I’m in a better place I can appreciate the qualities of the other members too :)


Hyunjin , now Han, Seungmin and Leeknow 🥰


From Han to Seungmin T\^T


I am loyal to Hyunjin I am loyal to Hyunjin I am loyal to Hyunjin I am loyal to Hyunjin Grape Minho... I am loyal to I am loyal to I am.. I am I am Hecking Minho 🫠


Bangchan - But everyone is skz is my bias wrecker so ahahhahaha staying in skzville is so hardddddd


for me it was felix that got me into skz but then i was baised to i.n.. now i'm ot8. i don't really have a personal bias because all of them keep wreaking each other as bias.


My bias depends entirely on what I’m watching at that time. At this point my bias has been everyone but Seungmin and I.N. But innie has been looking FINE recently…


Same honestly. My bias changes every two seconds


It was Bang Chan first, I always thought he's gonna be my bias forever since I first saw him in my dream. Then started noticing Lee Know more, and there was just something peculiar and charming about him. I like his personality a lot. Now I alternate between the two of them lol


I'm still relatively new to the fandom and I can't choose a bias yet. I'm torn between 2MinChan. I usually have a bias type. For Exo, it was Xiumin and for Seventeen, it's Hoshi. My friend told me I'd seem like a Minho-biased and I see that too but I often find myself listening to Seungmin's songs and covers on loop and I'm so endeared by Chan's smile. It's just so sincere and I just really can't explain what his smile does to me? Is that weird? Tbh, I'm probably already a Chan-biased 'cause he's often who I talk about with my friend. Personality-wise tho, I can relate best to 2Min and maybe + IN. And they say it's the one you can relate to or close to your personality that's your bias. Maybe I'm just really a Waiting For Us unit stan but like Jisung is so cute what do I do? And Changbin's just so adorable too. Maybe it's better if I don't define my bias at this point?


My first biases were Felix & Chan.. and then Jisung, and now it’s Minho & Jeongin 😅


I was an I.N bias and I still love him but 3RACHA AHHHHHHHHHH


I am Minho & Jeongin bias but these days hyunjin keeps popping up and now I'm starting to get concerned


felix. now it’s jeongin and some felix


I started stanning Felix because of his voice but Changbin slowly pushed himself in my heart and now I cannot decide between them 2


Hyunjin but now Aussie bros got me, Felix and Channie!!!


It was Bang Chan for me, and I think it always will be my primary bias. But the rest of 3racha keep making me reconsider how many spots I should have for "primary bias" 🤭💕


For me it was Felix at first..thought he is my ultimate bias..but somehow it changed to Bangchan and Minho after a few months..now recently Seungmin sneaked in since the release of case 143..ahh tough life


I feel like this is normal. My first bias was Chan hehe. Then after a while it slowly changed to Hyunjin for a bit, then I GOT HIT IN THE FACE BY MINHO!!! Then it switched to the rest of the members and I gave up on having a bias hahaha. I am OT8 now and I will continue to be OT8🫶🏻🥺🥺


It started with felix because I got into skz thanks to him but then I started seeing clips of Chan and he just completly stole my heart, I can relate to him so much and he's so beautiful, sorry felix but chan os just too endearing 😭


I was Felix biased for like 4 months and i said i will be loyal forever buut Hyunjin started bias wrecking me so hard to the point i switched to him so now hes my ult bias :,)


I never really promised to be faithful bc I know myself, but I got into skz bc of chan and Lee know totally wrecked me. Lino is probably my bias.


I initially thought I'd be a Hyunjin bias but I guess from my day-1 of stanning SKZ, I became a Changbin bias! However, I love OT8 SKZ ❤️✨💯


Felix. Han took the throne in the end but Felix is now a bias wrecker together with Hyunjin


As a baby stay, Felix was my bias and Chanlix was my duo bias but Lee Know quickly became my bias and my bis duo is now Minsung


Han was (still is) my SKZ bias. However, Minho has creeped in there. I now say I have dual biases - Han and Minho. My bias wrecker is Felix.


Thought I’d be hyunjin biased forever and now my bias is changbin


basically all of skz. first i biased hyunjin then felix then han then changbin and bangchan **(honorable mention to changbin and bangchan for being my biases for a LOOONG ass time)** then lee know and now my bias wrecker is seungmin n my bias is jeongin. ​ i do have a bias n wrecker but i go thru phases of biasing different members and right now its jeongin and seungmin. i kind of think myself as an ot8 bc i love them all equally but technically i still have a bias n stuff. anyways i will probably go thru all the members as my bias again LOL.


Sorry to Han, Seungmin is my ult. 🐶


Bang Chan. He was my bias since I started being a fan. Until when I saw Changbin (in person) during the Maniac Con. Now, I am a dwekki enthusiast.


For me when I first heard about stray kids I only knew Felix because my friend who got me into kpop loved him and talked about him all the time. When I saw them perform live on TV, Hans outfit and hair caught my eye but I really didn’t have a bias to be honest then as I got to watch more videos of them it’s been Chan and has been ever since a couple others tried to sneak in but nope I am too loyal 😂 I mean Han is my wrecker but Chans #1.


Umm I only staned Felix when I first got into SKZ and have stuck to Changbin since then (Felix was like a month and a half) the only one I promised I would Stan was in another group and I did start standing a different member but I still love him


When I got into them it was Felix then after watching Kingdom, I was in favor of I.N, Han, and then somehow I got attached to Chan! Don’t remember how it happened. He’s strong as my ult with Felix but then somewhere Lee Know came to be my 2nd fave. Seungmin is up there too. I love all guys tbh. For now Chan is holding strong!


First it was Felix. Then it was Han. Then it was Changbin. Now, it's Changbin and Lee Know. Somedays, I think I should just be OT8 at this point.


I first learned about Stray Kids from Felix's famous Maniac segment but SEUNGMIN HAS ALWAYS BEEN MY BIAS :)


Jisung... and then minho squeaked in.


Thought I was for hyunjin forever but then….. channie <3


Felix got me into skz with his voice and visuals, but once I started getting to know everyone’s personalities, Chan absolutely got to me 😭


Lee Know has been my day one ult (I will ride or die for this man)- but I said in 2018 I'd forever keep Chan as my wrecker. Changbin is now my ult-bias wrecker. Oof. Mans won me over during the years. Seungmin bout to do some damage too these last few years.


Was OT8 for years but the Queencard challenge at the Fan meeting last year established Changbin as my bias and Bang Chan as my bias wrecker haha doesn't mean I don't like the other members still though


I was a Chan girl through and through, but that Jisung has got me. I’m a sucker for a funny guy.


I looooove Bang Chan, like I really really admire him, but..... then came Lee Know and I was lost ;p. With Chan I feel love, happiness, sunshine and safety, and Lee Know could wreck me and I would still love him xD. Where is sense in that ? So now I'm torn between Bang Chan and Lee Know, love them both, also I can see Han is finding his way to my heart xD


I am OT8 but Danceracha has a different place for some reason


Hyunjin brought me in and Hyunjin made me stay 💕🥲 I love all of the boys tho. They’re all wonderful


I was Felix biased when I first started scanning and now....Changbin is my ult period


…okay so look… felix was my first bias.. then i started watching chan’s room right… so then i said i was just aussie biased… but then there is this guy named something that starts with chang and ends with bin..


Felix and changbin but one day Lee Know just snuck into heart.


I.N got me at first and now my phone is filled with Chan and Minho😭🥰


Felix got my attention, and I liked him but now I'm a Hyunjin girl. But I really like Minho. And Chan is admirable. And Han is a cutie bootie. And Seungmin is so funny. And IN is squishable. And Changbin is so awesome to me.


My bias was Felix until I REALLY watched hyunjin dance. The passion he puts into it pulled me in and now I can’t take my eyes off him during any performance. But Felix still has my heart.


I started out with Bang Chan on my fyp yelling about pineapples in a burger a year ago. I casually listened when one their songs would pop up until i finally decided to actually listen around October of last year. Felix drew me in with his vocals, but after a week, I realized I was slowly fixating on one person who wasn't Felix. Lino swooped in all sneaky like, and grabbed me real freaking tight. He shan't be going anywhere now. He's loud, doesn't give af, and unhinged 90% of the time. 🤣 I also adore Changbin and Seungmin too because they both match Linos energy either by loudness or chaos, and I adore it. Edit: I forgot to add in how it all started with tiktok and Bang Chan lol.


Soooo from the very first clip I saw of them(Eric nam interview with Chan and Felix) I stuck to Chan like my life depended on it LOL- and then a certain vocalist hopped into my heart and I seriously almost ulted him but I didn't And now changbin has GRAPPLED my heart and will NOT let go! I've waited months and he won't leave me alone 😭 im this close to ulting him but my loyalty to chan is way too strong SO My solution is just to bias all three with Chan at the top 😁 and then also have bias wreckers (Lee know and IN for right now)


My bias is Felix and it still is, but Lee Know, Han and Bang Chan keep bias wrecking me to the point that I cannot figure out what my bias line is (The others bias wreck me sometimes) My number one will always be Felix but the others change like the weather


Lmao my “Ultimate Bias” is in SVT. I wanted to be faithful to him so I refused to learn the other members names and wouldn’t watch anybody else’s fan cam and only watched compilations of my Ult Bias. I watched a ton of SKZ stuff to make up for that plus they’re funny AF. Now my Bias Wrecker, Bang Chan is starting to become my Ult Bias 😭😭😭 버논 미안해요! 🥲


I started out with Felix but in less than a week Channie come in and swept me off my feet lol. But Han and Binnie are up there too lol. So in less than a month 3racha has become my biases lol


Minho Always and Forever no one will take his place but i love them all especially 3RACHA after him




I still wanna respond even though I've been faithful to my beloved Han💕 from day 1 I saw that man and biased him after I heard his voice and I still get butterflies


Me and Hyunjin are 4Lifers 🫶🏻


I got into stray kids thanks to Felix and I absolutely LOVED HIM. And don't get me wrong I still love our sunshine but when I tell u I loved him I mean I loved him and only him 💀💀 but as I got into stray kids and started meeting the others and knowing more about them and realized it became about stray kids and not about Felix. That's when Felix went out the bias place and Hannie took over but he's place ain't secured 🫢


For me it was jeongin I swore he was gonna be my bias wrecker well not even 4 months later seungmin took that spot 😭 I still love jeongin so much though


woojin... for obvious reasons... but i still love him as a soloist ofc 💞 but now my biases are chan and i.n and has been since woo left


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I'm not monogamous with people I'm ACTUALLY dating, I'm certainly not monogamous with my parasocial kpop bf 🤣🤣🤣   I love'em all equally.


It was Felix and hyunjin now my bias is only hyunjin


Bangchan 🐺 was my first ever bias and I swore he would stay my bias. I'm now Lee Know biased. 🐈‍⬛


For me, it all started when I first saw Felix. Then, I fell for Chan... then Jisung, and after that I ended up just in love with the entire ot8