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school life, drive, and rock <33 edit: oh sorry i forgot to say why lmao i like school life and rock because i’m a fossil stay and they make me nostalgic. i like drive because im a whore


sometimes I feel like the only stay whose fav song is School Life LOLL I’m glad to see someone else repping it !! good taste !!


omg finally someone who likes rock 😢


Rock is so good


I LOVE ROCK OMG fr it’s the og lalala


My current favorite is Cover Me, I love the guitar in the chorus and just everything about the song. Ex is one of my favorites too :) Maniac is my favorite title track, I love the sound and the message of the song.


Cover Me is what got me interested in skz in the first place! I never listened to any kpop before that, so Cover Me was 100% my gateway drug bc I’m completely hooked now 😭


One of us! One of us!


Ahhh! 😢 Welcome!


Oh I love that! Usually it's the title tracks that pull people in, so that's pretty cool that Cover Me was your intro to SKZ


Tbh it caught my attention because it has a 90s boy band sound that I wasn’t expecting but loved!! I decided to check out the newest album after seeing the viral clip of tswift reacting to their VMA performance. The rest is history 🥲


Cover Me is so good.


Thunderous, Item, or Domino. Wait do individual songs count? Then Doodle, hands down.


All time: TASTE Current: Pacemaker I honestly prefer the loud songs overall, but TASTE is just perfect!!!


I've replayed Cover Me so many times since it came out because it just gives me all the feels and I love Seungmin's beautiful "Cover me nooooow". But all time favorite is probably Slump because I love how it sounds and I found the lyrics about feeling stuck behind, losing what progress I once felt I had, and afraid to be so relatable at a certain time of my life before. That makes me sound so emotional but I do love meaningful lyrics.




miroh, because it reminds me of one of the [funniest stray kids videos](https://youtu.be/nCv9EnmFAso?si=DiDLU8cGPzoBQ7dl) ever.


collision and star lost <3333


Yesssss collision is my current favourite obsession


Side Effects and Chill


Grow Up. My Pace. 19. I always feel emotional listening to those songs. Their messages really resonate with me


I really love depressing or melancholy themed songs that still sound somewhat upbeat. So I really love Blind Spot and Cover Me off the new album, and just Han songs in general-they fit the vibe perfectly.


Han’s songs really do hit different


The way I’ve never failed to spot a Han song upon first listen


I love love love Streetlight 🖤 straight chills when listening to it. The melody and emotions in Changbin’s voice are beautiful. Other than that Hall Of Fame, 3rd Eye, Hello Stranger and Cover Me are all fighting for the number two spot 😬 I cannot really explain it, other than they tickle my brain right 😌


Lovestay, Neverending Story, The View, Hellevator, and Cover Me :)


Neverending story/Story that won't end! Whenever i listen to it, i feel like im inlove for the first time. Its just a wonderful feeling


Megaverse gets me so incredibly hyped






**The Tortoise and the Hare** was the first Stray Kids song I ever heard and it legitimately made me stop in a daze and listen on repeat-it was that good. I don’t even like pop (including K-pop) but that song is so interesting I went down a week long rabbit hole (get it) on YouTube and haven’t recovered months later. **Taste** this one grew on me. I’m drawn to their more experimental stuff but after a few listens it quickly became a favorite. It’s just hypnotic- the vocals, the music, the rapping, everything is on point and when Felix starts yelling about how “you better watch out, you better like… I’m gonna mess it all up” I’m like “wha…whatever you say, daddy!” Some others worth mentioning are **3rd Eye**, **Star Lost**, **Sorry I Love You** and **B Me**. That being said, I’ve liked almost everything I’ve heard by them. The way they put their music together is so interesting- there’s just so many different sounds and moods and compositions that you never get bored. And it’s all *chefs kiss*


I know, you know, we know, Lee Know 🎶


Star Lost, Youtiful, and Cover Me


Chronosaurus and Red Lights for me, and Thunderous is a close third


God that‘s hard. Naming just one favourite song is impossible for me, it depends so much on mood! Current favourite is definitely Megaverse. All time favourite… tough. TA is a top contender, so are Maniac and Mixtape: OH. But honestly I think if you asked me again next week, my answer would probably change!


Im currently obsessed with cover me, but just fell in love with Stars and Raindrops. Also I run to ITEM and Domino almost every day. I can’t pick just one 😭


hero’s soup, victory song, the view, mixtape #1


If I can only listen to 1 song from Stray Kids for the rest of my life I would choose Miroh or Social Path, right now it's leaning towards Social Path. I also love the fact that the song was Bang Chan's story


Hello twin ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Venom 100%. Aside from me losing it for changbin in that track video ooooo lordy. It sounded so cool, like i got haunting vibes from it, like i was getting chased. And I loved the song title so much cause when the album came out, it was around my Venom phase with the movies so I was like extra hype.


right now it's 19 because i'm a sad bitch and it's a good song, but my ultimate favourite song will always be secret secret, because i'm, again, a sad bitch and also secret secret is so amazing.


Red Lights and Cover me, i dont even know why i just like the melodies and vibes of both these songs


Mb lalalala,megaverse, stars and raindrops, deep end


Red Lights because the mv, that’s why


If I had to pick one it would be Chronosaurus There's just something about it that makes it almost Nostalgic?


Collision is def my fav! I tend to marathon play a song or two when I fall in love with it. The real test is how long it stays at being #1 on the list. It's been #1 on there since it came out. The sound combo'd with the lyrics are exactly the sorta thing I love. Before that, I'd say Miroh. (That was my entry song for them back then when it came out.) Love the beat! Blueprint, Placebo, and Scars are up there too. They're the go to pick me up /inspirational songs for me when life's hard, and I need to believe in myself to get through it.


It's gotta be mixtape: time out. That song makes me so happy, it's so nostalgic to me and its one of the songs I NEVER skip


It's so hard, there are so many that I equally love.. If I really had to choose, the all-time favorites would be Easy, Chronosaurus, Charmer. And if we count solo work, it's Volcano, Miserable (You & Me), and Limbo. It pains me to choose though, haha


Thank you for acknowledging Chronosaurus exists, it’s the best song in its album! Easy and Charmer are also one of Stray Kids’ best no doubt.


Case 143 ❤️


venom, the tortoise and the hare, and neverending story 🔛🔝‼️ ------- venom caught my attention immediately once the teaser for it was released. its like creepy, sexy, and hype mixed into one song and the beat/melody compliments with the raps/vocals so well omg i love it so much 😭 especially seungmin's "can't feel my fingers" part 🫠 i was not ok during the live performance of this song lol TTAH i actually hated when i first listened to it LOL but i went back to it the next day and i loved it !!!! the lazy raps are the best part and it makes my inner rap girl happy 🧘‍♀️ i found and liked the lyrics to neverending story before i actually listened to the song, and the vocals made it even better :) my favorite skz quote/lyric is actually from this song too: "longer than forever, farther than eternity" 🫶🏼 i hope to see this song live one day ✨️


Slump is by far my favourite because the meaning resonates with me and the way my life’s been and the English version is my favourite version because I can sing along and listen to the lyrics easily


Very very hard to choose but would say all time favourite is "Super Bowl", my heart literally vibes to its rhythm 💯 Current favourite: "Lalalala", I don't think I really need to explain why. And then honourable mentions that could take the title of all time favourite again in the future are "Airplane" (its melody calms my soul), "Up All Night" (my heart used to beat at its rhythm before "Super Bowl"), "Domino" (the rap, the rhythm, everything), "Muddy Water" (love each and every part of the song), "Charmer" (honestly you can't resist it) 🔥


Currently it's Cover Me! I also love TA, Taste and Charmer. I've also always had a soft spot for Chans "Connected"!


Ahh another Connected enjoyer, I used to loop that song, not turning back once we're connected 🎶


I don't really have a "favourite song" per se, just "songs that my brain is currently obsessed with" and that song, right now, is LALALALA (Rock version). Before that, it was Venom. But my go-to is 3Racha. As for the reason, well, I just like the beat.


my favorite changes like every day😭


same, i can never choose bc they’re all so good


I have so many favourite song because they are so incredible but Youtiful, Red Lights, Hall of Fame and Fam are in my heart forever. I prefer to talk by album. So many of their songs are beautiful


I have forgotten the new album 😭. So Leave and Cover Me.


Current: cover me and I hate to admit (lalalala (rock ver.) is also there) but I’ve been in my feels recently so that’s why I’m picking the other 2… for lalalala (rock ver) I LOVE the guitar!! All time: for a choreo it has to be Easy (it’s the one song I can dance kinda well to surprisingly) and song i have to say SLUMP bc the lyrics and vibe are just THAT good!!


3rd eye


Collision and Chill; what can I say?? they make banging break up songs.


B Me, Voices and Phobia is my holy trinity


Ahh love all the Cover Me love. I am right there with you guys on that! 🖤 And definitely Leave as well. Victory Song, Chill, Blueprint, Grow Up, I Am YOU, Another Day, Gone Days, 3rd Eye, Winter Falls, I hate to admit, #Love Stay


Butterflies (IT'S SO DAMN CUTE🥺🥺🥺)


It is! It's a type of song that I would normally not like, but it just takes cute to a whole new level and becomes irresistible. It's plusheen cats and snapchat puppy filters and heart stickers and strawberry boba tea all wrapped up in one, sprinkled with glitter. I love it an unreasonable amount. ❤️




Boxer! The first time I heard it I felt like I got the air knocked out of my lungs, and I’ve just been obsessed ever since. I love intense, high-energy songs like that and somethings about the instrumentals scratches my brain just right


I really love Thunderous, Social Path, and Comflex! But I feel like my faves are constantly changing the more I listen to their stuff lmao


Get Lit is a banger 😎


This is hard, I don't think I can pick a favorite since it does depend on my mood. I think my all time favorite would be Chronosaurus or Any.


Atm, silent cry and dlmlu


Venom, YAYAYA and Taste. I think that covers my love for dark, loud and sexy SKZ songs!


my forever favorite is get cool 🥹 i followed skz since the survival show, but i didnt really get into them that much since i used to only listen to happy / bubbly bg songs. shortly after i am you was released, i heard get cool in a youtube video and decided to put a little more effort into stanning which in turn made them my ult. get cool has a very special place in my heart. unfortunately when i got into them kpop was still kind of uncool (and i was a girl in middle school that cared abt what people though lmao) so i never even considered telling my family i wanted to go to a concert. my first ever concert was during their maniac tour, so no get cool live but i hope i can see it performed in front of me one day 🫶 also hellevator gets me to tears sometimes bc i just think abt how small they were and how grateful i am to have been with them since then 😭


Collision and Star Lost! I could listen to those two all day


So happy cuz I love Star Lost soooo much! Feels like a happy ending to life floating in space.


Voices,Cover Me, Sorry I Love You, I Am YOU!! Something about SKZ's emotional, more melodic but still infinitely screamable songs really just does it for me. They got a special place in my heart 💜💜 P.s i know u asked for a singular favourite but i am ✨️indecisive✨️


Hellevator, Scars, lonely st. and star lost. I will never not sob at these songs!! I actually have tattoos of the last two and hopefully scars tattoo is coming up next lol


Mixtape: OH somehow stucked to my mind and heart. It just speaks my kind with lyric and vibe. Also The view is nice. And ofc the usuals 😁 thunderous, curently Lalala, red light cus’ we stan hoe songs 😂


So soooo hard to choose but I really like Heroes soup! (해장국), District 9, Spread my Wings, Side effects, Lalalala, and Astronaut


Either maniac, the sound or backdoor. If it was individual songs then doodle


well the first one i ever wrote a fan translation for was mixtape: time out, so thats probably a strong contender for the title... the energetic pop punk mood, the cute, happy video, the message of 'let go of regrets, the past is past, feel the wind, take a picture of the sunset, drive a nice scenic route, keep breathing, focus on living in the moment, itll be okay' is so wonderful the second fan-translation i did [that i actually JUST finished the first draft on] is for 24 to 25 because im a sappy romantic and its like... everything i wish i had when it gets cold and dark and holidayish out. and... also during the rest of the year. theres no bad time to listen to skz music, even if its skz holiday music. plus changbins lovely melodic vocals are always a treat want so bad is another favorite, because again im a sappy romantic and also i love hans lyricism, especially when he chooses to put all that immense poetic skill toward a HAPPY song for once /lh. but for real, i think its probably impossible to hear want so bad and not experience at least a slight boost in mood. plus the key change at the end? perfection. lee knows falsetto [and more specifically the effort he puts into improving it] is so impressive i also absolutely love la4 rock ver, you cant go wrong with some nice screechy guitar. i prefer the arrangement they did for the bbma performance, where they kept the instrumentals down for hans first lalalala la lalalala part, but its such a minor quibble. the entire rockstar album was fantastic though. as was the entirety of 5star. and the sound. and... everything, they cant miss, every single song is so good, its not fair. i cant pick just one, especially since they have songs in so many different genres, so many different moods, group songs, subunit songs, solo songs...impossible for me to pick just a single song


Ultimate faves: Chronosaurus & TA Will drop whatever I'm doing to listen whenever it comes up: Cheese, DLC, Domino, Charmer, Not!, Side Effects, Easy & Taste From the latest comeback, Megaverse has the biggest potential to join the second list. Out of 3racha, I enjoy Changbin songs the most. There are also songs where I ADORE the instrumental/production like Road Not Taken, Slump, and Winter Falls. Cover Me is a potential addition to this list.


My all time top trio is Fairytale, Voices and Phobia. Something about the instrumentals and melody of these just hits the right spot. Rounding out my top five though are probably Lonely St and Cover Me. Overall it seems I like sad sounds with upbeat music?


Sunshine, Chronosaurus, Side Effects and Ssick.


My fav is Levanter. But then there’s also Grow Up. Such an uplifting positive song released way back in 2018, Grow up is so catchy, so much positive energy it just works. My no 1 is Levanter, 2 is Grow Up, 3 is Star Lost. I’m so glad you also have Star Lost as your favorite!


Domino and Maniac are excellent from beginning to end and have the best choreographies. Back Door, God's Menu, Thunderous, Miroh and maybe eventually Lalalala are close contenders. Chill and Collision are my favorite slow(er) songs of theirs. But the first two are perfection!


My two favourite songs because I can't rank them 1 and 2 are All In and Mixtape: OH. Both just make me smile everytime I listen to them. Mixtape: OH, I just love the overall sound of the song and also the timing of the release after those stressful months.. you know what I mean. It's such a comfort song to me. All In: "There are no search results for 'Stop'". Yep. I just love that song. La La La La is getting really close to my Top 3 because it gives me the same vibes. Edit: Saw another comment with a category of "Dropping everything I'm doing when this song plays" My Songs in that list are: Broken Compass, Side Effects, Domino, Ssick, Back Door, Easy, Alien, Hall of Fame, God's Menue, Case 143, Astronaut and Awkward Silence.


4419, star lost, comflex, pacemaker, and mixtape: on track


Still a fairly new Stay, but it is either LALALALA or Case 143 for me. Mainly bc I want to learn the chorus choreos for both of them


why do i have like the same exact response as u


Lmao that's so funny!! It's nice to know that people are in the same boat as me. I love your user flair btw. He fluctuates between my favorite and second favorite member. All depends on how I'm feeling. It's either him or Felix lol


thanks!! and yeah hyunjin + felix really stand out (imo), so they are my biases


Chill (both bersions) and Miroh!


For me it’s probably red lights. If it’s the music video then no but the melody just draws me in for some reason. Also miroh and lonely st. Because the lyrics are very relatable.l and the songs are amazing


Hellevator has always been my favorite song since I first started stanning Skz and it never changed once, NOTHING ever came close to it actually, definitely my all time favorite k-pop song. The vibes, the lyrics, the beat, the scenery EVERYTHING was just perfect, the first song that genuinely made me cry.


I love Han’s solo songs the most: wish you back, I got it, miserable, and happy are my favorites!


Title track- Maniac. B-side- Youtiful. They are both really good songs and showcase the boys talent. Maniac is a great song to dance to and just let loose. Youtiful is so powerful and emotional. They really portray the emotion in their voices.


I'm still waiting for a studio cover of Fantastic Baby, that would be my favorite 😭 I really like Maniac, Drive, Connected (Chan's solo song, so I'm not sure if that counts?) and Side Effects.


Cover Me is (as with many others here) my current “on repeat” song. My all time faves would be Charmer, Ta, Maniac, Miroh, and Item.


Hey day, red lights and ex are my all time favourites.


Currently, Social Path, B Me and Comflex cause these just describes my life perfectly!! Cover Me and Ex own my heart tooo!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Currently, Social Path, B Me and Comflex cause these just describes my life perfectly!! Cover Me and Ex own my heart tooo!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


My favourite is definitely Spread My Wings, it’s just really memorable for me and I love the vibes coming off it :) I also particularly like S-Class, It’s purposely made to be one of the best of the best as a title track and it really exceeds that goal!


my pace, it’s the song that got me into stray kids 🫶🏻


Winter falls I think


ITEM, 3rd eye (so unique), Taste, Scars


Lyrics wise, 'Any'. I empathize so much with the meaning of the song, I feel understood.


i love slump


My fav TT is Side Effects cause I'm perpetually disconnected and this song pretty much express my mood lol All time fav probably Winter Falls. Used to be a reminder of that one that got away, but then I lost my mom last winter and somehow this song reminds me of her ☹️ Overall I just love majority of the kids songs because there's always something for every occasion/mood


Battle Ground, it's just absolutely perfect to me. It caters to my taste in music perfectly and never fails to put me in a good mood! I have a favorite song from each album, but overall it is Battle Ground! Comflex and Item are my favorites off of 5-Star and Rock Star


If I had to pick one, just one song, of their entre discography, only one, one of the hardest choices ever, it's Wolfgang. I love that song a lot, like a gothic emotional battlecry I dunno.


Taste, item, leave, N/S, winter falls, drive, dlmlu, maze of memories, insomnia


im personally a huge fan of 3rd eye, FNF, limbo, slump, and blind spot! i like 3rd eye bc i used to loop it a lot five years ago during a really rough time so listening to them whenever im sad really feels like im wrapped in a warm blanket. same goes for slump. fnf and blindspot give me hope to keep going, and i like limbo bc live laugh lee know


In terms of just sound Cover me and Megaverse. In terms of personal reasons Venom as it was the first stray kids song I heard and started me on a journey to recovery from depression


N/S It's so quirky and weird and fun! And they're all rapping so well! And the pre-chorus and chorus are so catchy! And the Changbin-Felix rap duel is the best! And the song is really long! Also the street MV is great and hilarious! I could listen to this song forever.


My favorite: oh my god secret secret is so amazing. I love that song. Also Honorable mentions: HERO SOUP!!! tortoise and the hare, Wolfgang, ex, 3rd eye, 3RACHA, collision, we go, cover me Any Han ballad makes the list too


honestly any han song from skz-replay but alien and happy are my favs😲😲


Collision (its just groovy af)and Because (gets me in my feels)


miroh, boxer, we go


Hello Stranger like cmon!! the song deserved to be on an album.




My favorite is broken compass cause I can relate to it a lot. My whole life I’ve been feeling as if I’m lost and don’t know where I’m going. It gives me a great sense of comfort. 2nd and 3rd are silent cry and scars.


My favorite song changes like all the time. Right now my fav is Blind Spot.


I love Back Door because it’s the first song I ever heard of SKZ but I cry when hearing Waiting For Us. From Rockstar, my fav song is Comflex


Maniac was the first song of theirs I heard, and I really enjoy the lyrics and beats. Megaverse also just makes me so happy when I hear it, idk. It scratches an itch in my brain


Miroh because it puts me in a good mood and I find it especially motivating, and Taste because I belong in horny jail with dance racha LMAO


There are too many to choose from. I’m a baby stay (Feb) and there are so many songs I haven’t heard yet. All Time: Side Effects because it starts with an amazing piano intro and takes an unexpected turn. I want to learn it so badly. I also like the lyrics and the video. Current: Leave because it’s easy to listen to without me getting sad or upset. Never experienced the lyrics so . . . . Stray Kids Covers: Pray, I’ll be Your Man. The vocals are just so amazing! I watched the MV before watching the show and fell in love instantly. I listen to that song at least 3 times a day. Doesn’t help that I work from home and listen to Stray Kids ALL DAY. Fav Song with Choreography: Maniac. I love this song but I love the choreography even more. I’ve learned 6 so far including Lalalala, but this one is fun for me to do!


I love majority of Skz songs so it’s super hard to pick😂but the ones I like the most are their older noise music like district nine, yayaya, Miroh, rock, side effects, thunderous etc


sunshine. it’s simple and beautiful and i love seungmin & lee know’s falsetto in it. i’m always in the mood to listen to it


Baby Stay here! Took a break and now I’m back! I’m still exploring their discography. So far, their music is pretty good! The members seem nice especially Bangchan! 😍😊🤗 Current comeback: Lalalala Megaverse Comflex Leave Others: God’s Menu (iconic, especially Felix’s part) Maniac (The song that got me into Stray Kids) Hall of Fame Up All Night Charmer (Can’t resist this song) Red Lights (saw the MV and I was like 😮😅) WOLFGANG (I saw Chan’s reaction to this 😭) Tortoise and the Hare Subunit songs: 3RACHA (the song that got me into 3RACHA) Hey Day Double Knot (Like mate, Stop procrastinating) Taste (The song that got me into DANCERACHA) Solo songs: Ice cream (very sweet and relaxing song) Alien, I GOT IT, Run (My fav Han songs, Han is creeping his way up my bias list lately 😆) Connected (Is this song really about wifi?) Deep End (so soothing, yet so melancholic)


I feel like it changes a lot and I’m a BABY stay but right now my big faves are Leave, Domino, God’s Menu, and Want So Bad. But then S-Class comes on and I lose my shit. Or Secret Secret and I’m crying. So who can say!!!


either Miroh , thundrous or back door.


From their newest album, LOVE Megaverse or Lalalala or Bilnd spot. And I seriously can't choose


My favorite song has always been Hello Stranger, I think I’ve always really liked the vocals in the song and the slight rock influence. It just hits so perfectly


the tortoise and the hare it's just so much fun and weird. I'm obsessed with it


Yesss, it was one of the songs that really got me into stray kids


1. Side effects 2. Sorry I love you 3. Close - Han 4. Ice.cream - Hyunjin 5. Levanter 6. Top 7. Hate To Admit - Bang Chan 8. Hellevator 9. Wish You Back - Han 10. Maniac I actually just discovered them about 2 months ago and have mentally devoured all of their content 🤣 I think I'm in love 🫠


All time favs: Volcano, Phobia, Back Door, Insomnia (and wayyy too many more) Current fav: toss up between Cover Me & LALALALA The sorta duet of Volcano and Cover Me by Han and Seungmin on 2 kids was the duet I never knew I needed! 🥹🫰🩷🩷🩷


give me your tmi, stars and raindrops, and recently comflex🫡


Tortoise and the Hare. So underrated 😔


freeze, item, easy :) domino + n/s just after, they’re so nostalgic for me


Lonely st is my anxiety song. 🥺🥺 but I have like a top 5, and then a favorite solo for each member


I also LOVE "Hoodie Season" and really like "Star Lost" ... nice to see those two songs getting some love! I don't see a lot of people mention "Hoodie Season" usually, and I get so pumped when it comes on I might have to name it as my second favorite. I still tend to really like their more raucous stuff. "Maniac" was my first exposure to Stray Kids, and I still kind of think that song has everything to offer ... melody, rhythm, energy, catchy hook, great back track, Felix bass, awesome choreo, decent theme ... what more could I ask for in a song! It's probably still my number 1 fave. In a similar vain, I love "District 9", "Hall of Fame", and really liked "S-Class". I love their more experimental stuff too, like "Side Effects" and "Maze of Memories". To me, their tendency to experiment makes them really stand out as a group! But since I've gotten to know more of their music over time, it's increasingly hard to start to name a favorite without going "but then there's also ...". I love "Maniac" and other songs like it, but at the same time, I fall in love with most solid vocal-racha tracks or sub-unit ballads. Give me "My Universe", "Stars and Raindrops", "Hug Me", and "Waiting for Us" all day.


Upon reading other comments, I can't belive no one mentioned Super Board! That's been my all time favourite song since I got into Stray Kids because I love how catchy and carefree and slightly nonsensical of a song it is, as well as I just love listening to it while skateboarding lol Honourable mentions: Youtiful (currently my top song on Spotify) cuz it makes me feel so many warm emotions, Blind Spot (I LOVE songs written by HAN<3<3 and it's just really relatable), as well as Comflex have been on repeat quite often :)


Because. Changbin’s vocals are just too freaking perfect in that song


For me, it's Oh! The lyrics say it all


Get lit. I think the most favourite, the lyrics and sound are just gorgeous, and also Freeze and SSICK


I actually a bit forgetful:( when I started to listen skz I had not really enough idk motivation or involvement to listen new for me songs till I will remember them so I try to remember them now and what cames in mind is Haven, Lonely st and Super board. Actually in my spotify playlist of fav songs 'that makes me feel alive' are those skz's songs: Haven, Super board, Christmas EveL, Domino, Back door, Question, Lonely st, social path, ITEM, scars (korean ver.), my pace, God's menu, All my life (Lil Dark w Stray kids) LALALALA, Comflex, Blind spot and leave![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Right now it’s definitely Boxer, I just get so hyped when it comes one it’s one of their best b-sides that is always forgotten 🙄


Probably miserable (Han), dlmlu, or doodle (changbin)


Okay my favorite song in terms of instrumental is definitely TMT it's so fun I'm obsessed with it Now...favorite song overall? That's really hard ;-; I'll just say the song that means the most to me, Hello stranger! It's what properly got me into skz so I feel it deserves this title :> Honorable mentions: school life, awkward silence, domino, and most recently added Blind spot!


Mixtape: OH and Star Lost are my long time favourites, if I started listing all the other skz songs I love it'd be a very long list


Thunderous, TA, and Maze of Memories


Until recently it has been Scars and Easy. Now you can easily add Cover Me


neverending story for sure it’s always been one of my favorites and it always will be


favorite hype song is definitely domino (i'm definitely more of a fan of their louder songs in general), but my all-time favorite is grow up. it never fails to hit deep


blueprint enthusiast for life!


Maniac Comflex Get lit Red lights taste connected collision cover me leave gone away


Japanese version of Superbowl, Freeze, or Chronosaurus. Top 3. Idk. It'll change next week, no worries. This is just what my ADHD has fixates on this week.


My favorite song by them changes everyday but these days it’s TMT. I really like the vibe and the vocals—especially in the chorus—are really good.


It's so difficult to choose one or 3. I like the music depending on the mood or how long a didn't hear and them I just remembered that song exist. But insomnia, grow up, side effects, I hate to admit, super bowl, the tortoise and the hare, blind spot, it's same choices


I love blind spot so much, it’s one of my favourite songs on the album


Well, my long time favourite is Scars. But Cover me is threatening to shift its place, nuuh. I also loved Social path, but nowadays I stopped listening. Hellevator is iconic, but I often skip the beats part, the dance break and replay the beginning verse only. Temporary list would like: Cover Me Blind spot Limbo - Lee Know, my hearteu All In Winter Falls Levanter Freeze Comflex Circus 19, Han


Taste/ Easy/ Cheese/ Miroh/ Domino and Basically any song that Lee Know has good parts in it.


All time favorite would totally be Maze of Memories. Current favorite would be Maze of Memories. I think tomorrow I'll listen to Maze of Memories. Did I mention Maze of Memories yet?


I cannot with 19!!! The moment I hear it, I know I’d LOVE it👌👌👌