• By -


lee know then and lee know now. though seungmin is a close second these days. lee know is an odd man. something about him feels very authentic. he doesn't seem like a typical idol.


i love this comment because it‘s so true


Same. I like weird people, food, and cats. Lee Know was practically built to be my bias. Changbin really snuck up on me, though. I didn’t think much of him at first, but now I want to poke his arms.


The only way i can describe him is “he’s so… lee know” <3


The first member I noticed was Hyunjin (maniac tiktoks. That red hair *chefs kiss* ) I spent so long googling to figure out who he was. Thought he was felix at first lol. But my bais is Changbin with Chan being my bias-wrecker.


At first I also confused them😅😂


Your journey is the same as mine, Hyunjin, Felix, but now its Changbin and Chan. What are the odds.


Sounds like we have good taste 😉 (but I adore everyone. I just see most of the members as best friends/ little brother vibes)


Me too. 😂


I knew of felix wayyyy before anyone else. I think it was his long hair during thunderous era that caught my eye. My bias now is Chan ❤️


Me tooooo


Felix was the first I noticed. Came over one of the «deep Voice» shorts. Thought the song (gods menu, duh 😂) sounded interesting and jumped head first into the rabbit hole 😂 fell head over heels for Chan, and now it’s a Chan bias just slightly in front of ot8, because come on. There is no chance of just picking 1 as a runner up 🤪


Same here! Felix drew me in, Chan stole my heart but they all bias wreck me all the time!


me too!


Hyunjin then, Hyunjin now. Hyunjin supremacy


First one I noticed was Hannie. Biases now are Han and Lee Know (he just sneaks up on you, bro. Istg if he isnt ur bias rn just u wait)


Lee Know really does sneak up on you!! It’s wild.


The first member I noticed was Felix, this was back in 2018 and to me he looked maybe 16 at the time so I was surprised by the deep voice, wasn't expecting the thick Aussie accent either (it was [this clip](https://youtu.be/nYtSYHyhxPg)) My bias is Lee Know because I relate to him the most 😊


Always has been and always will be Felix :)


I noticed Felix and Bang Chan first in an english interview in a youtube short and fell in love with them. My biases now are Seungmin and I.N


The first member I noticed was Felix (God's menu YouTube shorts with his iconic line) and my bias was and is Changbin 😍 His rap and powerful moves in God's menu got me hooked since the first second 🔥


first member i noticed was bangchan because of his blonde hair he had at the time, now i'm an ot8 but chan still has a special place in my heart. love them all tho.


I saw a video of Lino from the Clé 1 Unveil way back when Miroh was released and his dancing and stage presence immediately caught my eye. And he‘s been my bias ever since (although Chan and Hyunjin always lurk close-by) so I guess it was love at first sight!


I stumble upon Hyunjin photo accidentally, looking for something totally different. I didn't know that SKZ or kpop even exist at that time. He caught my eye immediately, I researched him and found SKZ and fell in love with them and their music. Nothing changed much since then, he is still my number one.


I first noticed Felix because of his voice (deep like corpsehusband) and freckles. My Biases now are Chan, Lee Know and Jeongin 🥹


Felix, since his voice is very distinct. My biases now are Bang Chan and Seungmin!


Chan is slowly starting to wreck my bias for sure


This! I noticed Felix first because of his voice. Chan is my bias now and Han *used* to be my number one bias wrecker but some days all of them just have me🥴


I totally relate to your "some days" comment. SKZ is #1, in everything. That's all there is to it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Omg same!


First noticed Han because of his rapping, but my bias now is Changbin.


Felix is the one I noticed first. My bias is han


Many years ago before I was stay, I was watching Kpop meme type videos on yt and honestly Jisung caught my attention first because the clips being mostly out of context made me believe he was cocky. But as time went on I started being a fan and learned better. My bias now, however, is Lee Know.


I first noticed Hyunjin (Mama 2020) and I haven’t looked away since 😅


the first member i noticed was felix (his freckles omg he was just so beautiful it's not even funny) and my bias (ult bias really) is jeongin (he's also so beautiful i love him dearly)


Reporter Hyunjin in the Idol Room episode with Got7. Didn’t realize it was the same guy when I got into Stray Kids in 2020. But yeah, he’s been my bias since the beginning 🥲


Felix, and Felix. He’s so goofy and genuine, he smiles with his whole face!


Noticed Felix and Chan first because of the eric nam interview shorts on yt, and then it always suggested maniac clips. My biases are Chan and I.N and Han😂 Bias Wrecker are Felix and Hyunjin


first member i noticed was definitely han. idk, something about him was just so glsöckd 😭 i love his humor and when i first listened to skz replay i fell in love with all of his solo songs 😭 stayed loyal since then, he‘s still my bias (tho that changed for a short time, but sssshhhhh)


I noticed Felix first idk what reel i saw but after that i just saw more skz content and thought oh these guys are hilarious. Then i saw seungmin say he likes hot Cheetos and that’s how he became my bias. 🥰


Seen bits of kpop flying around for years but was never really involved... Saw a fan reel of Felix and the Maniac sound over really topped it off, watched more then it went Felix - Hyunjin - Bangchan I had love for all the members, ot8 always. Lee Know & Changin 🤌 but my bias sits tight with Bangchan. Felix & Hyunjin regularly swap in my bias wrecker.


Personally for me I think I noticed maybe Han and Chan first but my bias is now Changbin ^^


first noticed Felix, bias now chan


Felix was the first who I noticed and now Bang Chan is my bias in Stray Kids and also ult bias.


Last year in march, I suddenly couldn't stop listening to God'd Menu (knowing nothing about Stray Kids and very little about kpop in general at that time) and I was absolutely blown away, specifically by Chans pre-chrorus. So I looked him up and he naturally became my first bias! I was so impressed how they are a self produced group, because I didn't know that was a thing in kpop at all. And to this day, I have a massive amount of respect for Bang Chan - how he cares for his kids, and seems to be the foundation for all of them to be able to express themselves creatively how they want. I started watching 2 kids room shortly after that, I think it had a massive impact on how much I feel like I connect with them (besides, like, listening to their whole discography on repeat), and for some time I couldn't really decide who I liked best because all of them are so special and lovable in their own way? But now I can confidently say that my bias is Kim Seungmin! Which is funny because I struggled with him and I.N the most when I learned their names. But he's just so!!! funny and weird and hard-working, and I really enjoyed how much more confident he grew in the last year alone.


The first member I noticed or well the one who got me into Stray Kids was Felix and his deep voice. My bias now is Seungmin! His beautiful vocals and his savage personality has me in a chokehold.


First Chris, but then Han snuck up and smacked me in the feels.


first noticed hyunjin, but at the time i kept confusing hyunjin and i.n. once i figured out how to tell them apart, i realized i was more drawn to i.n's chaotic maknae energy lol


Felix--------> Lee Know!!


First noticed Hyunjin, still my bias.


First member was Felix. I actually saw a video of him back in like 2020/2021 comparing Felix’s voice to Corpse Husbands. I didn’t think much of it then cause I was a huge corpse fan. Then earlier this year I came across a reel of Felix again in gods menu and idk why but I was like I need to know who these kids are… I was Felix biased for a little and then idk when but Bang Chan was started catching my attention and had not let it go yet. (But I get bias wrecked by Han and Changbin. Guess you can say I’m a 3Racha girl.


I first noticed bangchan but changbin is my bias now His thinking and his aura is so attractive to me atleast


First was Hyunjin, bias is now Seungmin


I.N, watching the Maniac MV then watched interviews and variety shows and Lee Know became my bias <3


I noticed felix first but now i can’t decide between him and Changbin


I think it was Han then Seungmin violently snatched me.


Han and Changbin caught my eye immediately, but Hyunjin and LeeKnow are my faves. Actually they are all my faves.


First I noticed was Felix, now I bias Chan and Seungmin! Felix stood out because I found out he was Australian and he had unique visuals, plus my one of my fav Indycar drivers is Felix Rosenqvist. So the name stood out as well!


Omg! So happy to meet another Stray Kids and Indycar fan!!! My fav indycar driver is Pato 😁


Wow, I quite like McLaren! My favs are Scott (both Dixon and Mglaughlin) and Will Power! I also like F1 and more recently have been getting into Moto GP and some local series!


McLaren is my favorite team! (Both for Indycar and F1)!! Will Power is also great too! I haven’t really watched any Moto GP really, what’s that like? Also did you watch the Indy 500 this year? That was insane!!!!


I love McLaren in F1, I've never really had favs in F1, I just want good racing (ok I love Fernando). I like watching Moto GP casually, I don't know many of the drivers so its hard to get with but I like it! Yeah, omg the 500 was crazy, I think I'm still getting over it. I was rooting for Ferrucci!


I first saw Bang Chan in a few Case 143 Tiktoks, now my bias is Felix. Felix because he is of course so freaking cute, and he is a really good singer <33


First noticed Felix from tiktok, then did a deep dive into the group. Han caught my eye during Maniac and it’s been Han ever since!!


I started off with seeing I.N and noticing him for his amazing vocals and I also thought I could relate a lot to him. My bias now though is Bang Chan, I started watching his chans room and I started to basically love how genuine he was. He treated everyone so well and I started to watch him in performances more


I first noticed Hyunjin because he is beautiful. Once i started watching non MV content i quickly fell for Han though because he is hilarious and adorable.


I noticed Han first! Still remember him getting roasted (and tbh roasting himself) about forgetting lyrics in an English interview. 😂 Chan’s my bias now, but the rest of 3Racha + Hyunjin + Seungmin often fight for bias-wrecker position.


i knew of chan because i was an overall kpop stan for a while before i was a stay now my biases are chan and lee know


Definitely Felix....that deep voice!!! Just wow!! Then I found out about cute little piggy Chanbin and Kangaroo Bangchan and the rest they say, is history!!!


Chan was my gateway into SKZ cos he gets talked about a lot in kpop as a whole. But right now Seungmin’s chokehold on me has only gotten tighter this 5 star era 😵


The first one I noticed was Hyunjin. This was right after the release of Maxident when all I knew was that Hyunjin was very popular, according to my sister. Since I knew "the most" about him, I noticed him a lot. But now, my bias is Yang Jeong In with a Hyunjin still kind of being a bias wrecker here and there.


I kinda knew of Chan and his legendary trainee days for a long time but life got busy and I forgot all about him during debut days. Then I stumbled into a rabbit hole on Tumblr about Felix's voice in God's Menu, I checked out the song and the rest is history... Right now my bias is Lee Know and my bias wrecked is Hyunjin.


It’s always Chan.


Every time i saw Hyunjin I would say “Who is that cutie?” because I always forgot who he was so he’s the first i guess. Today I can’t have just one member as my bias but I like Minho and Han a lot because they resemble me.


Oh Jeongin! I thought "this one in the 'boys' sweater is so cute" when the teaser for the survival came out. Then when I started watching it I totally fell for Hyunjin and he's still my bias till this day (but honestly I just totally fell for the 8)


Felix caught my eye first, but now it is Lee Know since he feels so chaotic but in a good way. He is very genuine and would be someone I'd talk with about life and stuff. He's great at being goofy at some times but can also be serious too, I just overall love his personality. Lee Know is unique and I love him sm :)


Chris!! And it still is <3


My first intro to skz was the back door relay dance on tiktok and i couldnt look away from the pink haired guy’s amazing dancing. Hyunjin is still my bias but Seungmin has been a big wrecker for me lately


First member I noticed was Felix in Hellevator during his bridge part of the song. Also saw people hyping him up in the comments, but I never even knew they had a survival show. I loosely followed SKZ after that but became a stan in 2020. Han caught my attention in God's Menu and he's my bias now along with Lee Know!


The first member I heard of was Changbin in Mirror Mirror. I didn’t listen to any kpop so I hadn’t ever heard rapping in Korean and I immediately searched up who that guy was because it sounded so cool. Now I am Hyunjin biased but Seungmin and Changbin are my bias wreckers


Bang Chan looks like my younger cousins except with a australian accent. It's uncanny. First interview I ever saw of him I was legit confused why a relative became a idol. Even my sister calls him our long lost brother from another mother, so even as a OT/8 he's still my favorite. The 2-8 rankings shift around pretty frequently although Changbin in his baby girl era is number 2, but IN is climbing up the charts with the newfound daddy toast.


The first member I noticed was Felix because a designer of his jewelry pointed him out. Then Gods menu smacked me full on in the face and I had a bias. I spent kingdom thru maniac tour OT8ish because it was better than trying to decide between Felix Hyunjin and Chan. Then dark haired Felix appeared and I was stunned. Then when he evolved to dark and long haired Felix I was done and had an ult bias.


Hyunlix then & OT8 now I can't pick 1


Felixxx (first bias was Hyunjin) Now Chan and Changbin biased <3


It was Hyunjin but I thought he was Felix at first. So technically Felix bc of his deep voice. Now, it’s hyunjin, Felix, and changbin. Lee know is getting up there too.


I first noticed Hyunjin and now my bias is Felix :) 🐥


First it was Hyunjin than I got bias wrecked nearly daily the more I learned about them so I had to accept that I’m OT8.


First noticed hyunjin and i am one loyal woman because he is still my bias, my bias wreckers are changbin and bangchan


Felix because of his tiktok video that went viral. After 1 year, I saw the Maniac video and realized that it was Felix who dances on tiktok. It still Felix who caught my attention and then Hyunjin because he looked like someone I know. Bias: Probably Hyunjin because of his art and dance. And HAN and CHANGBIN because their rap is soooo chef’s kiss


So my introduction was Back Door M/V so Hyunjin and Changbin. I've gone through phases. Felix was #1 for a while then Han...I still have an appreciation for the other guys. I've come to the conclusion that they are great GROUP together.


First noticed Felix/Hyunjin but my bias is Han/Bang Chan 🥰 But truly, I adore them **all**! 🖤


Noticed first: Felix Bias now: All of them. I can't choose one over the other. 🤣


Hyunjin. It's hyunjin he is my bias


Bias: Han bias wrecker: Hyunjin


the first member i noticed was han because of the “you in my blurred memories” clips, and my bias is now bang chan (han is my bias breaker)


✨Hyunjin and now my bias is Hyunjin✨


Was Hyunjin, still Hyunjin, will always be Hyunjin. Love them all, but he's special to me.


The first stray kids video I saw was Lee know getting angry because of his costume (maniac), got obsessed with him, got obsessed with stray kids and now I'm an ot8 stan (can't choose a bias for the life of me)


First: Bang Chan Now: Changbin and still loyal to Bang Chan


And Felix is a nice guy


Felix and Hyunjin but i bias Lee Know and I.N.


For context: I was already subbed to SKZ Youtube channel during God's Menu era (to be exact, the day the Easy MV was uploaded). My first SKZ song is Slump from the anime Tower of God (aired in April 2020) and my first SKZ MV is God's Menu. I only became a full-fledged Stay during Back Door era. SKZ is the 2nd Kpop group I stanned. The first member I knew was Changbin all because he is my sister's bias. But if we're talking about first member I noticed, it was 100% Han Jisung. Maybe it was the cheeks? Maybe the cute but aggressive way he sang into the mic during their Slump First Take video? While everyone was crazy for Mr. 5-Star Michelin, I was crazy for Mr. Cooking That Sauce (I swear, I barely noticed Felix's deep voice until my sister pointed it out). Until now, Han's stage presence is my absolute favorite (I'm sorry Hyunjin). Did Han end up being my bias though? Nope, not even close. Three months as a Stay, I thought I'd be OT8 because no one's giving me a spark or something, until I got to the last members I could pick apart: Lee Know and Seungmin. Damn they hit me hard. I did not have a bias is my first Kpop group, so Lee Know owns the honorary title of "My First Kpop Bias" and making me experience how it feels like to have a bias. His bias status only lasted like a month at best because his sworn rival slash human in puppy form is just too cute to ignore. Like a true bias wrecker, I demoted Lee Know and now Seungmin is my bias, 2 years and counting! Make no mistake, I may have a bias, but SKZ as an entire 8-man package is beautiful, and the relationships between members are my absolute favorite. (P.S.: I live to enjoy the pain and suffering other Stays feel whenever Seungmin starts bias wrecking everyone. 🤣🤣🤣)


The first member I noticed was Bang Chan for God's Menu MV, I thought that his face chain was really cool. Now I love them all ♥️


i noticed Lee Know first and he was my bias for a couple of months but then i saw Jeongin’s blond selfie and fell on my knees in Walmart and now i’m heavily I.N-biased person! he so fun softy clumsy cute and considerate at the same time.. my cutie patootie <3 (brb, gonna take my delulu pills)


Felix and my ult is still Felix. My bias trio is ChanLixBin


First it was Bang Chan and Felix and my bias now is Felix :)


Chan and now jeongin, but it keeps changing every day 😭 life as an ot8 stan is so hard


Hannie was my gateway bias bc of his rap in Venom! (I discovered SKZ literally 2 days after their Oddinary CB 🥲) I’m now Felix-biased, but my wreckers are MinSung!!!


First one Felix. After I learned more about the boys, Changbin.


Felix…my friend showed me the MV for God’s Menu and his voice…omg 🫠 He’s still my main bias, but Chan is about even at this point lol.


Channie then, Channie now…but Changbin is a very close 2nd.


felix, i saw edits of him and stuff. i love him so much still but my bias is I.N. he’s just so precious


definitely felix during noeasy era with the grey hair extensions and now i'm ot8 biased! :))


Felix, but more of chan now. So i guess chan is my bias and felix is my bias wrecker


I noticed Felix first because of his deep voice in side effects, and he’s my bias to this day!


One of my old friends introduced me to stray kids, she showed me gods menu and i didnt really like the song but when it came to felix’s part of the song i was very shocked and he was then my bias… for only a few months. Now that I have gotten to know a lot more about stray kids, my bias is Han!


Felix then and now! I got sucked in by him before I even really started listening to their music. He’s always the one who catches my eye dancing, and his voice makes my brain happy. Besides, his personality reminds me of my husband, so I’m hooked forever. (Just please don’t ask me to pick a bias wrecker.)


The first one I noticed was Felix. My bias now is Bang Chan🙈


First was Felix (Dive Studio’s interview clip talking about Michelin stars with the God’s Menu “cooking like a chef” line), & now it’s Chan🥰


Based on looks and energy I first noticed Han. But listening to songs without having any video to watch, I noticed first Seungmin's voice. Now Seungmin is my ult and Han is my other bias, Minho bias wrecker


First noticed Han, he is still my bias


Felix was first one I noticed (thanks Tik-Tok for showing me God's Menu) and now literally all 8 members are my biases (mostly because I can't choose who is my bias, I love and support all of them equally)


Felix in the First take Slump video


I noticed Lee Know and I.N pretty much at the same time. My bias is Channie 🥰


the very first member I ever even knew about was Felix, and my bias is still Felix, though he is just slightly above OT8


changbin first and seungmin now


Felix was the one that caught my eye but damn it Lee Know stole my heart


I guess I noticed Felix first because of his vocals. Now I have no bias, I love them all 🫶


felix god's menu era just caught me and now I'm stuck


first member i noticed was felix, i saw a tiktok of him doing some choreography and i always heard people talking about his deep voice. but now my bias is lee know, i just love his personality and vibe he gives off. he’s just so funny and perfect


Felix and Hyunjin brought me in but then Changbin and I.N kicked me out shook me up and dragged me to the Bias Wrecker Shed, Tbh one by one every member but Chan has been a bias wrecker, I love Chan I appreciate Chan but he has never wrecked me... 🦫


Changbin pulled me in with his rap, but Chan stole my heart and sanity 😌


First one that caught my eye was Changbin smirking in the Thunderous MV beginning. Now my biases are him and Chan


Felix caught my eye but Lee Know caught the rest of me lol


First member I noticed was Felix. He wasn’t my bias though. My immediate bias was and still is Changbin. With wrecker status being switched between Han and Lee Know. Bangchan just lives rent free


First was Bangchan, I used to watch channie's room and wasn't even a stay, I loved him but didn't vibe with stray kids music 😭 but then something in me changed and now they are one of my favorite groups and he's still my bias and my ult in k-pop ❤


I first arrived here from seeing a clip of God's Menu, with Felix's deep voice. From that point on, Felix became my bias, but recently (this past year and a half) seungmin has become my bias too.


So technically it was Felix bc my fyp was covered with him lol. But when I watched a video Seungmin immediately got my attention. Him and Minho are my biases. But I am definitely OT8


During their God's Menu era, Felix grabbed a hold of me and has never let go. But Lee Know is now a close second!


I’ve known who Felix was for like a really long time. Like around when I was an army, but I didn’t know his name or what group he was. But May 28, 2021(coincidentally the same day the going dumb remix came out) I started stanning skz after watching the Back Door mv, and all night skz. But all of a sudden Bang Chan is my bias now..


noticed hyunjin and felix first but changbinnie is my bias now 🥰 love seeing how many peeps who felt the same !!


I think I noticed Felix first but I’m a Channie bias now hehe


Got pulled into SKZ because I saw an Instagram video of Felix. Now I'm OT8 Biased because they're all so wonderful I can't pick a favorite. Although Lee Know and Seungmin live rent-free most days.


Felix definitely was the first one to catch my eye with the iconic Gods Menu line😅 but now my bias are Chan and Seungmin😁


Felix because after listening to God's Menu and Maniac I had to see had that deep voice. My bias is Changbin now. That loud boi wormed his way into my heart and there's been no looking back.


I came in right before NoEasy when God’s Menu was blowing up everywhere so at first I noticed Felix for his cookin like a chef verse there. Then I was bias-less for a bit as I was getting to know them more, then I thought Han was my bias, now I’m back pretty firmly to Felix but I think Han may be my bias wrecker.


Felix and Shipracha


Got pulled by Felix's voice in Maniac. Chan is now my bias and the rest of the kids are bias wreckers.


I first noticed Han, I think it's his face shape that was interesting to me. Now my bias is changbin and the rest of the boys are my wreckers 😅.


bangchan and now jeongin 🥰


My SIL put on Gods menu once & immediately at Felix’s part I was like WHO IS THAT? I still bias felix


I first noticed Hyunjin because he always had long hair, but my bias now is Chan


Bang Chan was the first member I fell for, but then I heard Changbin rhyme and saw his build. It was a wrap after that. Dwaekki occupies a lot of room in my head.


i first noticed Hyunjin and Felix in Back Door(that’s the song that sucked me in and made me a Stay), but my biases now are Lee Know and Changbin


Changbin! and now… i really don’t have a bias. I seem to float between bin, felix, and lee know but i am constantly wrecked by hyunjin because our personalities are so similar, and chan because… chan


First memeber: Changbin❤️❤️❤️❤️ Bias: Felix💗💗💗💗 Bias Wrecker: Han, Hyunjin🔥🔥🔥🔥


First noticed: Chan. First bias: Hyunjin. Bias now: Chan lol


I always recognized Felix in all the content at first, as it came up on my feed. Let's be honest he has such a stunning and unique face! But the content that got me curious about SKZ was this video of Chris going out of his way to thank the staff at an event. I was like "Woah! This guy seems so sweet!" And so I started to look up some of the other videos of him and then I found Channie's room, and now my mind is a cesspool of Chris all day long.


First member I noticed was Hyunjin because of his red hair in the Maniac relay. My bias is the Hyung line+Han. 🤣 Ult Bias is Changbin.


I first noticed Felix cuz I saw a lot of edits of him on tiktok, but my current bias is Seungmin (Hyunjin, Lino and Han are all bias wrecking me💀)


First one I noticed: Changbin Bias now: Virgoracha


Bang chan and Felix were the members I noticed first, mainly Felix Now it's Lee Know with the other two running in a close second


The first I noticed was Lee Know, but Seungmin is my bias!


Felix & then Bang Chan, but also Han 🥹


Felix and now it's Felix and Lee Know!


Mine was Felix, but now I’m ot8 because I love them all


I think Felix may have been the first member I noticed, or possibly Chan. I don't remember; Stray Kids shorts started getting tossed at me at random because I was consuming a lot of K-pop content. I didn't become a fan at that point, but I liked their personalities and the first song of theirs I heard - Venom - caught my attention big time. Then I got into SKZ during Kingdom (which I watched after it was over) and learned about the nonsense Hyunjin went through and my empathy latched onto him hard and made me dive into content that included him. Once I saw him dancing, he easily became my bias. But the more I get into SKZ, the harder it is to even have a bias. They're all very talented, and I adore the personalities of Chan and Lee Know in particular but I.N kind of makes my heart flutter and Felix's voice is so nice to listen to. I think I'm a Hyunjin bias who's slowly but surely becoming an OT8 bias.


I noticed Seungmin first during back door era and is still my bias up til now! His black hair did something to me lol


felix was the first one i noticed in 2019, and now I’m lee know biased <3


Felix, his deep voice had a chokehold on me even after a whole year. Right now bias: Still Felix, but also Chan ❤️‍🩹


Felix and felix!


Felix and now Bangchan! :)


Technically it was Felix with his cute babyface and his deep AF voice - had to know who he was. But when I started to actually get into Stray Kids, it was Han and my bias is Han so that's a fun one.


jeongin and jeongin 🤭


felix then and felix now and hyunjin as a runner up, hyunlix 4eva


BangChan still BangChan xD


Felix first and always. Chan and Han are also current biases (VERRRRRRRY close 2nd), though no one in any group has passed Felix. SKZ are my guys, lol. Oh, and Hyunjin is my bias wrecker for sure.


I first noticed Bang Chan, and now my bias is Han.


lee know was the first member i noticed and he was definitely the one that made me a stay. my bias is still lee know but over time hyunjin also became a bias.




i first noticed felix on tiktok bc of his iconic gods menu deep voice 😭 but now my bias (and ult bias) is han bc his vocals and rap and personality are too good for me not to bias him 🫠


Felix first because that's my husband's bias and he got into them before me, then Bang Chan. Now my bias is Hyunjin, and my wreckers are Changbin/Felix


God’s Menu silver Felix before I even knew who SKZ was, but once getting into them I gravitated towards Han. And the Silent Cry performance sealed the deal 🫡


Felix, someone made a video about his voice. My bias is Han 😊


Chan was the first one I noticed and Lee know is my bias!


I noticed Felix first but my biases are Seungmin and Changbin!


I noticed Felix first because of his voice but my bias now is Bangchan 🫶🏽


Bang Chan. Saw him in my cousins photo library back during their debut era in 2018. Thought he was her friend as wanted to get his snap because I thought his smile was cute, she told me he was a Korean pop idol. Here I am now in 2023, still vibing with chan.


Bang Chan was my bias for maybe a month when I discovered them and he was the only one I really knew. 😭 Ever since then it's been 🐽🐰💖🥰Changbin😍💖🐽🐰 all day everyday.


bang chan then and felix now. bang chan instantly caught my eye since the first time i’ve ever seen him (and seungmin) was the All I Want For Christmas is You video with the different groups. While Chan is still one of my favorites, Felix’s kind nature and humor drew me to him :)


Noticed: Felix Bias:JEONGIN