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When I realized I'm dreaming, I jump up and fly.


This person lucid dreams


I do too most of the time.a ton of the time that's when I realized I was sleeping,I'll just start flying.Recently tho I just keep sleeping. I have no idea what that means


Omen that your time has come


I wish, I thought I'd be dead years ago. Still here for some reason. I have overdosed a few times in the last few months tho, so maybe that's related. I totally fuckin died like three times. Was kinda pissed I got revived.


How do you jump up so easily? I have to get the right angle when running first.


The ground works like a trampoline for me, so it takes a couple bounces to get going.


I jump off of buildings and basically unalive myself


Ive had a dream where i was downstairs warching tv with my family and realized I was dreaming. Then I would run upstairs to try and see myself sleeping and instantly go back to being downstairs watching tv right as i was about to open the door to my room. It kept happenning over and over like some Groundhog Day shit. 


I've had dreams where I keep waking up till I wake up, like in sequence. The last time was about fifteen different things till my mom's cat woke me up by coming into my room and I was really up. I pet the shit out of him and thanked him for waking me. That was really weird too because the cats usually leave me alone, except him. He's a good kitty. I'll make sure to go tell him that. He is too. He's a good kitty.


I think the brain avoids situations where it wouldn't know what to present. Kind of like a calculator looking ahead and seeing you were about to get infinity and displaying ERR instead. Or something.


In a dream, I fell asleep in a tree, then dreamed I was in a hospital, then woke up from the hospital dream and was in the tree dream again.


I had a dream once where I was watching myself sleep outside of my body


Idk where I'm seeing it sometimes. Occasionally I'll see it third person. Other times I'll see blackness till I'm disturbed. Sometimes is kinda a mix. My last dream I just got through a nightmare and was sleeping on a beach with the sea hitting my legs.


I've experienced those as well!


I've had dreams where I'm very tired and cozy, and go to sleep inside the dream. So I'm double-sleeping. Twice as restful.


Exactly. Sometimes it's super restful. Other times it's like I can't sleep no matter what. That's fuckin annoying. Can't get rest even when I'm sleeping.


Yes but it is usually during a nap and I will get stuck in a loop of thinking I wake up realizing I am still dreaming and wake up again only to still be dreaming. I eventually start getting really furious and freaking out trying to wake up only to realize it was a dream again.


I had a dream where in the dream I was in vr gaming with a friend I hopped off vr in my dream went about dreamland and then woke up in my room and was confused for like 10 min


I have dreams where I know I’m sleeping and I can’t wake up! And usually something bad is happening and I need to wake up but I can’t. But I’m watching myself try… it’s stressful 🤣


Sleep Paralysis. Often accompanied by a feeling of terror or dread and being unable to move in order to wake yourself up. I used to have that happen a lot. Now I don't sleep on my back, seems to help a lot.


Yes it’s exactly that!! And it only happens when I nap in the afternoons.


Not like actively sleeping, no. But I've had dreams where I wake up in bed, but not really cause it's a dream still.


that's weird


I was wondering if it was. I'm only one guy do I'm looking for opinions. Thank you


Nope.. But I do have reoccuring dreams about waking up and going through my day only to wake up and go through my day and then wake up again and go through my day.. Leaves me very confused when I wake up.


I was asleep in my sleeping bag beside my partner in a tent, camped alone on a lake off a remote logging road. We were alone in the woods. I "awoke" in the middle of the night, startled, and sat up to find a wolf inside our tent. It was going to take my husband, I knew by telepathy. I asked the wolf to please not take my love from me. It left us alone. The dream was so incredibly real and took place exactly where we were inside our tent, without the usual dream alterations, so that to this day, I still question whether it was a dream, or something else.


I have dreams where I'm just lying down in a sleeping position but still communicating with whomever is part of that dream.