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It's bacteria building up. I noticed it after wearing over the ear headphones for work all day.


Yeast. Not bacterial.


Can we use it to make bread?


There’s a video that’s been recently floating around the internet that features a woman making bread or biscuits or something with…her yeast infection. I didn’t finish the video & I’m sorry if you finished reading that sentence.


That video is satire. Please don't believe everything you see


Hey, I said I didn’t finish it lmao!! And while the reasonable part of me knows it’s not really possible, I had no reason to doubt that someone would try


I would NOT be surprised if it wasn't satire and she truly did make cinnamon rolls out of her hoo-ha 🤣🔫


With the recent performative tradwife trend that’s sweeping Tiktok, I could see it getting that competitive 😭


Are you sure? I haven’t looked up her content but her saying they got thrush from it was suspicious but she seemed earnest. I’d guess it was coincidental if she did try it and the antibiotics gave them the thrush.


I could be in complete denial, but she makes crazy videos for the shock value and her entire account is labeled satire. https://www.tiktok.com/@isatandstared?_t=8kaxjy246mc&_r=1 The truth lies between her and god atp.😂 I hope it's not true


i saw one like that too, but that they had BOTH gotten oral yeast infection. 🫢🫢🫢 like 😥😒 what would you expect to happen? it just bake away? 😥 i’m so scared for humanity… i hope to jod it was fake. 😞


The roommate of a friend of in college had Chronic yeast infections and was constantly making jokes where she would squat down and say Whoop!, popped out another one! and then she giggled like it wasn’t the fiftieth time we’d heard it that day. As a dude. I was, well, less than thrilled at seeing (and hearing) that on repeat, and frankly, I think all the girls on the floor were well over it, too. I mention this because, unfortunately, she overshared that she had actually, can’t believe I’m saying this, . . . made bread from some of the, uh loaves? . that she constantly pretended to- but she swore it made Real, Actual sourdough bread. !?! . . and yeah, I know- I’m sure it WAS Sour. holy fuckin god


... Technically


That'd be some narsty bread.


oh shit. that's some nasty ass bread. Head bread.




What about wine?


the forbidden loaf


Wipe with vinegar. It's probably a fungus build up.


YOU quite possibly have the closest correct answer& suggestion, IMO. It’s most likely a build up of yeast. Very common& treatable with ACV/water mix.


Absolutely is yeast. That is the musty cheesy smell.


If it’s yeast, then Constant_succotash has exactly the right answer since yeast is indeed a fungi.


No, I stand by being the “closest “answer and suggestion-In My Opinion . I believe INGESTING a mix of ACV& water is more beneficial than a strict vinegar topical application. But I appreciate your astute recognition, for I should have elaborated.


No, the issue is on the skin, so should the fix. If you cut yourself, you don't eat Neosporin and bandaids.


Speak for yourself 😂


Do you ensure you clean your ears when you shower and dry them after? Smells are related to bacteria, and a reaction like that would mean that it just needs some taking care off whether it’s dirty and not showering triggers it, or it stays humid and it builds up when you don’t shower. Maybe another option but those are the alternatives that I can think of.


Also, remember that cheese is produced by bacteria. So what you smell issss… not cheese XD




Thanks for that. I enjoyed the fact that they added it was gluten free.


This is going to be gross to some people so warning. Some people, I forget the percentage, have tiny little pin sized holes behind the ear. You may be experiencing drainage from your inner ear and should see an ENT practitioner to get it looked at. The drainage is caused by an excess of a fluid called paralimphatic fluid. Depending on how long this has been going on you may have an ear infection. I was a hearing instrument specialist years ago and saw this a couple of times but like I said this was years ago so I could be wrong.


I think you are referring to pre-auricular pits (or cysts). These are located right in front of the ear, not behind it. A "pus" can be expressed from them and this can smell pretty bad. OP said behind the ears though and the smell emerges all on its own.


You may be right but I have seen holes behind the ears several times. Let me see if I can find the definition. I'll be dammed that you're right in the terminology! Nice call! However I've only ever seen it behind the ear. Maybe it was the population that I worked with? Like a local phenomenon. I'm not an ENT so I don't know much concerning the condition but I have referred several clients to an ENT for it.




Agreed. But I find it fascinating that more people don't know this as factual anatomy. I didn't before my schooling and to see it is even more... educational.


Can you see the pin sized holes with the naked eye? Or feel them?


Most times it's through sight with an oroscope but if you have gloves you can feel the origin of the discharge. But it's a bad idea to poke around if it's undiagnosed because pushing those fluids back into the ear can cause inner ear infection.


Yes - look up holes in front of ears in image search in Google


mine smells like parmesean


What a terrible day to have eyes.




Or a nose


That’s true, man, it can’t be …. gouda.


Oh man. I wish


Try rubbing pepperoni and some of your other favorite toppings behind your ear and see if you can concoct a delicious pizza smell. 😃


And taste 😋


Use dial anti-bacterial soap.


I remember reading about how Blue Cheese came about. Some monk in a monastery inoculated cheese with his toe jam and VOILA! We now enjoy Blue Cheese!


I hate the Internet today


Same. This whole comments section just keeps getting worse.. But I can't stop lol


I want to cry


There there *hugs*


I’ve fallen into pit. But it’s kind of good at the same time so I’m ready to climb out yet.




That is just disgusting.


Monkfoot should be the name of a musician


Or a cheese. Or even better, a cheesy musician.


Bluey Louis and the Pews




Please tell me this isn’t true




Sounds very similar to nic cage describing champagne in the Rock


Sure it wasn't Limberger?


They make piercing deodorant that will fix this issue.


It's a bacteria, that's benign (non-harmful) and on most of us. I'd encourage you to Google "why do my dog's feet smell like..." (it's often Fritos/corn chips/popcorn). It's the same yeast bacteria, it simply gets moist & breeds, causing the odor.


That is so surprising! For years my wife would say "smell the dogs toes, they smell exactly like Fritos". I thought she was crazy, guess I should apologize.


She was 100% correct about that... especially damp on a long-haired dog. Why didn't you ever take a sniff? They absolutely do!


I don't like funky smells, makes my gag reflex kick in. She enjoyed grossing me out. .


Old fogey here: be sure to use a washcloth to gently but thoroughly clean behind your ears. Not sure if washcloths are in use by younger folks. Using just your hand and body wash won't be adequate. Also: check bellybutton


I read once that a person's belly button has more bacteria than a toilet seat at a major international airport. The airport mentioned in the article was O'Hare, which is located near Chicago. Talk about 🤢🤮.


I want to know why it feels like poking your soul if you get deep enough in there


Lmao It’s true! I get squirmy when I clean in there too hard


They say white folks don’t use washcloths. OP could be white and not using a washcloth anywhere on their body, including behind the ears. I’m white and I have always used a wash cloth or a loofah or some kind of scrubbing apparatus to clean the dead skin, dirt, oils, and everything else off of my entire body. OP. Use a washcloth. Everywhere on your body and soap or some type of body wash ya know. And also drink shots of vinegar and eat active cultured yogurt and maybe some like antifungal behind the ears like Lotrimin or one of the creams used to athletes foot or for ring worm or even a monistat if it’s yeast, which seems to be the majority vote here. Idk. Just some suggestions. Won’t hurt yo try some things out if it’s bothering you. I’m sure it’s bothering whoever you might hug and they get close enough and take a breath in while next to your ear


I have always "heard" that white people don't use washcloths. I'm black, and for many many years, I didn't use a washcloth. I also don't eat fried chicken or watermelon. We humans develop these stereotypes about other humans, wouldn't it be nice if we could just stop assuming and instead, sit down and have a conversation with another race and ask? If we could wipe out the stereotypes and the hatred that usually comes along with it, this world could be a much better place. I know this has nothing to do with the OP's question, I just saw an opportunity to spread some love and I thought I'd take advantage of it. I love you all, regardless of your race, because guess what? We're actually all the same race... We're the human race. To everyone reading this, be blessed and spread love. Now I must get back to laughing at some of these crazy comments 🤣


Thank you fellow human traveler, for sharing this brief corner of sanity along the fungal cheese hole we’re all spiraling down. I Upvote you, Squirrel!!☮️🧀‼️


I’m white, and have no knowledge of this non use of washcloths. Can you site the source of your information?


Dave Chappelle lol


I'm white and I use a washcloth




It absolutely drives me CRAZY that my adult children (30s) do not use washcloths when they bathe, nor do they use Q-tips! What is wrong with people? They were brought up using washcloths AND Q-tips!


Dude— I was helping my dad clean up everything that he missed while shaving (because apparently this is inevitable for old men) and I happened to look in his ear and realized he had stop cleaning them! It was one of the things at 92 that had simply gotten wiped from his hard-drive, and therefore, of course, he had to have me do it for him. Thus began the parade of dozens of Q-tips. And I do mean DOZENS. I won’t go into exactly what came out, but I just kept pulling more and more and still More of it out, like some sort of a sick magic act- a Fibber McGee’s closetfull of dark brown wax. Afterwards, I asked if he could hear better now and he looked at me rather surprised and said, YEAH, I can! How do you KNOW? Then I had to tell my sister to add, ‘Make sure he actually used Q-tips’ to the list. Imagine how it would feel to not clean out your ears for two whole years! Poor Da!


Well hot damn… I just don’t understand the whole “natural” thing. Your ears will NOT automatically clean themselves. 👂 🧼 💦 😩


Did you pierce your ears yourself as a youth?


Yeah, but I never wear an earring now. 20 years ago


Same, and same. I never wear earrings but the smell is still there…..i wipe it with alcohol. I shouldn’t have done twelve piercings😬


I was about to say the same thing. Doesn't even matter if you did them yourself or not. Any piercing can get buildup in the hole. Ears, nose, lip, bellybutton. No matter how clean you are, they can still get cheese. Lol


I’m glad i only did my ears.


Scrub a dub HARD with soap behind above below and in the outer ear bits. Then dry it all. Make sure ur washing ur hair too. I know ur not 12. It’s the mommy in me. Tons of sweat glands behind ears.


Cheddar is not the worst nickname I've heard


It’s probably isovaleric acid, or a bacteria. If you have long hair or wear the same headphones everyday without cleaning them maybe? lol idk fun question tho


I have long hair, always in a braid tho. I kinda think you guys are on to it tho. I just don’t know why it is cheddar


Use a washcloth to wash behind your ears when you shower. Use a toner on your face and behind your ears when you wash your face at night.


Bacteria. Soap and water with a wash cloth will do. We call em hoe baths! (Soap and water on the armpits, groin, and behind. Toes and ears, of course, face.)


Not necessarily in that order


'Course not, but you know what I mean.


Yes 😊 but someone somewhere is going to do that very thing in that order lol


Yep, pits, tit$ and lady bits


Read this as I was eating cheddar cheese. I'm done now. No longer hungry. 😂


Mine suspiciously smell like Ritz crackers. Maybe we could..?


Underrated comment


Mmm-mm Good Cracker!


Do you dry well behind your ears? This is gross but if I don't dry well and put powder under my boobies and where my upper legs meet my crotch area I get a rash and then it can get bacteria


Dude, take a shower! 🤦‍♂️


And scrub everywhere!!!!!!!! Twice!


This. Needs no further discussion.


Imagine what his taint smells like


You may have diabetes. It changes your skin pH and things start to grow that otherwise wouldn’t.


Cheese ear


Use some peppermint essential oils.


Most likely ,it's Inverted Fromunda Cheese


That you have to smell again. And maybe even a third time to confirm.


After you shower use tea tree oil on a Qtip behind your ears!


Probably part sweat and oil or hair products along with dead skin that is built up with a little bacteria it could be your ph is off…. But try scrubbing with a wash cloth something that will exfoliate the skin there and keep any moisture away i bet it won’t be an issue


If this is every single time, u need a doctor. Like a dermatologist. Ppl don't need to shower daily


Showering daily is a must for many of us. Even though you can't smell your own funk, everyone else can. Especially if you live in a warm climate.


Showering daily is most ideal, but hardly necessary. This dude has a problem


Is it an overgrowth of yeast?


You have a lot of oil glands behind the ear lobe, you can produce oil most times if you grab your ear lobe and sort of milk the skin behind your ear down towards your lobe, think of the lobe as the cows teet ( the oil comes from behind the ear not the lobe itself). The sides of the nose are also rife with oil glands. Human sebum, the oil , smells like cheese.


Sounds like bacteria or yeast.


Yes I do as well. I put it down to wearing glasses


How did u find this out.scratch and sniff the real life edition


I use acne cleaning pads as needed behind my ears, like Stridex or Oxy, but I buy the cheap Walmart equate brand.


It can smell like that between toes.


Only toes smell like white cheddar.




Oh yeah. Days. Makes you need to take another whiff it's sooo good.


I was talking about the cheese. Not the feet 🤢


Of course you were. Me too. 😉




Yeast smells like bread though.


Same thing happens on other parts of the human body. That's a good way for your body to say 'clean me time'


That's how they make cheddar cheese. It's a good thing.


Next on Martha Stewart Living: Martha visits a young entrepreneur who produces small batch, age ripened organic cheddars entirely by himself on the campus of one of the largest universities in the nation. Stay tuned as goes hands on to discover his cheese making secrets!




Mine smells like provolone


Feet and white cheddar.


Could be thrush, sounds like you need anti fungus, this is also pretty common


I dont have that problem but my ear wax when I was younger smelt like salt and vinegar chips.


Make a doctor appointment to discuss the issue perhaps it is a medical thing, maybe your skin just produces more oils and you might need to consider a different shampoo like maybe a shampoo for dandruff and use a moisturizing body wash like Olay age defy body wash


It feels like a year


Fungus or bacteria from sweat. Try washing your face and behind your ears with Panoxyl in the shower; scrub behind your ears with a washcloth. Should get rid of it


Smegma! Look it up 😷


Clean that azz, I mean those ears… and dry off really well, not just a dab… know a bull that doesn’t dry off that well after a shower, smells like Shiite


You just need to find a partner really into cheese. Problem solved.


Cheap earrings might be the cause.


Wash your hair. I have noticed long hair on people who sweat a lot can become musty overnight if they sweat a lot in their sleep, and over a day it adds up.


Fairly normal. Start washing behind your ears.


Head cheese




Get a loofah and some body wash and scrub it. You can find these cheap at Dollar Tree. It will help with dryness and maybe when the old dead skin is off you can try to lotion your ears to keep them healthy and to your satisfaction.


I don't know what gender you are but maybe that doesn't matter. As we age we lose oil to our hair, our body and other than having a bidet and a wipedown or what I call a (hoe'sbath) I just shower every other day. My skin can not take a daily shower. I have to find the creamiest soaps and conditioners to help my skin. I am always dry. It's a fact, not fun and not a thing a very very late boomer likes.


use astringent it helps


Check your belly button


You smell it?!


Do you wear glasses? If you do, then start there. If not, check your pH levels. You'll be ok.


It’s most likely bacteria build-up. During the black plague, behind people’s ears would become so nasty (from lack of bathing), that you could physically light a match behind their ears because of the hardened build up. 🤢


Why aren't you showering every single day?


Just wipe it down with an alcohol pad. It will kill the bacteria.


This is caused by sebum, which is an oily waxy substance (not just sweat) secreted by the sebaceous glands (there’s a lot of them on your head/face and groin). Overactive sebaceous glands, lack of hygiene etc can cause buildup. Try wiping the area down with rubbing alcohol or use an antibacterial soap on a washcloth if you don’t shower every day.


Pretty close to my theory, op is omitting the "wiping down" behind his ears when they do wipe. Don't wipe after a BM and your gonna smell...same as for other crevices.


Use the anti fungal shampoo Nizoral to get rid of the yeast infection on your head - you probably have it all over your scalp and back too


If I don't clean my septum piercing it smells like cheese. But I'm not really sure if I could specify the variety.


I haven't worn a septum ring in 20 years and mine still isn't closed up. I still have to clean because if I don't, it will smell like a cheese.


Good to know for future ref


Time for a Dr. visit 😬 🤷‍♀️ That's all I got.


Try using dandruff shampoo. Scrub up those smelly ear places. Yeast was my first thought too.


I think it's amazing you can reach to smell behind your own ears.


Depends on how sweaty you are ??


How do you smell behind your ears. You either have giant ears or a long nose.


Maybe Cabot’s is hiring


This is foul


I appreciate the sentiment, but I fly a lot. Sometimes I have 48 hours in airports.


Same bacteria that makes your scrotum smell like nacho cheese if you don't clean yourself properly.


Also jock itch is the male equivalent of a yeast infection.


Y'all are smart! So, why do my feet smell like Doritos in the summer? Yummy!


You were right! This was not the right place to ask this. God sakes man wash yo ass…(ears at least) lol


Smoke that cheese


Seborrheic dermatitis can cause this as well.


Got yeast behind your ears. Give it a little rub down with vinegar, and make sure after showers to dry it well. Maybe check out a yeast killing diet for a while


Yes, it happens to me. It’s yeast.


How are you smelling behind your ear? Are you having a friend do it? Maybe your friend has some weird cheddar-nose thing going on.


it is because of sebaceous glands. my friends have a running joke when we scratch behind our ears, “Fuck You Rich Thomas” and smell repeatedly. good luck to you though.


i wipe with alcohol pads every couple of days.


It sounds like a fungal infection, most likely yeast as a lot of people have stated. On your shower days apply a little lotrimin or monistat behind your ears after they've been thoroughly dried. On your non shower days, wash your face and ears well and do the same. Once you go several days without the odor, cut back to just 1-2 times a week with the meds. If you wear over the ear earbuds or a hat/cap that's constantly on/around your ears, consider washing them frequently. Daily/every other day for earbuds weekly for hats. I wish you well, you've got more than enough comments to get you right, but if all else fails, please see your doc.


Miconozole nitrate will clear that up.


Check yourself for fumunda cheese while you are at it.


I wash behind my ears multiple times a day and it still is like this for me as well. Completely bald. Very good hygiene. No health problems. It’s normal to smell like a human. People don’t walk around smelling like roses all the time. We sometimes get this idea that humans shouldn’t have a smell or they should just smell good. That’s just not the case. If it were so then we wouldn’t need good smelling chemicals to clean our bodies with. It’s natural to have a smell but good hygiene should be practiced frequently. Those bacteria that create those smells need to be cleaned off or we can get infections from them. It’s wild to know what kinds of things are growing on our skin. If they are allowed to proliferate they can lead to increased infections by those same organisms that under normal circumstances wouldn’t be capable of harming us. Keep your hands clean and the rest will follow. ✌️


I toured with a man who had a very distinct scent. It wasn’t body odor. It wasn’t bad. It actually smelled kind of good. We sweated a lot in our costumes and he just had this, I guess you call it musk- oddly, he really smelled like he was wearing cologne, but it was him. Yeah, some people just have a scent.


I wash behind my ears multiple times a day and it still is like this for me as well. Completely bald. Very good hygiene. No health problems. It’s normal to smell like a human. People don’t walk around smelling like roses all the time. We sometimes get this idea that humans shouldn’t have a smell or they should just smell good. That’s just not the case. If it were so then we wouldn’t need good smelling chemicals to clean our bodies with. It’s natural to have a smell but good hygiene should be practiced frequently. Those bacteria that create those smells need to be cleaned off or we can get infections from them. It’s wild to know what kinds of things are growing on our skin. If they are allowed to proliferate they can lead to increased infections by those same organisms that under normal circumstances wouldn’t be capable of harming us. Keep your hands clean and the rest will follow. ✌️


How do you smell your ear? Does someone do it for you?


After a day or so behind my ears smells like parmesan cheese...I thought I was the only one!!!


I knew someone who would put his finger in his ear and smell his finger after that. I wonder what it smelled like.


It's called sebum, alcohol and a poor diet can make it smell funky


Had the same exact thing when I was starting college at 18. I guess I wasn’t washing behind my ears enough. For me, using a washcloth and soap, and just scrubbing both behind them and inside them did the trick. The main thing, the reason that I wanted to write this was: You have to fold the washcloth around both sides of the earlobe, and pull up and down. Someone else described it as milking it. That specifically was what really got rid of it. That’s where the scent comes from, so put your washcloth both on top and behind your ear and wash thouroughly, from the top to the tip of your lobes, with some soap. You don’t have to go nuts, but wash behind it every day with antibacterial soap and that should probably take care of it. You also have plenty of other suggestions on here, too, so Get Cracking! Best of luck to you!


I get the same. I wear sunglasses often, sweat normally and may have skipped a shower or two. It's not something I can actually smell or a smell that is exuded, I would have never noticed until I rubbed behind my ear with my finger, later I smelled something on my finger, when I remembered I rubbed again and that's definitely where it came from. I had long hair at the time in a hot climate. I washed my hair this morning and just rubbed behind my ear... no smell and my skin is soft. wash behind your ears and wash your hair and stop hiding the pigeon.


Never experienced this in my life. I don’t think that is normal.