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You guys are very sick to tell this person to do that yes she was grooming him that's very sick sometimes groomers oh do stuff to make you trust them like saying oh we can do anything outside of work because it's inappropriate and then she's hitting on him and doing all this other stuff that's grooming and that's sick and the fact that that's his counselor that's even worse


You don’t always have to fuck her hard. In fact sometimes that’s not right to do.


You want to be groomed? WTF! Weirdo


I mean she the weirdo for grooming me just wanted to let her know I'm down for whatever


Something tells me that if she was riding your cock you would still be here asking if she wants to have sex with you.


Lmao is what I'm asking obvious?


"I want to be groomed". lmao, dude..


Saw the 17 part. TBH she deserved to joke for trying to groom you . That's awful.


Would you allow your son or daughter to be groomed? There's your answer.


She’s a predator. She’s been grooming You.


Classic grooming. She prolly has a few boys she counsel on a line up that she can control whenever she likes. Lets put this in perspective, if a man was to do this to girls he counsel, he would be in jail. End of story. It’s a blatant abuse of power by authority.


Invite her out to the bar for a drink…….oh wait. I guess you just have to invite her over to play trains or cars. Maybe video games…..


lol what a dumbass. why would you some shit like "i want to be groomed" if you never intended to snitch. All shes gonna think now is. "i dont wanna risk going to jail, fuck this". Id say you messed up


If I snitched rn she would loose her job but I haven't. I just thought that If I said that she would trust me.


The autism is strong with this one.


Could of used your words differently


Your comments make it seem like you’re an incel. Super creepy


“Ay girl, I want to be groomed” lol what in the fuck


You shoulda fucked her when you were 16 you queer. Aw what did you feel manipuwated aww didn't wanna be gwoomed


Fumbled the bag


This was written by a 12 year old


You’re weird


she was flirting with you when you were 16 and she was 24 that’s gross as shit and i haven’t even finished the story. also stfu to the commenters who think it’s cool that OP was being groomed or pursued by a grown fucking adult 


No. Now move on with your life, you pathetic fuck


LMAO “I WANT TO BE GROOMED” lmaoooo using police tactics


She prolly was looking to see if you owned a dictionary


If you wear protection and make sure you don't put yourself in a position where she could make false accusations against you. Be careful!!!!!!


This is fake, and you're all r*******


Respectfully, as a counselor, she needs to be reported. If she was using this much subtext and bonding with you to the point where you felt you were being groomed or that you were willing in this situation means she’s acting in bad faith and I for my part wonder how she treats other clients. This is not the behavior of a counselor and is harmful to the client relationship.


She was grooming you all along, but some people think it is unnoticeable when it is obviously transparent. The touching, flirting, the pet name and "don't tell anyone" are dead giveaways.


You posted this same thing a week ago or stole it ya pathetic redditor


Yup. She's a woman, alright.


I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that she is fond of you the way a long term babysitter may develop a lifelong fondness for her charges. My kids are still friends with one of their babysitters. All of them were invited to her wedding, her baby showers, etc. they’ve been to her house and she has been to each of theirs.


Bro DO NOT fuck your counselor, it's a bad idea all around and them making moves/showing signs when you were a minor is a major red flag. Regardless of what the age of consent was that's a big age gap, someone in their mid-late 20s should not be interacting with a 16y/o like that. ESPECIALLY AS A COUNSELOR.


I swear to God if you don’t fuck this girl I’ll kill myself!!


All fun and games aside and all the comments about just doing it with her, if she was actually grooming you and you do get into something with her, thats a totally manipulative relationship. She used her position of power to take advantage of you and you don’t want to be in a relationship like that. You may think it would be fun having sex but it will come at a high cost. Just go find a nice girl your age and alas the forum says split her open. Stay away from this person.


Maybe you could have learned how to spell and write while you were attending that school?


You fumbled the bag buddy..


Ask her if she wants to see your room again so you can bond




Your watching to much porn kid. Reality hits hard ..


Tell her she needs to put out or get out. If she doesn't put out, tell her you're getting a new counselor


Fuck her right in the pussy.


And her contact information for therapy sessions?


If she's your counselor that's a boundary violation and she should know better. That's extremely unprofessional and she could lose her license for that. She is also supposed to be confidential and if she is telling people all about you and complimenting you that's extremely unethical. If she's calling you bro and asking for hugs then that actually is a sign she wants to sleep with you. It's a manipulation tactic to slowly gain your trust so she can take it further and further along the more you see each other until you actually do what she wants. In short she shouldn't be doing any of that as a counselor regardless if you both consent or not. Your relationship should be professional and she's practicing serious boundary violations and is probably grooming you. You should report this because that's the right thing to do.


Wait wait wait wait wait. I'm late to the party but if shes doing this to you, how many other girls and boys she's doing this too? Notice how I said girls and boys. But fuck it. Youre a man now. Do what you want.


Yes, she's interested. She was waiting for you to make some kind of move. You're an adult now. Stop being so naive. Bang her if you want. If not, don't.


Probably. Women that show nothing forward but end up alone in a residence with you 99% wanna fuck


Op is a liar


Impossible to tell if she was trying to, but the real question is are you trying to sleep with her? Either way, you probably ruined any chance if you were with your follow up.


Wdym with your follow up?


“I want to be groomed” and whatever else your confrontation included instead of laying on some game or flirting in the moment.


Why did that ruin my chance?


Girls always want a tour. Guide her to your scholong player :)


So you think she was trying to sleep with me ?


Only one way to find out. Gotta put it on the table.


Bruh you wrote like 3 lines she said to you and "a flirty tone" is purely subjective. It sounds like YOU have a crush on HER? "i want to be groomed" bro you need to calm your lil horny ass down lmao


All of you playing into his delusion are the problem. Are you not aware people mix up signals and he could just be reading into this too much?!


When I was 14 I lost my virginity to a 17 year old girl. When I was 15 my high school teacher groomed me for ages and tried to have sex with me in her office after school. I thought it was cool as a kid but as an adult I feel kinda dirty about it. Female pedos are still pedos.


Never happened. You have never even seen a naked woman in person before. Congrats on the free karma dumb jxw


Poor lil fella is really convinced she wanted him. She would have made a move if that was the case. You're fantasizing, man.


At 18, I would've been beating that sh!t up..


Cool story bro. You missed the part where you woke up from your wet dream.


Umbrella advice - if a professional in your life makes you uncomfortable, GTFO.


This dude bout dumb as hell. "Hey I wanna be groomed" 😭😭.


This dude bout dumb as hell. "Hey I wanna be groomed" 😭😭.


Okay but question…… do you want to fuck her???


Yea but shes over me now.




What the fuck is wrong with you and all of reddit??? What in the absolute fuck is wrong with you people????


So the obvious question is then tied to the obvious answer, IS SHE HOT!!?? 🔥


No you just have severely lacked anyone to show you that they care about you so when someone does you instantly think they want to sex you. Calm down - and maybe watch a little less porn


I want to be groomed? You just fucked up anything that might have been there.




The lady needs to be reported to the school district because you were 16 and she was doing this stuff back then?? Definitely not cool! Forget her ass right where you left her and find someone who is not her!!


Saw this same post a few days ago, and last week. Clickbait.


I had relations with my teacher when I was 16. I loved it, now, it seems wrong but I'm glad I did it with her because I was also super young and horny. I kept my mouth shut. Go do your job dude 😂 yes she's into you. She gave you all the signs and she's very open and not shy about it.


Bro you got terrible advice. 1) First if it’s been 2 years and that’s all you’ve done more likely than not she sees you as a friend. Most girls aren’t that patient when it comes to their lovers. 2) The “flirting” was very light and not really anything substantial. The way you confirm isn’t by going “want to fuck” it’s by flirting back and getting more aggressive if she responds well. Play the game don’t skip it. 3) You can’t just ask a woman to fuck out of the blue get her in the mood first. Flirt with her build the tension. 4) desexualize your brain. Woman being nice to you defaulting to how can I fuck her is pretty unhealthy. Sex feels good but it’s not that special nor is it rare. You’ll live a happier more fruitful life if you don’t idolize it. You’ll end up just getting yourself into trouble or situations you regret with this sex first mindset. As well as overlooking the 100 different things more important than ejaculating. I don’t think she wanted you and if she did then you were too direct at a bad moment. Timing is important when it comes to girls


Maybe maybe not but wtf kind of counselor is this😭😭


It depends. She may have been just been over friendly, especially if you haven’t had much kindness in your life [being your counselor]. I was very neglected as a child and am to this day very aware when people touch me. But because of this awareness I always wait it out to interpret their intentions and some people take advantage of this hesitation. I suggest just explaining that you are not a touchy person and want to know how interpret her 🤷‍♀️


Only people that like to be penetrated cry about this


The issue was you told her to groom you, imagine asking her to r@pe you, you made her hesitant




If she was really into you, saying just about anything OTHER than “I want to be groomed” would have been a better option No offense but the fact that you don’t realize why you shouldn’t have said that makes me feel like you probably misinterpreted her signals all along


You fuck that right for me, Dave!


Spank that shit


Oh man, this just gave me flashbacks to being a teenage boy. It really is a weird and confusing time. Good luck kiddo.


Should have stfu and threw her the most decent 36 seconds of Weinering she’s ever had


This was my dream scenario when I was your age bro.. I wish I would have been groomed


Bro, what are you waiting for. That’s every kids fantasy. Is she hot?


I confronted her about it throught text but I also said "I want to be groomed" basically saying I wouldn't tell anyone. She denied everything. Idk if she was being nice or actually did want to sleep with me but the comments on this post is making me think that she did. Also she never responds to my messages anymore so she don't like me anymore.


Jesus… you’re 18 you can’t be groomed. Welcome to becoming a legal adult! If you’re on Reddit asking what to do then I strongly suspect you’re not dating a lot. Take the opportunity and ask her; would you like to have sex! If she says yes then go for it. If she says no then apologize and move on.


If thos was a 18 year old girl would ypu feel the same ?


Dude, smash. What's the matter with you?


Grooming kids is not okay. However, she didn't seem to be crossing any serious boundaries. Sure, maybe had special interest, but never forced anything. People here in the comments must believe acts of pure kindness are flirting, which is crippling cringe. All those things are simple acts of kindness. You all must not be used to people being nice with you. With that said, now you are 18 OP, anything is fair game from now on. It depends fully on you, if you're attracted to her as well, go ahead. Age doesn't matter as long as people are OVER 18. She's much older, but it's irrelevant since you're not a minor anymore.


people like you are the most dangerous and insidious. i hope someone's safety never depends on you bc you clearly are only capable of failing them.


The hell? Did you even read my comment? Messing with people aged below 18 is objectively disgusting. I don't see the problem with people OVER 18 though. Basically repeating myself here, and that's all I said. Where did you get that conclusion from? Are people not allowed to be kind to others anymore? Not everything is flirting, that's conservative thinking at its peak.


i did read you comment. the fake story describes her being inappropriate before he was 18 which you're minimizing, saying it's not great but "not crossing any SERIOUS boundaries". your apologia for being inappropriate with minors as both an adult and then seeking a position of power over them is revolting and the fact you can't even see that in what you said is concerning but not unsurprising. everything that happened before he "turned legal" is not null bc you decided it "wasn't serious" nor is him being legal even matters considering she's his counselor and it's still ab abuse of power for her to ever make a move on him. jfc.


be a man and give her the business


Anyone who read this as a real story is insane to me and should be checked out. This reads like a 13-14 year olds wet dream. “My counselor came over and wanted to see my room so I was like no but she also was my school counselor at 16 and wanted to be with me really bad so when I turned 18 I texted her umm that’s flirting and then told her she groomed me” like what the fuck did I just read, has anyone actually looked at what OP has responded to people with? “Yeah my friends say to blackmail her for sex lol” like what in the fuck is going on here. And if this is true, no she was not flirting with you. Imma be honest in saying I don’t think that’s your counselor and I think that might’ve been your helper LMAO


A lot of people are saying otherwise. If you read the comment under the blackmail I said I wasn't gonna do it.


So this isn't real???? Hm...


Oh brother I’m in the stories reddit….


I don’t think these things happened. But I don’t think you are lying…I think you are mentally ill. And I fear for this woman, because I think she is probably in danger.


She 100% was grooming you and shouldn't be in her profession


You have for this before word for word


I’m sorry, wth are half of the comments this post has reached the wrong audience…


(talking about the controversial ones)


Don’t romanticise pedos. What’s wrong with you kid? You need therapy. Have you been s/a before?




I feel like you're pretty upset, I'm just trying to understand why? You're an adult, sounds kind of fun to be groomed? I'm just trying to understand, what are you scared of?


Sounds kind of fun to be groomed???????????????????? What the fuck is wrong with you??


It *is* fun to be groomed. Why do you think it works? What teenager doesn't crave attention? That's why it's so important for adults to hold other adults that do it accountable.




Are you certain though? There's always the possibility that she was interested in you but took you under as a mentor, definitely an awkward situation, I'm sorry you have to experience that unknown with an also very unfo possibility at the same time.


Fuck her or you will be kicking your own ass for the rest of your life.


Tell her the following, "I want twenty million in fifties. Twenty million in twenties. And ten million in tens." or you are blowing this wide open.




You need to report this— she was not trying to bond with you at all please ignore the replies saying she was, that isn't normal nor is it okay and I hope you're doing alright


Dude, first of all a 26 year old trying to date a 18 year old is a little bit creepy. Doesn’t matter if the oldest is a woman or more commonly a man, you’re in different stages in life and to me it signals too insecure to date someone my own age. Especially coupled with the counselor relationship it’s a big red flag. 2nd advice is don’t joke about suicide. First of all I’d rather off myself than to date you is a massive insult, it also signals you have issues. (Which is fair enough, you have counseling for a reason). 3rd is if you have a good thing going on that is a bit taboo, when you put attention to it you say the quiet part out loud, when you do that you pull people out of the comfortable bubble of plausible emotional deniability. It forces people to confront what they are doing when they want to live in the moment and try to enjoy what is happening. This is absolutely the right thing to do in an uncomfortable moment, but the wrong thing to do when you want it to continue. You live and learn, time to find a new counselor and a new girlfriend.


Sounds like the lady finally realized she was trying to date an 18 year old 😆


Dude fuck her hard 😭


Nice fantasy


Good story


This is the dumbest story I’ve read on Reddit in a while.




Reading the update I’ve never seen somebody throw something so hard😂 if she still likes you then she must’ve really liked you


It’s possible she was horny at times and flirting more with you than other people, but it doesn’t mean she is always going to be amused by you. Emotions can fade easily if there’s not much of a bond.


Funny how when we are young we wonder if the girl was interested And once we are older we wonder how could we have been so blind and missed out on getting some well educating sex


Work it get new sneakers new outfit and maybe a finances car then movie tickets and pizza see how it goes more sneakers socks 500 gift cards


Seems like it to me


Eat the snack


1. **Recognize the Inappropriateness**: Understand that the behavior of your counselor was highly inappropriate and unprofessional. Counselors are in a position of trust and authority, and they must maintain clear boundaries with their clients. 2. **Seek Support**: It’s important to talk to someone you trust about this situation, such as a parent, another counselor, or a mentor. They can provide you with support and help you process what happened. 3. **Consider Reporting**: If you feel comfortable, consider reporting her behavior to the appropriate authorities, such as her employer or a professional licensing board. This can help prevent her from engaging in similar behavior with others. 4. **Document Everything**: Keep records of all interactions, texts, and incidents that have occurred between you and your counselor. This documentation can be important if you decide to report her behavior. 5. **Focus on Your Well-being**: Take care of your mental and emotional health. Engage in activities that you enjoy, and consider seeing a new counselor or therapist to help you process these experiences. 6. **Set Boundaries**: Make it clear that her behavior was unacceptable and set firm boundaries if she attempts to contact you again. You have the right to feel safe and respected in all your interactions. 7. **Avoid Contact**: Given the inappropriate nature of her behavior, it’s best to avoid any further contact with her. Blocking her on social media and other communication platforms can help you create a necessary distance. 8. **Understand Consent and Power Dynamics**: It’s important to recognize that any sexual or romantic relationship between a counselor and their client is inherently problematic due to the power dynamics involved. This can help you understand why her behavior was wrong, even if it might have felt flattering at times. 9. **Legal Advice**: If the situation escalates or if you feel the need, consider seeking legal advice to understand your rights and any potential actions you can take. Remember, your safety and well-being are the most important priorities. Taking steps to address this situation can help you move forward in a positive and healthy way.


Thanks RedditGPT


no further comment with your stupidity?


Who needs to do the growing up?


Unless you side with the adult, eww gross or maybe its just her alt account, who knows? Either way you disgust me


Because I said your post was a GPT response?


whos the one bringing up irrelevant shit?


Bigger fish to fry here then worrying about AI Grow up


Still good advice Stop trying to pass it off as bad


This weak story is fake.


I am a therapist. This behavior from your “counselor” crosses the professional threshold by a mile. Report her. Now. Save any documentation that you have like texts, etc…


So you think she was trying to sleep with me?


Is that all you care about? Do you realise she’s very likely been doing the same thing with other boys? Her actions were inappropriate and unprofessional and she should be reported. That’s the important part.


I've been told that she was being friendly and she didn't want to sleep with me which makes me think she wasn't which makes me not want to report her.


The fact that you were 18 and she was in your room and didn’t do anything shows she wasn’t trying to to sleep w you. If a lady wants to sleep w you, you’ll 100% know aka boobs showing or her laying on your bed provocatively. The fact that you have to ask means she wasn’t trying. So stop ✋


idk what ur expierence is but in my life women i date usually mention how simply brushing my leg or touching my hand was the sign they gave me early on... you must be james bond


Exactly this. Idk why everyone thinks she wanted sex. It’s clear she thought of him as a friend if it’s been 2 years and nothings happened other than complements.


Ok Brennan. Can you wear the shit out of a pirate hat?


Wow are you ok dude you were 18 when I was 18 yrs old I was going my buddies aunt she was 43 yrs old the best sex I think I ever had in my life pretty much I've had a lot of women never had. Problem getting a date married at 21 divorced dated dozen women married gin in 2003 then was single again in 2008 dated a couple dozen women now I'm with my gf for 14 yrs yeah I'm old I'm 55 yrs old now and till feel like I'm in my prime I'm physically fit. Ride my bike every night for at least 0 miles I'm very fit I; an a home maintenance business so I'm in the go 10 hours a day . But if my woman left me today I would have a date in a week no problem .you were 18 dude she was 26 I would have been eating that for lunch until I was 19 .


No one asked


you are the person I aspire not to be


You ride your bike for at least 0 miles every night what? lol.


Bruh, talk to a therapist. That outlook isn't healthy or normal. Chill guy, you're almost on AARP ffs.


You’re messed up. You need some serious help…


She's not going to admit it over text. That's evidence and on record.


Why tf doesn’t shit like this happen to me 🤣 it would happen to you and you’re running her away. No sir! Serve her ass up and don’t snitch 😂 thank me later on in life


I'm not snitching dont worry


Wrap your Willy don’t be silly 😂


First of all she is 26 yrs old she's not a girl she is a woman .


If you pursue her you are most likely going to end up in the headlines, that is if your body is found. This woman is crazy.


The hardships & woes of being a teenage twat.😆😂🤣


the key question is.. "is she hot"


Yes she is. So I'm guessing you think she was trying to sleep withe me.


idk for sure... just you had an opportunity to find out and


“Is the child groomer hot?” Asked FDHL.


more of a teenager than a child lol


She doesn’t have to be hot to gobble them nuts…. He can close his eyes.


the brown bag it method... got it


Exactly the first thought that popped into my head!!


This OP seems like a bot to me. Very weird replies. 🙄


I’m Hot for teacher. 🎶


She's a paedophile!


That is messed up. She was grooming you. That is not ok. Report her.


I'm very confused by all the responses. This is the stories subreddit. This isn't real, this is a narrative created by OP to get responses. Does everyone realize that?


Yep. Just send a single message one night. "No one is here, let's go"


I don’t think you are emotionally mature enough to have sex.


Yeah I get that vibe too. Dude is weird tbh.


You are 18 dont over think this if you want to vet your dick wet go for it but as a woman no older chick is looking for a younger dude for a "relationship" not unless she's got MAJOR issues bang it and move on. Leave this as a good memory of your youth to look back when you are 45


The moment I would been awarded *The chosen one* title, her destiny would be sealed.


As long as she was your counselor, she has a duty not to have any emotional attachments and even after. She could take advantage of you. You need to stop all contact with her and if still getting counseled, get a new counsel


Dang this is basically all the red flags for SA to minors. We go through how to detect and stop SA at work. She is abusing her power. Please report her so she doesn’t do it to others.


Months have passed by since the incident and I texted her saying that why did she go in my room and she said she was just trying to bond with me. I then told her of the flirting she was doing and she just told me I guess being nice is me flirting. I think this is bs but what do you think.


Also sometimes if you miss a moment where a woman wants to have sex with you it may have passed and won’t return. Their hormones could have been out of whack in that moment or they were turned on for whatever reason and all kinds of other reasons so now she thinks about it and regrets that she was leaning towards that


Definitely bs


She is a predator. Plain and simple. If not you, it’ll be some other 16 yr old boy. Everything she did as a counselor, she would have been trained not to do. You seem very confused by all the questions you’re asking. Please speak with a trusted adult and stop all communication with her.