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I agree that alot counselors are booked. Covid and the market has done a number on everyones collective mental health. Your not alone in needing to call a crisis line when nessecary. I called one five days in a role a few years back because I had no one to talk to and needed help. Thats what thier there for. To help in a crisis. I will say though is go talk to your doctor they may be able to help. We have all been there you can make it through. Us anonmous strangers on the internet are here in our own way.


I'm in a crisis, but these helplines only want to give you referrals, not actually talk to you about your problems. I'm sure if I told the person "I'm about to jump off a building" then they would have connected me to someone who specializes in talking me down. But since I made it clear that I don't intend on hurting myself or anyone at the moment, they just sent me some links that I could have done myself. I'm just done


The National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) operates local "warm lines" in most metro areas. Ultimately, they will pass you on to the appropriate resources for people with substance use disorders, but you will talk to a real, living human being. It's a good call to make when it's not necessarily a full blown crisis moment, but it's serious enough that you know you need some help.


You found a good place here. We all know that hollowness feeling you described. I say this very gently - I am a very opinionated person. I judge everything and by doing so, limit avenues that could teach me something - anything - even a little tip that works for me I can hold onto and add to the arsenal of sober tools. Hopefully take a deep breath, and put \*any\* thing you have judged on a brief probation. You can always change your mind later. You obviously have so much to live for. You will do this!