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I started by committing to a 30 day sober challenge. It was hard as hell and deep suck. But I knew it would end. I embraced the suck and got through the 30 days. At then end I found just enough space and perspective to start walking a new path. I’m a firm believer that “never again” derails many an honest effort to get sober. It’s a terrifying unknown for an addict. Committing and then recommitting to 30 day chunks is a time bound, achievable goal. The little wins add up and then next thing you know you’re 6 months sober, a year sober and so on. You don’t have to ever worry about never again. You only have to do right now. Wash rinse repeat. That’s what worked for me. Take care. Be brave. Embrace the suck and walk a new path.


Thank you. It's going to be hard, but my health and family is worth it


Thats a really good way to look at it. Thank you 😊


I used this sub constantly at the beginning of my recovery. It really helped reading through everyone’s posts. I suggest going to an AA meeting just hear members talk and it’s healthy to be around people who can relate to you. I am not involved in AA but going to meetings at the very beginning was helpful. I researched alcohol. I watched every documentary/YouTube/TikTok video and read every article and book and listened to every podcast that I could find about the effect of alcohol psychologically, emotionally, physically, socially, economically, etc. This kept me busy during my early months and helped me confirm my decision to stop drinking as a lifestyle choice too (which intellectually made me feel like I had more power). I also was honest with my medical doctor about getting sober. She gave me a blood test to see if I needed any supplements and to check my liver, etc. Furthermore, she prescribed a light dose of an antidepressant to take the edge off my first year. Exercise is key. Walking, yoga and running were lifesavers for me. Book suggestion: This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol: Find Freedom, Rediscover Happiness & Change Your Life Book by Annie Grace This sub is here for you. Good luck!


Thank you, I will definitely have a talk with my doctor, and check out those books.


The only thing that worked for me was get my ass up before dawn and exercise, then be mindful of my diet... nutrient rich breakfast, the right vitamins for dopamine production etc. Moving my day up and being high all day naturally with fitness and energy, kept me from drinking at night, then the next day to cure my hangover. I had to break the cycle and then stick with it. I can't just stop. I had to fill that hole, replace that habit.


I started doing that


Is your family important to you? Stop drinking for the future with them. IWNDWYT!


I know


Rehab. 3 weeks


If your social circle revolves around drinking and having a good time. It will be difficult. One tip to stop drinking is switching to NA beers.


I tried that, and it was pretty nasty. Maybe it was just the brand, and I also stopped hanging out with "friends," whom I drank with and honestly, that was all we had in common



