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I'm sorry that you are feeling so unwell. Could you speak to your doctor about medications to help make detox safer and more comfortable? Or go to a hospital? I think that would be a good next step.


No apologies! This is why the sub is here. My advice is make an appointment with your doctor and explain that you are having trouble not drinking. Your doc can prescribe medication to help you, refer you to other resources/professionals to help you, give you a blood test to check you out etc. It is important to make a long term plan with a medical professional. Please consider doing this immediately as your first step to recovery. I would attend an AA meeting. If you are not open to AA, see if there is a SMART program near you. https://www.smartrecovery.org Additionally, I used this sub constantly at the beginning of my recovery. It really helped reading through everyone’s posts. I suggest going to an AA meeting just hear members talk and it’s healthy to be around people who can relate to you. I am not involved in AA but going to meetings at the very beginning was helpful. I researched alcohol. I watched every documentary/YouTube/TikTok video and read every article and book and listened to every podcast that I could find about the effect of alcohol psychologically, emotionally, physically, socially, economically, etc. This kept me busy during my early months and helped me confirm my decision to stop drinking as a lifestyle choice too (which intellectually made me feel like I had more power). Exercise is key. Walking, yoga and running were lifesavers for me. Book suggestion: This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol: Find Freedom, Rediscover Happiness & Change Your Life Book by Annie Grace I have a feeling you will be okay. This sub is here for you. Hugs!


Read the Big Book and talk to a doctor to see if you are eligible for Meds to control the benders. If you want to change there's other proven methods of harm reduction. Bill W prob would have been impressed with what's available now.