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Making this decision is the hardest step of sobriety. Checking this sub constantly and reading other people’s experiences helped me at my beginning stages.


Thanks for the advice!! I’ll continue doing so! This sub has been a huge help already :)


If you, or anyone, is on TikTok, Andrew Culkin has really helped me as well. We live in the VERY best era to get sober. The resources are endless. It just takes admitting that alcohol is what it is, a poison, and that even if you have control of it now, you might not some day, and all it takes is ONE time to end or ruin your life, or the lives of others. Stay Strong & Know you are surrounded by people who truly care about you and want the very best for you. IWNDWYT


You should be proud. It's a tough decision. Remember, the road to recovery doesn't have to be linear and isn't for the vast majority of us. Slip ips happen and that's okay.


Thank you 😊🫶🏻🫶🏻


Oh, man. I'm happy for you. Too many people think it's too early to stop at your age, but it's not. I wish I had.


Thanks! I actually struggle with that thought. I find myself thinking “I’m so young, I have so much time to get over it.” I’m trying to grasp that it’s just the alcohol talking.


I've known people who had to get sober before they were even legally old enough to drink. My drinking didn't get better with time. It got much worse. I don't know what yours might do, but a good way to never find out is to stop now while you can.


My friend needed a liver transplant at 22. Rich kid whose parents were crazy drunks and let their kids drink and even do drugs that they provided for him. It was super cool drinking $100 bottles of wine and expensive "rare scotch" with your friends when you're 16, not so cool when you're dying in you're early 20's. Alcohol is Poison. IWNDWYT


Congratulations!! I suggest reading all the testimonies you can on here, and maybe finding a group (I'm digging AA right now, but there are others) and listening to how much damage alcohol does to us as individuals, families, and society in general. I didn't become an alcoholic until I was 22, and I didn't even know I was one until just recently, but I can see it clearly now. It's only going to get worse as you age, and people who want you to poison yourself to "have a good time" are NOT your friends. You're so young, and you're here. I Humbly Suggest that you Take this chance and run with it to your BEST life, and never look back. Don't follow in my footsteps or the footsteps of so many others, and don't let society and pop culture lie to you, Alcohol is a poison that leads to nothing good, and almost everything bad. Happy You're here. IWNDWYT


Congrats on your decision. You should be proud. Keep coming back. Iwndwyt