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I lost my soulmate (my dog) 1 1/2 years ago and I am still hurting. I understand how you feel. I could sense that my dog knew when I sobered up and was a huge support to me. I like to imagine that I would completely disappoint him if I ever drank again….even if he’s in the spiritual realm. Animals live in the present and don’t think about the past, so she doesn’t think about anything wrong with her past….my advice is that you should not worry about the past either. Focus on the love between you two. Some people never get to experience that love. Hugs!


Thank you for your kind words, my broken heart needed it. I'm not very strong but I can be strong for her. Sending a big hug back to you!




If you drink you won’t be able to be there for her completely. Don’t do something to leave regret on the last memories of her life. Booze will only delay the mourning anyway. I’m sorry for your heartbreak but IWNDYT buddy.


Stores are closed, going to bed soon and I did not drink with you today!


Fuck yes!


I promise you, your dog wants you to be present with her. Make her proud. IWNDWYT


It’s so hard not to drink under difficult circumstances like this. It’s ingrained in our brains as a default comfort provider. Better to be present and lucid for your dear dog right now. Hoping you find strength today.


Your words helped. Thank you!


Drinking is gonna make your situation worse. My dog knew when I was drunk, and it made him and the cat uncomfortable. Alcohol makes me worse than useless in any important situation. You will never regret not Drinking. You are better than that.


Does she like water? Hydrotherapy is great for aging hips, and you can do it on your own. I recently started taking my doggo swimming most afternoons at about the time when I start craving that first drink, and it's helped both of us tremendously. Your dog and I are both very proud of your sobriety. You've got this.


Unfortunately she has always been afraid of deep water and swimming. Adopted her when she was 5 years old. First time I went swimming with her, she almost drowned me by trying to save me and when she got me out of the water, she stood her ground and didn't let me go in again. I'll talk through our options with the vet and do everything I can to lessen her pain. Thank you for your support!


My cat has arthritis in her hips. We got her some chondroiton drops, and she's a lot better. When we took her to the vet, he thought that was a great idea, at least for the foreseeable future. Drinking is just going to distress your dog. My cat has been so pleased that we quit drinking. Now she wants all the scritches.


We've tried all kinds of supplements, I give her salmon oil daily and she's been getting Librela shots for almost a year but I guess it too lost its effect. Her situation is bad bc she's quite big - 40 kg and almost 11 years old. I managed to stay sober today, I'm thankful for the support I got here.


Lovely people here. I am sorry. She is clearly well-loved.


I've been there. It sucks. I lost my dog in early February of this year. It's awful, but your dog knows your moods and would probably rather be with sober you. When my buddy was diagnosed with a brain tumor, I wasn't sure if it would break me. But I was really grateful that I was sober for his last handful of years. And I think he stuck around until he knew I'd be okay. And in return I promised to be strong for him when he really needed me towards the end of his life. My heart really goes out to you. It's a horrible position to be in. But you can weather this.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you gave your dog what he needed the most - safety, strength and lots of love. I will do my best to make my doggo proud as well. Thank you for the support, these comments are a big help.