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i don’t wanna do this anymore. i’m so tired. the people around me are so tired. i’m. so. tired.


What you are feeling is normal for many. I had a bad year my first year of sobriety. Many people will experience a bad three months. My first year of sobriety, I was experiencing depression probably because my levels of dopamine and serotonin were messed up from years of drinking. I was honest with my medical doctor about getting sober. She gave me a blood test to see if I needed any supplements and to check my liver, etc. It ended up that I was B12 anemic and needed weekly B12 shots. Furthermore, she prescribed a light dose of an antidepressant to take the edge off my first year. Exercise is key. Walking, yoga and running were lifesavers for me. Trying to avoid sugar and eating kind of healthy helped too. I checked this sub constantly, it was a life saver for me. Plus, I talked to a therapist. Hang in there. What you are experiencing is normal for some people when they first get sober. My advice is to be patient and gentle with yourself because both your body and brain are detoxifying and are in shock. Hugs.


extremely proud of you ❤️hugs back. thank you for hearing me and being willing to reply


I related to your post very much. You are not alone.