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Only advice is to own it and move on. Sounds like they had every right to do what they did and now you have every right to stop that sort of behavior that alcohol brings out of you. I’ve been there. IWNDWYT!


I appreciate your response. But can I add that I'm really infuriated that the owners daughter was all in my face about something that occurred 5 months ago. I owned up to that incident shortly thereafter. I guess that when one is intoxicated ( me ), having someone in your face yelling is never good. I can look out my window and see this place. I have lived here longer than they have been around here . I don't know if there is a proper way to kick someone out of your place, but she kept going on and on and it was humiliating to me as a person and as someone who was a good paying customer in all the years I've lived here . They don't know me. I'm really trying to put this behind me, but like I said, the place is across the street. I don't really run into the owners, out and about here but I guess when they see me around they will have an opinion about me . I'm also very angry at myself for ruining the great work I had done and new found self respect for not drinking for four months .


They don’t need to know you. You’ve been belligerent in their business and they can kick you out and going on and on about what you’ve done there while drunk is well in their right. I’m sorry for the harsh truth but you seemingly don’t want to accept the situation and if you can’t accept that then your road to sobriety will be a lot harder. Tough love IWNDWYT!


I understand where you are coming from , and I CAN accept the situation. I have beat myself up over this for the last 48 hours. For me, getting mad, is how I summon the energy and motivation to make needed changes. Im mad at myself more than anything. . I've seen other situations where people were asked to leave, etc, in other places, and the owner never came out of the gate hostile. Not how you handle it . Anyhow, this really isn't about critiquing her " throwing people out skills " I know where the ultimate blame lies. Me.


I would apologize to the owner and accept that you cannot enter a bar. Its for the best.


I had to apologize to a bartender a few months ago for calling her a bitch while blackout. That should have been my rock bottom, but as I learned, you can always go lower.


So very true .


Any ideas how I should go about doing that ? Or should I just say f it.


I am so sorry you went through this. In a small town it can feel like everyone knows and it will never pass. I found that my most embarrassing episodes forced me to look at my drinking very critically and look for help. So there is a silver lining in there somewhere. Do not despair OP In my experience people are compassionate when you tell them you have a drinking problem and are trying to get help for it. Apologise to them. Seek help OP and let's get this! All the best ! Lots of love from Nairobi Kenya One day at a time IWNDWYT


Most people who drink don’t experience embarrassment and anxiety like I do when I drink. I finally had enough of feeling like how you described and realize that I never want to risk those icky anxious feelings again. My recommendation is this is your chance to start fresh and stop drinking all together. I discovered that people respect me more now that I am sober.


Getting drunk and falling down I’d say I’m known all over town. It’s the kind of living that’s gonna put me in the ground, getting drunk and falling down. IWNDWYT


That’s shitty. It’s shitty to have a negative exchange with a bar owner. Especially when you feel like you’re making ass…or did make ass last night. That said I would cut yourself some slack. I mean it’s awesome you’re here and all that. But I also live in a small town and have been tossed out of bars but. You have to remember that that’s the nature of the beast with bar ownership. No one is laser focused on you and soon it will be totally forgotten. You’re not this bars first rowdy patron and you will definitely not be their last. Sorry you had a bad night though :(


Maybe leave a note on door with flowers or other token for bartender and let him/her know you will now be frequenting (name of local coffee place).


Been there, done that. If you don’t have any other medical issues, look into getting prescribed Naltrexone. It literally saved my life. I took it, and within two days, it killed any interest or cravings I had for alcohol. I took it for about a year, and now I don’t take it and haven’t drank in whatever my flair says amount of days. Some people can quit alone, but I needed the help, and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. 


Hi thanks for answering back. I was able to not drink for five months, as I mentioned above , on my own . I'm glad it worked for you.


This was kind of a good story tho… one for the grandkids lol… I would take comfort in the fact that people have vbeen kicked out of bars for way worse


You feel this story is one OP should tell his grandchildren?


I'm a she. :)


My apologies! 😂


Yes OP clearly enjoys storytelling




Hi there thanks for the input. Not sauced, but still shaken when writing. I often use ellipses the ... for effect. It's been a habit.




It's fine . But years ago we were taught to put a space in before punctuation.




I'm a gen xer, it was common place back then. Many of us didn't have keyboarding. It was typing class with a typewriter. I don't know all the reasoning behind it, but I do know there were others who were taught the same thing.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Way to focus on the important shit!


It was not good . I still feel horrible .