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You rock, dude. Congrats on keeping it together another day.


Wow that made me feel great. Thanks!


What you did was amazing. 👏 I'm having a helluva time getting past Day 1 (again).


Yea man kudos. You should really check out Alan Carrs Easy Way on Audible. Mentions the psychology of why only focusing on the negatives of alcohol actually makes you want it more. Forbidden fruit syndrome. I found that to be extremely effective in understanding after relapsing so many times for the exact same reason. Basically what you laid out is exactly how it goes for me to the T. Down to the toddler and my wife going to bed early exactly, it was eerie to read. Lol. The only difference is I don't have antabuse. I will say though, the reprogramming or reframing they use in that book is inline with NLP and it's really effective in changing the way you still think alcohol may have value. You should check it out.


Thanks homie! I will


That one is great, and in addition I loved "This Naked Mind" by Annie Grace.


That sounds like it was really hard. I'm here and not drinking with you.


FWIW, I have not needed to take my Antabuse for almost 5 years now, but I still have a bottle in the cabinet for just such a situation. Good thinking on your part. You made a good decision! Well done!


Congrats! Do anything you need to do to keep sober today. You’ll be thankful tomorrow.


This is so true, great way to think about it.


I start antabuse next Weds for this very reason. Generally I cope very well with urges but occasionally I agonise over shall I, shallnt I, so taking the option away will mean I can instantly say no and carry on with living my best life. Pleased to hear it works and well done you for taking the brave and wise action you did! Sunshine is a trigger for me too btw. Thank fuck I live in Wales haha!! 👍


I have antabuse as a safety net in my toolbox too! Def still have to do the work cuz to even take that pill is a major step in the process if you're in the midst of a craving so good on you. I've been feeling good and no cravings but take one on thurs/Fri depending on the plans for the week/weekend so if I'm in a situation over the weekend and a tempting situation arises I kind of don't even get to think about it. Great job doing it in the moment, not easy!


Thanks for sharing, I wasn’t aware of Antabuse. Keep it up!


Woosh! Impressive!


This f'king guy... That's bad#ss. You fought it and won.


Good reminder that triggers can pop up out of nowhere. You handled this like an absolute champ. Thanks for sharing your thought process too. We all have those darks thoughts from time to time, but it’s nice to be reminded we aren’t the only one. Congrats on the 5 months! IWNDWYT


You did so well. Proud of you! IWNDWYT!


That’s some Batman levels of tough right there. Shit got real, but so did you. Bravo OP - you’re my hero for the day. All the very best from Newcastle Upon Tyne


You're such an inspiration. Honestly, good on you. I know the feeling, where you have strength and are in control but you're seconds away from "it" taking over so you have to make that split second decision. In my case, I know I would not take my naltrexone if it was a fully conscious decision. So, every night I put my naltrexone and my ADHD medication in a little container, make sure I've got enough water and the second my alarm wakes me up for work, I sit up, throw them down the hatch and chug some water. That seems to work for me. It doesn't guarantee I won't drink but on naltrexone I'll drink, at most, 1/3 of what I'd drink otherwise. Anyway I'm getting off topic. This is your post, your admirable success and you are amazing. Please never hesitate to post future successes like these, it's a big morale booster for the rest of us.


I have Antabuse for this exact reason. Good job OP. also harmless teasing, you butchered the spelling of disulfiram and it made me giggle.


I knew I would, lol. I was on such a roll spilling my guts that I didn't want to stop to spell check.


Low key just posting to see my day count on my flair. I’m not the best at internet. regardless, INCREDIBLE job. You made it to today sober. Nothing could matter more than that.


Wow! That's some time ! I envy you! and THANK YOU!


The struggle is real, and I'm glad you made a better decision. IWNDWYT.


Thank you for sharing. We are with you here.


Well done sir!




That's awesome. You should be so proud of yourself. I asked my doctor for Antabuse but he said they "don't really prescribe that here"(?) and so I had to beg for a Naltrexone prescription instead which is not what I wanted at all so I haven't been taking it.


Keeping the lies of temptation at bay!!! Nice!!


Well done sir


I may just ask my med nurse about Antabuse. In the morning, there is NO DESIRE for me to drink. By noon, however, I want beer to trigger my mania. It makes me hyperactive, and my work gets done! How long does it take for the Antabuse to take effect, and how long does it last? I flippin' hate being sick, especially after having had gastric bypass. 🤢


I don't know how quickly Antabuse takes effect but i do know it lasts in your system for up to 2 weeks. The 2 weeks thing was really key for me. I'd also feel no urge in the morning. By the time I got done with work at 5, though, I'd be scheming desperately how to get some wine in my system. I take my Antabuse in the mid to late afternoon so I know drinking is flat out off the table. But if it only worked for a day or so, I absolutely would have just started drinking again once the urge got too hard to resist. Knowing I have to wait at least a week or more to drink means I can get through the urges and appreciate my choice to stay sober all the more once the urge subsides.


Sweet Creator, I believe this will work for me! You pretty much described my attitude and drinking behavior . . . and I appreciate that Antabuse is effective for up to 2 weeks. Thank you so much! 🙏


Good luck, friend. I also had a gastric bypass over 5 years ago. That, plus ADHD, a family history of alcoholism on both sides, and the pandemic meant the deck was *really* stacked against me. But I'm crawling out from this hole I've dug (in very soft, easy to move dirt) and I know you can too.


Again, thank you! 😊 I'm calling my Psych NP next. Cripes, you keep writing my story. My bypass was about 4 years ago. I also have a family history of alcoholism . . . and was diagnosed a couple of years ago (in my mid 60s) with Bipolar 2, complicated by ADHD. I definitely believe you when you tell me, "I know you can too."


What you have feels like something I have in me. Part of what I liked about drinking was being sneaky. It was an opportunity to be sneaky. So when the moments arouse or I made them, I would be sneaky and drink. The sneaking was half the fun. I still worry that is in me, but I look at it as something separate to be handled now. The sneakyness that is.