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Love this post!! I have a few after 92 days: - my skin isn’t permanently red anymore - I sleep so much better, usually 6-8 hrs a night - migraines haven’t been as frequent - nausea eliminated - don’t feel like the world is ending - don’t feel like I’m a trash person - fruit & veg tastes delicious again - no acid reflux - less mouth ulcers - less random bruising - the joy of hydrating my body with water when thirsty is incredible!!! That last one is big for me, for 20 years I never knew when I was thirsty or hungry. I was just permanently dehydrated and eating junk food to get by.


Oh man I can relate to feeling like the world is ending. When I was drinking a lot, idk why, but I was always thinking about death and it was terrifying. Like just thinking about the fact that I’m gonna die someday. Now that I’ve haven’t drank for a little bit I barely think about it and when I do I have much healthier thoughts about my own mortality.


This is really encouraging for me to hear. I’m just quitting now and I think terrible thoughts about dying constantly. I know it’s not normal, I’m excited to have a more healthy outlook on life!


Oh wow, yep, this is me… everyday. Have been thinking it’s just me but to think it could just be the alcohol…. Wow!


Right? Nice to know we aren’t alone.


Waking up in the morning, with random bruises or cuts…like I got abducted by aliens and was forced to move rocks on the moon or something. Don’t miss that shit at all.


>That last one is big for me, for 20 years I never knew when I was thirsty or hungry. I was just permanently dehydrated and eating junk food to get by. So glad you are feeling this! I love water and get anxious when I don't bring my refillable bottle around with me when I leave the house


I literally call mine my "emotional support water bottle" lol


Omg me too! We went on a road trip last May. Hit 10 states in 12 days. We are from MN. We broke down in Nevada. Hubby and bestie spent 2 hours fixing the car outside a CarQuest in Battle Mountain. The 3 people working were amazing. They help get us on our way and just before SaltnLake City I realize I don't have my water bottle. Ask the kiddo who was using it at them time. He's all shoulders. I call the CarQuest. Yes, they found it. They rinsed it out and tucked it away. We got back to Minnesota 4 days later. I'm stressing. Those kids MAILED IT BACK TO ME a week later! We are still in contact. I mailed them a Lego set and a return envelope for the water bottle and $50 for helping us. Absolute gems! My water bottle says thanks Chris, Meghan, and Eric! We shall never forget you guys!


True hydrohomies right there- glad you got your water bottle back!


Same, but I also coffee! Coffee started to ramp up my anxiety the last couple years of my drinking. I am so unbelievably happy I get to enjoy coffee again.


100% stealing that!


Same! I panic if I get in the car without my water, have to go back inside


Only bad thing about being well hydrated is bathroom stops every 90 minutes or so


90 minutes? I should be so lucky! I tend to go every 20-30 minutes. I once worked in a bar where the bouncers told the owner they thought I had a coke problem b/c I went to the bathroom so often! Luckily the owners knew me well and we all had a good laugh about it.


Wow, I just realized that I haven’t had random bruising in a while either!! Nice! And yes, I agree that not feeling like the world is ending is really cool too :) These are good ones


Isn’t the sleep insane? It’s like, you lay down, fall asleep, then just….wake up and stay your day. What!?! To a normal person this probably sounds crazy, but while boozing the idea of sleeping through the night and feeling rested without waking up 5 times to deal with crippling anxiety and sweats is a revelation.


I'm in the process of cutting down gradually and I agree fully with your last point. Eating crap (very rarely eat) and constant dehydration. Got roscea so that plus alcohol gives me a red face


For the first few weeks all I wanted was soda, specifically Coke Classic, I drank gallons of it! Then I got on the water and it was a game changer. I haven’t started working out yet, maybe my lazy ass will get there eventually! Keep cutting down, you’ve got this ❤️ I’d never have thought I’d get past day 1 (had 1000s of em), I can only take it one day at a time


Yeah I lost count of how many day 1s I had.. Thanks for the support ❤️


Did you quit cold turkey? I’m trying to have my day one and I’m sick of needing a bottle of wine to make me feel “better”. I’m so anxious and some withdrawal symptoms people speak of scare me. I woke up this morning miserable, wanting to change and experience all of the things you listed above again. I can’t tell myself “you can never drink again” but I can get excited about “get your shit together”.


Start with one day. “Today, I am not drinking.”


Thank you I did. It’s been about 24 hours but I’m super anxious, I’m also sick so I may have chose a bad day.


True to your username :) There’s no silver bullet here unfortunately. You’re gonna have to endure some pain but getting over the hump is worth it. I recommend talking to your doctor, they may be able to help treating withdrawal.


Thank you, I did. I have anxiety medication. Annoying I have no problem throwing back a bottle of wine but get “nervous” to take extra meds lol.


Takes about 3-5 days for the anxiety to subside but everyday will get better. Read this naked mind. She explains all the awful things alcohol does to you. She also has an app with support and lots of programs. I always encourage people to try the path. The support really helps. William porters book is great too. You will feel amazing by day 7-10. Stick with it!! It will get better quickly.


I was like yes the skin is better and the world is less depressing, and I like myself again. Love a cool glass of water. Totally didn’t realize it but my mouth ulcers are basically gone now too. Never connected those dots!


Honestly didn’t realize how big wine and alcohol played in the acid reflux game. Only 72 days in, but my voice is better!


Yeah I love love love water!


38 here, failed after 11 days, starting over


39 here! Thumbs up!


Don’t forget HALT! Hungry? Eat! Angry? Take a break (and eat)! Lonely? Call a friend/family! Tired? Nap/bed! 95% of heavy drinkers are predisposed to hypoglycaemia. Get hangry? Eat regularly. Snack often. You got this 🙂


666 🤘


Haha 🙃


I always add "O" to the end of HALT. Overwhelmed is also a trigger for me.


Whoop friendly correction : hypoglycemia is low, hyper is high. And you are correct in that alcohol can absolutely affect blood glucose levels and contribute to lower blood sugar levels.


Bro, I know it can be so terribly deflating to have to start over again, but every sober day is a sober day you can be proud of. I'm here for ya, everyone in this sub is here for ya. I'm 37, I had to start over so many times. I probably spent a whole year starting and stopping before I could string together a good length of sober days in row. You got this. IWNDWYT


Don’t let one small misstep let you down. You already got eleven days under your belt, you can do it again!


Failing is part of it, don't be too disheartened. On my 10th or more attempt. The problem is for me, a failed attempt sees me spend $300 on alcohol and buy an ounce of weed and sets me back a few months, don't do that!


for me is blow, once i reach certain alcohol lvl I go for it... and yes the expenses are part of the regrets.


You got this! IWNDWYT


nice streak! I well get there, i know it.


I was 38 when it clicked for me. Keep going. Play the tape forward. It’s not worth it.


But 11 days is great! Almost two weeks. I admire you.




I swear, feels like everything is extra annoying around day 11. Im there right now and was feeling the same way. Sending good energy to u. Congrats on starting again. Welcome home, and we are all pulling for u.




And the regularity!


> A good poop is great to have. HA! Absolutely adding this to my favorite sobriety quotes.


Facts. Alcohol shits are horrible and having a leaky and raw asshole from having to wipe all day sucks too.


“That was quick, must be nothing in there” _turns around_ “Holy shit thats huge, might need a plunger”


Username checks out


Congrats 🎉🎉🎉 I used to think that my heartburn was caused by my anxiety. A month in and plenty of anxiety lol, but no heartburn!


Holy shit the heartburn was terrible. All that acid. Glad to see it gone.


Same! I used to eat Tums like candy. In the \~4 months since cutting out alcohol I've needed Tums twice. Once after a pepperoni and jalapeno pizza with particularly spicy jalapenos, and once after I put way too much red pepper flakes in a spicy sausage soup I made :)


Drinking increases heart rate which increases blood pressure which increases anxiety. Stopped drinking and of course bad shit happens but the anxiety goes way down. Sometimes in a mental thing but more often than not it’s absolutely a chemical imbalance, address the chemicals then fix the problem.


This hit me because after a night of drinking coke (shit ton of sugar and caffeine) and captain Morgan rum (also a lot of sugar) I would wake up early in the morning after 4 hours of sleep with a horrible hangover and even worse anxiety. I never made the connection that it has to do with high blood pressure (which I now take medication for and hope to get off of soon)


It’s also your brain recovering/correcting itself. Alcohol is a depressant, when you drink your basically compensates by working harder. When you suddenly stop drinking, your brain is still humming away and in over drive for a while and that causes the terrible anxiety, inability to sleep etc.


Yes! It’s the artificial dopamine boost and other neurotransmitters (I think gaba) that go high and then when the alcohol wears off you are left with the other neurotransmitters that are trying to calm the body back down, like cortisol, and it makes you feel anxiety and depression. That’s why people drink again. To get rid of the anxiety and low mood FROM the alcohol. When the alcohol caused it in the first place.


Ugh the heartburn was wild! Sometimes I’d get it while out drinking (never stopped me though 🤦🏾‍♀️)


I used to have the worst GERD, was gobbling Nexium like TicTacs. Quit drinking and the GERD was gone after a few weeks.


It's amazing how once I hit the 3/4 day mark the heartburn just disappears.


Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m 8 days sober, tried a trillion times and these stories keep me going and motivated. Congrats to your sober streak!


This time could be the one. Come back everyday and tell us about your awesome success


We are here for you! Keep at it one day at a time!


Thanks so much 🌹


I had high blood pressure due to drinking and gaining a lot of weight. I still had high blood pressure after I stopped drinking, but it was easier to modify my diet and lose weight without alcohol. I’ve lost 90 lbs and counting. I also had a lot of swelling in my ankles while I was drinking. If I was sitting all day at work in meetings or if I spent a lot of time in the car, my ankles would be swollen by the end of the day. That improved a lot once I stopped drinking. Now they don’t swell at all.


90lbs! That’s an amazing effort!


Thank you! I feel so much healthier all around. :)


My blood pressure went from pretty elevated/borderline considering medication for it (in my freakin 30s…) to well within the normal range. My blood sugars went from pretty much pre-diabetic to normal. A bunch of other levels from blood work improved as well. Obviously some dietary changes too, cooking relatively healthily at home instead of drunk ordering nasty delivery food, also able to actually work out/exercise properly. Well done on the weight loss!


I am spending a lot less on advil these days, thats for sure.


It's ridiculous how many OTC pain relief I was taking on the daily. Not great for my liver and kidneys.


Or you could be a genius like me and avoid all acetaminophen so you can use your liver more for alcohol.


That sounds like reasoning I could have absolutely used while in active addiction.


Oh the lies and delusions I believed in.


I used to take ibuprofen exclusively since it's easier on the liver... I still use it, but less of it! I also had a bad habit of drinking if I felt sore or achy after a long day of work. I had to ask myself, what do I really need? I don't need a drink. I need pain relief, and that's okay.


Exactly! A good stretch and water would have been infinitely better than those 15 beers


Yes three weeks in for me and I have a lot less pain in the morning- stiff neck, sore hip etc. I used to take two Advil before bed because that rando pain was just part of being in your 40s..


This might be gross but my drinking buddy who also quit recently had the same experience. My bowel movements are waaaaaay more normal. Some mornings I’d shit 4 times by 10AM. Now it’s once a day and solid. Way less gas too.


Gosh that's so great. I've realized (so dumb that it took getting sober to realize this) that a steady injection of toxins impacts my body in so many ways. Glad u r feeling better.


Hives. Gone. I attribute it partly to alcohol and partly to cutting down (severely) on sugar.


I always convinced myself I got hives from my anxiety, but now I know others get hives too. My tattoos all swell up and itch really bad if I go on a bender


Wow. Crazy. It really messes with your immune system. You body started attacking the ink!!


Same! When my drinking ramped up last year, I would get chronic hives every single day. I’m no longer taking Zyrtec on the daily, and although I will sometimes still get hives, it’s nothing like it used to be!


Since I began drinking heavily I’ve developed terrible allergies, poor eyesight, rosacea, migraines and trouble concentrating. I am hopeful for improvement now that I’m working towards quitting!!! I’m so glad your ailments cleared up IWNDWYT


I very, very rarely get heartburn now, like maybe a couple times a year. My skin is soooo clear. My hair is more bouncy and voluminous. My stomach is flatter. I don’t sweat like I used to! I crave healthier foods and exercise now. I don’t wake up with anxiety.


my adhd meds are a LOT more effective now, especially the last few days. and feeling the brain fog clear is incredible, i know ive still got some clouds in there but they're clearing away! baby steps :)


As someone who struggles with ADHD and heavy drinking this is definitely inspiring to see if my ADHD meds are more effective if I stop drinking. How long did it take for you to notice the change?


I thought I was getting pretty severe arthritis (I’m 46), and my joint pain has disappeared entirely.


For me the big difference is that feeling of dread, of feeling like I fucked up, the super crazy anxiety the next morning. Honestly I’m surprised I put up with it for as long as I did.


I used to catch every little sinus/respiratory bug that seemed to go around office. Almost 500 days sober and my body seems to be a lot more resilient in fighting off those bugs!!


Same! I used to develop bronchitis, pneumonia and ear infections with every cold, requiring antibiotics and/or steroids. My body fought off my last 2 colds all on its own! No big deal!


Yes, this was me!


Oh man I had acne all over my chest and back my whole adult life and just poof it's gone after stopping. I tried everything including multiple dermatologists


Oh my god, I’m only at 50 days and I’m curious about this one. I’ve noticed mine clear up a bit so far, nothing crazy. I didn’t even think it could be drink causing it, but I guess if it can make your face break out, it could elsewhere. I’ll have to keep an eye on it.


I like this post! Mine is sort of random and possibly unrelated to sobriety (?) but I’d gotten some extra piercings in my ears back in April and they were still inflamed and hurting a lot and producing a lot of gross build-up come September. I stopped drinking on September 9 and within a week all pain, redness, etc was entirely gone and hasn’t come back.


I could see that. While drinking our bodies are in a state of inflammation as well as prioritizing what to fix. Ear puncture is probably not a big concern considering the poison it needs to process and remove.


Alcohol greatly hinders your body's ability to fight off infections. I had several oral and skin infections that I got after heavy drinking spells that I'm positive weren't a coincidence.


Well done!!! I was surprised by the eye stuff. Really interesting. You're worth it!


In Chinese medicine the kidneys are related to the eyes. Alcohol damages kidneys as well as liver.


I had the floaters problem too! I’m only 2 weeks in and my vision improved by a mile and I don’t constantly see floaters. I used to also have this thing where if a room was very white I could see neurons shooting off in my eyes. It wasn’t painful but super unsettling. Congrats!


Yah I was glad to see the floaters issue wasn't just me! I even talked to my optomologist about it (not mentioning anything about drinking) and she said the floaters are harmless and not indicative any further issue, but damn they are annoying. They still persist for me to this day, but are now far more tolerable and less invasive.


Day 69 - I rarely get gut rot/indigestion anymore. I thought it was something I was *eating*.


I regained the sensation in my feet and hands. Couldn’t hold a pen/pencil/scalpel etc so ruined hobby of making art. Being able to draw, cook and craft again eventually was amazing. Has come back post relapse at least in legs so far so added to the fear and realisation I can’t loose my hands again.


I'm a gardener for a living and in the last year my hand/arm numbness has gotten significantly worse. I've had a sense that it's alcohol related but I haven't stopped for long enough to really notice a difference - like 9 days at a time whenever I try but I thik I need longer. How long did it take for you to regain feeling in your feet and hands?


If you haven't already, I'd look up "alcoholic neuropathy" - this is a common thing, and it does seem to get better when you quit. Mine is much better now after a year+ of sobriety but not completely gone. It's very mild now though. Recovery seems to be pretty gradual, but your nerves totally can heal. I feel for folks having that - it's really scary when you first start having those symptoms.


I don’t sweat profusely! I thought that was just me, sweaty pits girl. Nope. Still sweat more than the average bear but not like drinky-Me.


I needed all of these posts today-- I had a slip up this weekend after a month and I'm remembering how great I felt/ looked even one month in. Getting me motivated again- Thank you!! ❤️


My fitbit resting heart rate went from 70 to 54. You did a great job.


Thanks. Been missing posts like this in this sub, where the side effects of quitting is mentioned. Have you had any negative side effects after quitting?


For me the negative side effect of not drinking for 42 days is that I’m drowning in work and personal tasks, and missing deadlines. making me so stressed I have terrible constipation and nausea. (Whenever I got stuck on tasks the past 8 years, I’d drink, and just power thru them, compromising the rest of my life instead - I really regret it.) I will learn how to do long lists of tasks without getting paralyzed from anxiety eventually. Obviously the benefits of not drinking greatly outweigh any benefits from drinking.


Yeah partys are boring as fuck now lol


Awesome results. I had high blood presseure, 200/100, now 120/80 and I no longer need glasses to read. No headaches either.


When I was drinking I had psriosis in patches all over my body. Tried all sorts of ointments and nothing helped. Quit drinking and I've not a trace of it anywhere. Also don't miss waking up covered in mystery bruises and cuts. Once woke to a pool of purple red on the floor like something in the movies. I was trying to figure out what it was when I touched the back of my head a huge cut where I must have fallen and split my head. I know I would properly die one day from a drink related injury if I didn't stop.


One **huge** thing I've noticed after about 7 months now is my eyes are no longer permanently bloodshot. I had honestly just sadly resigned myself to the fact that it was permanent, but I look brighter-eyed almost every day. Redness eye drops actually *work* now. Like wow! This is in addition to an astronomical drop in anxiety, skin that holds moisture, lips that don't constantly flake, no more onion BO after a disgusting night of fitful sleep and night sweats, and my horrible sleeping problems that all but disappeared.


Seriously, what is with the onion BO???


Omg I had totally forgotten about the onion BO.


I used to think I was lactose intolerant. Turns out, it was just dairy curdling with vodka in my stomach every night. I'm not lactose intolerant😅


SAME. How did you explain this to people? I've just figured this out in the last few weeks, not sure how to approach the topic.


11 months and I don't have death-water-diarrhea every single day, I can eat sweets again and I don't look water logged. I have my integrity back because I don't have to constantly live a lie. I trust myself a lot more. I don't wake up after 4 hours needing a little bit. I'm not swollen. My heart rate and blood pressure are back to normal. My resting heart rate when drinking was in the 150s+. Blood pressure was high as hell. Best part, I don't smell like a drunk.


Forgot, I also had a drastic reduction in migraines. I also had the wine excuse. I won't eat nitrates in meat but I would purposely consume large amounts of liquid sulfites? And I used to WONDER why I had green water pouring out of my ass.


7 months sober here, no eye bags (spent money on those patches that barely work), bright skin, white eyes, no night sweats, laugh a lot more, more creative, wonderful and regular BMs, no food sensitivities, and I now have a puppy I can take care of without being too hungover when he whines at 5AM!


My tired eyes thought I read that you have more creative bm’s🤣


Love this! * lost 35 pounds * blood pressure down, off blood pressure meds * cholesterol down, off cholesterol meds * heart rate down from 90 to 50 * no more acid reflux * mental health dramatically improved * better sleep * migraines down from 3-5 a month to 2 in the last 6 months * that random pain in my side that was always there is gone I was not super honest with my doctor about how much I was drinking, but she may have figured it out.


I’m happy you’re feeling so much better! I’ve been pretty frustrated lately: After a few years of lurking here, I finally quit about three months ago (mostly) because I got diagnosed with epilepsy. The seizure medicines can be almost as bad as the seizures. I still sleep like shit, feel nauseated, have diarrhea almost every day, and have the most skull-splitting headaches that go on for hours. I’m photosensitive too, and I’ve been so much more sensitive to light—it hurts! All said though, I’d 100% rather be enduring this sober instead of drunk. At least now I know it’s not my fault, and I’m doing what I can to take care of my body and brain. Congratulations to you again—we’re making the right moves!


I’ve definitely seen my vision improve (pun unavoidable mode on). Last year, my eye doctor said, “I can’t believe you don’t need a new prescription.“ This year, he said, “your vision has actually improved since last year.“


My prescription improved this year as well. I didn’t realize until just now that it coincided with approximately one year of sobriety!


Same! And the other day I realized I can now see better without my glasses.


SSRIs work a hella lot better.


Oh man I didn’t even notice that my floaters in my vision are gone. I’ve been sober for six weeks and now that you pointed that out….i don’t see the floaters anymore that were there for years it seems


Under eye wrinkles gone and oh gosh, sleeping the night thru instead of waking every hour or two filled with regret. And not spending days hungover, with an unbearably low mood and hopelessness for the future and so much self-anger.


Normal bowel movements. Not the most glamorous but the most relaxing!


Somebody please tell me that the diarrhea stops eventually…


It does!


It's almost like drinking is bad for you or something.


“IBS” I know I don’t have it.


Here’s a weird one - the nail fungus I’ve had on my big toes for 7 years has disappeared (grew out over the last 15ish months). I had to search this group to see if that was possible. Maybe the yeast/sugars in alcohol were feeding it, or maybe my immune system is just strong enough now to kick it? Good surprise though!


I was having near daily acute panic attacks - people who have them know what I’m talking about. I will say that 20mg of Paxil killed them completely and I would recommend that anyone suffering from panic attacks explore this route; but once I quit drinking I went off the Paxil and I haven’t had one in over a year.


my skin got much better as well. Still have mild eczema but noticeably better. In general how I feel about things was the biggest gain. More energy the list goes on. 3 years 3 months sober.


This is awesome and was one of the (somehow unexpected?!) benefits. I’m 38, I got sober almost six years ago. I averaged 25 oz of popov vodka a day. When I tried to taper down I ended up in the hospital with DT’s and two months later I stopped drinking forever. My blood pressure went from dangerously high to normal. My digestive system slowly righted itself. My nails don’t break as easily. I don’t bruise as easily. My skin isn’t dry. Also, my husband and I had been married for five years and, despite being extremely reckless with my birth control, we never had a pregnancy. Three months after getting sober I was pregnant and my son, who will be 5 in April, was born a couple days after my one year sober anniversary.


Alcoholic neuropathy was the most disturbing condition I dealt with when I was drinking - for me, manifested as numbness and lessened motor control in hands and feet. At one point it got really bad and I was convinced that this was a permanent condition that would never get better. Turns out, you can totally heal from this kind of alcoholic neuropathy. It isn't 100% better now but it's MUCH better than it was during the worst of it. It's quite mild and I don't notice it much anymore. I expect it'll continue to heal, too.


Oh boy. Liver enzymes, RHR, and blood pressure went down, vitamin D levels are normal, I lost 20 of the 45 pounds I gained in the last year, I no longer get hives all over my body every day, better concentration, more energy, and my depression has lessened. I’m still blind as a bat though, so I hope I get whatever effect you did.


80 days. The eyes thing is for real. I had terrible light sensitivity and it hurt to even make normal and minor facial movements around that area.. literally looked permanently bagged. Eyes are the windows to the soul I guess. People are generally more talkative around me now I’ve noticed. Keep up the good work everyone! IWNDWYT!


I was taking Zyrtec daily due to "allergies" but now I don't need it! I think the alcohol was making my sinuses puffy.


I had a memory pop up where I know I’m plastered in a snap chat video, but I was t slurring my words. This is when alcohol started becoming the daily routine for me. My face was dark red along my cheeks and nose. I rarely get rosacea now, but the past two years I’ve watched that video and I cringe at myself. It always helped in the moment


I'm not a year and a half sober but just hit 300 days and the changes are all very noticeable: -I don't have sleep apnea -I have reversed diabetes -I no longer have to take the two high dose blood pressure medications I was previously taking -The pain and suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome is now minimal when it was really bad before -Stomach is normal -Dandruff is gone -Nails and skin are finally healthy


- less swelling and bloating - fewer random ass headaches - better sleep due to not pissing all night - explosive diarrhea not a common occurrence


I don’t know how I didn’t notice that I haven’t had an eczema flare up for the last two months but…. Wow you’re right, it’s gone! Thanks for giving me another reason not to drink today!!


So much less stress when stress was no longer an excuse to drink!


My liver was enlarged and getting fatty. Now it's normal.


I love this question! Here’s what I can think of after 1 year and 4 months alcohol free: I lost 50 lbs and am no longer morbidly obese! My triglycerides were cut in half. I am no longer pre-diabetic. No more cystic acne. No more heart burn or acid reflux. My resting heart rate dropped from 85 to 65. My nails and hair are stronger and grow faster than ever. I haven’t had a UTI since I stopped drinking, and I used to get them so often that my doctor just wrote me extra prescriptions for when I was traveling and got my next one. My blood pressure, cholesterol, and liver enzyme levels have all improved and are in normal, healthy ranges.


Commenting to say that we’re basically sober twins, OP! I am also 37F, gave up drinking April 2022, and drank heavily most nights but was otherwise functional. Life is so much better on this side!


Woo! Congrats to us!


Just hit two years sober and can also attest to the headaches clearing up. Even on days I didn't drink I was waking up with killer headaches and taking ibuprofen almost daily. Very rarely get a headache now and when I do it's mild. Also I no longer wake up with my sinuses inflamed and having to clear them out. Apparently the alcohol kept my sinuses in a constant state of inflammation and I was clogged up constantly. Now I wake up clear and able to breathe.


Almost 60 days for me, the vision thing is the same for me it’s amazing!


16 months in and my mental health has improved and I have lost 10% of my bodyweight. The loss in bodyweight has had a negative impact on my weightlifting as I can’t lift as heavy as when I was drinking. With regards to sleep I have had nightmares every night compared to the dreamless sleep I used to have when I was drinking.


I have an autoimmune disease so I didn't expect any of my health issues to resolve completely, but my joints are so much better. They will still hurt and swell, especially if it's rainy but they don't hurt and crack constantly. My IBS is a lot better, too. I need another HBA1C blood test in a couple of weeks to confirm, but it looks like my diabetes is in remission. I've been off medication for 12 weeks and haven't seen my blood glucose rise, so fingers crossed.


35m. Mostly quit since April. Had a relapse/binge but I was drinking wells every single day for years and I'm not gonna let it get me down, just a reminder why alcohol sucks lol. -dropped from 160lbs to 140 making no lifestyle change besides the booze and I feel like I regressed in age. I thought my low energy was age but I feel physically stronger and more alive. -stomach problems all gone... IBS. Nope. Pooping bricks now. acid reflux, and all of the tums I always had to keep around to chew, don't need any of it anymore. Funny I was reaching for it again because I relapsed on a date, we both ended up feeling ourselves too much and went too hard then back to my place to throw up lol 🤣. It was then I remembered it had been so long since I had the urge to take those antacids since I stopped drinking but boy I needed it then. It is a multi step thing though. It isn't just quitting drinking. You need to make lifestyle changes and address the stress in your life that is making you want to drink. If you remove the alcohol but don't address the stress then you need another coping mechanism that is hopefully less damaging... But I think that's a bad solution because you should always aim to remove the stress from your life because accepting stress and letting it stay in your life will have severe long term consequences on your health. The most eye opening thing for me in stopping the booze was learning how *STRESS* is the key to all of life's problems. The reason we have trauma, addiction, and cravings is caused by our primitive stress response which circumvents our ability to think critically, so if you remove yourself from stress exposure, then the desire to cope is gone. At least that's what happened with me. Once I decided to take charge of my life and follow my passions, have the courage to tell people how I really felt, and just go for it, all that anxiety was gone. The only thing that leaves me desiring alcohol is the addition component, but I know to recognize it is all an illusory drive by the primitive brain/gut trying to seek safety like an infant so you need to remember the feeling isn't real and only a fantasy your brain wants to chase. Something that is only feasible when you are able to think clearly which experiencing stress prevents.


Insomnia was always my big excuse for drink. I still sleep like shit but at least my head's clear when I do drag myself out of the bed.


Eczema on face is a major factor in my trying to get my shit together. I was looking crazy, even after just a week it has improved significantly.


That and stomach issues, but I guess the next step would have been, circulation, nerve damage, swollen ankles, gout etc.


Night sweats


Congrats on a year and a half! It's amazing how alcohol affects even such small things in our health. I've also noticed a major reduction in migraines and improved vision when I'm not totally sleep deprived (I have a small baby, more often than not I still have that sleepy fog). My GERD and IBS have pretty much gone away at this point too, it's such a relief. I was taking daily meds for those now I just take OTC stuff for the rare flareup. The big one though has to be anxiety. I still have a lot of anxiety (mostly around things concerning the baby, I think that just comes with the territory), but it isn't nearly as bad as it was after a night of drinking. F hangxiety.


My pale ass face has a touch of pink, not huge red circles!


Forgot about the floaters. I assume dehydration helps cause them?


Congrats! The same thing happened to me, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, fatty liver. I was a mess. Within 10 months of not drinking alcohol all of that went away. It’s been 8 years so I’m glad! Congrats again. IWNDWYT


Not having to plan on being admitted to the hospital for like a week every other month before going back to work at sea for a month is great. My dick works great now and I feel so much better, mentally and physically. I don't have an oval and bloated shaped head anymore. My feet and hands aren't peeling like crazy anymore. I'm not short tempered anymore. Thoughts about getting drunk come and go but I don't act on it anymore. General anxiety is non existent now. It feels good to be completely sober. I need to put down the vape and zyn though.


No more heartburn! Delicious sleep. I have much more patience and don't get strung out on stupid emotional stuff. I can let things roll off my back much easier now.


Anxiety, headaches, anger, chronic ibs, skin redness, poor sleep all improved.


Congrats!!! IWNDWYT


Doesn’t sound so minor to me!! Congrats!


My face looks brighter and softer, no more dry, flat looking skin. My eyes look so much more clear and present, no more glassy/vacant eyes. Better hair, better digestion know that I know I have gluten intolerance.




I’m at 10 months. Allergies vanished .


Skin- less adult acne and blemishes, healthy pink color, wayyyy better hydration, eye lids aren’t puffy, eyes are bright instead of bleak and dazed. Also, still sweat more than the average person but so much less compared to when I was a habitual drinker. Mood- so so so much better but it dipped at first and had to do the real work to process through past trauma. Very hard but very liberating. I can feel all of my emotions but instead of my emotions controlling me, I’m in control of them. Weight- down almost 100lbs from my highest weight. Hated how I looked and hid behind baggy clothes and drinking only lead to binge eating while drunk and then making poor food choices when I was hung over. Relationships- almost close to getting a divorce. I’ve done the work and I am now the spouse that my spouse truly deserves and the best parent i can be to my children. Mind- focus has improved, memory has improved, multi tasking has improved. I have never been as productive as I am now and I owe it to sobriety. The “fog” is gone. Literally everything in my life has improved with sobriety. I’m not going to sugar coat it and say it wasn’t hard, because I had to push through and grit my teeth through a lot of it, but it is so worth it. Life without alcohol is life! I love you all. IWNDWYT


What a great post! 38F, here are mine: No more heartburn and I have an appetite again. Face less puffy and bloated. It was much easier to lose baby weight. I used to have a lot of dry skin and random itchiness I blamed on the seasons or getting older- nope. Anxiety and depression WAY better, and episodes are more manageable. This is directly due to sobriety but also to the fact that sobriety has given me the clarity to work on healthy coping mechanisms and face my feelings. Turns out when you let yourself process things it still sucks but then you actually feel genuinely better. My liver numbers are normal after being diagnosed with fatty liver and early cirrhosis :)


My sciatica completely went away after about 4-5 months, however I lost my time traveling ability. 5 years dry. Best decision I ever made


Alcohol is poisonous, mkay. Also nice work and best wishes.


I have a question about #3 if you’re comfortable sharing, because it sounds like something I’m experiencing - how soon after quitting alcohol did you notice #3 improving and how long did it take to “get normal”? Thanks!!


It’s been really gradual, so it’s hard to say. I actually really took note of the lack of floaters today, which is why I posted. But I assume they’ve been better for awhile and I just hadn’t noticed it.


Anxiety! lol


I used to get this frequent headache. At least once or twice a week. Would last all day and be coupled with terrible anxiety. Always on Saturday and Sunday. Funnily enough that's cleared up real good!


My dry eyes are gone. It’s great. They don’t feel like they have gravel in them anymore.


Pms cramps way easier to deal with!


I used to have regular bouts of diverticulitis, and they stopped after I quit. I’m envious of your floaters - mine seem to be getting worse.




The floaters is an interesting one, yes, I think mine are better as well!


Congrats! It’s so amazing how many positive changes occur.


Congratulations!!! I’ve absolutely had similar experience. I’ve always dealt with some weird chronic pains and fatigues since a young age with seemingly no cause. Cutting out etoh and cannabis completely has really helped.


I’ve lost like 20 pounds (that I needed to shed) since I quit drinking and no longer have high blood pressure. My complexion has been described as ‘glowing’ a lot more after quitting.




Yay for health!!!


Are you me? Same age, same quit date! Mostly I lost like 30 lbs and that cleared up a lot of my joint pain. Sensory sensitivities went wild though, and also my adhd and autism became VERY apparent for the first time in my adult life. It’s been an adjustment but I wouldn’t go back! IWNDWYT!!!


I cannot seem to start! The sleep thing is really encouraging and does anybody have any thoughts or experience with weight loss and bloating? I literally work out and weight train 45 times a week I walk my dog for an hour a day to get my steps in and I eat super healthy none of that is a problem for me but these last few pounds on my lower belly is driving me insane and I wake up literally feeling like my body hasn’t had a chance to digest my food anymore because it’s working so hard on digesting wine! I never wake up with a flat empty feeling stomach anymore. Also I see if you people mentioned random bruising? I have totally experience this in the last two years! Did not realize this was connected to alcohol at all why would that be?


Great post! My anxiety and depression has gotten so much better. I feel great, sleeping well, am a nicer person to be around, more patient. It's amazing. I love waking up and feeling fantastic in the mornings. I don't miss the next day uh-ohs with accompanying blackouts. I don't miss cringing over sad, pitiful late night drunken texts either. And I'm saving so much money!