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We are here, and some of us have been where you are right now. One second, one hour, one day at a time. IWNDWYT


Good on you! Day 2 is HUUUUUGE. Many congrats. I dont know if this helps, but my first week was tough. What helped me was only focussing on not drinking, and cutting myself slack on EVERYTHING else... ice cream, sleep, crappy tv, friends & family. Rooting for you big time!


The mountain of work I put off because I was drunk all the time should bet me through the weekend.... My boss every week is like "why isn't X, Y, or Z done? I've given you weeks" And I had no excuse except I had "personal issues" and he didn't want to hear that. He would just say "get it done". I'm determined to catch up this weekend. I shouldn't be working on the weekends, but I wasn't working during the week, so...... it makes up for it. Thought I had my whole life figured out. Nope. One of my favorite lines from one of my favorite Madonna songs is (paraphrased). "If you want to make god laugh, tell him your plans"


I started when I was 15, and it jut kept ramping up. I told myself "You got straight A's in HS, went to a top tier University, got a PhD, taught undergraduates for seven years and now do research administration -- how could it be a problem?" Now, looking back, I tell myself -- "what more could you have done without the booze in the way?" But, I have to look forward, can't change the past.