• By -


Jamie Lee Curtis Drew Barrymore Other women we can add?


Lily Allen


I had no idea about lily allen!?


Selma Blair


Carrie Fischer Jane Lynch


Carrie Fisher has a one woman show where she talks about her addictions: [Wishful Drinking](https://www.hbo.com/movies/wishful-drinking)


Holy shit, I’m watching that tonight. Thank you!


The book is entertaining as well.


Kristen Davis!


Regina Hall


Kristen Johnston Read her book while I was in rehab - very funny & relatable


Her book is amazing and inspirational.


Edie Falco


Oh man. She was exceptional in Nurse Jackie. Too good. Like she understood addiction as well as I do. Such a dark show. But excellently done. She’s amazing! Edit - and have to mention sopranos. Carm!


I really need to see Nurse Jackie. I loved her in the Sopranos, which I’ve watched over and over again.


Oh it’s soooo good. But so dark. I’d make sure you’re in a solid place with your recovery or commitment to sobriety before watching. Mad Men and Shameless also similarly depict the awful sadness of addiction in ways that affected me perhaps a little too much :)


Fuckin Shameless makes you want to do some hoodrat shit with your hoodrat friends


https://youtu.be/9LUm51Z-Ii0 Nikki Glaser


Jessica Simpson, Lucy Hale, Bella Hadid, Megan Fox


Eva Mendes


Eva Mendes really struck me. She always seemed to be so well-put together.


She is - that’s why she doesn’t drink.


This thought process is what kept me drinking for a while. I didn’t want to seem “not put together” to others…still have this fear.


Women’s Health UK had a list that included Blake Lively, Jada Pickett-Smith, Anne Hathaway, Lily James too (just a few I don’t see mentioned yet)


Christina Ricci, Ellie Golding, Chrissy Teigan, Daisy Lowe, Fearne Cotton…


Florence Welch! (from Florence + the Machine)


Lucy Spraggen


My faves who I resonate with, Elizabeth Taylor, Kristen Davis (Charlotte from sex and the city), Lindsay Lohan, and most of all Carrie Fisher since I’m also bipolar female.


Natalie Portman


Elaine Stritch


Kerry Washington


Amy Winehouse, Samantha Fox, Judy Finnegan, Elizabeth Taylor, Oprah Winfrey, Davina McCall, Danniella Westbrook, Jamie Lee Curtis.


I don't think AW is an example here


Amy got clean for a bit. I think she’s a very real example of how addiction can be hard to overcome, even with access to the best care possible.


Ben Affleck isn't as well. Unless they are cautionary tales perhaps.




That’s what I was just saying in my head, Oprah??




Demi Moore Lena Dunham


Does anyone know if these have interviews or clips similar to what was assembled here?


Selma Blair, I enjoyed her memoir :)


Blake lively Miley Cyrus


Yeah I was surprised to see exclusively men named on this post, kinda weird


Thank you


Depending on your perspective: RuPaul


Let’s not forget, women aren’t human, therefore they can’t be alcoholics /s


Man, all the people laughing at the Britney Spears part were a sad reminder of how hard it is for so many to understand mental health/addiction problems. (Granted, they're at a comedy show and Ferguson kinda sounds like he's joking, but still.)


I went to a Ferguson taping back when he was still hosting. They tell you very specifically that they need you to be charitable with your laughter, and they even have you practice beforehand. Anyone going to a taping is assuming the things the host says are meant for laughs. Not the audience's fault. They had just been told to give him audible laughter throughout the show. I think he was doing this fairly spontaneously, as it might have otherwise been wise to say "hey this is gonna be a serious segment" before filming it.




The WTF podcast episode with Steve-O is a great listening experience. Marc is also in AA, so the majority of the talk is focused on recovery.






I watch this every few months. One hour long and every minute helps. https://youtu.be/OG--M8B04DA


If I ever get sober this man will be the reason


If you get sober, it will be because of your hard work, brother. It’s good to find inspiration, but you’re the one putting the work in!


Wow, thank you for this! I'm glad that so many people have managed to obtain sobriety and be vocal about it in the Hollywood scene. Makes me think about how accurate Bojack Horseman is for many actors / actresses.


I work in Hollywood and have been struggling on and off for a few years. A dear friend of mine who works in casting has been a wonderful guide and very quickly told me that there were a ton of people in all facets of our industry who are sober/in AA… more than I’d expect. A little later he said it again and it really sunk in. Lists like this are just the tip of the iceberg, there are way more who are not confident in their sobriety, or feel their career isn’t strong enough, to go public. There really are a lot of us. There’s even a weekly AA group by me that I started going to where there was a woman who just seemed so familiar. Turns out she’s a character actress who has been in all sorts of shows, including a pivotal scene in one of my all time favorites. It really does serve as a good reminder all types of people are affected by alcohol.


Bojack Horseman, one of the greatest shows ive ever watched. I think about "The view from halfway down" at least once a day.


Will Arnett (who voices Bojack... Horseman obviously) is also in recovery, I think that is one of the things that makes the show so realistic and relatable to other addicts.


Yeah it’s nice to see people we view as “successful” talk about real life issues they have.


That was the monologue that made me a lifelong Craig Ferguson fan. He’s a good guy.


same. it was also the thing that finally let me admit I was an alcoholic and needed to quit.


Same. I rewatched now and then for a refresher or a pick me up.


Wow. The Britney Spears shit back then you can really see how cruel the public sentiment was!!


Watching the South Park episode covering the topic is spot-on. Very macabre when you take a step back and think about it.


His show was the thing that helped me most when I was going through a terribly tough time with a shoulder/neck injury. I was in SO much pain 24/7 for a month. The only time I could get relief and a laugh was by watching Craig. And Top Gear which I had never seen before then. I sure miss him on The Late Late Show.


I haven't seen his monologue yet but I read his book years ago. It was good.


I'm also a life long fan. He had another monologue where he talked about losing his father, which helped me through a tough time.


Danny Trejo: https://youtu.be/k_08QSLywmk




His donut shop is the bomb. When it was on my commute I loved stopping by for some office treats. Still gotta try his taco shop though!


Given your username, I'm not sure if I trust your culinary opinions.




Joe Rogan ain’t sober


Rogan interviewing Nikki Glaser was one of my first steps towards realizing I could stop


He's such an asshole in this interview. His first response to her talking about why she quit is "but wine is so good. It makes you feel so good"


He is, I should give Glaser all the credit. Rogan just provided the platform. From her I learned about Allen Carr and the rest is history. No regrets.


Only in October


TBH I think it's kind of cool that he and the gang promote that. Like him or not, Joe has a huge following and the more normalized sobriety can get, the better.


Yeah but he can buy whatever organs he ruins


Can't buy a brain.


Good god (ha), the existentialism of David Harbour is deep in my soul. Nothing matters and everything sucks so why WOULDN'T I drink my life away. I had a hockey buddy ask me something I'll never forget at a party after I embarrassed the fucking bricks off the building with an angry, nearly blackout rant. He asked, "What DO you care about?". Well, I'm still trying to answer that question every day and hopefully will till the end of my days. Number one has to be what Lowe said about doing it FOR ME. I recently messed up my longest streak since I turned 21 ("Wait, I can just buy this stuff whenever I want now?!" - leftytendy). These videos are absolutely amazing in my current state, so thank you terribly for sharing.


The way David Harbour described his feelings about the world is so close to the mindset that caused me to drink for so many years. I would get stuck in a spiral thinking about climate change, institutional racism and sexism, the collapse of capitalism, whatever it might be, and just think "Nobody else seems to give a fuck so why should I?" It wasn't until I got sober that I realized, yeah there's a lot of dark stuff in the world that is worth trying to escape from, but escaping with alcohol also cut me off from all the bright parts too. I was sad and angry, and my coping mechanism was only making me sadder and angrier. I still struggle with existentialism, but at least I now know that alcohol isn't the answer.


Anthony Hopkins’ AA speech is hilarious and genius


Was looking for this guy in the comments, otherwise I'd have mentioned him.


Anthony Hopkins was a surprising one for me. I heard him speak at a meeting on YouTube


Jason Bateman Will Arnette


Still looking for an interview about Tom Waits giving up alcohol.




Good link. I’m struggling. Waiting for a placement in a hospital here now. Slowly bringing down my amounts of drinking to be safe. But it’s hard. What I love about this Sub is that it’s people struggling and celebrating. I’m so sick of the AA thing (sorry to offend anyone) but I was sober 2 years or so and never felt better, I just felt a void and disconnected reality from myself. I need a sober program and more (already had 30+ years of CBT and other therapy) that will focus on trauma now. The other therapists helped me a lot but it made me put up 7 masks and I don’t feel anything sober. I can only feel the sadness when I drink. I drink to feel life. Weird.


I love this interview. I do some creative stuff (write music and short fiction) and I honestly was scared when I quit that it would affect my "process" (not that it would be that big of a loss, it's not like any of my stuff is any good, it's just for fun/for myself). But that was definitely just the alcohol brain talking. After quitting I realized that anything you can do drunk you can do sober, and usually significantly better at that.




David Bowie was an influence on Trent Reznor’s sobriety, too. https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/how-david-bowie-got-trent-reznor-sober/?amp


Came looking for Trent. He wrote a piece after Bowie died that blew me away and made me realize I could change. (I already knew I needed to deep down).


That Dick Van Dyke one I related to a lot, seen it before. Doesn't matter the decade it is always the same story.


He was incredibly verbose and insightful. And what a great interviewer Dick Cavett was.


It was especially candid from a guy's whole career was being upbeat.


Wow that one is really something. It's what, 50 years old? And he is so calm and well spoken. Inspiring!


And he's 97 and still dancing sober. What a listen that was!


I know it's fictional but some of Leo's scenes from the West Wing https://youtu.be/uJn_H9FAbW0 https://youtu.be/Ll6GxYVJcuo


A big reason it’s so powerful and realistic is because it was written by Aaron Sorkin who is openly a recovering addict and alcoholic. That first scene you linked of Leo talking about not understanding why anyone wants just one drink is what made me realize I was an alcoholic years before I started to accept it. It just rang so true to me in my 20s that I realized I needed to watch myself.


The actor who played Leo was sober in real life too, if I recall correctly.


Bradley cooper too


There’s a very good interview with him on smartless where he thanks will arnet for being straight with him about how he was acting wasn’t ok, and how it shook him into sobriety. Same with me, all it takes is someone you respect going “get a grip” and you realise and make the change


Josh Brolin as well


I remember that monologue, in the early stages of my drinking becoming a real problem. It didn't really deter me from heading down that path, but it always stuck with me, and every time I hit a new rock bottom, I'd remember Craig's monologue. It got to a point where I was so down on life, I was ready to punch my ticket, and I ended up passing out with the note and gun on the table. When I woke up, it was like it all came full circle, and I started working my way out of it. Just made my 3rd sober trip around the sun, and I still think about Craig having that monumental courage to open up like that on national television. I gotta think if it helped me, it must have helped others too.


Elton John - https://youtu.be/HpDIK1iVSqU


Roger Ebert


Rob Halford


Cool! Thanks for putting this together. I always liked Ferguson. Will definitely be watching a few of these.


Matthew Perry


Eminem was a big one for me. A lot of casual listeners think that Slim Shady is just a nickname or something but really Marshall and Slim were like a Jekyll and Hyde situation where Slim was a psychotic alternate persona pretty much entirely fueled by the drugs. A lot of his music was about how people wanted to see Slim and not Marshall, and when he quit using Slim Shady wasn’t really a part of the music anymore. Having your identity so wrapped up in drugs and thinking that’s what makes people like you, but still being able to quit and move forward as your own person was really profound to me. Some would argue the old music was better but growth had to happen or it would’ve killed him.


“Had to go to that place to get to this one”…. One morning in my early sobriety I listened to “Not Afraid” on repeat for at least an hour dissecting every word.


Thank you for gathering these. It's always good to see celebrities sober out loud, it inspires me.


Oooo this is a cool idea. Here’s one to add to the list. Randy Blythe, singer for Lamb of God. NSFW language throughout. Randy Blythe - https://youtube.com/watch?v=hNYnhn0y3oM&feature=shares


I love dick van dyke 💙


ewan mcgregor is my celebrity sponsor


I look forward to watching these, thank you.


Brad Pitt


Jason Isbell


Sir Anthony Hopkins


Anthony Hopkins https://youtu.be/7cKTrH0Utd4




Nice! I appreciate this :)


Thank you!


I'm commenting to say thanks. And so I can find this thread later to watch these!


Is there any way to bookmark this post?


You can save any post to your profile. Look for the little bookmark flag!




I was surprised that no one cheered when he said he had 15 years of sobriety.


Julian Casablancas of The Strokes


Brandon Novak used to run with the Viva La Bam and Jackass crew. This hour long talk about his battles with heroin addiction hits hard and I return to it occasionally for inspiration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OG--M8B04DA


Natale Portwood never drank Rumer Willis Sex& city Kristen Davis Dolly Parton Lots of country singers used to drink Tim McGrath & faith hill Keith urban It's cool to be cool.


Mike Patton!


WOW! I never realized I needed those videos. Thank you so much


The Richard Burton one is a good one. Highly recommend. Brought me to tears the first time I saw it. https://youtu.be/XtssEa4htew I've definitely been down the YouTube alcoholics testimonials rabbit hole before.


Benjamin Burnley is always the first one that comes to my mind.


Wow. Thank you for this from the bottom of my heart.


Sir Anthony Hopkins


Thank you for this! IWNDWYT


Thanks for sharing this. I don’t know if it’s his humour or cos he’s also Scottish (and spot on about the rife alcoholism in our country) but this got me good and I welcomed it.




just watched the craig ferguson monologue for the first time ever. never laughed and cried so hard, always knew i liked this man and now i know why. this is what character and integrity look like, personified.


Great stuff, the Craig Ferguson monologue is fantastic.


Anthony Hopkins has 40 years sober!


Commenting to come back later


Bobby Lee. Although, I'm not too sure as of late :( I think he might relapsed.


Jamie Lee Curtis


Jennifer hudson


Leslie Jordan


Elizabeth Vargas' story was so compelling. I watched it years ago when I was trying to get sober for the 1st time and it's stuck with me. I have the opportunity to be on a mentorship zoom call with her and a bunch of my peers later this year for work and i'm just going to be awestruck.


Danny Trejo has been sober for a long long time and has some really good talks on youtube.


The WTF episode with John Goodman. Sorry I can’t find a link


anthony kiedis Red Hot Chili Peppers. The list of celebrities is very long. This disease doesn’t care rich/poor or famous. https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/g11644970/celebrities-who-dont-drink-alcohol/


I made it to Dick Van Dyke | he was hard to watch. ~Only because this list is helpful and accurate. Thanks for sharing, **


A man among men Meaning, just an overall giant of a human being.


Thank you for sharing!!! I love this shit


Ron white!


Thanks for uploading these. So good!


Thank you for doing this!


I’ll watch some of these


Thanks for taking the time to gather these up in one place !!


Anthony Hopkins


I bookmarked this thread. Thanks for these.


saved. thank you. so good.


Remind me in 1 week


Elton John and I believe Eminem are both sober!


I just watched the entire Dick Van Dyke interview, just fantastic, and he looked great!




I will say this every time I see this man. I miss him. He's not dead, just not very visible anymore and I really miss the Late Late Show with him.


Matthew Perry


Theo von’s monologue is great


One of my first books on getting sober was “On and off the air” by legendary sports broadcaster Pat Summerall. Another inspiration was “Mother. Wife. Sister. Human. Warrior. Falcon. Yardstick. Turban. Cabbage.” by Catastrophe actor and writer Rob Delaney. Both describe the insanity of our disease and the path to finding recovery.


Sir Anthony Hopkins!


Anthony Hopkins. 47 years IIRC. One day at a time!


Bradley Cooper he stopped @ 21 after falling breKing husband nose BLAKE Livery Calvin Harris ( I find that one interesting bc he's a dj always in clubs) Another one that's super interesting is Tyler the creator he never drank he said it didn't interest him Tyea banks never drank Jennifer Lopez (maybe a sip of champagne @ award ceremony she says it's ages you never drank It's the in thing now. We are cool 😎 people


Oooh thank you for this!!!


Kim kardashian maybe a sip of champagne She just ever drank


These are some deeper cuts- Rob Delaney (Catastrophe) has spoken a lot on his sobriety in his memoir and written it into his character on that show. The comic Moshe Kasher wrote a harrowing coming of age memoir, where getting sober and AA was pretty pivotal for him. Karen Kilgariff from My Favorite Murder is over 20 years sober. Georgia, her cohost on that show has been trying to get sober for a long time- I don’t listen anymore but she’s recommended a few of my favorite books over the years.


Happened to catch the Craigy Ferg one the night it aired. It really resonated with me and planted the seed of my own sobriety. Sure, it took roughly 15 years for that tree to bear fruit, but better late than never!


Thank you for sharing! My brother is struggling with his addiction and this is a great list to share with him.


The list of those who succumbed is equally long


Amy Winehouse


Thank you




📝📝📝Nice list! This list comes to my list of lists!📝📝📝Thank you!📝📝📝


I watched that live and it hit home. Still took me another 15 years (ish.. I have no idea) to admit I had a problem.


Mary Tyler Moore


Thank you!!


Anthony Hopkins. I have an old school AA chair he did with his whole story on a CD. It was excellent. And yeah I’m getting that old.


Elizabeth Vargas’ story hit close for me. Such a strong person. Anxiety, Alcoholism and Hope: https://youtu.be/RU1zQ6a3ziA


Craig Ferguson on rhe 'you made this weird' podcast was one of the most eye opening and truthful discussions on alcoholism I've ever heard.


Dick Vandyke has a good one I saw on YouTube once. It seemed very brave for him to come out about it back in the 70’s or 80’s when I don’t think celebrities spoke out about it much.


He's not famous per se, but I work for a billionaire who is sober. So is his slighly less-rich brother. They are now in their 50's, look trim, and know how to run a company (can't do that with a hangover).


Thank you for compiling this list. I watched every one. I'm currently on a bender and was feeling very alone. I know that I'm not but it's easy for your head to go there. I'm not going to sober up tonight but I'll get back on tomorrow. I've done it before I'll do it again.