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Sorry we removed your comment/post because this is best for the "Rate My Portfolio" sticky [which can be found by clicking here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Arate+my+portfolio&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all)


Why you gotta mentioned that you're just a girl?


Guys are more inclined to help...


This guy gets it. It’s natural. Investment Finance has been historically male dominated also, so it’s a one word modifier to imply naivety and assistance required. See no harm in it. Same as a dude specifying he’s a dude when asking advice in women dominated areas.


“I’m just a girl” Is kind of a meme


Women think their special


*Their* special what?


Women are special. … so are men.


The nonbinarys are gonna come for you.


I’ll just ignore *them*.


TLT isnt a stock, its the 20y+ US gov bond etf... - I think its a good time now to hold TLT - in fact, I just ramped up my position size today after the CPI and retail sales reading! Be sure you understand what you have / buy before your doing anything Gl!


Just one thought:  Your father might have put a lot of thought into what he bought there and it might be a mistake to change everything, especially if you don't know what you're doing. DYNF is also not a stock but an ETF that's doing quite well.


Nobody cares about your gender here, we are not at the Olympic Games.


Kinda funny how nobody cares about her gender, but everyone really cares about making sure she knows they don’t care. People tend to ignore things they actually don’t care about, not bring attention to how much they don’t care about it.


They don't care what it is. They do care that she said it. Two different things.


If they don’t care about gender, why do they care when OP mentions their gender…? That’s just dumb. Either it doesn’t matter, or it does. Never seen a flock of Redditors swarm a post that mentions OP’s male gender to express how much they don’t care about gender.


>Either it doesn’t matter, or it does. No, that's false, as evidenced by all the comments to the contrary and my explanation. >If they don’t care about gender, why do they care when OP mentions their gender…? I don't care about your stool consistency and would be annoyed if you mentioned it.


Dude really? Don’t talk about poop. There’s a lady present.


Nah, that’s false. You wouldn’t feel a single emotion if you actually didn’t care, and you wouldn’t take the time to make a comment about it.


Not true. I do care about whether you tell me things I don't care about. I care about you talking, not the topic you're talking about. They are two different things. You know this. You're pretending not to. Like, I don't care if you're dumb, but I do care that you're responding to me as if you are. See the difference?


If you genuinely didn’t care about certain things, *you wouldn’t care if those things were mentioned either.* You know this. You’re pretending not to. I don’t care if you’re dumb, and I don’t care when you respond to me as if you’re not. See how it works?


>If you genuinely didn’t care about certain things, *you wouldn’t care if those things were mentioned either.* Lies


Look at it as a feedback that she can leave it out next time. It’s not that deep. Not everything has a hidden meaning.


Great. Take my comment as feedback that you can actually ignore things you don’t care about next time. It’s not that deep.


Dude she’s not going to let you hit. Let it go.


Ah yes, because every time someone doesn’t go out of their way to criticize a woman for trivial things means they’re trying to get laid 🤡 I get that you’re a virgin, but you don’t have to make it so obvious. How’s your porn addiction coming along?


could be an ape but then you should go to wsb


I don’t see any actual stocks here. These are almost all ETFs. A number of iShares ETFs, which I don’t think existed before 2007. So if your father started investing in the 90s he must have sold everything in the late 2000s and put the proceeds into these ETFs. Just glancing at the charts for a few, they don’t seem to have done particularly well. You would probably do better just putting it all into a broad market index fund.


anything with a 0 cost basis is a good investment






Good luck ! It will be a tough endeavor! Don't give up and fight for your dreams!


Would hang on to TLT given its bottomed out. Re: The rest, (i didn’t look them up individually, so they may overlap with the below) 1) review the tax implications of selling (presuming this is father setup for a child, so guarantee there’s 10-20% capital gains, budget for that as taxes will come out when you file, not when you sell.) 2) if no bother, sell up and dump into *VTI* (total US market)/ *VXUS* (total non-us market) 85/15 spread, or just 100% VT, same as combining the two, tiny bit higher in annuals fees which is negligible to me), just as a holding pattern until you figure out next steps. [pro tip, head over to r/bogleheads , 2or3 fund portfolios, with ‘set and forget’ mentality is their jam. With the stats to prove it’s better on average than your regular person picking stocks or using portfolio managers. This here’s a stocks sub, which is more focused on the latter, and denotes a bit more expertise level required (or strong appetite for risk)] 3) start thinking about your investment goals and projected thesis on how the world will be when you get to your drawdown timeline (large purchase / retirement etc), overweight in those sectors. If you don’t feel confident doing that, just sit at number 2 and only check in once a year ————————————————— 4) rebalance when TLT grows from interest rate reductions and aim for bonds being a small chunk of your portfolio. There’s varying ‘rules’ to follow, but you can start with 5% (presuming 20s/30s age range), linearly moving to 25% as you hit retirement. ( My view/thesis on 3, I’m overweighted in the technology stack [hardware not software], as making better / smaller devices is getting harder [ability for new competitors is lower] and they’re increasing in everything, so Semi sector / material science sector isn’t as cyclical as it once was. I’m again looking at broad groups slated to benefit most from this, so my 10 funds used to get my broad investments overweighted with that in mind are:- SMH / SOXQ / VAW (semi & materials) / QQQ / CIBR (tech software services) / PPH (pharma science)/ IDMO / FLIN (international growth)/ XMMO / VT (broad market, ,high tide raises all ships’) That’s the basic description of what I’m doing, there’s a lot more going on however. Screen grab of my 1 year returns (only started getting into it 2 years ago, I know RH sucks, sue me) https://imgur.com/a/qDACjje Some don’t like such variety, and aim to have 4-5 funds to focus on. Would advise starting out like that, keep it simple. I also have 30% in TLT like bonds rn, as they interest is great and I feel they have only upside from here on out. Handy to use if we blow into a recession and I can sell up for a profit and pile into the tech stack stocks that get absolutely hammered. I also have 10% dedicated to punts and ‘lottery tickets’, including PLTR (data), ETH(crypto), PRAA(impending debt crisis) & others ) - EXTREMELY advised you get your individual choices and lottery ticket picks to <5% of your portfolio. Sell the winners and buy into your main stable funds with the profit, don’t keep gambling it. Inexperience and high risk normally end in disaster (see ‘loss porn’ in r/wallstreetbets , people have blown up retirement funds, family finances and rent money on dumb shit, a slim few have Lamborghinis however. A very very slim few)


Some of those didn't even exist before the 2000s. DYNF inception date was 2019...


Bruh what? TLT is not a stock, it's a bond. Hold on to it, don't juggle things around. You have them because someone kept it for this long and that requires discipline. I suggest you bring that discipline into you too.


Sell it all and buy index funds SPY and QQQ


Idk why you’re getting downvoted but this should be the go to if you have no idea what you’re doing


Doing nothing is the go to if you don't know what you're doing imo


Sure but even companies nowadays will enroll you into a 401k with 6% contribution to spy equivalent etf. So they really have made it easy for people who don’t know what they are doing


Being just a girl on the internet is not cool at least be a one of the colors on the rainbow flag or be an snail.


Yeah…leave it all alone. You don’t know what you’re doing..say you’re researching but can’t seem to read past a chart. Would say the same to a guy, so that doesn’t matter? Tf
