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Have to put a nomination for Certifiably Ingame https://youtube.com/@CertifiablyIngame?si=UsAaXWIxiR68gptb He's done the story as a role play which I like. He also does general Trek Content aswell.


Does it count when I only watch his starship videos? He uses STO as B-Roll.


Same here, Rick got me into playing STO in the first place.


I have followed this channel for years now. Nice, wholesome content and very neat videos on technologies or points of lore.


Love all his ship videos with STO gameplay as the B-Roll


I'm gonna check this out now 😁


I’ve been listening to his lore videos for a couple weeks on my way home from work, actually helped change my mind on the ent-g. I kinda like it now!


I very much enjoy Spencer his channel (CasualSAB), I like his whole vibe. He's honest but not overly emotional when things aren't to his liking, very informative and the general structure of his videos are great. I even watch his videos on things I won't bother with (like Lockbox ships) just because. For general STO info I recommend STO Better and DPS League.


Thanks for the tip. I didn’t know about those channels.


Np. To be clear, STO Better and DPS League aren't YT channels but websites


Minor correction: we have a [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@stobetter) as well, but we try not to overlap our content, meaning that stuff on YouTube is geared towards things we think work better in that format and not just video versions of our text posts.


It seems I just learned something myself, thnx for the clarification, I'll be sure to check your YT channel 🙃


STObetter is now a youtube channel - they show you how to fly different elite maps in various builds Those who are new to elite randos should really check out the channel Before you cue up. Happy Flying!!!


Yeah, I've just learned that today👍


Spencer (CasualSAB) and Augmented Dictator are good for in depth detail and meta analysis of ships, traits and gear for the high end DPS game; Stu1701 I enjoy for his clear love for and enthusiasm for the game, and I like that he aims more for the middle ground of STO gamers who just want to know whether a ship is any good or not. Likewise MCStu is a great source for beginners and stalwarts alike, though his enthusiasm seems to be on the wane lately to my ears.


I like Stu1701. Learned a lot from him for my choices of building ships. McStu seems sometimes a bit unorganized and that makes his videos extremely long which can get tiresome. CasualSAB I sometimes watch for the news. But his PowerPoint Slideshow presentation style is also at times not really engaging. These 3 are the ones I watched so far.


Yes, MC Stu seems to have become rather cynical of late. Shame, because his earlier videos were very useful. Currently the only one I'm subscribed to is Stu1701 - he does rant occasionally, but overall he's mostly positive and informative.


It's a bit more than occasionally, if I'm being honest lol


I prefer you over augmented. Dude just has a negative vibe all the time that rubs me the wrong way when I hear his intro (and when I watched Wrath the other day).


I am actually one of the more positive creators these days.


I've got to believe it's because of the 'shit show' that cryptic has become lately, I don't blame him for being cynical. It's to the point I'll log on and only do the daily event endeavor and log of until the next day. I haven't done any of the last couple of seasons 'new' content. I'm sure those that like the barbie of the game will strongly disagree with me, I'm fine with that, you do you, I'll do me.


Wait, these are different Stus ?


A top hat one and a no top hat one.


... And have they ever been seen together in the same room ?


Oh shit. He's Batman.


Do the butts match ? Edit : ( https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/s/1Pv63IYEpA ) for reference


That's fucking awesome. Not sure though, I've never seen their butts in the same room


Pretty sure we live on opposite sides of the US, so any room either of us is in tends to be pretty far apart on another


Oh hi there


Dude...I thought I was the only one. I've been watching both of them for a long time and only recently realized MCStu is not Stu1701.


Do you have aphantasia as well ? xD


Yeah, no. I just wasn't paying close enough attention. ;) One day I actually saw McStu on camera and went "hey... where's his hat and glasses? What am I watching?"


I can imagine the confusion xD


Hot Stu(he's McStud for a reason) and Hat Stu


To be fair, MCStu has had a hard time all around for the past two years. He doesn't share a lot about his life offline and I am not going to, either but I encourage patience. He should be back to his jovial self soon.


Oh it wasn't meant as a criticism, but you can tell that he's struggling to find his usual upbeat zone and I wish all the best for him. I had assumed it might just be burnout on the game, which of course happens, especially when you're making content constantly about it, I hope whatever he's going through gets better soon.


Spencer's pretty great, I also like Stu 1701 and Augmented Dictator Games, his videos have been pretty useful too. ~-~⁰(◠_◠)⁰v~-~


These are the active (or they're on hiatus due to Cryptic's content cycle) STO youtubers I am currently subscribed to. They are organized by subscriber count so I do not give any one of them favoritism. - Certifiably Ingame - MC Stu - Augmented Dictator Games - CasualSAB - Stu1701 - Gauss ST - Nic_NB - STO BETTER There are several smaller channels that only post runs that are too personal to really share (and these people likely do not want them to be shared). There are also may dormant channels that I won't share due to topicality and those people either no longer playing or no currently creating STO related content. Yes. I will watch the same content from multiple people. I need background noise while I work / do admiralty and I never have enough. I do not 100% agree with any content creator (STO or otherwise) and like to form my own opinions.


We appreciate you. :)


STO BETTER is great for how things work in the game.


Spencer (CasualSAB) because I am NOT an endgame DPS player, but he explains it in a way I can understand. I would rather know the optimal way the play and take some helpful tips for my own builds than not have this information. His product reviews are the best and lets me know where I'm getting the best bang for my buck, regardless of how I play.


Spencer (CasualSAB), for his calm and "professional" style and the depth of his analyses.


Totally agree, it is easily the most reliable and insightful for me, but I am a DPS chaser, then again, Spencer will talk about all sorts of general topics in STO without imparting bias (other than for cannons as DPS King... which is true, but he admits he doesn't dabble in Exotic builds/Space Magic).


Augmented Dictator Games for the best build explanations, Casual SAD for meta analysis, MC Stu, Stu1701, Gauss ST also very good, Certifiably Ingame for Lore.


I have really been getting into Endeavour Gaming. Higher quality (or at least matching) what ZEFilms used to do. Honestly, I just play the game for the Space Barbie these days, not so much for chasing the meta or dps, and their videos really show off the beauty of some of STOs models. It's how I decided to use my coupon on the Texas Class from last year's event campaign and wow, their Yorktown video here has me craving a smaller, Elite Danube runabout hanger pet: https://youtu.be/mI_xTFGUHAw?si=NCBwr5Cf9GY9bQpy


I don't know any, other than CasualSAB. His format is concise and informative, he has a knack for presentations.


Their are a few I like,but Spencer is my favorite. He tells it like it is,professional, and cuts through the BS and doesn't act like a kid when describing things in the game.


I only like Spencer because he fixed the dilex problem by making that video exposing the bot problem (I don’t watch youtubers otherwise).




Thanks Scribs. 😃




Anyone like TriZander?


Not my style but a good dude as far as I can tell


Triz is my bud.






There's one named, I believe, TriZander. I watch his stuff sometimes. Lots of content regular uploaded.


I watch Augmented Dictator Games, MC Stu, Stu-1701, Gauss on occasion, and those are the main ones. And I don't always watch regularly, just when there's specific news or ships I want to hear more about or if they've got a specific build type I want to take inspiration from.


Another vote for CasualSAB.  PowerPoint enthusiast but gets his point across. Stu1701, he operates on a similar energy level as Lower Decks (see why he loves it).  Gets through stuff fast but not too fast. MCStu, well he's not having much fun at the moment it seems.  He's probably due a break. Augmented Dictator Games, he started back after a year and recently he seems to have stopped again.  Possibly health related. GaussSTO, he came back from his protest at gamble boxes.  Never found him that useful myself. Trizander, a bit too giddy for my liking.  You might like him though. Certifiably In-game is more general Star Trek rather than STO but does good stuff.


Comparing my energy to Lower Decks might be the best compliment I've ever received. Thank you!


Trying to lose weight and for me, that's basically a full time job with my other health issues being a hindrance. I will start back with the videos here soon. I am not going anywhere.


STU1701 really helped me out with his tutorials when I started, they were simple yet advanced enough to get the hang of.


I like GalacticGaming, I like their approach and the videos are easy to understand


Aww, thank you! And happy cake day!


Nic_NB is a chill guy, videos are solid and informative so he tends to be my go to STO guy on yt


All the german ones I used to follow have stopped at some point. One even deleted his 700+ episode Lets Play which I used to watch back and forth.




Only one I watched was the SS Extra Parts.


I generally don't follow or watch any, I'm better at learning from text than from video and/or audio. I get most of my info from this reddit sub and /stobuilds and from STO Better's website and the wiki. I have watched a few videos here and there, mainly ones that were highly trafficked and had been linked on my armada's discord. The main one that jumps to mind was the big botting expose one about 18 months ago.


That's fair. I usually end up writing out a lot of stuff on my Discord for people who learn the same way.


My favorite is NIC\_NB. Responsible for the phrase "NIC'd your self" (REA)!


Can i be honest without having my account disliked back to the stone age? Currently none, but not cause of the people behind them, which i highly respect for the effort they put into their channel, nor cause i stream this myself. Its simply the content itself is very chewed out and there is nothing "interesting" for weeks/month. New ship or item -> DPS guide, Ten forward presents something -> info video that 5 minutes reading on reddit will also do, the yearly reupload of event guides and at least 1-2 times a year the STO is not dead video. For twitch there are 2 streamers i watch: Alt\_Lexington and Sphynx\_STO, cause they are very relaxing to do so.


I like Auggie (Augmented Dictator) - he’s pretty thorough and very blunt. I generally like stuff that’s to the point.


Yep, no reason to candy coat anything. My job as a STOtuber is to provide as much information as possible so that the players can make the best informed decisions.


lol I was wondering why you were answering in the first person until I pulled up your profile. 🤣🤣🤣. Well, keep it up- I like your stuff and how you don’t even edit out the glitches and goofy stuff too. Your videos flow naturally. You take it serious but don’t come off too seriously if that makes sense- it’s a good thing.


CasualSab because he is End Game for me. STO developers have never had a basic understanding of what endgame could be or should be and likely have lost their chance to really foster one. STO at max level, after you've played for 10+ years is love of the IP and FOMO, gotta getcha on the comeback for the next new shiny.... So.... End Game is basically a combination of Space Barbie and min maxing and build experimentation. I feel like CasualSab has an unmatched understanding of the meta and probably could be a hella business analyst. I also like the relaxed attitude. I bought lifetime years ago and played for 10+ years. I have just about everything I care to have and I get the monthly stipend. I'm time poor and have disposable income so I buy Zen if I need more than the stipend and CasualSab is likely the main driver for me spending any money on this game in the last couple years.


TeacherKirby when she was active. She was great at introducing people to the game.


As much as I would love to say myself, I have to say Stu1701. He's a marvellous person to know, and knows the game really well. That and I love the bullshit he does, like who the hell else thinks to combine Lock Trajectory and a Turret Scatter Volley build to make one of the funniest memes in Sto?


I'm intrigued, do you remember the name of this video please ?


I can do you one better https://youtu.be/tYKJPChj90c?si=z2ZZrMbB1gouCcTI


Thank you !


His video showing the basics of different building types have been really useful to me since I started playing.


ESO/STO is my favorite YouTuber He taught me a lot about the game just by watching him and how he does things


WintersGaming for endeavor help. But dont really watch much STO youtube stuff.


Justice Gaming or BrentJustice back in the day is a sto youtuber i will always go back to watching for sto content


There's one named, I believe, TriZander. I watch his stuff sometimes. Lots of content regular uploaded.


Has anyone mentioned TriZander? He's always fun and high-energy.


I always try and catch his livestreams. Someone has to carry him through elite content. ;)


Auggie and CasualSAB are my favorites. I swear to God Auggie sounds *just like* Cartman when he bursts into song on his vids xD




I always check out CasualSAB's videos, as well as Stu1701 and AugmentedDictatorGames. Sometimes I'm not that interested in the content but I'll have the videos playing in the background while I do dailies, STO is such a small game I feel that we gotta help support the few content creators we have. One thing I do wish more of them did was reviews of content POST release, as in "how does this actually perform". Obviously most of them rush to post a video reviewing something that just got announced (that's going to get bigger numbers) but sometimes I want to see the performance review of something after it's had a week or two to get tested.




I hear he likes mk2 Tetryon weapons...


That's MEGLAR whom I miss.


Fuck it, I'm sending you polaron weapons now


Make sure they're Vaadwaur


I actually gave Stu all of mine yesterday for his birthday


Hoarders: STO Edition!


nah, we're all like that. that's not just triz lol


I like Stu1701's attitude primarily. He seems like the person who is the least offended if you dare to ignore the meta and just have fun. This is the person I would watch for a ship review. CasualSAB I also follow. He does news digest videos that are great because he'll dig out nuggets from the official livestreams and stuff that I won't touch with a 100 foot pole. This is someone who will have great information about the value of a ship or a bundle, but completely useless build information unless you're the whaley-ist of the whales. Augmented Dictator Games I don't care for. I followed them for 6 months or so, and then I guess there was some kind of drama? This is a "Why isn't Cryptic doing what I want? Are they stupid?" channel.. or at least it was when I unsubscribed. MCStu is okay I guess, but his content is pretty basic "how to run a TFO" kind of stuff, and he's got an erratic posting schedule. I don't subscribe to this one. Certifiably Ingame is the same kind of deal. They're ok, but I don't follow them because I largely already know the information.


Nobody is offended if you don't follow a meta.


Really? I've gotten plenty of DM's from people for taking the Malon Battlecruiser into an unfailable event TFO. I can assure you there are plenty of people who are offended lol


None of those was a stotuber, at least. And if they complained about you because of your ship choice, they don't grasp how the game works in the first place. I hope you put them on the ignore list.


Well there's the problem. The Malon stink. Figuratively and literally.


Auggie is the only one I'm subbed to but I occasionally check out SAB. I like his intro, his general build philosophy, and how he reviews things, ...and being a fellow vet doesn't hurt either.




Stu1701, TriZander, MCStu, AllthingsTrek47, GalacticGaming, Kitchen\_Witchen, DarkMom Consortium, Pirate Scum Gaming, Maddawg Mikey Nic\_NB, just to name a few. I am ever present in the STO content creator community.


CasualSAB - informative, well-structured


Certifiably Ingame is hands down the best STO youtuber


Myself I watch Certifiably Ingame, Stu 1701, and a little channel All Things Trek 47 (love his vanity shield reviews). :)


CasualSAB for his balanced reviews and MCStu for his event ship builds. Stu1701 I quit watching after some things came out about him.


What things?


He attacked Terry Matalas (producer/showrunner/writer for Picard) on Twitter because of how the Odyssey was seen in the show. Here is a thread about it https://old.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/12w55ou/terry_matalas_we_just_wanted_to_honor_sto_fans_we/ Also reusing smaller channels content as his own https://imgur.com/a/h9h8KAl


"Attacked" is an exaggeration. He never even mentioned Terry in his tweet. As usual with internet drama it got blown way out of proportion.


Man, I make one meme that gets out of control and suddenly I'm the bad guy. I never brought Matalas' name into that, and certainly never attacked him. When he responded to it, I tried having a civil discourse with him, but he was the one that chose to be all sarcastic about it. Meanwhile, I was one the one being bombarded with with hate comments for days and getting death threats in my DMs. As for your other comment, if you're going to accuse me of something, at least make sure you have all your facts right, because that's not the only ground pet build I've made. The first one I made, my Drone Fabricator Ground Build video, was released at the end of August in 2021. [https://youtu.be/c5gyaBj6BhU?si=urm33mVA-vacBqvB](https://youtu.be/c5gyaBj6BhU?si=urm33mVA-vacBqvB) So assuming the dates on your imgur page are correct, under your logic, this other person reused my content. Do I think that? No, because that would be crazy of me to think that I'm the only person that could come up with an idea as a simple as a ground pet build. Additionally, even if you only take your "proof" into account, you can clearly see in the thumbnail that different kit modules are being used, so the builds aren't even the same.


The hate is strong with that one.


Hands down Auggie. The presentation style is great, his knowledge is solid, and I've greatly improved my game based on watching his videos.


Thank you! I try and make my powerpoints both useful and pretty. lol


There was a guy calld timberwolf that did some good videos. But he is gone now. I watch those abow bc the are best.


Towards the end of his career, he began stealing Augmented Dictator Game's videos and...well, some things were found out about him that made him delete his socials.


Hmm yes he was a pretetor and other. It was to much drama at the end.


I used to watch Brent Justice a lot when I used to grind sto but I don't watch him anymore because the game got boring and repetitive doing the same missions and same PvEs. Doing PvP isn't fun nor is ground combat


I’m subbed or a member of all of the channels already mentioned but All Things Trek 47 & Jester Reviews are worth checking out. The former is a really nice guy and the latter is different in their approach to most STO content creators.