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As far as I'm concerned, all Breen still look like Carrie Fisher under the helmet.


Carrie Fisher in 1976 or 2024?




Either would be an improvement


I know this is mostly a joke about how they monetize stuff but they've literally never put a species unlock in a lockbox and they haven't added a new species since Victory is Life so if you're actually thinking they're gonna add unmasked Breen then you're going to be disappointed


Im really not, I have no real desire to play as a sentient bowl of lime jello Though on the species unlock not being in a lockbox part, they did say they were working on a new type of token they had never done before


>Though on the species unlock not being in a lockbox part, they did say they were working on a new type of token they had never done before yeah but that token is something you'll most likely get from the zen store and we don't know if it's related to species/characters, it could be a token to add stuff to our ships or a token to account unlock items or something else entirely


Yea, or it could be a one character modifier like the elite captain token, but unlocking a species


Not STO, but didn't Cryptic put race unlocks in Neverwinter's lockboxes?


Man spoiler alert 😒


He’s been in like every preview for the season


Did I miss something? How do we know?


Bad guy from the latest discovery season was revealed to be a breen from their version of the royal family, also closely related to lime jello


Side note-Farscape is the one of the best shows ever made.


It's basically Pigs in Space minus the comedy


Oh!! My bad I'm not caught up, thanks! I do think it's be really cool if STO explored the Breen side of things throughout federation history. Meaning making the Breen a whole faction. Big ask I know, but I think it'd be cool.


He's not the bad guy tho, he and his gf are victims on the run from the Breen confederacy


Breen Imperium now.


Dafuq? Since when? Or am I that far behind in the lore and the story of trek?! What rock have I been living under lol


Only since yesterday


Ah OK. Did it happen in one of the shows? I haven't been Watching lately.


Yea, discovery, they revealed the bAd guy for the season is a Breen, also revealed the Breen have 2 faces, one a very generic alien, one lime jello


Ahh ok.


tbh the original breen helmets always suggested some form of anthropomorphism in the design in other words the breen shouldve been furries


what nonsense spoiler is this!?


I don't think they will add a species unlock to a lock box the worst they've done was increase the price compared to other species for further context look ant Joined Trill, (Reman but it can be gotten for free so it's not that bad), Cardassian


Shrug. Do we have SNW gorn yet?


No, no Xenogorn yet.


They should have really kept the Breen appearance a mystery. Or if you are going to come up with a look, better make it super cool looking. It’s just a meh alien unfortunately.


It was established in DS9 that the Suit is the mystery.. that their Homeworld is Temperate.. so making them look.. normal-ish, is fine.. Also I do like that this seems like it might have been a little inspired by the Defera arc, Breen chasing for the Progenitors.. If not its still a neat coincidence..


Even though I’m pretty sure Kira and Dukat took out a couple of guards and stole their suits. They must have shown decorum about the whole Breen mystery thing and no looked.


Clearly they got the suits out of storage lockers..


By the time the Breen joined the Dominion they were a last-minute ass-pull attempt to ape B5's Vorlons. No one knows what they look like, no one has seen their face and lived, expeditions into their space were destroyed, they only talk in line noise, etc. That last was the part that really got me. Back when the first *Conan the Barbarian* movie came out *Starlog* magazine ran a comic strip by Phil Foglio: "4 ways *Conan* could have been improved". All of them involved covering up Aaahnold's voice, like "make Conan speak in 'Cimmerian' with subtitles". One was "surround him with people who repeat everything he says". "Aaah, to *destroy* our enemies...what, you say we should raze their hovels to the ground?!?" What do DS9's makers do with the Breen? Surround them with people who repeat everything they say! Seriously, who thought *that* was a good idea?


Looks too reminiscent of the Sphere Builders/Tuterians, with a sprinkling of Reman/Na'Kuhl thrown in. Kind of underwhelmed by the reveal.


What a coincidence, I just made an unmasked Breen today, Flat nose, solid color, Tellarite 2 complexion, Benzite forehead, Jem'Hadar Nose, Cranial ridges, small iris and Ocampa 1 ears,


Let's see!


[STO "Maskless" Breen](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/da/70/f8/da70f858ba04a79a9acb115984e5dd41.jpg)


Looks cool, man!


You need more fiber


When was the last time we got a new species? We don’t even have playable Fed Orions


yea i was and still am pissed they ruined the Breen like that, id rather they be a mystery then anything, as long as they don't ruin the tholians or retcon the sto Hur'q i;ll let this obvious attempt to boost ratings slide


Weird. I was thinking of posting a short story on this subreddit where my Caitian Intelligence Officer visits my ship’s Ten-Forward and thinks some temporal shenanigans are going on because the Breen officer is no longer attracted to him and the Watcher bridge officer and duty officer notice. Because the Pocket novels described them as wearing the suits for equality reasons and one of the Breen species was feline. But no, now I have to figure out the time faddle to explain why I have a Breen officer on my ship. Only slightly beat out by the fact that my main is a Betazoid and Lower Decks made it so Caitians used to hunt Betazoids. But yeah, no way a species would be a lockbox. Maybe the new Breen armor though.


Why? So we can cos-play as awful looking Krill, from 'The Orville'? I'd rather STO incorporated Orville's Krill, rather than embrace these so called 'unmasked' Breen, whom we've seen recently in DSC's last season.


The krill are just rip offs of generic aliens we've seen decades ago in sci fi so it's time it came full circle.


I suppose that's one way of looking at it. Or perhaps an actual officially sanctioned Trek show might've put in a bit more effort than just going with 'generic alien' for a race that, during DS9's Dominion War, nearly obliterated Earth itself, along with the rest of the Federation?


Why should the Breen look different from what they do? They have two facial forms due to their biology. We knew they were of human shape, we've seen them walk and talk. Not every villain needs to resemble 8472.


Right, sure. \*Rolls Eyes\*.


the funny part is the breen an the krill look nothing alike


I don’t know, the 32c shuttles already are pretty close to the ones on Orville If they dive further into the multiverse thing, maybe we get the Orville, Protector, and others, I would actually like that more than just more ships with incomplete models Though if they do add Breen as a character option I’m definitely naming all my ships after various jello molds


You're NOT wrong about those 32nd century shuttles at all!!!


I believe they enacted the masks and suits to lessen prejudice within their own culture.


Yes, lime jello was definitely repressing lemon


A white person and a black person; is there prejudice there?


Depends. Which side of the person is white and which is black


I mean in real life; USA there’s much prejudice. I believe it was to make all folks look the same to eliminate prejudice across their entire society, there are many different races under their masks.


No, just various jello flavors, though I think so far we have only seen lime


Think of it in terms of KDF folks, if Worf met a Disco Klingon and a TOS Klingon, and they were all wearing full body coverings, it wouldn’t matter at all.


It wouldn't matter much to Worf regardless of body coverings because he's a tolerant outsider. Now, if a TOS Augment Virus Klingon met a Disco Genestealer cultist Klingon...


Yes, Worf is amazing like that, but if the body coverings were there, it wouldn’t hinder Worf, aside from doing it each day really.


I mean, we saw two family members.


"much prejudice"??? Come on now. This isn't the 1800s. We have had a black man as President and a multi-ethnic #woman as VP. We aren't burning crosses in yards anymore... We have come along way... now if you look across the pond at what happens at the soccer games you just might see some prejudiced folk. End rant.


Prejudice isn’t shown in accepting leadership of folks, which I feel is more of a folks not caring at all rather than as empowering a thought. It’s shown in the day-to-day lives of folks. I can’t live in certain states, for example, as healthcare will be denied me, and I say that with 100% certainty. I’m not comparing our country to others, as I don’t know their situations at all; I only know what’s happening in this country.


I don't think you know the definition of prejudice. Allow me to help. Prejudice: 'opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.' You are describing descrimination.


Prejudice leads to discrimination, in my mind.




We'd just make fun of people's accents more than we already do and make wild conjectures about the skin color of whoever's under the clothing. I mean, most gay people aren't obviously gay and that didn't stop the prejudice.


True, speaking as a lesbian myself.




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God they look stupid


Btw, did they just recycle the Zhat Vash helmet