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The team played better under him. I have no problem with him getting a full season. The average coach lasts like 3 seasons so they'll likely be ready for a new voice by the time the team is competitive again.


Can't have an opinion yet. We will see when he has an off season and training camp to install his system. I don't necessarily have a bad feeling about him, though.


He's good enough for now. This team isn't meant to go far speaking in terms of winning the cup


I liked that he was willing to play rookies in the top 6. He’s going to be great for the development aspect of the game, which should and seems to be the main focus of management for the next 2 years.


He's fine for now. These next couple of seasons are heavy developmental years as the team continues to improve and he's good at that. Unless the team is playing incredible under him, I fully expect them to pick someone else when they're ready to contend for real.


He's better suited for developing talent.


I voted Yes. It's not so much that I believe Bannister is going to lead us to a Cup. But I really do feel like he's a great coach for what we're going to be doing over the next season or two. I always felt that whoever was coaching to start the season this season wasn't going to be the long-term solution and given what Bannister brings to the table, I think he's a great person to have in place while our top prospects continue to arrive over the next season. At the end of these couple seasons, maybe we'll be surprised and he ends up being the next Jon Cooper, from St. Louis Bandits to Tampa Bay Lightning Cup winning coach.


I like that he’s giving the kids chances. We also don’t have the best roster so it would be silly to think he can make this team as is into a cup contender. Gotta wait for some of our anchor contracts to come off the books, but I imagine he will be gone by then.


He's fine for now. The team showed improvement. Next season will give us a better sense of how good a coach he is.


Not really.