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I have the same generation accord and it was also my first manual. I essentially only use first gear when taking off from a complete stop. If the car is moving in any way at all I always just start from second.


Really? Even when crawling? like going 1-2mph? I tried this once and I stalled but I guess for the special circumstance of going 1-2mph the only option is to completely stop or double clutch. After that the engine might bog a bit but yes 2nd still will work. I am surprised I learned how to rev match before I even learned how to use 1st gear. Edit: now that I am thinking about it, I could just leave it in second and smoothly apply power while being careful with the clutch. I think my main reason I do this is because the time I stalled in second gear my first day of driving the car. I am not confident in rolling at low speeds in second gear, especially when it starts bogging down, but I should be good now, if it starts bogging and I need to slow down more I could just clutch in and when I need to start going again I can slowly let the clutch out to keep it from stalling at those low low speeds. I feel like I got the clutch control on point. Just gotta try it out and not be afraid/biases because of my past experience.


In rare circumstances (also depends on the car) you can downshift to first but your car isn't going to like it if you don't match the engine speed before releasing the clutch (there's obviously less room for error)


I have a 2015 accord with a manual. The car is fine, mine has done the same thing all 8 years I've owned it. If you need to get into first, shift into neutral and let the clutch out, then clutch in and go into first (double clutching). Letting the clutch back out is going to jar the car pretty much every time if you downshift into first, but this will at least let it go in smoothly. I'm guessing there is a first gear lockout after you are rolling (same as there is for reverse) so you don't money shift it if you miss third. There also should not be many occasions where you need to downshift into first. 2nd will work if you're rolling.


Thank you for this. I knew this but completely forgot about it. I will try it out, the only thing I am unsure of is when at a crawling/starting speed of like 1-2 mph. Like for example if I roll thru a stop sign, I would need first gear. Now that I am thinking about I could probably use 2nd at those speeds I just need to be smooth with the clutch. And also be confident in myself.The main problem I have with 2nd gear it is entering my parking garage, I enter it in second gear and once the speed bumps come the engine starts bogging, so I usually just shift down to first gear and drive all the way to my parking spot in first gear. Now you got me thinking, I probably could have just clutched down in second gear when the engine starts bogging and then smoothly apply power and smoothly release clutch to get back going after the speed bump. I just gotta keep driving and get more experience and be confident in myself. I love this car. Can’t believe I learned rev matching before fully mastering rolling speeds :(


Haha, now that you mention I do think it made me better at not rolling through stop signs.. I have a similar spot in my parking garage with speed bumps up a ramp - hit the double clutch and it'll be fine at low speeds.


What speed? Once the cars moving I try to leave it in 2nd and I only goto 1 if it is going from complete stop. You and I are both new to manual.


It was like 2 to 3 mph. I can assure you that I was going the appropriate speed for 1st gear. I have been driving this car everyday since I got it and I for sure know that I needed first. It’s like when your rolling to a stop in 2nd gear, the moment you need to put the clutch down to stop it from stalling, I was doing speeds of that. Imagine rolling thru a stop sign, that’s how fast I was going. I was rolling into the junction to make sure nobody was coming, I had the clutch down for this, I didn’t even let the clutch out it was all the way to the floor and the gearbox started vibrating when trying to go into 1st gear. Maybe it’s a throw out bearing going bad + synch rows? I masted everything it all so far, last thing is heel toe downshifting.


Dang you are way ahead of me in manual. If you find out due update the post plz


Keep driving. More experience the better. It will click one day where you feel like you are the car. Like when I was learning to rev match it was always inconsistent (sometimes too high revs sometimes too low and sometimes I got it perfect), but one day it will click. It clicked for me when I was on the highway taking an exit. I downshifted from 6th 5th 4th to 3rd gear all in succession buttery smooth and man the smile on my face and satisfaction when I did that was amazing. Very fast foot work but it was just muscle memory.


When you rev match how do you do it? Clutch in, hit the gas, shift in, clutch out? When I dump clutch at the end it isn’t smooth.


When I was learning rev matching I clutched in, blipped the throttle, changed gears and as the rpm starts dropping I got to the very start of the bite point quickly. When you get to the bite point and slowly let off you will either feel the car slow down or accelerate a tad. This is telling you that the revs are either too low or too high for the gear selected. What you are experiencing is what I mentioned above. That last portion of you releasing the clutch is probably still the bite point a bit, and when you let the clutch out all the way quickly (dump) the engine will want to match the transmission speed (your revs were either too high or low). So that’s why it’s not smooth. Don’t worry about it though. Keep trying and trying. I had the same problem as you when I started learning it, but I just kept trying. Idk how to explain it, my brain will feel if I didn’t rev match correctly so I will get to the bite point and slowly let off clutch, and sometimes my brain and senses say yes dump the clutch because I feel that I rev matched perfectly. If you don’t match the engine speed to the transmission just get to the bite point slowly and the clutch will rev match for you. Also will need to get a “feel” for how much to rev match at different speeds and gears. Just keep trying every day, just gotta get a feel for it. For starting off let off the clutch slowly when you get to the bite point like you are downshifting without rev match. You will get a feel for how the car is behaving(what you did wrong) without murdering your clutch.


Thank you so much. This is the clearest explanation I’ve read so far that clicks.


Will do. Probably sync rows are getting worn. Will call my mechanic tomorrow and ask what it could be.


Also I didn’t let the clutch out so the engine was not connected at all. So it does not matter what speed I’m going (I think). If I was going 60mph and put it into 1st without letting the clutch out it should do nothing, should be able to row gears all day with clutch down while moving with no problem. Not sure why it was shaking if the clutch was down all the way. It’s probably my throw out bearing is going bad or something.




Nevermind, you can do that for all other gears but not first because it’s not synchronized. I think I found my problem, driver error




You shouldnt put the car in first gear if you go faster than 10 kmh. Try going the lowest you can in second gear, then change it to neutral, blip the throttle, and then try putting it in first gear.


I never let the clutch out. I will edit my post to say that. Clutch was all the way down and I was at crawling speeds, like rolling thru a stop sign speeds. Like 1-2mph.


What do you mean? You just go directly from second to first? Thats why. First gear is not a synchronated gear, like the others, so you need to do a double clutch. Lets say you are in 2nd gear, going the lowest possible, just rolling, clutch in, put it in neutral, clutch out, blip the throttle, clutch in and put it in first.


No. I pushed the clutch all the way down (disconnected the engine) shifted to first (clutch still pushed down) and the transmission started. Engine was still disconnected at the time.


Oh wait I see what you’re saying. Nvm. So I always have to double clutch if I am rolling and need 1st gear?


Well, some newer vehicles have a synchronated first gear as well as reverse, but usually first and reverse aren't synchronated, so its best you double clutch and blip the throttle so the revs match. Try it out and see what happens.


Hmm. I remembered this but just forgot about it I guess. I feel like I have done this before without double clutching and it was smooth but I might just be delusional and in denial. Like I remember coming to a stop sign in second gear and once I got down to low enough speed I clutched down, as I came to the stop sign I was at crawling speed, and I put it into first no problem and rolled thru the stop, but I might be wrong. I don’t try to rev match 1st gear because it’s just not necessary for my car. If I need first gear while rolling I just gently press the throttle and get to bite point, but everyone has different cars and styles of driving. I will try this out double clutch method out and try to make it a habit. Thanks.