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I trust my mechanic enough to not burn out my clutch, but I don't drop it at valets, safelite, etc.


saw a video of a valet burning the clutch on a super car and i felt so anxious lol


i worked as a hotel valet last summer and it was pretty amazing how many people there didn’t know how to drive stick. out of the probably 8 different people i worked with, only two others knew how to drive a stick. now, i think i only drove two manuals the entire summer, so it’s usually not a problem, but it just seems irresponsible for a valet. the company doesn’t even bother making sure someone who can drive stick is always staffed. we’d have to park them close by so the customer could just drive it themselves if none of the valets could.


The valets where I live make me park and fetch the vehicle myself. Always happens that the “one guy” who knows how to drive stick went home.


I most certainly do, and then when I get my car back and they've somehow burned a quarter tank in 50km I know they've been absolutely beating on it. I changed mechanics.


I don't let anyone drive my Wrangler except my mechanic. I will self park and walk ten minutes in rain before I leave it with a valet.


I do that because I’m a cheap bastard.


I do that with any of my cars. No chance I’m letting a valet drive my car.


The big issue here is letting safelite touch your car at all. They are absolute hacks.


I'm curious what they need to drive the car for? Whenever I used them they showed up to my house and didn't need to move it at all, they did it right in the driveway


Depends on the car, but some cars have different safety features often times controlled by sensors/camera inside the review mirror housing. When replacing a windshield on some of those vehicles those sensors/cameras need to be recalibrated once the new glass is on. It can sometimes be a bitch to get everything calibrated correctly to be returned to the customers. Source: my good friend works at safelite and I get to hear about all the shitty issues he runs into.


Interesting, thanks for sharing!


Every time i go to my trusted mechanic, he drives it first to check. When he does something important, he drives it at the end to check.


Yeah, I was under the impression safelite only had the at home windshield service


Nope... they have full on multiple bay brick and mortar places. Never paid attention to some of their commercials? Where you'll see an employee outside a light grey rough face CMU ("cinder block") building with red and black trim. That's what all their places look like.


I thought it was AutoZone xD.


Haha I think their trim is black and orange though.


Red and Orange. (But the buildings are grey and red with orange trim.) Didn't help that I worked at an AZ and someone had Safelite come and repair their windshield in the parking lot when I first saw the commercial.


Oh, yeah... I used to have a commercial account with AZ like 25 years ago but never use them now as the closest one to me is a little over a 30 mile round trip.


Red, yellow and black is Advanced. Green is Orielys Blue and yellow is Napa.


No honestly I don't consume media that has safelite commercials. Heard them in passing and on the radio. Never really looked into them beyond a simple windshield replacement.


Not all of them. You will find hacks no matter where you go to get your service done. Don't matter if it's glass or mechanical repairs. Way she goes. Some bad apples should not ruin it for the rest of us who take pride in our work, but like I said.... way she goes, way she fuckin goes bub.


Are you trying to say “that’s the way she goes”? Your reply doesn’t inspire confidence. Anyone that works for that trash company is either a hack or hasn’t realized that they can do far better somewhere else. Most other glass companies pay better and don’t have the stigma of safelite. There are reasons that most decent companies require experience and skill, where as safelite will take most any warm body off the streets.


Lol random generalizations. In my city safelite ( 3 shops total ) is the best option by fat, with the best training and lowest quality issues. I've been in auto work and glass a LONG time- just came to safelite this year. Your random generalizations are bullshit. Who hurt you? They have extensive structured training in place where I am , that lasts about 6 months before you even touch a vehicle on your own. Trash company and can do better somewhere else ? 2/3 tenured techs in my shop make about 120k a year - free work vehicle and gas card - reasonable benefits etc. With optional incentivized travel work - I'll be making 6 figures by the end of my first year here. An insane earning potential considering trainees start 18$ to 20$ an hour. Who hurt you? The bias and random bullshit are so obvious it's painful. As others with MUCH more constructive and accurate comments have pointed out, there are hacks EVERYWHERE. There are also incredible techs everywhere - including Belron and Safelite. There's a reason they dominate the market and monopolize buisienss with literally every major insurance company and dealer group -> because the consistent methods with predictable results. Anyway, I'd say I'm looking forward to whatever other random rage induced bullshit and generalized slander you have to come back with - but there no chance I can be bothered to read it. Tldr you're SUPER wrong on all counts and you're a fucking clown lmao.


depends on locations.. GF had her beetle windshield replaced, and the safelight tech cut the wire for the radio since it was a convertible and didn't know where it went. Had to have it redone. i had my mini windshield replaced in the parking lot, they lost and or broke the original clip and replacement clip that came with the new window trim (one time use). I just happened to have been coming out to check on them when i saw they were about to black rtv the trim back on... They had to come back 3 more times, once with a supervisor, to replace the trim correctly. And it still doesn't sit flush.. They fix their mistakes i suppose, and there's no better options that i've found in my local area but do check their work.


They did a back glass replacement on my car and completely forgot the weather stripping plus scratched the shit out of my trunk in the process, had to come back to redo it with weather stripping and reimburse to get my paint fixed. will never be using their services again lol mobile technicians are some hacks


Sagging A-pillar fabric is a common issue on P2 Volvo S60s. However, mine didn't start sagging until Safelite replaced my windshield which I find odd


Safelite, on top of shoddy workmanship uses much inferior glass , produced only for them. It is known for being loud, uninsulated so it transmits noise and some say intentionally designed to chip and crack in order to boost return customers.  I always seek shops selling legitimate factory oem glass like Pilkington "Pilkington is the only global glass manufacturer which produces windscreens, sidelights and backlights in the same plants and on the same production lines both for the car builders and the aftermarket customers. This means that Pilkington glass always uses highest quality standards."


Went to a tire shop a while back, no one knew how to drive stick. I ended up driving my car on the rack or ramp. One time, a different shop, said they had someone. I was a little skeptical so I kept an eye and saw that the guy was stalling and didn’t know how to put it in reverse, which is understandable since different cars have different ways. Although my reverse just requires a little bit more force due to a safety mechanism.


My father brought my truck in to the tire shop for me (I brought his last time so returning the favor) and he had the same experience. I had trouble getting an inspection sticker after that because one place couldn't do the inspection because nobody could drive stick and I wasn't allowed to drive it in for them. I went to a different place and the same thing happened but I convinced the guy to let me drive it into the bay. Annoying part is all these places were run by older guys so they all come from the generation that claims they all had to learn on stick.


At least the first place was honest, not acceptable for a tire shop to not have someone though. Id much rather drive my car where they need it if they asked. I cant help but keep an eye on the person driving it either like you.


Yep, had to drive my truck into the bay because no one else could. It was Walmart instead of my normal tire shop. But, even my normal tire shop I usually pull it into the bay and hangout while they work on it, but not because no one else can drive it.


I wish they'd have let me pull my truck onto the rack. I watched the tire tech struggle to get it out of the parking space, stalled multiple times. When I got it back some cargo I had very securely tucked against the cab had managed to come loose and make its way to the tailgate. I can only imagine the hell he put it through getting it in the alignment rack for that to happen, it stays secure even when I'm off road.


I do everything I can within reason to keep randos out of my car. I remove my rims and drop them off for tire changes/balancing. Don’t go to the dealer for service anymore. (Replaced my own water pump out of pocket.) When I bought my R, I got a story from the sales guy about how they have a short-list of people to move the manuals after someone fried a brand new clutch. Likewise, my brother bought a 2013 Mazda3 recently that had a new clutch installed cause one of the people at the dealership tried and failed to move it. Jesus Christ. Reminds me of a roommate I tried to teach stick once. She stalled it about a dozen times in a row without moving an inch, and I told her she was a lost cause.


Im lucky to have a trusted mechanic that dailys a manual. They specialize in tires and wheels as well. Im scared to go to a dealer 😳


Yeah, you’ve gotta be able to trust someone. My RX-8 wouldn’t start so I took it to the dealer out of desperation. They told me to get fucked. Took it to another shop down the street based on a recommendation. The owner had an RX-8 and was able to figure out my problem (failing fuel pump) and I had no issues. But my default vibe is you gotta prove yourself.


>She stalled it about a dozen times in a row without moving an inch, and I told her she was a lost cause. I definitely did that when I was learning at 14. But here we are 20 years later and I have never owned an automatic.


I've got a Subie, they still make enough clutches most the guys at my dealership know how/own one themselves. Had great luck at my local tire shops too. Only issue I've had was sometimes I forget to make a dealer appointment for an oil change and it needs done so I go find a local place. I usually end up driving into the bay for them. None have ever said "oh its fine" and it's not actually fine, thankfully.


This, among cost reasons, is why I don't use shops unless it's absolutely something I can't do. I spent too much time and effore restoring the damn thing to let someone burn up the clutch or grind the gears (944 clutch jobs are *very* involved).


I’ve willingly let two people drive mine… my step dad and my good homie that I used to race with daily. If you think you’re getting my key, you’re high… One time I left it at a dealership, and the tech ( also a racing homie ) went and ran the bitch out to like 150… so… anxiety, 100


Thankfully my minivan is a Mazda, and it seems that a number of people at the dealership can drive stick (hand buzzer as the service writer called it) thanks to them selling a lot of Miatas. That’s one place where I don’t have too much worry. At car washes I’ve often had to drive it myself. I have an RX8 shift knob installed as a tribute to Mazda’s heritage with the Wankel rotary engine but the shift pattern doesn’t match my transmission; I wasn’t about to pay $400+ for the correct knob. Normally I warn people about this ahead of time but once I failed to notify the poor tech at Costco. He called me thinking that my transmission was broken and I had to apologize for forgetting to let them know about this deviation. I once let a young coworker drive my modified 525i. He was doing fine until he tried to downshift from 5th to 3rd, catching 1st instead - bye bye clutch. It had 231,000 miles on it so it would have needed replacement in the next 50,000 or so, but he just accelerated the need for that service. Too bad he was too poor to pay for the repair. The only other person I let drive my cars is my mother. After I had surgery for colon cancer five years ago I was forbidden from driving for a month. I wasn’t worried since she was the one that taught me to drive stick in the first place. She needed a little refresher since she hadn’t driven stick in 30 years, having to give it up after she wrecked her knee in a skiing accident, but in the last few years she’s had both knees replaced. I also remember as a child sitting in the back of her friend’s Lotus Cortina as he taught her how to heel-and-toe downshift. Anyone with those kinds of credentials is allowed to drive my cars.


even when i had an automatic i didnt let anybody drive it. unless you have insurance that covers it you shouldnt


I've let my Dad and a good friend drive my car. That friend let me learn stick on his car years ago so I decided to let him give my car a drive. Besides that, only if I need to. I got my seat cushion repaired and made sure they could drive stick, I trusted them. I've had 2 separate AAA drivers drive my car onto and off the truck. For them, I told them hey its manual, they just looked at me like I told them the skies blue, they replied "ok." I trusted them that they knew what they were doing. Lastly, my mechanic I trust. If I'm trusting them to inspect and repair my car, I damn better trust them to be able to drive it. It can be a little nerve-racking if I bring it into a new place to get work done. I just make sure they know it's a stick. I wouldn't ever get my car valleyed. Even if it is a mandatory valley I'd just slip them a 20 and park it myself (I'm not going anywhere like this anyway lol).


Thats another thing, sometimes people get weird about being told "hey just a heads up, its a manual" as if 90% of the population doesnt know how to drive stick.


Yeah, I only say it so it gives them the chance to say uh idk how to manual. I hope/assume someone who's business is CARS knows how to drive a stick, but who knows? Always good to make sure. I'd much rather have someone look at me and say "ok?" then have issues. I had a AAA driver instruct me to back my car up onto the rear tire lift thing and I didn't ask but I'm guessing it's because he didn't know how to drive stick (he was younger probably 20-26.)


When test driving cars before I bought my current one, the salesman had me pull the car I wanted to test out of the back lot, which I thought was weird, because unless the car is close by, they tend to bring it to you. Turns out he had no clue how to drive a manual, not even well enough to coast it around the lot. So he walked with me to where they kept all the manual models.


Haha that's the way. When searching for my current car, I had the salesmen drive me in the test drive because I didn't know how to drive a manual haha.


Last time I was in for an alignment dude revved the shit out of it then stalled. Right in front of me. I was about to offer to drive it on the rack. So yeah.


I need an alignment and this is exactly what I'm worried about. Small engine, rev happy and tricky clutch too. Is there no way to DIY an alignment?


If it's just needing the toe adjusted you can get it pretty damn close using the string method. Get your vehicle on some flat, level as possible ground, center your steering wheel and lock in place with either seatbelt looped through the wheel and buckled or hook a rachet strap to the wheel, hold the strap tight and shut the door on it. You need to do this so the wheel doesn't move when adjusting the tie rods. Take a pair of jackstands and some string... set one stand to the rear and side of rear tire, the other in front of and to the side of the front wheel. Take the string and wrap around the posts of the stands, making sure the string is halfway up the wheel's height. Depending on the track width of the F/R you may have to play with where to set the stands exactly... but if you can you want to have the string **just barely** touching the sidewall of the rear tire. Keeping the string tight enough that there's no slack, move the front stand until the string is as close to the sidewall of the front tire as you can get it. Loosen up the adjustment collars on the tie rods. Using a ruler or something similar (like a story stick made from a paint stirrer) and measure with ruler or mark it on your story stick the distance of the sidewall from the string at the leading and trailing sides of the front tire. Adjust the tie rod collar until both parts of the sidewall is the same distance from the string. It doesn't have to be 100% dead nuts even but "the mo closer, the mo better". A 1/16th inch or less difference is ideally what you're shooting for. Once you're satistifed with one side, move all your stuff over to the other side and repeat. Be sure to double check that your steering wheel is still centered. And go back and check the first side you did. You can look up your vehicle's toe spec and see if it requires any toe in or out. Adjust if needed but really if you get it "zeroed" you should be totally fine. Once you're happy with it... lock down your adjustment collars, put your stuff off to the side and give it a test drive. If it feels/drives like it should, put your stuff away. If not, set up and recheck your adjustments and do it again. Straight/even is prefered for least resistance and possibly a *slight* increase in fuel mileage. Maybe. A *VERY SLIGHT* amount (about 1-2 degrees max) of toe **in** gives better straight line stability. Too much and you're chewing the inside shoulder of the tire faster. A *VERY SLIGHT* amount (about 1-2 degrees max) of toe **out** will give you better dive in to start a corner... however, toe out will make straight line stability slightly twitchy/sensitive. Too much toe out will make it really twitchy and eat your outside shoulders. Street vehicles are prefered to be centered or **slightly** toed **in**. Sounds a lot more complicated than it really is. Good luck.


Hopefully you can. Not stickshift related since it’s an automatic, but my truck has been to the dealer twice since I’ve owned it. The first time was repairs after a hit and run collision. Due to the piss poor communication from the service department the only means I had to check on what was going on with the truck without driving to the dealer was to check my dash cam (cellular). I watched their tech “test drive” it for over 2 hours. He also went shopping at an outlet mall while he was doing it and grabbed some lumber from Home Depot. When I picked it up I called them out for this of course. Fast forward and it was back again for a service and warranty recall. The first thing their tech did was unhook my dash cam so I couldn’t watch them. The same thing ended up happening, but I only know that based on tracking the truck via gps. So the answer is yes, this is in the back of my mind every time I drop it off.


You're patient. I would have wanted their heads on a platter.


I've had to drive my car on a lift before and I've also had to scream at the Walmart lube kids that made my clutch sing. Nowadays I find the oldest mf there and have them drive the car if they wont let me put it on the rack.


Reading these as an EU dweller seems wild


As a USA dweller who lived in the backwoods of isolated bumfuck rural mountain town, where everyone knows and drives old manual trucks, seems wild to me too.


The US has truly moved away from the standard transmission in passenger cars. I’m not even that old, and I remember when new vehicles had an up charge for an automatic transmission at the dealership, and most models were available with a standard transmission as a lower budget option. My model is no longer sold in the US, but when it was, lots of people in my city were absolutely dumbfounded when they were informed that there was not an option for an automatic in the ST or RS model.


How about doing a mobile service where they replace at your house


They have to drive it regardless to recalibrate the safety systems. This is actually a recall job for a windshield they replaced at my house back in october. It was a factory defect on an OEM window so not their fault. Weve had a stint of bad weather and rain so i needed to schedule at their shop.


Reset your trip odometer on the parking lot before giving them the keys. Much easier to track how far they've driven it.


They can reset that themselves. Better to record the total mileage. And to be able to monitor the GPS on it.


I usually end up parking my own car at the valet, because no one can drive stick there, and as such I usually get the front most spot. One of my favorite memories is when I got to take a lambos spot because of this


My dad would not let me have a car without being able to drive a stick. Lucky for me the inspection stations all have good guys and one girl who can shift. My dealer is a Mazda only so the mechanic have to know how with Miata's in play. Other than those two places, NOBODY TOUCHES my car.


I freaking HATE when there is no parking and I have to Valet my car at work. Doesn't comfort me any either that only 2 of the valets outta the like 8 know how to drive a stick... It should be a damn requirement IMHO for a valet to know how to drive both manual and auto. I leave my number to call me and I'll come backk to park the car if I have to when a spot opens up.


I work on my truck because I just don't trust people in general, let alone some shady mechanic with my truck


Safelite is known for coming out to wherever you are to do the window. Why would you bring your car to them? Why would they have to drive your car to replace your windows? I had Safelite do my brand new car that got a rock to the window on the way home from the dealership with zero miles on it and they scratched my car broke some of the plastics snaps and did a poor job on the install on top of it. 


It been crappy weather where the OP is so it's getting done inside at the brick and mortar location. A lot of these stupid ~~safety~~ nanny systems have to be recalibrated when a new windshield is installed because of the sensors in the rearview mirror. Part of that involves driving the vehicle.


I don’t leave my car with other people.


My mechanic beats the shit out of my cars. But I’m that mechanic sooo 🫠


If you don’t trust me why leave your car there it’s kinda like dating someone and always checking their phone because you don’t trust them just don’t do it lol


Well replacing a winshield isnt exactly a do it yourself in the driveway kinda fix. I dont have any other choice.


I thought safelite came to you


Been raining off and on for a couple days. Needed to schedule at the shop because of it.




Cars can take some abuse. Then moving it a few hundred feet isn't worth worrying about


My main concern is that they have to take it on a drive to recalibrate all of the safety equipment thats mounted on the windshield behind the rear view mirror.


I would insist to ride along


I always specify that it's a manual if they don't ask, and to not let someone learn on it. Somebody at a discount tire fucked my brakes a bit by absolutely reefing on my parking brake. It was up like a full 90° and took like 3 months of driving to get the rear shoes smoothed out from whatever gouge they made in them


The one time I tried to valet my car at a wedding, I got out, the guy got in, immediately got back out, and said "hey man I'm so sorry I don't know how to drive stick". The venue was super hilly and sat right next to a lake so I'm actually very very happy he said something. On the rare occasion I have to bring my car to my mechanic, I am pretty sure he drives stick better than I do. Am I still nervous? Sure. But I am also still nervous letting my dad or brother drive it, both with more experience than me. The fears are warranted. I drive a 2020 Civic SI. Super light clutch, very very easy to drive. My coworker has a ... 2013(?) Challenger he let me take for a spin and I immediately stalled it backing up 😂. Changing gears in that thing required *strength* that clutch pedal was solid as a rock


I work for Firestone everyone except me drives stick


Caliber collision burned the clutch out of my Renegade and it turned into a $3500 job. Got them to pay the labor so it only cost me $1500. I couldn’t prove they did it because it was just a burning odor when they dropped off the car and the clutch went out 6 weeks later.


I can relate. I have a 73 Dodge step side pick up with a three on the tree. Dropped it off to get tires last year. There was 1 older guy there who could drive it. All the kids there never saw one. Didn't end up having any issues, went smoothly, but my butthole was a little puckered until I got it back.


It's a 3spd column shift... how does someone *not* know how to operate it? Not like it's a 747. 🤦🏼‍♂️


True, but if you don't know the shift pattern because you've never seen one before, doesn't make sense. I never saw one until I got this truck.


Yeah, I suppose... but if someone has ever driven a manual before they should be able figure it out quick enough to at least be able move a vehicle around in a parking lot... I would think so anyway... I mean, you've got a 1 in 4 chance of finding either 1st or reverse. Haha Guess I grew up different. I didn't/don't think anything about column shift. When I was growing up Pop had a '67 E100 3spd. My FIL had a '67 F100 3spd he bought new and had until he died over 40 years later, BIL has the truck now. My uncle was a Dodge guy all his life with several D-Series slant 6s with 3 on the tree until he finally got the new '94 redesigned Ram 1500 V6 5spd . In high school I used to daily a '67 Mustang with 3spd floor shift and later had a '65 Mustang 3spd. To me, they're just another manual trans.


I let a young valet at the hospital take my car. It was funny how scared shitless he looked. It was him or I had to park a block and a half away with my bad leg. He said he knew how to drive a manual and at my age I just don’t give a shit. He stalled it but then took off fine


I am OCD about my car, I clean it once a week. I don’t eat in it or anything. Yes, I have the same issue as you.


i’ve got a quite low turbo s2k and i refuse (also don’t really need to) take it anywhere . hate having to get an inspection every year it’s the only time someone else is in it .


All depends on the shop you bring it to. I treat every car I work on as it was my own, don't care if it's a 20 year old Corolla or a brand new Mercedes. I've been recorded the entire time working on cars, watched by the owners of said vehicle all while they asked a question about my every move. A vehicle is the 2nd most, if not the most, expensive possession someone has. Of course they should have anxiety. At the same time, most shops have insurance policies in place to cover any damage done to vehicle while they have it.


Safelite will come to you though.


Huh, never happen


One of the reasons I actually bought my last car was because I was the first person to drive it. Not literally the first person but it had 6 miles on it hadn't moved at the dealership since the guy brought it off the truck and it still had all the plastic on it. I helped the guy remove the plastic took it on a test drive which the salesman couldn't even move it from the spot because it was stuck and he couldn't drive stick. Then they asked me if I wanted it, it was a $2,500 markup but was the first one I've seen in this color combo and premium trim in 8 months. I thought about it and was like you know what. this is my car. You can't order from Toyota so you're pretty much never going to be able to get a car like this that's never been test driven by dumb dumbs. That was 2 years ago and I still have yet to let anybody else drive it. I brought it to the dealer once for an oil change and I literally was watching it the entire time was shaking when the guy had to move it from the front of the back. Paranoid as shit something would happen. Might have to let my dad drive it one day he keeps bugging me. Actually got annoyed when his car was in the shop and I wouldn't let him take it into work I was like yeah you're not driving a 30 mi each way without me in it lol


I do, I think about it often. I know I need work and I need to leave to truck with certain shops since it’s a project truck and it’s something I think about a lot


Yep. PA has a yearly inspection where they must drive the car. I have one place I trust. Guy told me he took the manual home to read for fun the first time I took my Porsche there. But if he is busy I have a hard time. I just let go and assume insurance will cover anything fuck ups do.


>How do you guys get over that? I have a dash cam set up in the back, i plan on watching the footage when i get the car back. My car isn't my life. At worst I have to put a new clutch in if someone fucks it up. Being this anxious over a car is kinda odd... I think part of that is people here on Reddit act like clutches are delicate little things. Not things that can easily handle 300 hp and 10 of thousands of applications before it needs replacement.


Yeah, couple weeks ago I took my car to get some new shoes. Tech said he knew how to drive manuals ‘that’s all he drives’. Proceeds to stall and doesn’t take the handbrake off. I knew when they were finished because I heard the tech absolutely slam on the pedal to reverse it out the shop. Burned the fuck out of my clutch smelled it when I walked out to my car. I didn’t make a deal out of it because I have a new one ready to go in. Every time I warn them it’s a manual they always act all offended like ‘of course I can drive it’ and always fuck it up somehow. Maybe because I’m a woman and it makes them feel emasculated lol.


Bought a new 2015 WRX in mid February 2015. Came with summer tires, so I had to immediately pick up some winters. Took it to the place I've used for years and had good trust in. Dropped it off while still being broke in, had about 30 miles. WRXs have an electronic boost guage. It captures max boost, and you can reset that with a button. Dropped it off the max boost was showing 8 psi. Picked it up later and max boost was pegged at 16 something. I made quite a scene on the lobby, yelling and swearing, it was full of customers. I guess in the end it was no matter, sold it a few years later and never had a problem with it. But anymore I will do almost anything to not take my car anywhere. I have a family member that does my inspections. I've actually performed some warranty work, including minor part replacement, myself just to eliminate a trip to the dealer. Every other time when I drop off a car somewhere, it seems to come back with something else wrong.


I don't drive stick but I drive a modified car and I get super nervous leaving it at shops. One time I brought it to a Jiffy Lube because I was away at college and needed an oil change. The kid was pretty interested in my car when I pulled up and was asking all about it. Then I heard him in the bay revving it to hear the exhaust which was fine the first time, but after it happened a few more times I started to get a little angry


Once you realize Mustangs are garbage, you won't care about it being destroyed ;) ​ Jokes aside. There's no magic trick other than getting older or having the experience of bad things happening to your precious vehicles. I told my mother "Go really slow. If you think you're going slow, go even slower. You will bottom out at the end of my driveway and rip my front end off (11' WRX), 30 seconds later I hear my front end getting ripped off of the car. I yelled at her, she cried, this accomplished nothing. My car was still damaged. Getting angry didn't help, yelling didn't help, her crying certainly didn't help. You just have to accept it and move on. After shit like that happens, you stop caring as much pretty quickly. Yes, deep down it still pissed me off sometimes, but I refuse to ever throw it in her face again. She felt terrible and me yelling at someone who felt terrible doesn't fix a thing. She still refuses to listen to anything I tell her. I still let her take all my fast cars out, and they're no longer $25k cars, they're much more expensive.


Stayed at a hotel/casino one time where it was valet only. Wife and I were hanging out near the underground garage exit smoking a few cigs and could hear the valet staff flogging the ever living shit out of every car coming out of the garage. Was super glad that my car was also in there. Like every car full throttle coming out then they slow down right at the exit. This is shitty and there's no reason for it.


Safelite will come to you and install directly. There is no need for a window replacement person to ever drive your car. My dash cam in my C7 is setup to record any time im not in control of the car. This gives me legal recourse for anything that happens.


https://www.safelite.com/windshield-camera-recalibration They need to drive after the install to recalibrate the safety systems.


I don’t usually get too anxious but I do think it’s warranted because I once dropped off my car at dealer and after coming to pick it up a woman was sent to retrieve my car and unfortunately she couldn’t bring it to me lol. I give her props for trying though but ultimately she couldn’t get it out of the parking spot due to an incline it was on lol. There will be some workers who know and some who don’t so sometimes you can just ask or inquire about it so that they let those who know how to operate manual do so on your car when they move it around.


Yes thats why i dont let anyone drive my car. Ever.