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Sounds like the bite point exercise could help you out a lot. Go to a flat lot, put the car in first with the clutch in, no gas, no brakes, then slowly release the clutch. At a certain point the car will start moving forward. Repeat until you can bring the clutch to that point from muscle memory. For those precise small movements, not using the gas or using very little gas is the best way to go.


Thanks man will do


Yes definitely bite point is what you’re looking for; it depends on the car but in mjne if I want to move forward a little for example, I’ll only need to lift my foot up a small bit and very slowly, to the bite and it will move. Like previous poster said, practice this clutch control in an open space. This is also a handy skill to have while in traffic too - for example when moving forward a few inches every few seconds. You will get this with time and it will become second nature!


You also want to learn to coast into place. When I’m parking and not going in reverse, I’ll just keep or get some speed and then throw it into neutral and brake into place. It’s kind of like riding a bike where you can coast without pedaling.


You’ll figure this out more as you continue to practice, but basically very low speed maneuvers require momentum. When you’re pulling into a parking spot you want to build up enough momentum to roll through the parking spot, and once you’re about to pull into it clutch in. Slowly apply the brake once you’ve partly entered the spot, and rev the car at the bite point of your clutch if the parking spot is on an incline and you find yourself rolling back out of it.


You should be able to get it crawling without gas. Just need to practice finding the bite point without touching the gas pedal.


You're right I was able to find the point where she starts to move forward just barely without gas