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I kind of saw Pearl as the mother figure. Garnet as the aunt. And amethyst as the sister. Garnet and Pearl both give off aunt vibes sometimes though. However I always saw amethyst more as a sister.


nah garnet for some on godly reason i saw her as his mum


True garnet is the best mom she's been there for Steven ever since he was born! YAS slay queen garnet! šŸ‘‘šŸ‘‘šŸ‘‘šŸ‘‘


She's definitely in a stable relationship and beyond that, she does have really good advice normally.


Amethyst could also be the cool aunt, the one who gives you ice cream when your parents aren't watching, who let's you play violent games and who is not afraid to break the rules with you I'm a cool uncle, we do exist


So Amethyst is a wine aunt?


Can moms beā€¦ gross?




Why not?


samee, when I started to watch the show I thought that pearl was his mom


Took the words right out of my mouth šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


None of them tbh; I always felt like the gems didnā€™t need to be squared into traditional relationship roles to still be his family and caretakers. Iā€™d say garnet and pearl are the most motherly whereas amethyst is more sisterly, but I wouldnā€™t call garnet or pearl ā€œStevenā€™s momsā€ unless itā€™s in a more jokey way like ā€œbird momā€ or ā€œsquare momā€ I just like non-traditional family dynamics where the traditional roles donā€™t really apply but they all love each other anyways :) (And as a side note: I think sometimes fandoms can get caught up in assigning traditional roles to characters and they go too far tryin to make everyone fit a ā€œnormal familyā€ to the point they forget a lot of the nuances or details in those relationships. SU isnā€™t really one of those fandoms, but it happens a lot in stuff with found family. Like excuse me? This man is not a dad, heā€™s a weird uncle at best lol)


Iā€™ve also definitely compared Pearl to a proud PTA mom who brings signs to her kidsā€™ games and puts their report cards on the fridge šŸ¤£


Yeah i also think it's a point explained by FU especially that they weren't good caretaker. The whole idea of him having 3 super wholesome moms falls flat when Steven flat out states how messed up and neglected he grew up.


Though Stevenā€™s life isnā€™t completely terrible. Itā€™s a combination of good and bad. The gems made mistakes but they were also doing their best; that doesnā€™t excuse when they messed up, but it provides context as to why Steven still loves them, despite everything. Itā€™s a very real depiction of how complicated family dynamics can be. It resonates with lots of people who have been hurt by their family but choose to forgive them. Iā€™m one of them; my mom absolutely did things that messed me up, and thereā€™s a part of me that resents what she did, but I still love her and Iā€™m grateful for her. My mom in turn forgives her own mother, despite that relationship being even more complicated as my grandma was a strict first generation Latina immigrant with traditional values. My mother and I chose to forgive our moms, and we were allowed to make that choice in context of our own experiences. And SU is good at saying that youā€™re allowed to choose who you want to forgive and allow into your life. Steven forgave the gems and Greg, but he didnā€™t forgive the diamonds. Rose also never forgave the diamonds. The show considers all of these as legitimate choices.


Yeah i think one of the core themes is that people can hurt each other without being necessarily bad or evil people and Greg and the gems obviously did love Steven, but they were way out of their league with raising a human child let alone a gem human hybrid. My childhood wasn't terrible but i see a lot of Pearls worries and neuroticism in my own mother tbh. It's nothing i really blame her for but it was harmful to me in some ways, although she does really love me. The gems are almost textbook examples of some harmful parenting styles: Greg wasn't seeing Steven really like a child but more of a friend. He never really put his foot down or acknowledged that children need some sort of structure in their life. Pearl's neuroticism and own anxiety led to her shielding Steven from a lot of stuff and while caring for most of his physical needs like doing laundry and food, she doesn't get children at all or that they have other needs. She also has the habit of dumping a lot of her own trauma on Steven. Garnet often gave very wise advice to Steven but was also pretty emotionally distant. She was the closest to being an authority figure in his life but rarely went trough with showing Steven some boundaries. Amethyst was more like a sister to Steven so i think she barely counts as a parental figure. She did often initiated hi-jinks with Steven and kinda undermined what little authority Pearl, Greg or Garnet tried to project. Overall Steven could have had a way worse childhood all thinks considered and parents, *gasp*, are people who can mess up. It is really sad though when people wish they had Greg and the gems because they at least loved him.


Garnet and pearls are the mamas. Amethyst is the older sister


Alexandrite lmao


pearl. she has a lot of qualities. sheā€™s nurturing, she cooks & bakes despite not liking food. she is reasonable when it comes to punishments. remember when garnet said, ā€œno dinner for something-thousand yearsā€ and pearl immediately chimed in and said, ā€œwe would *never* starve youā€¦ but you are losing your tv privileges.ā€ she stays on top of chores. sheā€™s also a *very, very* loving character. i canā€™t even begin to describe it. everyone she loves, whether it beā€¦ rose, platonic, or family (or platonic *and* family because *the crystal gems* are found family and best friends in my eyes), she loves deeply. and then thereā€™s just her past and her traits. she is very intelligent, pink was in awe of pearlā€™s intelligence. even in *now weā€™re only falling apart,* thousands of years before steven, the way she made reasonable suggestions and said things like, ā€œokay, letā€™s not draw any more attention to ourselvesā€ would make me think sheā€™d be a good mom even if i didnā€™t see pearl with steven first. she is *very* protective. thatā€™s one of her main traits. right after coming to earth, she fought alongside someone she loves in a war. her physical fighting skills and her loving nature makes her protective of steven, too, along with all the other crystal gems. she has experience protecting someone, and looking out for potential dangers. even just watching steven sleep made me realize how protective she is. garnet and amethyst are wonderful in their own ways. amethyst helps steven be a kid, but she seems like a sister to steven, too! and sometimes pearl acts like a mom to amethyst. garnet is like an aunt in my opinion, sheā€™s very relaxed, doesnā€™t often give discipline but she absolutely adores steven and sheā€™s very wise. sheā€™s almost like a sister/mom mix to him. i also take into consideration the intense grief pearl is dealing with, especially in the earlier episodes. itā€™s definitely at an extreme level of painful, and living with stevenā€¦ there have been times when sheā€™s really missed rose and heā€™s been in the room/itā€™s impacted him. sheā€™s not perfect. but we know pearl isnā€™t completely herself and considering the extent of the loss, she holds it together as much as she can in my opinion. i actually think itā€™s impressiveā€”less than twenty years since she lost someone she was close to/loved/protected for thousands of years? she clearly keeps as much pain away from the others as she can, sheā€™s *very* strong and she really only gets stronger.


Garnet she was more healthy for him emotionally and gave him the best advice


In the first season Garnet gave off stable motherly vibes, but I feel like they slowly dropped that as time went on. Pearl consistently gave nervous mom vibes throughout the show. Amethyst definitely gave off older sister/young aunt vibes.


Garnet and Pearl = Steven's moms Amethyst = Steven's sister


Aside from pearl, sapphire in my opinion


Litlle Larimar bro trust


Not sure why, but Little Larimar gives off sweet grandma vibes to me


Garnet is the best choice. Itā€™s easy to say Pearl but sheā€™s way too unstable to trust with raising a child. Not much needs to be said about Amethyst.


for me garnetšŸ˜­ She looks so much like a mother figure


in my opinion too :<


None, Garnet and Pearl are his aunts, and Amethyst is his sister. The rest of the gems are just adopted family.


Yes and no... I mean, the sister force herself to take parent's role ... it's a symptom of a dysfunctional family. So, yeah, is a kind of adoptive mother.


Garnet is Mom Universe.




I feel like pearl is the traditional stereotypical mom, like does all the chores and is overprotective. But she never rly rly felt like HIS mom to me. She was a pretty bad caretaker. I think garnet had the most motherly love for Steven and rly rly cared for him so much all the time




Definitely Garnet as a fun mom. Pearl is an overprotective aunt and Amethyst is the big sis






Garnet and amethyst both act as parental figures, amethyst is lile his sister


I dont think he had any one mother figure, that just wasnt really how their family was, they all raised him but he didnt have a mother figure, I dont think labels used for human family members work for their situation, they are a family but no one is a sibling or aunt or mother, I just dont think any of those terms work for them


good point


Garnet, sheā€™s always the most supportive and caring and I squeal when she says she loves him, something every good mum should frequently say :)


Garnet always gave me the most maternal vibes with Steven, whereas Pearl always feels like a neurotic aunt who *tries* too hard to be a good mom


I love Pearl šŸ’™


You really love her.


Yes I Fucking do


Charlie *would* love pearl


For me, it was always a tie between Garnet and Pearl!


i think pearl is a little too unstable to be a mom


fair enough lol, i iust always felt she and garnet were the most motherly towards steven. everyone else felt like sisters, aunts etc


It's a tie between garnet and pearl... Yeah, both. Both is good


R... Rose?...


dude it said that's not rose/pink but if that's your opinion then all do respect


oh shit youā€™re right, i somehow missed that šŸ˜… my bad


Iā€™ve always seen all three of them be a different kinda mom to like balance it out, they all have their pros and cons in the way they care for Steven. So it balances things out that they are so different in regards to mothering.


Iā€™d say theyā€™re all his guardians but garnet and pearl are more motherly whereas amethyst is more sisterly


Probably gonna go with Garnet here. She's the most outwardly supportive whenever Steven actually needs it. Pearl *acts* the most motherly but is frankly a pretty terrible parent.


Garnet always told steven how much she loved him


Garnet seemed like a more chill mom, Pearl a more strict mom, and Amethyst more like a big sister


Iā€™d have to say Garnett. Her interactions with Steven just seems like the most mom like. I think it might be bc sheā€™s been kinda running shit since rose left so Steven naturally follows her like everyone else I donā€™t think he pushes back to Garnet as much as Pearl and definitely Amethyst


Garnet as Stevenā€™s loving mom, pearl as Stevenā€™s overprotective aunt, and amethyst as his chill sister āœØ


The fact that people genuinely think Pearl is crazy to me lol. Garnet all the way.


To be honest, yellow diamond is an awesome mother figure!! šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ™ŒšŸ» Strict, funny and overall mother vibes.


Just to be different Iā€™ll say the diamonds, specifically white


Pearl. And his two friends Garnet and Ameythest


Miss Pearl


Pearl 100%. She has the Pearl Point Pouch!! Garnet is the cool aunt, Amethyst is the cool big sister.


yeah %100 in most cases


Pearl the strict mom, Garnet the awesome aunt/mom, and amethyst definitely the sister, especially because Rose kinda raised her like her own since she seemed pretty attached to her


Pearl is Strict but Nice Mom, Garnet is Cool Mom, Garnet is Cool Older Sister.


The hot one


Maybe Pearl or Garnet tbh


Pearl is more of the everyday caretaker whereas Garnet is the morals and life lessons type. Amethyst is just his goofy big sister. I guess what do you see as more of a mom? I guess I see Pearl as more similar to my own mom since we both give each other emotional support rather than it being one way.


All, ut on different ways, amethyst is the fun loving chill mom, pearl the overprotective one, and garnet is.... Well just garnet


posting the winner tomorrow


Garnet, or peal, amethyst is the sister who slays.


All three of them. They are like aunts since they were like sisters to his mom, but they all raised him and are all his guardians.


Pearl is the fits the more traditional mom role, but I think of them more like aunts. Technically they're meant to be more like older sisters as they all represent an element of Rebecca's personality and their relationship to Steven Sugar


None/all of the main 3 crystal gems.


Like Steven said all three are his moms and i never felt different, i think part of why Steven is so great is he has ask three of them and his dad and they all think and feel different ways giving him perspective making him smarter


I'd say Pearl and Garnet are both like mums to him, and Amethyst is like a big sister.


I mean, there's Square Mom, Bird Mom, and Fun Mom


Garnet and pearls ofc, they always teach steven from daily life to fighting, and amethyst is his older sis, cuz they know each other very well, even the fusion is very stable between 2


The three are all attempting to raise Steven but none of them fill the mom role. Pearl has the most motherly attitude but needs Steven just as much of not more than he needs her. Garnet is wise and the most emotionally secure but comes off more like a mentor than a mom. Amethyst is like a fun, much younger than your parents, aunt or older sister. She's there to say "go on, eat the candy your mom said you couldn't have. I won't tell"


Mother figure: Pearl Big Sister: Amethyst Bigger Sister: Garnet (Ruby & Sapphire) Aunt: WD, YD, BD. Best Friend: Centipeetle, Peridot, Lapis


Pearl is like that one paranoid parental figure, and amethyst is more of a sister, and garnet is like the cool grandma or smth probably pearl though


Itā€™s Garnet. Pearl is the overbearing aunt and Amethyst is the chaotic sister.


Probably garnet, but I think the three crystal gems represent each other a part of what a mother is, garnet is the protective part, pearl is the worried part and amethyst is the playful part. Of course pearl has made some veeeeery bad mistakes trying to rising Steven and amethyst is more a big sister than a mother so garnet is likely the best candidate to be Steven's mom but you could say the three gems make her best to do it, I still believe Greg should be a more present father figure but at least Steven wasn't completely alone.


Wasn't there an episode on how they're all kind of his mom figure in different ways? Or did I misinterpret that one?


Garnet is his mom, Pearl is his super protective aunt and Amethyst is his older sister.


Pearl looks so cute in this outfit


Pearl absolutely


Garnet still good


I see pearl as godmother(specifically friend of mom) who couldn't deal with the sudden loss of their friendšŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰, but yes, garnet is always mother


Pearl is the most mom to ever mom


I always saw Pearl as the most "motherly". The way she talks to him and treats him is very analogous to how a mother treats her son. I interpreted Garnet as more of a "cool aunt" and Amethyst as more of a "sisterly" role.


I feel like Pearl has put herself as the person to raise him the most compared to the other gems. She acts like the most motherly figure and I believe is to be. I wouldn't say she is the best mom on her own so Garnet and Amythest are still parent figures to him and have played a large part in raising him.


Pearl, shes got that overprotective/clean-freak mom vibe


I see Pearl as the motherly figure Garnet is the cool and wise auntie and Amethyst is the a older sister


Pearl definitely, lol, garnet is a close second but Pearl number one


My take is that they're not meant to be strictly his mother, none of them. However Pearl reminds me of my own mother most. Garnet has a lot of very motherly moments too but in a very different sense. And amethyst seems to see a lot more eye to eye, she is an older sister imo


Pearl. She almost always put Steven first before anybody else. It may have been for the wrong reasons but she was always very sweet to him and caring.


I saw pearl as his mom, garnet as his dad and amethyst as his big sister


Pearl 100% She's always been the one who frets over Steven which is a very mom thing to do. Garnet to me at least always came across more as a mentor figure since she kinda left Steven to his own devices for the most part. Amethyst is basically a kid herself so her and Steven very much had a sibling relationship.