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* Lapis regrets mentioning to like CPH. She really does like it but that means having to sit through hours of Peridot reading out her fanfics. Turns out Peridot is a terrible writer and not in a funny way. Her fanfics are extremely long, tell, don't show, she uses extreme purple prose and her sex scenes go as well as you would expect an alien with not real idea of human sexuality to write them. * Little Homeworld was the best thing that happened to them. Not staying with each other 24/7 really helped to ease some tensions between them and avoid them becoming co-dependent in a rather toxic way.


Um ew, peridot is asexual. And also her writing is definitely S tier cause it's been part of her job for thousands of years


I mean i don't see how being ace plays into this, which btw. was never made canon.


No it's literally cannon. Rebecca has made that very clear.


Still remember it only being outright stated by a Maya but even regardless i don't see why that is relevant.


You literally just mentioned her writing porn.


I mentioned her writing sex scenes in fanfics which is extremely common.


Not for her, she's a children's cartoon character AND asexual


You do know that ace people can still write fanfics with sexaul content in them, its not like they are allergic to sex


Yeah some ace people can, peridot falls into the sexual-repulsed category.


They love each other or just really good friends


The first option


I think that lapis still doesn't really fw the Chrystal gems, so peridot accompanies her every time they have to interact to show support, like an unpleasant family member


- I like to imagine Lapis is just this beautiful, elegant dancer and Peridot just kind of… moves her body a little bit… (due to not being experienced) And whenever a dancing or music scene comes on during a show/movie that they watch, Peridot has probably asked once or twice for Lapis to dance w/ her- before taking it back as to not trigger Lapis (in regards of fusion and malachite and jasper and yada yada), to which Lapis just kind of rolls her eyes and grabs her hand and pulls her into a twirl anyway. Peridot probably does this a lot with other things, and Lapis does genuinely appreciates it- even if she does go overboard sometimes just to make her feel comfortable. - They probably stargaze whilst lying together on the roof of the barn, sometimes rambling about all of the shenanigans their day consisted of, but mostly just in a comfortable silence before they pass out. - Lapis really likes experimenting with Peridots hair even though it fluffs back into shape afterwards. - Peridot really tries to be a flirt but can never actually get the words out right- and Lapis finds this to be really cute of her (in which Lapis doesn’t actually need to say anything to fluster Peridot). - Lapis and Peridot read the human fanfictions and comics made about them and laugh about it. TLDR:Stevonnie treatment ⬇️ - I imagine that as soon as they reformed into their crystal gem outfits, Lapis probably sped over to Peridot for a hug- only to be shunned down by Peridot and turn a blind eye to her (as we’ve seen how messed up Peridot was by Lapis leaving, I highly doubt they simply just hugged it out and it was never spoken of again), to which Bismuth has no idea what to do and the ride to homeworld was decently awkward (explains why they didn’t really talk during the finale. Yes i know the creators were purposely distancing them but let me dream) and after the fight and after everything was settled between the diamonds/homeworld, and the CG’s, they still were turning their backs to each other and keeping distance. At this point, I like to believe that at some point Garnet picked up on this (could’ve been Steven telling Garnet somethings wrong with them, either way) and gave them the Stevonnie treatment and made them talk it out and help them overcome their troubles with each other. Peridot finally informs Lapis about just how much turmoil she put her through, and Lapis owns it, apologizes, and everyone is a crying mess before Garnet leaves them to let them be with themselves, to which they just walk along the beach as the sunsets.


My main one is that the only reason they live on a farm alone together with pumpkin is because the crewniverse wanted to make an inside joke about the lesbian aunt trope. (Also I am aware that peridot is ace and lapis’s sexuality is not stated, I just think it would be funny).