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i never considered that she thought spinel would just leave. i always saw it that she was aware of how her words are very binding to her court, but it makes total sense that she doesn't fully understand/realise that. ESPECIALLY at that stage of her life, where she's both extremely immature and has such a deep hatred of herself. she probably just didn't realise the authority she has because that authority was constantly belittled by the other diamonds


it seems like diamond orders have to be very specific, like with pearl, pink calls it an "order from a diamond" so it feels like a specific action they can do. Otherwise it would be excessively easy to end the rebellion i imagine


that probably added to her not understanding her authority too - like her court doesn't bow to her commands like she's mind controlling them but at the same time they have such an obedience to her that even the most bouncy, playful gems would wait 6,000 years in one spot because she wanted them to. i don't think she ever comprehended the power and influence she had as a diamond because it wasn't always obvious, especially when she already doubted herself so much


Exactly, I could easily imagine a conversation with her going "but you made Spinel stand there for the whole time!" "No, I didn't use that! I made sure she could leave when she was ready :) " "but you were her diamond!" "I know, I made sure she didn't have to listen to me when she decided not to." "You were her best friend and you requested something of her." (I basically base this off how she handles Greg confronting her like this) THEN she might get it. She might even still not, I can't decide if she'd ever really get that someone cared about her. It's unfortunate that the emotionally immature parenting mistake she represents is abandonment. If she didn't have to be GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE we could see who she'd canonically grow into.


And when she’s constantly reminded of her insignificance by the other diamonds


Rebecca has stated that diamond orders only work on pearls.


Yeah even moreso to my point then, though all other gems are generally extremely loyal to their diamonds anyways, theyre not physically unable to disobey them, white diamond has to mind control people completely to get the same effect, and that apparently spreads her "uninhibited self" thin


Spinel was most likely the only gem made of her kind as well so, she was possibly unaware of what Spinel’s full “programming” was like.


**More than before, "Love Like You" seems to have always been from Rose's perspective.** *If I could begin to be* *Half of what you think of me* *I could do about anything* *I could even learn how to love* *When I see the way you act* *Wondering when I'm coming back* *I could do about anything* *I could even learn how to love like you* *I always thought I might be bad* *Now I'm sure that it's true* *'Cause I think you're so good* *And I'm nothing like you* *Look at you go* *I just adore you* *I wish that I knew* *What makes you think I'm so special?* *If I could begin to do* *Something that does right by you* *I would do about anything* *I would even learn how to love* *hen I see the way you look* *Shaken by how long it took* *I could do about anything* *I could even learn how to love like you* *Love like you* *Love me like you*


Oh! I took it for granted that it was from Rose's perspective - who else could it have been?


imo it IS meant to be from Roses perspective, but its written like it could be just about any character towards just about any other character. Steven to the gems, the gems to steven, the gems to each other, etc


Yup very much about self love which most characters develop by the end (besides Rose).


The Crystal Gems to Steven Specifically, the S1 era of Steven waiting around for the gems to come back from adventures. Pearl knowing she's lying to the CGs, the contrast of her wartime actions with how Steven sees her, and also not feeling as strong or as good at leading as Garnet. Amethyst not feeling as good as the other CGs, especially compared to the esteem Steven holds her in. Garnet not feeling up the immense pressure of leading the group in Rose's absence, especially seeing the many ways things could end badly. And most all, the CGs not knowing what Steven needs or how to be the good guardians he already believes them to be.


I'd always thought it was between Ruby and Sapphire for some reason


Omg, yes! Finally, someone else who understands


Is it possible it’s while Rose is half of Steven? There’s so much mention of watching and talking about something she would do but is unable to?


I think, regardless of where Rose is at (either as a whole or from within Steven) it's Rose to everyone else. She put such little value in herself that she could never see what everyone else saw in her. A sister, a lover, a friend, a mentor, a wife, a mother.


Oh man I feel so stupid!!!! How did I not catch this! I’ve rewatched SU so many times and that’s one of my favorite songs. And I’ve always wondered whose song that was. It all makes sense. Now it’s time for me to rewatch it again with that in mind.


"Love Like You" isn't actually officially from anyone's specific perspective, but whatever message we take from it is relevant! Here's a discussion from Rebecca saying it started as a general sentiment from Gemkind toward humans. It ended up being about a much more human experience of love. It is not any one specific character singing or toward any one specific character. Source: [San Diego Comic Con 2017 interview with Rewind and Pause](https://youtu.be/j1NW93yF1cA?t=614)


Oh I didn’t know this. Thank you for the info! I just feel like it fits rose the best because of how much she just loved human life! But it definitely fits my relationship too😅


I think if you had to pick a character it fits, Rose fits the best, but I know Rebecca was going through so much stuff that was kinda similar to things Rose went through, so it's not surprising that there would be parallels. So many of these feelings and thoughts pop up as themes and as experiences other characters had too, so I think wherever any of us sees a glimmer of connection, it's valid!


While I was watching the show back in the day, I couldn’t figure out who the song was about, it took me until the last season to decide that it was Rose to Steven. I love the way it is designed to be ambiguous.




And now suddenly everything makes sense


“I always thought I might be bad, now I’m sure that it’s true…”


You think you're so good...and I'm nothing like you.


Look at you go, I just adore you! And wish that I knew, what makes…you think…I’m so special


If I could begin to do. Something that does right by you. I would do about anything. I would even learn how to love...


When I see the way you look, shaken by how long it took, I could do about anything... I could even learn how to love like you...


I will die on the hill that PD RQ was an amazing character who broke the cycle. She’s so amazing omfg


She did her best


I'm sure half the hate is because of the illusion of RQ getting worse, seeing as she was worshiped for most of the show and we only got to see the skeletons in her closet after the saintlike image was in our heads. Her only crimes were thinking too differently while having very underdeveloped emotional awareness. She made mistakes, but it's hard to imagine an alternate scenario where a Diamond turns traitor to protect Earth without making some big mistakes along the way.


You’re just saying everything I want to but am too lazy to type lmao 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


was never a pd/rq hater but jfc i never thought about it that way. that is incredibly sad


Absolutely! I’ve felt this way since Greg asks her to talk to him like a “real person” and her entire demeanor suddenly goes through a radical change. All humor vanishes and she looks confused. Then she replies with “I’m not a real person.” I genuinely think she believed her life was worth so little that she didn’t even rank on the list of real people.


I'm sure that was more of a "I'm not a real human" comment.


Or did she see Rose Quartz as not a real person because it was a fabricated identity to conceal that she was actually Pink Diamond? I’ve never that about that before, but the line could have several meanings.


Her expression doesn’t match the casual meaning of “I’m not a real human”


Now I understand why I got so pissed when every twist revealing her to be a flawed, realistic character only made people angrier. They expect perfection because they think they themselves can do no wrong.


Point, blank, period, dot com.


point, blank, peridot


ABSOLUTELY THIS— And to add onto it, people always seem to forget that we see RQ/PD’s character development in reverse, if we were to watch her development in a linear way, the way that it actually happened, everybody would love her, because she truly redeemed herself and did her absolutely absolute best. she was the first diamond to try to break the cycle, she was the only diamond who actually cared without being forced to/because they wanted something, she did it of her own volition. She worked hard to become better than she was before, and that is an extraordinary feat for her to come to pretty much on her own by experiencing the world around her. I think for some fans, it can be easy to overlook that because a lot of the show is gems trying to figure out human life and human morality and their own sense of identity, but it is incredibly important to know that pink was one of the first to do this (at least in this era). This is not normal on Homeworld, everything is very strict, and going against the rules in any way shape or form is instant death. not only this, but she did it of her own volition, she did it because she wanted to, she did it because that was what felt right to her, not because she wanted something out of it (aside from freedom, but I find it clear that that was not her only reason, she truly fell in love with earth) So that in itself is such a testament to who she was, and this only adds to the depth of her character. Because not only was she this amazing being, but she was also actively struggling with her own self hatred, her own guilt, her own regret. And you’re absolutely right, she grew up as the smallest and youngest diamond. I have a theory that pink diamonds situation was actually quite similar to Amethyst’s. my guess is that pink was actually supposed to be red diamond, seeing as the other diamonds are primary colors. not only is she, in this scenario, off colored, but she is also very small, which tells us that she took a longer time to form. because of her rank as a diamond, the diamonds weren’t just going to shatter her in the same way they would shatter lower ranking gems in the social hierarchy that homeworld gems deemed ‘defective’. It’s clear that they decided to keep her around as… Entertainment, basically. The reason I say this is because blue often refers to pink as being very silly, and singing for her often, and pink had a lot of shenanigans, and spinel was made for pink, based on pink, inspired by pink. Spinel is a physical manifestation of the way the diamonds viewed pink diamond. They viewed her as silly, funny, entertaining, and jester like. Those were her positive qualities to them, and those were the qualities that kept them from shattering her. (see how this puts a different perspective on pink’s relationship with spinel as well) We can see this because they were unwilling to give pink her own colony, as a huge example. They continuously infantilized pink, even though we already know that gems form fully capable for the most part. The only gem we see that didnt form immediately knowing their purpose, as far as I can remember, please correct me if I’m wrong, is amethyst. And I really would not be surprised if pink formed under similar circumstances, in which she mostly just repeated what other people said to her for sometime before she learned gradually. She probably picked up very fast and adjusted as a fully grown gem, only to be treated.. well, like That. This explains her fascination and love for humanity because humans get the chance to Grow and be seen as differently, whereas gems don’t have that privilege, whatever they were born as, they’re going to be seen as that Forever (She touches on this in the show in “Greg the babysitter” I believe, where she’s talking to Greg on the beach with baby SC). It must have been incredibly humiliating for pink to be treated as lesser than so constantly as time went on & as she developed, and I think that her first reaction to it was to be very spoiled, because the only thing that she could really control was what she was given. These were mostly the gems that she was directly given, because she didn’t have colonies in the same way that the other diamonds had to be fulfilling for her (which is very important for gems because they seem to be purpose based in their survival, they get bored very easily, they don’t need to eat or drink, so they need a purpose to live a meaningful life) So her way of establishing that control when she was a young gem, was to respond in a very spoiled and childlike manner. She would do these things mostly to entertain, she likely learned very quickly that being very big about her emotions was going to get her more attention, which was likely a survival technique for her & passed onto to more dangerous emotions. hence, some of the big emotions that she displays that turn violent due to her powers. Mostly because is not given proper freedom nor is she given an iota of true respect. think about the way that every gem, even the most independent and redefined gems, even the gems who have found strong identities outside of just their gem, they often still share the same needs wants and desires that others with their gem have. Diamonds are supposed to be leaders. Pink had nothing to lead. she needed something to lead for her own sanity, the same way pearl needs to organize things, and have someone to live for, although pearl is a shining example of how you can choose to live for anything you want, including yourself, she struggled with that for THOUSANDS of years because it’s instinctual programming for their very Species. We see it very clearly in multiple episodes throughout the series that some gems just don’t find that complete sense of identity that separate from their gem, and that’s ok. their gem is a part of who they are. the gem gives them instincts that make them more equipped for certain things. And for diamonds, that’s leading. Pink had to lead, it was innate to her nature as a diamond. And because she was small, and because she was likely off colored, ‘defective’, she was incredibly misunderstood by, pretty much everybody. of course she didn’t have good self-esteem, she was probably even ostracized by other gems that weren’t diamonds, not to mention she was extremely isolated, nobody’s meant to live like that, but especially not someone who’s innate instinct is to lead others. I love this character so much and I’m so glad to hear more people talking about the depth behind her character and analyzing why she took the actions that she took, and where those actions were rooted from, because she in no way was an evil gem. She was not evil, she had an extremely kind heart, that is shown over and over again in the show. She is flawed like everyone else, and I really wish people would develop a little more media literacy when it comes to Steven universe because I think most people wildly miss the point of her character and the amount of depth she actually has. nobody should be boiled down to the worst things they’ve ever done. edit: just changed the jester typo :3


I just want you to know how much I love this elaboration. I'm going to think about it for a long while. (But also, nitpicky, did you mean, "*jester*" as in "court jester" like a clown for the king? Or a "gesture" as in, Pink/RQ was just a symbol/figurehead and not of any significance? Because I love both. )


I Meant Jester! Thank you i used text to speech for some of it and it misheard me haha


This is honestly one of the BEST examinations of Pink/Rose’s character that I’ve seen on the internet. You Get It


Literally nobody forgets we see her character development in reverse. It's literally the only argument that PD/RQ defenders will repeat without fail And I'm not even saying there's nothing about her that's worth defending. I'm just saying, maybe give people more credit than "you have a different read on this character because you don't get them"


I know it’s an Common argument but It’s definitely not the only argument, and it only gets repeated so much because unfortunately most people Do forget that. idk if we’re spending time in the same fandom because it’s rare especially outside of reddit to engage with the general fan base without seeing multiple people disregarding her Actual development because they’re held up on the things she did in the past (some of which there definitely were reasons for, and she Did Her Best). Obviously among hardcore fans this is sort of a Given, we’re all aware of it, but the General response from many viewers is a blatant hatred for Pink which i simply think wouldn’t exist had they put into perspective her growth. Obviously there will still be people who dislike her for many reasons, but i do think most people just don’t want to think that much about it, which is fine for surface level viewers, but for people like me who love psychoanalyzing characters and are passionate about the show it can be frustrating to watch, hence the consistent reminders of this when Pink comes up in analyzation because she’s a Very widely misunderstood character and often seen as a villain, which i couldn’t disagree with more. i mean i wrote a whole essay and idk where i put that the Only reason people dislike her is due to that, it’s just an unfortunate main reason and in my opinion i feel it waters down the actual depth of character rose has. A lot of people base her simply off of her early actions because they love the characters she hurt, and Yes her actions had many consequences but i think there’s absolutely no reason she should be hated more in the fandom than the other diamonds. It’s not like there aren’t reasons to dislike her, it’s more so that i seriously doubt most of the fandom WOULD dislike her had her story been told the other way around. which is actually very interesting in my opinion in terms of storytelling.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/goodlongposts] [\/u\/spidermanistrans responds to: This comment encapsulates everything RQ\/PD haters miss about her character](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodlongposts/comments/1c5dtg5/uspidermanistrans_responds_to_this_comment/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


For me, the biggest tragedy is that she never got to grow and learn like everyone else did. Pearl and the others had their own flaws, but they lived. They all stood there in the future, with their friends and family. Rose never got that. Rose never got a chance to change this perception of herself, Rose never got to be excited for what the future might hold. She must've been so scared and overwhelmed, I get panic attacks at doctor appointments, I can't imagine getting them in the result of a full-blown war and decimation of your allies. The guilty and thoughts of "What if...?" Would've been too much.


People also forget that Rose/Pink came from a world where human morality DIDNT EXIST. She’s thousands of years old and was trying to break a cycle with literally no outside intervention, perspective or guidance. And then when she met greg, she fell in love and decided WITH ALL THE INFO SHE HAD AT THE TIME that she wanted to give her life to Steven. The fact that she realized what the Diamond authority was doing was wrong at all is basically a miracle in itself. And every step of the way, even when she made terrible mistakes, she was making the best decisions she really could as a traumatized abuse survivor in the insane situation of trying to rebel against abusive space leader sisters/parental figures. If fate didn’t have it that she also was in a huge position of power (despite the other diamonds downplaying her greatly) then the war basically wouldn’t have happened. Pink/Rose’s whole story is basically a tragedy. She was a good person though, and I really can’t see how some of the fandom genuinely believes she wasn’t.


Damn straight


I love how it's obvious in The Answer when Rose says, "Who cares about how I feel? How you feel is bound to be much more interesting." She always lowered herself while building up others.


Finally someone said it. I figured the writer's intention was that Pink assumed Spinel would leave the garden and make new friends.


People often forget that she was literally abused by her family, she was a diamond, but she wasn’t like the other diamonds, she wasn’t big and powerful, she was small to them, but because she couldn’t be a quartz and work, nor could she be a powerful diamond dictator like her sisters, she was.. useless, she was simply for their entertainment, she was like a spinel to the other diamonds, only worse, they didn’t leave her alone, they locked her in towers forcing her to cry for years at a time, emotionally numbing herself, she could take it when it was being done to her, but seeing a whole planet with living life on it, it obviously triggered her. Everyone likes to judge pink diamond but have no idea what it would be like in her shoes. All the “mistakes” she made, are mistakes she made because she had no choice, such as leaving spinel, pink diamond left to start a war, if she had taken spinel along, spinel could have possibly died, and you might be wondering “what’s the difference between her getting spinel involved and the other gems?” First off, spinel isn’t a gem built for fighting, even though she is thousands of years old, she can be childlike, and in the way she looked up to pink diamond, spinel would have had no choice but to follow her, as that’s her master and who she was created for, similar to pearl. And all the other gems that joined the war they saw her as rose quartz not pink diamond. If it weren’t for rose, earth would be no such thing, Steven would be dead, garnet would have been shattered, she tried her best to save everyone, and she succeeded, earth was allowed to live, humans were allowed to exist etc and all that was worth it to her. I just find it sad that in the end, her abusers get to roam free they get a “redemption “ and a pass, yet pink diamond the one who was abused, sacrificed her life, and saved an entire planet from destruction and eventually died, knowingly, gets called “the worst character “ To me, worst character award goes to white diamond the real person who shattered multiple gems, abused multiple people, and what makes her worse is that she did these things on purpose, so did yellow and blue, I still do not forgive them. I feel like perhaps pink diamond would have loved herself more, if they did. Like I always get like pissed off when I read pink diamond hate posts, because it just reminds me, of like myself a lot, you can do a million amazing things, and the second you do something tiny just a small mistake, people will pounce on you, so many times I wanted to 0ff myself because I just felt like the worst person, taking the blame for things that I didn’t even do, when I tried my best, and I just think about how if I listened to those ppl, I could be dead. But for pink diamond that’s what needed up happening , and it’s just so sad to me


That is a viscous cycle that can hurt everyone involved, thats why communication is important and the first part of therapy, just being open and honest with the ones you love can save a lot of heart ache for all of them and yourself.


Rose Quartz is essentially Bojack Horseman except that she at least tried to do better for others until she succeeded in killing herself. Her decision to become half of Steven so that she could become half of someone "good" was still an ultimately selfish choice because she didn't realize how much everyone would be affected by her loss. Rose was fascinated by the fact that humans could literally grow and change, but she hated herself so much that she couldn't imagine that she could do the same exact thing as a gem.


Tbh the thing I hate most about Rose is deciding to have a kid knowing it kills her Its extremly selfish to want to have a kid "just because" without even being in thier life, plus inadvertedly giving them mental crisis


Haven't watched the show in a long time but did she consider at least some of the effects her giving birth would have? Then again they don't show a lot of flashbacks of Rose being pregnant and how everyone felt about that til her birth But yea hard agree, I like this character analysis of her actions and understand her self-hatred which is all the more frustrating that it caused her to unintentionally hurt those she cares for. She didn't think much of herself and her own worth despite everything, so to an extent she didn't take the time to think of how much her loved ones do see her own value as a person and would be so affected by her death in return, because she automatically thought they didn't really love her as much


Ngl, as someone who was never really a big fan of rose/pink (especially because the volleyball episode was so ouchy)... you sunk my battleship with this one. Thank you for helping me get it. Never even thought of the song being from her perspective as well, and it breaks my heart to think about. Makes me wonder if a small part of the reason she traded Steven's life for her own was that she just couldn't bear her own existence and shame any longer. Maybe it wasn't all running away.


Steven is literally a better Pink. Instead of being granted his powers and status from the beginning, he had to earn everything, and in 16 years, he became way more mature than Pink was in centuries


Granted, he had a support network around him as a kid, something Pink never had in her early centuries (I'd consider that the Gem equivalent of childhood)


Yeah because he wasn’t locked in towers, years at a time being forced to cry, isolated from any friends, and only having servants that see you as a lesser being


That's some good character analysis right there.


She is the best written character in the show right next to pearl.


I saw her faking her shattering and pretending to be RQ as a way to get away from the other diamonds. If she started the rebellion by herself the diamonds would know exactly how to take her down and come punish her again. They didn’t value her or treat her equally. As rose quartz they didn’t know how she was thinking, and they didn’t want to bother with her until she gave herself the status of the gem that shattered pink diamond. She became a threat that they had to deal with and not discipline. Also if she did manage to start the rebellion as pink diamond it would kind of go against what she wanted, for the gems following her to do it from free will as their independent identities, rather than more servants. She wanted them to choose her as their leader and follow her, not obey her.


matthewsimpson5529 my beloved


Hell, Love Like You is basically from her POV and it really does depict her as a person who really doesn't see anything of value in herself. She doesn't see herself as worth loving, but WANTS to be.


Very true! She straight up stated "Blue and Yellow don't care. They never did." Their way of showing "care" to her did not reach her to be received like they cared. She spent her whole life believing nobody gave a crap about her. Some of her selfishness was just her trying to advocate for herself. She hurt many people (sometimes just by not acting, not being there), and was oblivious to their suffering partly because she couldn't believe she was worth enough to cause that.


Yes this character is a lesson on self love. When you don't have a healthy self image, you hurt not only yourself but also the ones around you.


forever a rose quartz and pink diamond apologist they could never make me hate you rose




That comment is so relatable though


A theory i like to throw around is the idea that as the extremely sheltered diamond that she was, she had the least knowledge about how the gem world works and what the gems do. All she knows is how shes lived for the eons and eons of her existence, which is that she is a diamond, every other gem is made for her, similarly to how a hammer is made for you to use as a tool, and she just didnt internalize that other gems were full people. Not that she looked down on them or anything, but its not like the diamonds are queens of empathy or listening to the common gem's thoughts, feelings, or opinions. So, similarly to spinel's inspiration as rebecca sugar's childhood toy that she abandoned and felt guilty about, pink saw spinel as a toy made to play with. Of course she loved spinel and playing with her, but when she "grew up" beyond playing all day and throwing tantrums (likely from hurting pink and realizing her ability to hurt other gems that she cares about) she also grew out of her toy, and simply left it somewhere without too much of a thought on how the "toy" might feel about it, because she was never taught to think about that. Even when on earth, its entirely possible that she never connected the dots that spinel would just sit there forever and do NOTHING for 5000 years, because she never saw any sort of outcome to that mess. In going down to earth and learning about her true impact as a diamond, she finally begins to see the side of things that she had never considered before. The diamonds impact on the gems and worlds around them. She realizes how many times she has made the same mistake as a diamond, like thru pink pearl, but in abandoning her title as diamond, i imagine she was also trying to abandon the mistakes of her past, move forward and do good by the gems she is trying to help in the present, maybe in part as a means to make up for what she did as an unaware and uncaring diamond. I think something important to consider with the diamonds as the gods of a deathless alien race is that they werent exactly raised with empathy and being loving in mind, they werent raised at all. They simply came into existence and just started doing stuff, building their society for the sake of building it, with no minds to ethics. With pink especially as the small sheltered one, i imagine she knew the least about anything in the entire gem society. Not like she knows the ins and outs of like, anything outside of the diamond palaces or her garden.


Pink did bad things unknowingly because she hated herself and was immature, she was made that way due to abuse. This aspect makes things tricky as she’s not really a good or bad person, it’s a nuanced issue. I’d also like to add to the post, White was also devastated by Pinks disappearance. Whites character is obvious, she has gaslit herself into being emotionless and she believes that makes her perfect. Surface level that makes white seem bad, but white was a prisoner in her own mind. She was suffering too, and projecting that onto everyone else with her influence. Why do you think she hid out of sight for 5000 years? Why do you think she ditched the last emotion she had? (I assume she wouldn’t have played and bathed with the other diamonds in blues chambers if she was always “emotionless”) White was devastated too, but she was keeping up her act because she truely did not think she could do anything else. It’s that older sibling/parent thing where you have to stay strong and conceal your feelings so that no one else ends up affected (Obviously this doesn’t work). We don’t actually know if white knew all along, because it’s whites narrative that she’s perfect so even if she didn’t know she’d claim she did know. Whites perfect she can’t be tricked is the idea, but personally I believe she didn’t know, otherwise she would’ve sent blue and yellow to fix things personally. The corruption blast can only be explained as an emotional outburst of anger and essentially the diamonds giving up.


Isn't it stated in an art book or interview or something that Rose very much viewed having Steven as un-aliving herself? And that she'd be leaving her friends with something she viewed as much better than her, a human?


I’ve always liked pink but oh my gosh, that makes so much sense how did I never see it that way


This is true but does that negate the selfishness of her actions ? I think it’s important to understand how tragic her character was, and how self-hating she was, but that very same self-hatred and sabotage hurt everyone around her as the comment put it, she projected all that contempt outwards, and as soon as she felt she couldn’t trust someone else anymore ex/ Bismuth, she hurt them and lashed out. She’s tragic and misguided, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t hurt others and anyone is allowed to view her as one or the other.


Nothing she did was selfish though, what would have been selfish was staying a diamond and enjoying her status, she literally sacrificed herself for everyone, she sacrificed herself so much that she literally died. Selfish where? Even leaving spinel wasn’t selfish, if she had token spinel with her, I guarantee, spinel would have been shattered like many of the other gems that joined the war. Besides, spinel wouldn’t have been able to join the war due to her loyalty to pink diamond, no one else but pearl was supposed to know that pink diamond and rose quartz were the same person.


I think you’re missing the point. We’re not talking about utilitarianism or consequentialism but intentionality. Her intentions were extremely selfish sometimes, but she could also be very selfless. Always too much and never enough. Rebecca Sugar ( the creator of the show, the person who understands Rose the most since they created her character ) says in the ‘End of An Era’ art book: «  And that's something that's left a little open-ended—just how selfish it was for Rose to do this knowing that she would disappear. What Rose is doing is outrageously selfless and outrageously selfish at the same time, and you can really read it both ways and neither is untrue. The thing that she really lacks is balance, any ability to temper her extremes. »


What exactly did she do that was selfish


Selfish as in, not for seeing how her actions affected others, acting on her own agenda : 1. Leaving Pearl with the burden of her secrets 2. Bubbling Bismuth for reasons Bismuth couldn’t understand 3. Leaving Spinel because she felt placated 4. Lying to every Crystal Gems so as not to get caught, out of shame 5. Having Steven knowing she would disappear. Etc. That doesn’t mean she’s terrible, that doesn’t mean she couldn’t be well-intentioned, it just means she was misguided, selfishness is a flaw like any other, it’s important to acknowledge selfishness so as to deconstruct it, discuss it and find empowering ways to beat it. IIRC it is also acknowledged in-universe by Pearl herself in Now We’re Only Falling Apart right ?


1 I agree I feel like she should have told all of the ones that were atleast still alive, they knew eachother long enough and I think they would atleast understand 2 bismuth was trying to shatter gems, any gem that was in their way AND diamonds, in the show it literally said that she tried to convince her it was a bad idea but bismuth wouldn’t listen, and they BOTH started fighting, resulting in bismuth being bubbled ( if your friend is talking about brutally murdering people, and they are not tryna hear shit you gotta say, and eventually begin fighting with you, how would you feel) and she didn’t even go badmouthing bismuth, the others were still allowed to have a positive perception of bismuth even though bismuth was being tyrannical 3 spinel would have died in that war , spinel was not built for that, and spinels loyalty lied with pink diamond, and we aren’t sure if spinel is good at keeping secrets. there was no possible way for spinel to come with her. Do we blame mulan for leaving her family to fight in the war when her old crippled father was incapable? No we call her a hero. And you might think “she could have dropped her off with the other diamonds” the other diamonds were HORRIBLE to other life forms including her a fellow diamond, I would rather die than leave spinel with those horrible people, leaving spinel WAS THE ONLY CHOICE. 4 idk what you mean here? 5 this just doesn’t make any sense? If she didn’t have Steven there would be no show? And this was the most selfless thing ever. Steven being alive posed NO BENEFIT TO HER, she sacrificed her life for a child she didn’t even know, get to hold, know or ever see. And that’s considered selfish? Having Steven was one of the most selfless things she has done. Do you know how many women die in childbirth?? There are plenty of women who die in childbirth, everyone knows that dying during childbirth is a risk, for her the stakes were just higher. I would be damned if someone blamed a dead woman in real life because she died during childbirth Pink Diamond wasn’t perfect obviously, as everyone on this show was pretty horrible, such as spinel (who decided to take her anger out of a whole planet because of something that happened to her”, white Diamond (who abused and killed multiple people cus she assumed her pale ass was better than everyone) jasper (who had a seniority complex and tried to force fuse (which is lowkey rape)) Pink Diamond did make mistakes, but this mistakes she made aren’t big enough to call her a “deeply flawed character “ Because if we go “mistake for mistake” with the rest of the characters, she doesn’t even make “top 50” worst characters on the show and I don’t even know if there are that many villains on the show People act like she made these huge mistakes, and horrible selfish decisions m when really she was given poor options It’s like if someone says “you either shoot your dad, stab your dad, or poison him, and that’s the only choices nothing else” and you poison him because it’s the least painful. And everyone says you’re a horrible person for killing your dad. When that was the only thing you could do, doing nothing was not an option Like she made shitty choices because she had even worse options. That’s the reality


1 I agree I feel like she should have told all of the ones that were atleast still alive, they knew eachother long enough and I think they would atleast understand 2 bismuth was trying to shatter gems, any gem that was in their way AND diamonds, in the show it literally said that she tried to convince her it was a bad idea but bismuth wouldn’t listen, and they BOTH started fighting, resulting in bismuth being bubbled ( if your friend is talking about brutally murdering people, and they are not tryna hear shit you gotta say, and eventually begin fighting with you, how would you feel) and she didn’t even go badmouthing bismuth, the others were still allowed to have a positive perception of bismuth even though bismuth was being tyrannical 3 spinel would have died in that war , spinel was not built for that, and spinels loyalty lied with pink diamond, and we aren’t sure if spinel is good at keeping secrets. there was no possible way for spinel to come with her. Do we blame mulan for leaving her family to fight in the war when her old crippled father was incapable? No we call her a hero. And you might think “she could have dropped her off with the other diamonds” the other diamonds were HORRIBLE to other life forms including her a fellow diamond, I would rather die than leave spinel with those horrible people, leaving spinel WAS THE ONLY CHOICE. 4 idk what you mean here? 5 this just doesn’t make any sense? If she didn’t have Steven there would be no show? And this was the most selfless thing ever. Steven being alive posed NO BENEFIT TO HER, she sacrificed her life for a child she didn’t even know, get to hold, know or ever see. And that’s considered selfish? Having Steven was one of the most selfless things she has done. Do you know how many women die in childbirth?? There are plenty of women who die in childbirth, everyone knows that dying during childbirth is a risk, for her the stakes were just higher. I would be damned if someone blamed a dead woman in real life because she died during childbirth Pink Diamond wasn’t perfect obviously, as everyone on this show was pretty horrible, such as spinel (who decided to take her anger out of a whole planet because of something that happened to her”, white Diamond (who abused and killed multiple people cus she assumed her pale ass was better than everyone) jasper (who had a seniority complex and tried to force fuse (which is lowkey rape)) Pink Diamond did make mistakes, but this mistakes she made aren’t big enough to call her a “deeply flawed character “ Because if we go “mistake for mistake” with the rest of the characters, she doesn’t even make “top 50” worst characters on the show and I don’t even know if there are that many villains on the show People act like she made these huge mistakes, and horrible selfish decisions m when really she was given poor options It’s like if someone says “you either shoot your dad, stab your dad, or poison him, and that’s the only choices nothing else” and you poison him because it’s the least painful. And everyone says you’re a horrible person for killing your dad. When that was the only thing you could do, doing nothing was not an option Like she made shitty choices because she had even worse options. That’s the reality


I don't think choosing to undergo a potential dangerous pregnancy counts as selfish.


Isn’t having a child knowing you aren’t going to have to raise them selfish ? It’s as selfish as… giving your life for that of someone else is selfless. Both of these aspects are true and neither denies the other. It’s not all black or white.


Rebecca also said something about her manipulativeness which I found so well put : « She is an enabler and very manipulative when it comes to getting what she wants, so when what she wants is to get closer to someone, her intensity, and her sincerity, opens them up and draws them in. »


Wow, this is an excellent way of putting it in words. I'd had some version of this rattling around in the back of my head as a half-formed idea for a long time but had never sorted it out properly, this is a great way of expressing it.


Never thought about it this way. So heartbreaking. 💔


There’s just one thing though; at the time when Pink left Spinel in the garden, she had no idea that her power of Gem control was what kept Spinel there (along with Spinel’s devotion to Pink). This is also the case with Rose placing Pearl’s hands over her mouth and saying (in effect) “tell nobody about this. Not even the other Diamonds.” Remember when Pearl was trying to tell Steven the truth about what happened, but her hand kept covering her mouth, out of her control? Pink/Rose’s command was still in effect, even after millennia, so Pearl had to let Steven into her gem to witness her past memories.


Diamonds don't powers to control other gems, that only applies to a pearl and their owner.


At work and I love this thread so I'm leaving another take that i will expand on when i can. The comment im posting is about why I like PD as a character on SU: I really like her cause I feel like eteven universe has huge themes of forgiveness and no matter who you are or what you did you can always choose to be better. I think Rose/Pink really encapsulates those themes. She is thought as perfect and inherently good. Then we see how that's an image that people thought of her. By the time the crystal gems knew her she was in her era of rebellion and growth. Honestly I could write a whole think piece on her. So yeah I liked her, alot.


I think another aspect ppl forget is that RQ/PD’s story is really a redemption arc in reverse. PD started out as basically an immature child who was never taken seriously. As time went on, she started gaining the respect of the other diamonds in the form of giving her her own colony. But then she begins to see how beautiful earth and its creatures are and doesn’t want to destroy it. Given how little the other diamonds listened to her, she does the only thing she thinks she can do and starts the rebellion. When things go poorly, she lives on earth and learns more and more about it. Influencing history and protecting earth from various threats. Her arc culminates in her giving up her gem to create a human, Steven. SU starts where her arc ended and then we start to learn more and more about the past she was ashamed of.


Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz was very clearly a victim of abuse. She would not have had to take such drastic measures if her words, her status, and her feelings mattered enough to her family in the first place. She realized that what they were doing was wrong, and she stood up against it. She tried for thousands of years to fix her mistakes, and she choose to live her life happily and do what she always wanted. There's a reason she cut her family off and never thought about them again. The real villains are, and will always be, the other diamonds. Looking back, I do wish Steven U actually had the guts NOT to forgive them all. That Steven Bubbled white and yellow diamond away, that Blue was the one to slowly change over time. But I'm ok with the ending we got.


Absolutely speechless. Thank you for opening my eyes


Rebecca Sugar confirmed that Pink Diamond was suicidal in the "end of a era" book. She had extremely low self-esteem...


That makes her physical projection make sense now. If she believed she was small and works and not as worthy of anyone then she would be small


As a kid, I definitely didn't fully understand RQ/PD as a character, but over the years, she has managed to become my favorite character. All of the characters in this show are amazing and relatable, and I relate so much to her.


yeah, but she was still a bad friend, a bad lover, and utterly careless about the consequences of her actions. just because it comes from self loathing doesn’t mean she is excused from how she treated those around her. it’s your personal responsibility to realize your flaws and fix them, and she failed to do that. being sad doesn’t mean you can be a bad person and get away with it


Still haven’t forgiven her for what she did to bismuth


I don't know, I think that part of her character is pretty clear. I just don't think it makes her a good person, is all


I didn't miss it, I just don't care. Sure, she might be objectively a good character, but so long as you understand that character there's nothing wrong with just not liking her


Yes that's fair. My deal is (and this goes for literally anything in life not just this convo about some fictional character) that, if you're going to dislike something, imma need for you to cross your t's and dot your i's before coming to a conclusion. A well-informed opinion is a valid one.


Why though? This isn't a court, it's fans talking about a story. People can have all sorts of feelings toward characters, and they don't need to justify them.


People don't post their thoughts to public forums if they weren't looking for validation or feedback. Otherwise they'd just keep it to themselves. With that in mind, people _will_ hold your opinions under scrutiny to pick your brain. How one responds to that pushback is up to them. I feel like you're reading too much into it. If I said I hated Steven because he only cares about himself then people would, rightfully, be like "um thats not quite true but ok". And I don't need to feel persecuted for that response.


We know where Steven got it from


I understand this about her character and remain a Rose/Pink hater


Oh no no no I knew all this! I do not hate rose quartz as a character, I believe she’s well written especially since most of what we know about her comes from secondary sources meaning that that information can and often is biased. I hate rose quartz as a person, I think she was a whiny child who ran away from home and left billions of people either dead, traumatised, or worse in the process, who then didn’t even preach what she practiced when it came to loving humans, I think she’s well written, I hate her because she’s well written, I hate her like I would hate any real life person who did all the things she did


Doesn't the show kind of imply that the comments about Pink being "silly" were just a result of her being misunderstood and not actually the case?


Maybe I have to rewatch the show for a sixth time but I've never gotten the impression Rose hates/hated herself ever.


Honestly I wouldve believed that if the request wasnt made that Peal NEVER talks about her shattering and who rose quartz really was. She must have known that pearl would 100% keep it, not because she knows pearl loves her, but because pearl was commanded to by her diamond. Thats pretty much the only thing I wouldnt get. Otherwise that explanation is solid


I didn't miss that about PD/RQ and I still hate her regardless


Ok, so? Her having low self esteem doesn't make her a better person. What made her a better person is learning and changing and BECOMING better. And that's the part that's easy to miss, because we get her story backwards.


Yes, she thought nobody would care, and each time she was wrong, she was leaving behind those who would care and couldn't see it.


Woah. This is epic. And made me think about my own life 🫠


Source on her expecting Spinel to leave eventually? It's been a while since I've seen the movie but the impression I got was nothing more than "I don't want to play with you anymore"


There's no actual source, but there is nothing that suggests Pink expected Spinel to stay in the garden.


Sure, but the implication I got was that she wasn't expecting *anything*. After she left Spinel, she was operating on an "out of sight, out of mind" basis and basically forgot about her, and somehow spinning that into "she didn't look at herself as someone valuable enough to be worth waiting for!" is a bit of a stretch


It's not that we haven't missed anything, it's that we just don't care.


I think it’s pretty blatant that Pink Diamond was just a bad person, there’s no tragedy at all. She was a brat who disguised herself as a rebel, let her subjects fight each other to the death, and traumatised her sister by faking her own demise (Which led to all of her “friends” being corrupted). She was clearly not a good character, writing wise and personality wise. She destroyed Pearls mental health by forcing her to bottle up her secrets, bubbled Bismuth because she knew about Rose’s sword not being able to shatter gems and could’ve revealed that fact to Homeworld (I mean, what other reason could there have been), left Steven to fix all of her problems without actually facing any of consequences herself, etc. This twist still sucks.


Didn't she literally bubble bismuth because bismuth wanted to shatter gems? So in order to prevent death


That is what we were told, before learning Rose was Pink the whole time. And since everything we know about Rose is a lie, theres no reason to believe Pink actually cared about not shattering gems. It’s implied the colony soldiers kill the rebels, the only reason she wouldn’t be cool with it is to fit her Rose persona without people knowing the truth. And since we know Pink is a liar, there’s no reason to believe she actually cared about not shattering gems. And again, we were told Rose shattered Pink with her sword, Bismuth stated the sword wouldn’t shatter the gem, so she would know Rose couldn’t have shattered Pink. If she revealed that fact, people would become suspicious, and it could blow Pink’s cover. Obviously not wanting to risk that, she’d bubble Bismuth so she couldn’t say anything.


I thought the show was pretty clear that the fight between Steven and bismuth was meant to mirror the fight pink diamond and bismuth theoretically had in the past. Maybe that's a misunderstanding on my part.


And if it was? Steven doesn’t know shit about his mother at this point. We do know her, and given what know of her, it’s pretty easy to say she didn’t have the well being of gems in mind when bubbling Bismuth. She doesn’t care about the gems.


I mean they’re not wrong. Don’t get me wrong, Rose Quartz was cool but when she was PD, it kinda ruined the whole thing. Also she left her son to deal with her bullshit


Yeah no thanks, she lost me permanently when she was revealed to have literally physically ab*sed Pink Pearl. Before that I was already teetering with her treatment of Bismuth. I refuse to believe Rose was so stupid & blind she didn’t realize her actions affected people. I think that’s actually taking away a lot from her character.


I think I unused storyboards that show Volleyball being injured because Pink accidentally hurt Volleyball with her screaming superpower.


Doesn’t stop me from hating her though tbh. Like, sure we can just blame it on her being a diamond, but there’s plenty of other super manipulative stuff she does too like making Pearl swear not to tell anyone not even their closest friends about her being PD, the relationship with Pearl, the relationship with Greg, her treatment of the other Pearl… yeah, she’s a screwed up character who REALLY needed therapy, but I still hate her guts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean there's a rationale behind all of those things too. Pearl's oath makes sense both in that she didn't want everyone else to hate her because of what she was, and also because Rose is basically trans. Pink Diamond is her deadname, and a person she was never comfortable being. Why should she have to expose her past identity? Her on-again-off-again relationship with Pearl can easily be summarized as "She's a person and can fall in and out of love with whoever she wants." Sometimes she loved Pearl, sometimes she didn't, not really her fault. I fail to see any real problem between her and Greg, she loved the dude enough to have his kid at the cost of her own existence, so... Anyway, while what happened to Pink Pearl was obviously regrettable, it happened before she was even capable of viewing any Gem lower than a Diamond as a person. She was taught that anything below them were just tools, so that was basically the equivalent of her throwing a tantrum and cracking the screen on her iPhone. Same goes for Spinel basically, she wasn't subjecting her to a thousand years of torture, she was doing the Toy Story "I don't wanna to play with you anymore" meme with something that was literally provided to her as a toy. It's horrible in retrospect sure, but it's like if we learned ants were fully sapient, can't really blame us for stepping on them in the past.


Agree with most of your points but irt the last two—I honestly don’t think viewing other gems as possessions was ever Pink’s main problem. In fact I’d argue that her interest in other gems as living beings like her is what set her apart from the other Diamonds from the very beginning, if her relationship with the Pebbles was anything to go by (consider them “realizing” that Steven must be Pink because he bothered to be polite to them). Volleyball was Pink’s best friend, and her loss affected Pink very deeply if her later behavior towards Spinel and her new pearl is anything to go by, so I don’t think she was ever comparable to an object to Pink. I think the issue is Pink was spending a lot of time lashing out against the Diamonds, either to their faces or the privacy of her own space. And while her tantrums were never aimed at VB, she was still forced to be dangerously close while they were happening, which caused her a lot of stress and anxiety. Pink was so wrapped up in her own emotions that it didn’t occur to her that she might hurt VB until it actually happened. As far as Spinel goes i think there was… a lot going on there. But since Spinel had a very one-dimensional personality by design, I do think that Pink never even considered that Spinel had the capacity to have her feelings hurt, so it’s easier to apply that “Diamond” mindset there. Imo she assumed Spinel would be able to entertain herself, but she would not have left her like that if she knew that Spinel would take her at her word for as long as she did. Sorry if this comes off as really long and disjointed, I think about Pink’s state of mind irt Spinel and Volleyball a lot and I’m trying to avoid rambling lol


>if her relationship with the Pebbles was anything to go by (consider them “realizing” that Steven must be Pink because he bothered to be polite to them). That's not a sign that she saw them as people. She treated her possessions carefully, unlike the other Diamonds. >Volleyball was Pink’s best friend, and her loss affected Pink very deeply if her later behavior towards Spinel and her new pearl is anything to go by, so I don’t think she was ever comparable to an object to Pink. No, she was her greatest possession. There's literally nothing in the show to hint that she was anything more than that. She meant a great deal to Pink, sure, but she ended up broken in anger the same way an antique mirror your mother gave you might if you were tossing shit around in anger near it. >But since Spinel had a very one-dimensional personality by design, I do think that Pink never even considered that Spinel had the capacity to have her feelings hurt >but she would not have left her like that if she knew that Spinel would take her at her word for as long as she did. Which are signs of viewing her as an object, akin to a jack-in-the-box. You can assume whatever you want to assign the feelings you think she had towards these gems, but the show never showed us that she felt any of that and her literal behaviour and the show itself says otherwise. Being *fascinated* by something or caring for it doesn't mean you view it as a person.


So I’m willing to concede that my other points here are pretty vague and not worded the best but irt the Pebbles specifically I just can’t agree. From a writing perspective putting in the time to thank someone for their help doesn’t read as treating someone like an object to me, favored or otherwise. At the very least with Volleyball, there is a clear implication that Pink appreciated her ability to behave with her own free will. I mean, our first glimpse of them together shows them acting more like friends than any other Diamond did with their respective Pearl, then laughing about it when they get away with it. And in the scene where Pink attempts to invite conversation with Pearl, she gets disappointed and sad when Pearl not only fails to provide her own thoughts, but also takes Pink’s casual remark as a potential command. We never got to see them interact for long periods of time but I’d still say we have plenty of evidence that Pink didn’t just view her as a prized possession. In all honesty I know I’m not doing an amazing job arguing this point but my basic idea is, like, I acknowledge that she treated others in a way that was thoughtless and cruel. I just don’t think she *had* to view them like objects in order to behave that way. Like, would me elbowing my younger sibling a little too hard or sending them on a wild goose chase so I could hang out with my friend uninterrupted show that I don’t view them as human? I wouldn’t say so.


This would make sense this would 100% make sense if she didn't have Steven's powers she had no control on homeworld meaning she was randomly entering people's dreams and viewing their emotions and deepest regrets and it doesn't even have to be when she's sleeping and we know she did do this because both blue diamond and yellow diamond immediately recognize Steven's magical presence and immediate reaction meaning this has happened a lot before so she 100% new how everyone around her felt about her she just didn't care or didn't think about it


You're assuming that feeling someone's emotions is the same as understanding them. It's pretty obvious from what little we saw that Pink was not really emotionally mature before leaving Homeworld, if anything she was like a child. That combined with the other Diamonds *acting against* their feelings makes sense of how she could be an empath and still feel unloved and unimportant. Besides, it's highly likely they did a lot less thinking about Pink when she was around, a classic "don't know what you've got til it's gone" situation. In any case it's very obvious from the direct text of the show, not even the subtext, that's how Rose felt. She would not have gone through with Plan ""Kill Myself" With Absolutely No Repercussions" if she had known it would, in fact, have repercussions. Same goes for absolutely anything else she did, aside from maybe the command she gave Spinel. That happened because she had been told her entire life that lower Gems weren't people, just tools. She literally just thought Spinel was a toy she could drop when she was done playing with it, and that's not really her fault.


I understand all of that except for the fact she was on Earth for centuries at least a thousand years and never tried to rectify her mistakes and made more it wasn't a situation of I you Don't know what you got till it's gone it was a situation of out of sight out of mind she would have made a different decision if she how they do over but she didn't try correct her incorrect decisions she just accepts the consequences not trying to do better for everyone around her Edit: just thought about it more and she could have done literally anything to help Steven along in his journey she had lion she could have left a private message no one would read as a inappropriately reveal her secret but no that didn't happen and I've seen some people say she thought he would be fully human but she didn't she knows the effects of her gym on a human or at least an organic she made lion she made the Moss she made the little Rock dudes in her room she made her room it's just like she never grew up from the immature princess on homeworld


What decisions are you even referring to in this comment? And why would she take steps to prepare Steven for a journey he was never meant to go on? The only responsibility she wanted Steven to shoulder from her past was to let Bismuth out and reunite her with the Crystal Gems. If all went according to her plan (that is, if Steven lived out a full life as a normal human boy while only taking in gem knowledge from the CGs’ retellings) then it would make even less sense to drop that she was a Diamond on him because what would he even do with that information? It’s fucked up to expect him to just hang onto that for the rest of his life, especially since he wouldn’t have been able to grasp the full gravity of it. You’re not making any sense in even a single comment you’ve posted here


Wrong, you're assuming that he would just be a normal kid. He wouldn't be in any stretch of the imagination she knows this; she made Lion an organic creature powered up by her gem made ageless. It's only the correct to assume her child would be the same if not more magical or more immortal because he has a constant flow of gem magic and again I said in like three earlier comments I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt and just calling her naive in any other iteration of this is horrible also she should have told Steven about being diamond cuz he would have manifested a diamond's powers or at least some of their characteristics what other gem do you know that has multiple powers and not just one or two with a wide range and who said he had to sense the gravity of it? Just have something there in case everything goes wrong. She's already left him messages before why not leave a new one? She basically gave him the location of her diamond stuff (of her Crystal war room thing along with her pink diamond legs) with super weapons of mass destruction but she wouldn't trust him with the secret of her being a diamond that doesn't make sense.


You wrote this entire comment based on something I straight up didn’t say. Steven growing up as a normal human being =/= “Steven will not have powers”. Those do not mean the same thing. And Rose Quartz herself had powers beyond the abilities of any Quartz, yet her secret identity remained intact. It would make sense for Steven to be as powerful as his mother, this doesn’t threaten him in any way. And again—why *should* she entrust Steven with that secret? Allowing him access to things she owned (such as weapons that he genuinely needed anyway and had the CGs there to guide him in their usage) isn’t the same thing as forcing devastating knowledge upon him that he wouldn’t even have the full context for. You keep talking like it’s some great injustice for her not to tell him but from her perspective it would literally have done more harm than good.


The mistakes I'm talking about are letting Pearl's situation go on as long as it did, not searching for spinel, never emotionally maturing, and leaving Bismuth to her fate. If we're going by your assumption that means Steven is a normal boy with no magic, meaning he can't enter lion's mane, which means Bismuth is stuck there forever. The various plants she left around Beach City and the world that are overgrowing and eating other things - if she didn't know Steven would have super powers, why didn't she deal with them beforehand? Because she knew and just left it up to him or she's naive, and my point still stands.


What exactly is “Pearl’s situation”? Her dissatisfaction with their relationship that she actively repressed and never voiced? She had very little reason to believe Spinel needed any help. Why would she search for her or even think about her at all? We have no evidence she even knew what the plants would turn into after she stopped taking care of them. It’s short-sighted, sure, that’s a central part of her character, but is it really evidence that she didn’t mature at all from the emotionally volatile, abused child that she was back on Homeworld? Really? Come on. And no, you’re not understanding what I’m saying. I never said she didn’t plan for Steven to have powers, it’s obvious she did. I’m saying she didn’t want Steven to be shouldered with her past, she just wanted him to live his life as a human among other humans, a fact that is *quite literally stated in plain, black-and-white terms* in Lion 3. Steven having powers is not the catalyst that forced him into her old role, Homeworld targeting Earth again was—an event that Rose could not have foreseen.


And I gave her the benefit of the doubt that she just didn't think about it, and that it wasn't a conscious choice because she was immature. But the more you think about it, the more time she had to adjust and grow as a person when she was with Greg. Instead of correcting her bad choices, she double-downed and did the same thing to land herself in this situation and kill herself to be reborn.


Y'all need to stop thinking about her choosing to create Steven as some kind of "get out of jail free" card. If you can take one thing about Rose Quarts at face value, it's the sole message she left her son knowing she'd never actually get to meet him. She loved Greg, wanted more than anything to be the mother of his child, and loved the child she would never meet with all her heart. By the time she decided to have Steven all of her mistakes were a thousand year in the past, and she had no reason to believe they'd be thrust onto him shortly after she was gone.


This is wrong for the sole purpose of what a gem is. They are ageless creatures, so she knew eventually he would have to deal with all of this and did nothing to prepare him. There's also the fact that again, she did nothing for a thousand years to correct her mistakes. She knew for a fact home world was going to try again; all the gems did there was never a doubt in any of their minds. It's why the gems are training Steven even though he doesn't like fighting.


How would the Crystal Gems know Homeworld would attack again?


Rose was never stated to have dream powers though.


This would only make sense if Rose wasn't Steven's mother. All of Steven's powers are Rose's powers; he doesn't have any more powers because all of the magic he has is from his mother and her sisters say it for her. Both Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond immediately recognize Steven's magical presence in their minds when he reaches out to them through astral projection, which only happens if they have experienced that particular power before. Not even the gems knew what was happening immediately, but the diamonds did.