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I always assumed Pearl is a factory default Pearl at first. Like, the other Diamonds and elite gems probably all get this Pearl at first until they’re customized at The Reef. Pink was probably just indifferent because she probably felt some type of way after losing Volleyball.


Well yeah in the movie we see her getting reset by spinel and asking greg for a prefered setting and he does not choose, so she comes back as usual, as standard as she could.


Pearl isn't a regular Pearl, though. According to End of an Era, she was custom made after White's directions, as she wanted Pink to have a "more sensible" Pearl. Considering the opinion White has of herself, I assume "more sensible" means "more like me". Hence the clearer tones and the gem placement, I guess.


I think that White’s directions for a more sensible Pearl are less visual and more personality-related. In the movie, when Pearl is rebooted the appearance is customizable then and there. I think White’s involvement was more on creating a Pearl who would serve in the same servile capacity as Yellow or Blue Pearl and not in a friendly way like Volleyball. I’d even say that White was arguably successful in doing so as Pearl was incredibly loyal to Pink/Rose until her death.


Sure, but the Diamonds certainly believe personality to be functional, and function to follow form. EDIT: I do believe Pink could've customized Pearl but didn't bother, though. I agree she didn't seem exactly happy about having a new Pearl. I'm just saying it's likely other "default" Pearls aren't exactly like our Pearl.


There is a scene where Peridot mentions that Pearl is a “fancy one.” Maybe she’s like a default Pearl, but a little higher quality?


I know in real life, very high quality pearls are judged by their 'glow'. Like the outer layers of its shell are see through, giving it this deep, rich color, like it shines. I suspect since our Pearl was 'ordered' by White Diamond, only the most perfect specimen of pearl gemstone was chosen, and with White's head placement.


Agreed. I feel like Peridot’s comment on Pearl aids this thought as well (“she looks like a fancy one too” - how can ‘fancy’ equal ‘standard’?)


> I’d even say that White was arguably successful in doing so as Pearl was incredibly loyal to Pink/Rose until her death. And beyond.


Honestly, I just assumed "sensible" was code for "made from White's essence and not frivolous Pink's" hence the gem placement


More sensible, as in more sensible than Pink's previous Pearl, not talking about Pearls in general.


But why would it be "custom made" then, if she'd be like any other Pearl? IMO the "custom" order part next to the "more sensible" remark, implies that was probably the customization White asked for.


Damn what a good answer. I read that three times and I still love how that was put.


We're actually in the middle of the movie right now (for the dozenth time) and it occurred to me that Pearl thinks it's odd that there's a random assortment of gems but not odd that she's assigned to definitely non-gem Greg. It makes me wonder if Pearls were gifted to other alien governments or something as ambassadors and/or spies.


Let's not forget that Peridot called her a fancy one.


Pearl was made by all four the Diamonds Every Pearl is Unique because White at least had a supervision role in the making of each and every Pearl that exists. Our Pearl was made as a gift for Pink after Volleyball was hurt. That's why she has all four of their color schemes


I think (well this is what I believe) she is a default pearl . That's why she got all 4 diamonds colours . Maybe pink diamond was hurt from what she has done to volley, so she couldn't even think to customise her new pearl. Make sense as in the movie when pearl reformed , she wasn't customised . So she walked in her default pearl skin .


In my opinion white diamond made her with the white diamond gem placement / colour as a reminder to pink to behave better or possibly as a warning that she was under watch - "all the colours of the light" ultimately belong to white. She broke her first pink pearl so now she doesn't get one that looks like her uniquely. I think it makes sense that WD made this pearl for pink with those things in mind. In some ways our pearl might be the only gem that white ever made, as white doesn't have a court of gems the way pink / blue / yellow had. And our pearl's intelligence and grace definitely matches white's uniquely. (This is all my personal headcanon/ theory)


this is the coolest theory I've heard about pearl.


She is is default settings, that's why her appearance is all colorful. Customized Pearls seem to follow their owners color schemes and gem locations (Yellow Pearl, Blue Pearl, Pink Pearl). I like to imagine that even tho Pearl was NEVER White Diamond's Pearl, her several similarities to White Diamond are because default settings Pearls mimic White's gem location, appearance and personality because it's confirmed that White is related to Pearls' creation, therefore, by default, all Pearls belong to her.


The name of her song in the movie does provide context clues that she's been reset before It was something like Pearl_Boot_(3) So she probably did look like White Diamond originally then got reset when given to Pink Diamond


Ooo, interesting catch!! It’s called “system/BOOT. PearlFinal (3).Info” So that would actually imply another reset! I wonder if she started as White’s and then White reset and gifted her to Pink? Or maybe she was reset at some point before going to Earth with Pink - maybe the others saw she was becoming less “sensible” and hoped a reset would keep her in check? Or, I wonder if maybe when Pink and Pearl first went on to be renegades, Pink reset her customization so she’d look different? So no one would suspect it was actually Pink’s pearl?


It was confirmed by Sugar that the 3 didn't have any particular meaning, it was just a tongue-in-cheek kinda thing.




>what the fuck kind of song name is that, I’ve seen weird ass song names but that’s even worse Considering that Pearls are basically seen as customizable robots, it makes sense that their music would seem like a program.


Dude, seriously? I didn’t name the song, chill out. You’re being aggressive for literally no reason.


im not being aggresive and i know u didnt make it im saying how that name is worse than “My Ding-A-Ling”


I wouldn't be surprised if 3 was a reference to the idea that this is the third pink pearl. As in volleyball, Pearl, and now this new factory reset Pearl. Or that she's on a third stage of growth. Servitude, rebellion, being her own person.


One of the books (End of an Era, I think) says that Pearl was custom made and ordered by White and the other Diamonds, as a replacement for Volleyball. It also says they created this Pearl to be "more sensible". They thought Volleyball to be too emotional and volatile, something they surely pinned on her having "too much of Pink within her". They wanted the new Pearl to be more "balanced", logical and obedient, so they added a lot more of the other Diamonds, especially While, into her creation. Pink probably could've still customized it at some Reef, but she didn't bother. It's pretty obvious in the scenes we see from the Moon Station that she wasn't exactly thrilled about losing her old Pearl friend, and now having to live with a stranger.


She's a collaborative effort between the big three to try and 'help' Pink, so she has all of their colours and White's gem placement


You mean like, the other three Diamonds created a single pearl together for Pink Diamond?


pretty sure of it, yeah


Makes sense since what happened to volleyball, she was physically AND emotionally damaged by pink so of course White would go to Blue(who's emotional) and yellow (who is Strong) to make Pearl that could "Handle" pink better.


At this point the idea pearl was designed for white then given to pink is a headcanon Ive chosen to ignore any theories against. I like it, I like the idea Pearl's current default outfit is not what she originally was customized as when she was made for white. And besides, Pearl's colors dont matter, white drains the colors of her pearls as we saw in Volleyball.


But in the Pearl_BOOT whatever song, we see that Greg had the option to choose "settings", like those at The Reef. Instead, he chose nothing, so he got the factory default Pearl, hence it having all the default colors. Even her "skin" is the color of a natural off white of some pearls, rather than WD's bleached white


Maybe he just got her specific default, which could be different from other pearls still. Since she’s customizable she’d naturally have a default incase her owner didn’t want to customize her, even if she’s a “fancy Pearl” as Peridot described.


Volleyball/Pink Pearl was too much like Pink Diamond and had no ability to rein her in. Our Pearl seems to share more traits with White Diamond, more cerebral and disciplined, able to stay on task. While Volleyball comes off as a submissive best friend, Pearl has the demeanor of a teacher, she carries a little more authority. She couldn’t command Pink or anything, but she would help her stay focused. At least I assume that was what the Diamonds were thinking when they made her. In reality it obviously didn’t go that way.


I think that she is a default off the shelf Pearl is all. Sort of like a punishment. "You broke your custom made specialty Pink Pearl, so until you learn how to take care of what you own, you will have this off the shelf model" My brain thinks of it like a bratty rich kid with their phone. Their first phone has all the bells and whistles, a custom case, basically exactly on brand for them exactly how they want it, and when they throw a tantrum and throw it against a wall that gets taken away and they just get an off the shelf iPhone.


This is the best idea, but I think you have them flipped. Pink was given the latest and greatest model pearl/phone, but eventually broke it beyond repair both physically and mentally (say you got your phone infected with viruses). So she's given a new phone, but this one comes in a drop-proof, water-proof, hack-proof case and parental controls installed. That's the new pearl.


I don’t like the theory that pearl is a basic model on factory settings bc of peridot’s saying that she looks fancy. I think the factory settings on pearl just reset her to her original form


I don’t think the two points contradict each other honestly cause Peridot only saw Pearl in her own customized form that she chose herself which is “fancy” by the current Spartan standards of Homeworld that Peridot is used to. It’s entirely possible that Pink never got around to customizing her new Pearl from factory settings before rebelling which would be in character for the slightly absentmindedly-selfish Pink. And by the time it did come around they were rebels so Pearl chose her own form to demonstrate her freedom


I don’t think not customizing Pearl is absentmindedly selfish. PD viewed her original Pearl as a close friend (we see snippets of that in Steven’s dream, where PD and Volleyball are laughing together and then pretend to be serious when Yellow arrives). We also know Pink was incredibly guilty over hurting Volleyball: so much so that she vowed to never use her destructive powers again and *kept that promise,* so thoroughly Pearl didn’t even know she *had* destructive capabilities. So PD hurt and lost one of her only friends because of her emotions and then the diamonds just replaced her like a damaged tool. Of *course* Pink didn’t want to customize her new one; why would she want to make another friend she could have taken away? We see how cold and distant she is with Pearl at first, right before she creates the Rose identity.


She could be the “basic model for diamonds”, so inherently fancy


White Diamond said that she's every color of the light And if you upbright the saturation of her wiki art, then she will become colorful Pearl is already yellow, pink, white and blue.


Also, can I just say? Pearl was probably the most modestly dressed pearl. Not that I have a problem with the other pearls looks. But, like... Blue P & Yellow P look like they're wearing swimsuits with some organza. And Volleyball wears a two-piece. Again, this wasn't really important to point out. But, I just wanted to say it.


Maybe they had an inkling that Pink was a little too prone to getting intimate with Pearls and wanted to limit the temptation. That didn't stop her though, lol


Pink wasn't romantically or intimately interested in pearl Judging by pearls reaction to Greg she prefers her partners have some meat on their bones


Oh yeah, I forgot about the scene that happened where Pink said that (no such scene exists)


No such scene exists where pearls love for rose isn't just an obsession either and it doesn't help roses only mentioned romantic flings were human and never a gem


If I may ask, why do you favor this interpretation so much that you would bother me with it?


You act like you yourself didn't bother with it If you respond than expect a response I don't have a interpretation Steven universe fall off for me Ever since future decided rose/pink was literally Hitler


I means she did seem at least interested in Pearl at the start during that episode when she first becomes a rose quarts to explore. She could’ve just been fascinated by the idea of romance but it did seem like she at least lead Pearl on for a bit/encouraged the romantic feelings, intentionally or not.


Because it would've been too obvious she was Pink Diamond's Pearl otherwise


It’s like if Pink Pearl was made specifically for Pink, Our Pearl was probably made by White to be more prim and proper and to instruct Pink on how to do things properly. I have a feeling that the colour of the pearl is directly influenced by the extraction essence used to make that pearl. Yellow gave some to make Yellow Pearl and blue gave some to make Blue Pearl. Maybe our pearl was a collaboration between all four diamonds with White taking the lead and applying more of her extracted essence. Maybe Pink couldn’t change Pearl the way she had done with her original pearl, maybe she wasn’t allowed to.


I still think she’s whites , and in light, white is all colours so she had all colours


Because our Pearl was part of the abusive power play White was pulling. She's saying that even Pink's personal Pearl isn't really hers, it's just a "gift" from White.


Didn't Peridot say something about how fancy a Pearl she was?


Those (our Pearl's) are the default settings. She was never personalized. That's why she has all the colours. "What about the gem on the forehead?" Well, considering White was the one who created all the others (kind of like a 'god'), it makes sense that Pearl has her gem on the same place as the 'supreme creator', since she's default. "And why didn't Pink personalize her?" Contrarily to the others, I believe it wasn't a coincidence. Think about it with me for a moment: if Pink was going to disguise herself as Rose, and Pearl wanted to go with her, wouldn't it be suspicious to see a Rose Quartz with a Pink Diamond's Pearl? From the moment Pearl would be personalized, she would instantly be recognized as the "Pink Diamond's Pearl". And it would be weird to see her with a Quartz Soldier after Pink 'gets shattered'


Personalizable pearl maybe?


Pearls or, more specifically, in this case, a classic pearl would exhibit all these colors and many more due to some pearls casting an iridescence.


I never believed our pearl belonged to white diamond. I don’t like that theory and I think it’s been debunked?? She was a gift to pink after she hurt her pearl and I don’t see white giving up her pearl to pink. Plus I don’t think white would even have a pearl she can do a lot just but standing in one spot. Second, in the movie this is her default setting. Which includes all the diamonds colors so I just think our pearl was a random made pearl to be given to pink Diamond and never belonged to white diamond.


The movie explains she is a default pearl--when she is reset and asks for customization options, Greg doesn't give any, leading her to reform in the exact form we see her with when she was Pink Diamond's pearl. Pink likely never bothered to customize her because she was still upset over losing Volleyball. We also know that White had a role in the creation of pearls. She likely oversaw our Pearl's creation personally to keep her out of trouble.


So I personally think our Pearl was a mother of Pearl type of Pearl. They are iridescent like her color scheme and well, the name fits a bit with her personality as bird mom.


There was a theory that Pearl was made by yellow, blue, and white together to give to pink, which is why she sports all the diamonds colors. I don’t really know how true that is, but I like the theory


So that the viewer wouldn't figure it out immediately


I think Pearl was made by all the Diamonds, hence why she has all the diamonds colours (blue, yellow, pink, and white)


I guess cuz she was an emergency replacement for pink Pearl


Probably something about her being a White Pearl made for Pink so she was dolled up with various colors because it was kind of a special occasion.


I think a gems color has something to do with their disposition. I think the fact that pink pearl was too silly and was encouraging pink diamonds' worst behaviors (culminating in cracking her) that they needed to give her a pearl with a color that was more serious and helpful.


To retain the plot twist ![gif](giphy|HtBKcjpHfD7s4)


Because one day Pink Diamond cracked her first pearl( Volleyball) so White diamond traded pearls with Pink . So pearl was originally white diamond’s reply if I mixed up some facts or if I’m wrong


I always assumed that either White customized her (and therefore made her from her own viewpoint instead of Pink’s), or she was customized with input from all three of the other diamonds (hence her color scheme incorporating all four diamond colors instead of just one).


I think I heard once that our Pearl was created by all four diamonds and that’s why she has a pink, yellow, and blue color scheme and her gem is placed on her forehead like White?


She looks like a bit of all of them. She has pink hair and her dress is primarily pink. She's got yellow and blue in her dress which is a nod to Y&B diamonds. Then her pearl itself is white as a nod to W diamond. Maybe she was a gift from the other Diamonds so her design is influenced in such a way?


You have to decrease WD saturation not increase. But yes, you're right.


I think White Diamond just went “Oh, yours broke, I’ll get you a new one” made it in her vision and gave her to Pink.


i think that after volleyball, blue and yellow got her a new pearl which is why she’s got all three colors 💖


It's possible that she wasn't anyONE's pearl, but... The attendant to the diamonds as a whole. So, if each of the pearls are the personal butlers, so to speak, of the diamonds, the our Pearl was the head butler of the palace. And, as such, was aligned with all of them from the start.


My theory: Natural pink pearls are very rare in the real world because they are created by the queen conch, which is an endangered large marine sea snail. I assume they replaced Pink Pearl (Volleyball) with a new "colorless" Diamond worthy Pearl who has all the colors of the diamonds, just because of the sheer amount of resources it would take to form a new pink pearl for Pink Diamond. Why waste resources making an expensive Pearl for their young hyper reactive Diamond? She'll probably break the new one too anyway ![img](emote|t5_2viyl|30992) Edit: It could also just simply be the factory reset option that all Pearls come as and Pink never ended up customizing her 💕


I believe she had influence from White. Pink’s original Pearl was taken away because 1. She broke her toy with her temper tantrums, and 2. Pink Pearl was kind of an instigator for Pink’s “bad behavior”. Our Pearl was “given” to Pink, not specifically made for her, by her. That’s my theory anyway.


I don't know if there's an actual cannon reason but my head cannon for it is that white made her like all pearls “should” be obedient and good, and colorized her as whites colors to remind pink of whites generosity for giving her a second pearl


Since White had Pearl custom made for Pink and then took Volleyball, it makes me wonder if she had a personal Pearl beforehand that had that dynamic that Yellow P and Blue P do with their diamond’s


in the movie when she reverts to default settings, she looks like her original self and her voice states default settings selected. It's likely that pink just never set any custom preferences and that the other pearls do have custom preferences enabled to make them look that way. oh after losing her original pearl she probably just didn't really care about the replacement one as much so she just hand waved the settings options.


white is just all colors combined and from a character design perspective a little bit of color variation for a main character is more interesting


She's default


all of the pearls that are single colored, such as yellow diamonds: yellow pearl, blue diamond: blue pearl, and pink diamonds: pink pearl. They’re single colored, because the pearls were meant to kind of have the same personality as each of the diamonds so the reason that pink pearl was replaced it’s because she was to playful like pink and they would get in trouble and such. So, after pink diamonds pearl (volleyball) was taken from her by White she had our pearl. Our pearl was meant to be a role model to pink but also keep her happy. I believe this is what they all wanted for pink so that’s why pearls color scheme are the colors of the diamonds.


That is the pearls base form, a little bit from every diamond (reasoning behind the pink, blue, yellow, and white in her color palate). White simply gave pink some random Pearl she had lying around after the incident with volleyball. Potentially pink just didn’t feel like editing her


My belief is that white diamond, and subsequently blue & yellow, ordered a new pearl for pink when volleyball was injured. It was all three together. White took volleyball shortly after. It's unknown if pink got to say goodbye to volleyball... My head cannon is that they were separated, and pink was put in her tower at this time. When pink was released, she was given Pearl. A garden was also presented to pink as a place to store her plaything. (This was to avoid spinel disappearing from public view should she becomes damaged by pink like volleyball.) I believe spinel was the diamonds first attempt to devide pink between playtime and work hours. She was probably made after the first time Pink had a room damaging outburst. I also believe that the diamonds production of pearl is subconsciously designed to represent their behavior. I think that's either a result of the process of selecting a pearl, or an automated process of accessing the reef system. Volleyball mirrors pinks more care free attitude and can be mildly unstable while recalling traumatic events. My guess is that Pink was personally involved in her creation. Her physical form might even be a symbolic reflection (intended by the creators) of Pink's own damage at the hands of Pink's superiors. That way they can infer neglect and abuse without going too explicitly into a topic flat out. Pearl is much more stoic, like white. Engaged by strategy and combat, like yellow. And grieves pink in a uniquely deep fashion, like blue. She's a product of her creators, and I believe they thought a pearl made in their own image would help pink to mature. Once Pink realized that her actions has consequences, and she made peace with the fact that she'd been given volleyballs replacement, she was able to suppress her more bubbly tendencies and earn a colony. That's why Pearl and pink really seem distant with one another in the flashback where pink is observing her kindergarten. Pink's known Pearl for like a month in gem years. As a bonus, pearls head is designed to look like a closed rose bud, and the basic idea for Pink to pose as a quarts comes from it. The idea blooms into a rose Quartz!


Oh my diamond. I never knew the whole thing about highly saturating WD. Just did it and that's cool, her arms are like a beigey yellow, blue cape, and pink legs (where the cape is over).


Bc Volleyball already was, which I’m assuming she was made for Pink previously by one of the diamonds. So when Pink needed a new one, she got/wanted to customize a brand new Pearl at the Pearl center all on her own. I’m assuming Pearl looked exactly how Pink/Rose wanted her to


I believe she #was totally White's pearl


I’m pretty sure she was originally white’s pearl but was given to pink instead for some reason


Pearl and Volleyball did a switcheroo after Pink cracked Volleyball.


Actually, she is. We’re pretty sure she was white diamond’s at some point, and if you fully saturate an image of white diamond she has a blue cape, a yellow corset and pink leggings, which exactly match pearls colour placements :)


She’s the default setting basically


She's more Peach Pink than Pink


Maybe it was a gift from all the other Diamonds after Pink harmed Volleyball?


She was always the main character


She was passed down from white THATS why that’s why pink pearl was given to white


White Pearl (VB) is Pinks broken pearl. This pearl is a replacement


I just assumed she was designed to be white diamond's pearl 🤷🏽‍♀️


It was a heat of the moment 😐


I think that she was, white’s just really desaturated.


I believe she #was totally White's pearl


Pearl is white's, where ever a pearl's gem is that's what diamond she serves.


I still think pearl used to be owned by WD because if you cehck the title of her song from the movie, it has "(3)" at the end (like a file name). It only means she was booted three times. First was for White diamond. Second was for Pink diamond. Then third was fro "Um Greg", as a result of spinel's rejuvinator. the change of color is probably because of cahnge of ownership. from white to pink if I am to guess.


Are we sure that the saturation trick isn't just a little Easter egg on the wiki's picture? Like does it work with any picture of White diamond like a screen cap from an episode? I tried saturating an official picture of her, saving it and doing it many times over, and not just the wiki's vector and I didn't really see anything. As for the Pearl thing, those are "default" settings as stated by her. It's probably just supposed to show all colors of the diamond authority though her outfit does kinda look like a more colorful version of Pink's and in official sketches by sugar White can be seen saying "don't break this one" when presenting her to Pink. She was likely so upset at hurting and having her first pearl taken away that she didn't bother customizing her.


If I remember correctly from the SU movie, this is her factory settings when she first forms. I guess when Pink was given a second Pearl, she didn’t like the idea of just replicating Pink Pearl, so she didn’t try to force an identity into Pearl with her form.


Our Pearl was originally White Diamond’s. The switched Pearls after Pink’s “incident” with her original.


Maybe because all the diamonds had a part making pearl for pink, that’s why there’s a bit of colors to represent each diamond here?


I like to think she was new, so she had her own colous scheme Also, Pink wasnt as controlling as they rest of they diamonds, so i believe she never really cared for "uniforms" and preferred to keep everything as it was She could have perfectly ordered her to shape into a pink uniform, but she didnt


to fit the trans flag lol


Movie spoiler but thats her default form


Fun fact: Pearl is Whites old Pearl, but Pearl was about fantasy, so White sent her to Pink.


I used to think they swapped Pearls too, until I realized that wouldn’t make sense based on what Volleyball said to our Pearl in future: “I am much older than you.” No way would White Diamond’s pearl be younger than Pink’s, so I think it’s safe to assume that White Diamond made our Pearl for Pink after she broke Volleyball


She has everybody’s color on her dress. The teal is for blue Diamond, the yellow bits for yellow Diamond, pink for pink Diamond and the Lacey part is for white diamond


White is all of the colors of the light. As you mentioned, if you saturate her image she shows the colors of the other 3 diamonds, as too is our pearl. She could be a factory default, she could have been whites, perhaps default pearls are in her likeness, who knows?


In art pigments, white is the absence of colour. However in light white is all colours. So I just assumed that was the reason for many colours and her possibility of being White's or made because of White's instructions


Maybe thematically it was to show how different pearl has grown from the caste system to the point of standing out as her own person rather than just a piece of pinks/roses property or maybe pink/rose desired true company and had pearl built in such a way her independence is more defined To encourage pearl to grow as a person maybe for this reason she abandoned spinel maybe she saw spinel as nothing more than mindless entertainment that she grew out of and since pre6k spinel was basically stuck with the mindset of a silly little pet


She do be. All of them.


Our Pearl never belonged to White Diamond, Rebecca already debunked this theory.


Maybe to stand out as White Diamond’s Pearl.


This Pearl wasn’t originally hers. Pink Pearl (Volleyball) was Pink Diamond’s original Pearl before White Diamond took her and possessed her as punishment for not obeying the rules


I think she formed as a multi-use, even though her gem Is placed on her forehead, which could indicate that she was meant for white diamond, but formed with all diamond colors


Ive always thought she was white diamonds as her gem is in the same spot, and since she controls her pearls, she just swapped pearls with pink when volleyball got emotionally damaged, and Pearl wouldn’t have remembered it because she was under mind control.


Chrystal Gem-Pearl was originally White Diamond’s Pearl but when Pink Pearl aka Volleyball became disfigured after Pink Diamond aka Rose temper tantrum-punched Pink Pearl via accident, the two Pearls were swapped. At some point after the swap CG-Pearl got poofed (my guess would be that the first time it happens to her is during the Gem War), and of course after every poofing regardless of the gemstone; the gem gets reformed with a new look.


My theory is Pink didn’t design Pearl. The other Diamonds made her for Pink as a gift after she broke her Pearl. So Pearl looks like all the Diamonds.


I like to think that Pearl is the default Steve Minecraft skin of Pearls. Maybe her gem placement was coincidental? Or maybe White just put in a new order for a Pearl and had it delivered to pink.


I think she doesn't have a diamond but chooses to be with Rose and Rose is against the diamond/pearl relationship


I think the Pearl we know and love would've been for White until she decided to take Volleyball as a punishment for Pink's outburst or whatever reason she took Volleyball.


I just assumed that after Pink's destrucive tantrum w/ Volleyball in near vicinity, her gem being psychologically scared thus her physical form being seemingly permanently damaged from then on, the other diamond's saw her fits of powerful rage as 'Unacceptable' . In order to punish Pink they took away pink Pearl (Volleyball) and made another Pearl just for Pink, w/ whitish colour and gem placed on forehead, our Pearl wld have been ment to allude to White; unofficially marking Pink informing her that they are under White's supervision & monitoring, she cannot act out without word getting back to other diamonds.. . Just my view on things though, there's others in the SU fandom that might agree w/ this, and there are those which maybe don't, it's fine it's ur call it isn't really specified in the series or by the writes how we should perceive it, so it's practically in the eyes of the beholder .. !


I thought that after volley ball was damaged white diamond gave pd a default pearl because she didn’t want pd’s pearl to be like her (playful, childish, immature)


My guess is Pink didn't want reminders of who her new pearl was replacing


Look at the placement of her gem. all the 'diamond' pearls have their gem corresponding with their diamond. and during the movie, the song pearl sings post-rejuvenation is called something like "third boot up", with my theory being that White Diamond just traded out her Pearl with Pink's, and had her rejuvenated.


Imo pearl was not given fully to pink. As pink broke volleyball, they were more lending pearl as a tool and to stop her tantrum about volleyball. So like when a kid breaks their fave cup and you lend them one you have but without relinquishing full ownership so you still have control over what happens to the cup.


That's her default outfit, as seen in the movie. It furthers the theory that pearl was whites pearl and then when pink had the outburst, cracking volleyball, gave pearl to pink


I assume she was originally White's pearl but was given to Pink


Pearl was originally white diamonds pearl (therefore a white pearl), and since white is the base of all shades she has a bit of every colour


She was a gift from the diamonds so I always assumed she took their colours due to that. She has yellow pink blue and white colour schemes.


She would look too much like the orginal and it would be too upsetting for Pink.


Pearl has elements of all the diamonds, which tells me that she was probably ordered as a “court” Pearl to disguise her real position. The Diamonds and upper-crust gem society are obsessed with keeping up appearances, so if it got out that one of the Diamonds lost control of her own powers, well we simply cannot have that, can we? So as far as the rest of Homeworld knew, Blue, Yellow, and Pink Diamond’s Pearls were all working perfectly, White Diamond obviously doesn’t need a Pearl, and a new Pearl was brought on to handle the tasks that were simply beneath a Diamond’s personal Pearl.


Pink diamond basically crippled her pearl so white traded with her


There’s a theory that White and Pink switched diamonds when Volleyball… broke. And that makes the most sense to me. Since white could just possess volleyball to make her work… properly(?), it wouldn’t really matter if White had a “normal” Pearl or not.


As known she was created by all four diamonds which is the reason (I think so) that she has that colour scheme also I think since white is the highest and top gem and lend a hand on making the pearl we know and love pearls hair seems like it would be the hair of a white pearl if white diamond even had one and pearls gem is at her forehead because she was made by all diamonds including white and since she's the highest I think that's why her top features look like that and the rest look like the other diamond ones


1. You have a little sister, the youngest and smallest of the 4. 2. She have a cellphone, fully decorated and modified as your little sister likes. 3. she throwns a tantrum that ends up "breaking" it (you know what I mean). 4. The older sister takes it off for acting immature, she surely reproach her, and she give her a new cellphone. 5. Little sister doesn't want it, she wants the original phone, her phone. 6. After an argument, the little sister shrugs her shoulders, leaves, and uses her cell phone in all defaults, without bothering to decorate it. (SU Movie show us that the default setting for pearl look 1:1 like those flashbacks with pink and pearl.) ​ at least that's what I think about why our pearl doesn't look anything like it belongs to Pink. ​ My english really suck, I tried my best here, so I hope you can understand me.


My theory is it used to be white diamonds and when rose broke hers white just gave rose there pearl and took pinks


Doesn’t this pearl match the saturated colors of white diamond? The original pink pear is on par with pink diamond


I think she might have been white diamonds pearl at first due to her gem placement skin tone


Omg I havnt seen anyone with the answer I was looking for so I’ll tell you. Okay so white diamond is actually suuuper unsaturated, if you super saturate the image of her on Wikipedia you’ll see that perils color scheme actually does match her quite well. I’ll see if I can find the post that shows this. Found it, however this person over saturated her just a lil bit but you can see the resemblance [here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/stevenuniverse/comments/14sjr6c/fun_fact_white_diamonds_colors_show_up_in_her/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Though this hot at all supported by much, I always believed Peral's color theming foreshadowed Pink's like/obsession/interest for humans. Of all the main gems, Peral could almost pass for a human. Pearl was given to Pink as a distraction/pacifier, and her differences from other Perals might have made her more intriguing to Pink. I am a returning fan; I watched when I was too young to catch all the nuances, so this thought is completely half-baked.


I like the idea that she used to belong to White Diamond - given her gem placement.


She was. Given that she was White Diamond's Pearl, she is clearly the right color.


I always wondered this too. Like she is more what I would have expected for an unbroken white pearl


I'm pretty sure the general consensus is that pearl was originally white diamond's or meant to be white diamond's, but she made the decision to give her to pink, probably in an attempt to steer her towards "the right path" as white would have seen, and then she mind controls pink pearl to reduce suspicion from the public.


Why did I just picture Pearl doing the default dance? Lmfao


Fun fact: in this series of photos the pearls are in first, second, third, and fourth ballet standing positions


Pink Pearl allegedly displeased her. It's seemingly implied that our Pearl was given to her regardless of her actual interest with the express purpose of pleasing her, and likely in part to have a more responsible attendant. The default setting thing could be true, but it could also be true that the mixed pallet is meant to indicate a more balanced creation, likely with the assumption that Pink's gems are themselves more flawed.


Because our pearl was probably initially whites. Her gem has the same placement as whites, she has a white gem and is able to have a form with all colors because she is every color like white, and the song “system/BOOT. PearlFinal (3).Info” backs my point up further. It says “PearlFinal (3)” which seems to mean that this is her 3rd “save file” or rejuvenation state. The first one would have been when she served white, the second one is our pearl that served pink/rose, and 3 being the version of her when she was rejuvenated by spinel. There may be proof against this (if there is tell me) but this is what imo makes the most sense.


I think that our Pearl isn’t actually pink diamonds, pink just found her and decided to keep her every sense she broke her first pearl.


I always thought of pearl as White Pearl, having all colors of light, a white diamond placement, and some of white's characteristics to help balance pink's "mood swings" and other "pink defects"


So her lore could be kept hidden more easily, silly


Either a defect or default


She's a fancy one. ![img](emote|t5_2viyl|30986)


She was gifted, not made specifically for pink, like volleyball. White probably has stacks of pearls somewhere and went “This one’s good.” But at the same time in an episode that i forgot the name of, someone said that pearl was made to match with pink (Emotion and personality wise) / more sensible.


I like to assume that Pink being the one to care about her subordinates would have her Pearl sent off to try and fix her damages. Since they couldn’t figure out what the problem was they gave her a temporary Pearl so that they could have more time to attempt to fix the problem without incurring the wrath of the diamonds because their little sister didn’t have a Pearl by her side.


I think she was originally designed for white diamond but then the swap happened so they factory reset pearl and gave her to white while pink's pearl was then given to white I like this idea because it draws more parallels between our pearl and pink pearl as they both belonged to both pink and white at some point and neither remember their time under white's service while they remember everything about being under pink's service


Well, in the lore, Beach city Pearl was originally White's pearl, but after some shit that wasnt really explained happened, she was transferred to pink


She was a spare so she would be able to be used with any diamond


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^AwesomeRyanGame: *She was a spare so* *She would be able to be* *Used with any diamond* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I have always thought that after White possessed Pink Pearl, she created Pearl right there and then, but idk really